Vol. III No. 01 The Official Newsletter of the Philippine Embassy, Athens www.philembathens.gr August 2013 Philippine Embassy in Athens Commemorates Athens PE holds a lecture on 115th Anniversary of Philippine Independence ‘’The Rights and Responsibili- ties of OFWs in Greece” The Philippine Embassy in Athens, Greece in cooperation with M. Pavlakis- C. Moschos & As- sociates, represented by Atty. Ioannis M. Pavlakis and Atty. Christos I. Moschos, conducted a lec- ture on ‘’The Rights and Responsibilities of For- eign Workers in Greece”, during the regular monthly meeting of the Embassy with members of the Filipino community on Saturday, 13 April 2013 at the Philippine Embassy. The lecture is part of the Embassy’s continuing program to provide Filcom members with updates on issues and concerns that affect them. The Pavlakis-Moschos law firm is familiar with the issues and concerns of Filipino workers in Greece, having represented many Filipinos for Athens PE personnel during the diplomatic reception in commemoration of the accident, compensation, and unpaid wages, 115th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence on 12 June 2013 among others. at the Ledra Marriott Hotel. Atty. Pavlakis also talked about the penalties Ambassador Meynardo LB. Monteale- involving crimes committed such as robbery, theft The Philippine Embassy in Athens and possession and selling of illegal drugs. celebrated the 115th anniversary of gre led Embassy officers and staff in Philippine independence on 12 June singing “Lupang Hinirang,” followed Ambassador Meynardo LB. Montealegre ex- pressed his appreciation to the two lawyers for 2013 with a series of activities by the recitation of the “Panunumpa constantly providing support and cooperation with that highlighted some of the best as- sa Watawat,” and the reading of the messages of President Benigno S. the Embassy. Ambassador Montealegre pre- pects of Philippine culture. sented a plaque of appreciation to Atty. Pavlakis Aquino III, Secretary of Foreign Af- The celebration started with a simple and Atty. Moschos. fairs Albert F. Del Rosario and Secre- flag-raising ceremony at the Philip- tary of Labor and Employment Rosa- Around 60 Filcom members attended said meet- pine Embassy grounds in the morning linda Baldoz. ing including Filcom leaders from the city of Thes- of 12 June. saloniki islands of Kos, Crete, and Corfu. (Continued on page 4) DG De Lima meets with Athens PE Hosts the WIC of Athens with Meet My Country: Senior Greek Gov’t the Philippines to Celebrate National Heritage Month Officials and Business Philippine Embassy in Athens hosted the Leaders Women’s International Club (WIC) of Athens with Meet My Country: The Philippines on Dr. Lilia B. De Lima, Director General of Wednesday, 29 May 2013, at the residence of Phil- ippine Ambassador to Greece Meynardo LB. Mon- the Philippine Economic Zone Authority tealegre. More than 30 lady members of WIC, a (PEZA) and Undersecretary for Trade number of whom are Ambassadors’ spouses, and Investment, together with Philip- spouses of Greek government officials and busi- pine Ambassador to Greece, H.E. ness people, as well as key personalities in the Meynardo LB. Montealegre, met with Greek cultural and social strata attended the H.E. Theodorus Karaoglou, Minister of event, which coincided with the Embassy’s obser- Macedonia and Thrace, Mrs. Magda vance of National Heritage Month. Karakoli, Alternate Secretary General for Meet My Country is among the important regular International Economic Relations in activities of the WIC, where the group invites an Thessaloniki, Mr. Dimitrios Bakatselos, Embassy to present its country and highlight vari- President of the Thessaloniki Chamber ous aspects of its culture. Meet My Country: The of Commerce and Industry, H.E. Notis Philippines is also part of a series of activities Mitarachi, Deputy Minister for Develop- being undertaken in One of the posters specially designed for the “Meet My Coun- line with the Em- (Continued on page 2) try” event with the signatures of the WIC ladies. (Continued on page 9) 2 PhilippiNew s August 2013 (Continued from page 1)… DG De Lima the Philippines and Greece are excel- lent, but there are rooms for growth ment, Mr. Syngros M. Aristomenis, Chair- in the area of economic cooperation. man of Invest in Greece Agency, H.E. In her meetings, Dr. De Lima informed Dimitris Kourkoulas, Deputy Minister for her counterparts of the positive devel- Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Constantine opments in the Philippine economy Michalos, President of the Athens brought about by President Benigno S. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Aquino’s “daang matuwid” policy of during Director-General De Lima’s visit transparency, accountability, and to Greece from 13 to 15 February 2013. good governance. PEZA alone experi- Dr. De Lima visited Greece upon the invi- enced an increase in investments by From Left: Mr. Constantine Michalos, President of tation of the Philippine Ambassador to 32% since President Aquino assumed the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry Greece as part of the Embassy’s eco- office in 2010. (ACCI), Director General De Lima, Ambassador nomic diplomacy program. The visit was Montealegre, and Mr. Nikos Sofianos, Secretary- As a result of Dr. De Lima’s visit, the General of ACCI, 15 February 2013 the first from a senior Philippine eco- Athens Chamber of Commerce and nomic official since bilateral relations Industry, the Thessaloniki Chamber Chamber for Business and Commerce between the two countries began in of Commerce and Industry, as well as the 1950. Dr. De Lima and her counterparts agreed to work towards organizing a Hellenic-Filipino Chamber for Business trade mission to the Philippines. noted that bilateral relations between and Commerce and the Filipino-Hellenic Athens PE Hosts Greek Business Forum on the Philippines Held in Thessaloniki Businessmen at the Athens Club Ambassador Meynardo LB. Monteale- gre hosted a business luncheon for PEZA Director-General Lilia B. De Lima and a group of Greek businesspeople at the prestigious Athens Club on 15 February 2013. DG De Lima visited Greece on 12 -16 February 2013 to help promote the Philippines as an attractive investment/business desti- From left: Ambassador Meynardo LB. Montealegre, Philippine Honorary Con- nation. Among the guests were mem- sul Nikolaos Margaropoulos, Director General Lilia B. De Lima, Mr. Yorgos Psinakis, and Mr. Nick Gitsis. bers of the Athens Chamber of Com- merce and Industry and other Greek businessmen from various sectors, i.e. A Business Forum on the Philippines, co- the participants should invest in the Phil- IT/call centers, manufacturing, ship- organized by the Philippine Embassy in ippines because of its world-class work- ping, mining, publishing, etc., together Athens, the Philippine Honorary Consu- force, which are literate, English-speaking, with Mr. Yorgos Psinakis, founding late in Thessaloniki, and the Thessaloniki and easily trainable; its business-friendly member of the Hellenic-Filipino Cham- Chamber of Commerce, was held in Thes- policies; and its strategic location in the ber for Business and Commerce and saloniki on 13 February 2013. Dr. Lilia B. Asia Pacific. Mr. Nick Gitsis, head of Filipino- De Lima, Director General of the Philip- Ambassador Montealegre, in his remarks, pine Economic Zone Authority and Under- Hellenic Chamber for Business and highlighted the fact that after sixteen Commerce. Both chambers agreed to secretary for Trade and Industry, was the years, the Philippines has long gotten past assist in linking Greek and Filipino keynote speaker in the said event, which the Asian financial crisis and is stronger businessmen in further exploring was attended by representatives of more than ever. He also stated that the country than thirty-five (35) companies in North- is enