Virgin Islands Directory of Radio

Virgin Islands Directory of Radio

Virgin Islands Directory of Radio 'WRTU(FM)-Feb 8,1980: 89.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 796 ft. Martinez, pres; Jose A. Martinez, gen mgr, gen sis mgr Islands Public TV System, 158 Haypiece Hill, St. TL: N18 16 00 W66 05 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 18. Box & progmg dir, Manuel E. Andujar, mus dir; Manuel B. Thomas (00801). (340) 774-6255. Licensee: Virgin Is- 21305, Stn. VPR (00931. 1305). Monserrate Bldg., Mari- Martinez, news dir; Epifanio Rodriguez Velez, chief engr. lands Public TV System. Calvin F. Bastian, gen mgr. ana Bracetti St., Rio Piedras (00931). (787) 763-4699; WTJX -TV aff il. FAX: (787) 764 -1290. Licen- (787) 464 -0000, ext. 3385 WGOD(AM) -1992: 1090 khz; 250 w -D. TL: N18 18 57 Puerto Rico. Wash any: Dow, Lohnes Vega Baja see: University of W64 53 02. Box 305012, St. Thomas (00803). (340) 774- Albertson. Format: Class, jazz, Sp. News staff 5; news & WEGA(AM)-1972: 1350 khz; 2.5 kw -U, DA -2, TL: N18 4498. FAX: (340) 777 -9978. Licensee: Three Angels progmg 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; young, profes- 28 38 W66 23 43. Box 1488 (00694- 1488). (787) 858- Broadcasting Corp. Inc. (acq 7- 5 -89). Format: Gospel. sional & highly educated. Spec prog: News 7 hrs, talk 2 0386. FAX: (787) 858 -0386. Licensee: Vega Baja Broad- Charles Saunders, pres & gen mgr; Veeda Charles, hrs wkly. Rafael Gracia, gen mgr, Francisco A. Baez, casting Corp. Format: Talk, Sp. OCarmello Santiago, vp. progmg dir; RichieAllen, news dir, Al Cleland, chief engr. chief opns; Luis Luna, dew mgr, Isabel Pichardo, sis dir &adv mgr, Rosa Alers, progmg mgr; Omar Marrero, Car- WOOD-FM -Sept 1, 1980: 97.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 295 ft. los Sanil, news dirs; Juan Rivera, chief engr. Vieques TL: N182125 W6458 00. Stereo. (Acq 8- 15 -85.) Format: Relg, educ. WSKN(AM) -Jan 11, 1960: 630 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: WIVV(AM)-Dec 8, 1956: 1370 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N. TL: N18 26 00 W66 07 29. Hrs opn: 24. Suite 1, 117 Eleanor N18 06 19 W65 28 03. Hrs opn: 18. Box 367000, San 'WIUJ(FM) -Oct 5, 1979: 102.9 mhz; 1.5 kw. Ant 1,427 Roosevelt (00918). (787) 764 -1090. FAX: (787) 764- Juan (00936 -7000); Box 0338, Vieques Island (00765- ft. TL: N18 21 26 W64 56 50. Box 2477, St. Thomas 3460. Licensee: Radio Cadena Informative Inc. (acq 4- 0338). (787) 724 -2727; (787) 741 -8717. FAX: (787) 722- (00803). Licensee: Virgin Islands Youth Development 30-92). Format: News /talk. News staff 22; news progmg 5395; (787) 741 -8717. Licensee: Calvary Evangelistic Radio (acq 8- 6 -90). Format: Educ, oldies, news/talk. 168 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus. Reinaldo Royo, pres Mission Inc. Wash any: Steve Lerman. Format: Relg, News staff 2; news progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: Gen- & gen mgr, Ivan Vasquez, gen sis mgr; Normando Va- talk, MOR. News progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; eral. Spec prog: Class 5 hrs, jazz 6 hrs, Fr 2 hrs wkly. lentin, news dir, Jesus Gomez, chief engr. eastern Puerto Rico & the Leeward Islands. Spec prog: Leo Morone, gen mgr; F. Ottley, opns mgr; Lionel Sp 14 hrs, news 7 hrs wkly. Julio Sanchez, CEO; Ruth George, progmg dir; Mike Morone, asst mus dir; Albert WUNO(AM) -Oct 15, 1949: 1320 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw-N. Luttrell, pres; Janet L. Luttrell, gen mgr; Zaida Ayala, Cleland, Ron Hall, Merv Baer, chief engrs. TL: (CP: 5 kw-D, 2.314v-N. TL: N18 N182300 W660405 opns dir; Bert Johnson, opns mgr; Les Sowiak, gen sis 2300 W660401). Box 363222 (00936 -3222). I ndo 1592, mgr, Chuck Newby, prom mgr, Les T. Sowiak, progmg WIVI(FM)- Apr 26, 1992: 96.1 mhz; 2.4 kw. Ant 1,500 ft. Urb El Carnal, Rio Piedras (00926). (787) 758 -1300. mgr & mus dir; Eugenio Figueroa, chief engr. TL: N1821 33 W 64 5818. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 4383, FAX: (787) 767 -9343; (787) 751 -2319. (NEWS) Licen- St. Thomas (00803). (340) 774-1972; (340) 776 -7760. see: Madifide Inc. (acq 3- 26 -98; $11,537,500 with WSAN(FM) -Nov 4, 1978: 98.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 751 ft. FAX: (340) 774 -9788. Licensee: Rox Radio Enterprises WFID(FM) Rio Piedras). Format: News. News staff 25; TL: N18 19 39 W651805. Stereo. 1058 Ponce De Leon, Inc. (acq 6- 26 -92). Format: Classic rock, CHR. News news progmg 168 hrs wkly. Target aud: General; 25 plus. Santurce (00907). (787) 723 -9797. FAX: (787) 724- progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 25-54; general. Spec L. Soto pres; Jose Pagan, vp & gen mgr; Ana Velez, 7272. Licensee: Carlos J. Colon-Ventura. Format: Btfl prog: Blues 8 hrs wkly. Gordon R Ackley, pres, vp, vp vp sls. mus, ballads. Carlos J. Colon- Ventura, pres, gen mgr opns & vp engrg; Jen Ackley, gen mgr, Billy Clark, gen & news dir, Angel Vazquez, mus dir, Rei Moreira, engrg WVOZ(AM) -July 4, 1949: 1520 khz; 10 kw-U, DA -1. sis mgr; David Wurrnlinger, prom dir; Kristine Simoni, mgr; Carlos Arroyo, chief engr. dir. TL: N18 21 00 W66 09 25. Hrs opn: 16. 1554 Calle Bori progmg Piedra (787)765-1975. Licen- 10, mhz; kw. Ant 751 URB Carte, Rio (00917). WVI(FM) -June 1973: 106.1 50 WSTA(AM) -Aug 1, 1950: 1340 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N18 see: Pedro Roman Collazo. Wash arty: Freret & Imlay. ft. TL: N18 19 37 W65 18 21. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 2010 W645717. Hrs opn: 24. Box 1340, 121 Sub Base, Format: Sp contemp, talk. Target aud: 35 plus; medium 6556, Loiza Stn., San Juan (00914-6556). 154 Gua- St. Thomas (00804). (340) 774 -1340; (340) 777-4500. and low income individuals. Spec prog: Puerto Rican & jataca St., Crown Hills, Rio Piedras (00926). (787) 756- FAX: (340) 776.1316. Licensee: Ottley Communications Latin hits. 011iaver, pres; Felix Bonet, gen mgr; 728 (787) 721-2086. Licensee: Rafael 5914. FAX: (787) -0364; Corp. (acq 12- 1 -84). Net: ABC /C. Wash atty: Bryan Ramon Carlos Alvarez, opns di r; Carman Cordova, prom Virgin Islands Stereo Communications Corp. Net: CBS, Cave. Format: Adult urban contemp. News staff 2; news dir; Pedro Arroya, Tony Luna, progmg dirs; Ray Morena, American Urban, Westwood One. Wash arty James L. progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: chief engr. Oyster. Format: Urban contemp, Black, oldies. Target Reggae, calypso. Addle Ottley, pres & gen mgr; Irvin aud: 24-49; middle class, mass appeal, young profes- WZNT(FM) 93.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 280 ft. TL: N18 Brown, chief opns; Peter E. Ottley, progmg mgr, Kysha -1959: sionals who love music.Joseph Bahr, CEO, pres, prom 22 42 W66 0704. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 949, Rd. 833 Ryden, mus dir; Lee Carle, news dir; Manny Centeno, mgr & progmg dir; Ines Ortiz, gen mgr; Clayton Knight, Filtros, (00970). (787) 720 -5001; (787) chief engr. Bo Lo Guaynabo vp opns; Gaby Bahr, gen sis mgr; Carlos Arroyo, chief 720-8716. FAX: (787) 720 -2126. Licensee: WZNT Inc. engr. WSTA -FM-Not on air, target date unknown: 102.1 mhz; Wash ally: Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth. Format: Tropical, 33 kw. Ant 1,670 ft. TL: N18 21 33 W64 5818. Licensee: salsa & merengue. Target aud: 18-49. Hilary Rattler, OCC Acquisitions Inc. CEO, pres & stn mgr; Luis Gonzalez, CFO & opns mgr; Yabucoa Raymond Totti, Hector Rossy, exec vps; Raymond Totti, WVGN(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 97.1 mhz; vp sis & vp mktg; Hector Rossy, vp prom, vp adv & vp WXEW(AM) -Jan 1, 1978: 840 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, 50 kw. Ant 1,282 ft. TL: N18 20 30 W64 43 59. Box 4084, progmg; Carmen Cordova, Made Cordova, prom mgrs; DA -N. TL: N18 02 58 W65 52 07 (CP: 5 kw-U). Hrs opn: Christiansted (00822). (809) 773 -0995. Licensee: Ca- Pedro Arroyo, mus dir; Reynaldo Moreira, vp engrg. 19.203 Font Martelo Ave., Humacao (00971). (787) 893- lypso Communications. Jonathan K. Cohen, gen mgr. 3065; (787) 850-0840. FAX: (787) 850-4055. Licensee: Radio Victoria Inc. (acq 9- 19 -83). Format: MOR, Sp, talk. WVJZ(FM) -Mar 15,1986:105.3 mhz; 7.7 kw. Ant 1,490 San Sebastian Victoria Vargas, pres; Victor M. Calderon, vp, gen mgr ft. TL: N18 21 33 W64 58 18. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box & progmg dir, Caly Burmudez, gen sis mgr; Brenda Cal- 305678, 13 Crown Bay, St. Thomas (00803). (340) 776- 15, 1965:1460 khz; 500 w -U. TL: N18 WLRP(AM) -Feb deron, mktg dir; Jose Calderon, prom mgr & mus dir; 5260. FAX: (340) 776 -5357. Licensee: Gark L.L.C. 2.5 kw). Hrs opn: 19. Box 1670, 20 50 W66 59 56 (CP: Angel Bena, news dir; Iwminado Medina, chief engr. Group owner. Knight Quality Stations (acq 6- 4-98). For- Calle Richard Serrano No. 21 (00685). (787) 896-1460. mat: Urban. News staff 2; news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target FAX: (787) 898-8100. Licensee: Las Raices Pepinianas aud:18- 34.0Randoph H. Knight, gen mgr; Jean George Inc. Format: Adult contemp. Angel Vera Maury, pres; Yauco Jr., opns dir, Melissa Green, sis dir; Michelle Mauldin, Alfredo Perez, gen mgr & gen sis mgr, Ramon E. Pratts, mktg dir, Anita Davis, progmg dir, Ronald Hall, chief engr. prom mgr, Andres Soto, mus dir; Guillermo Bonet, chief WENA(AM) -Nov 11, 1978: 1330 khz; 2 kw -U, DA -1. engr. TL: N18 01 23 W66 52 16 (CP: 2 kw-D, 1.7 kw -N, DA -1.

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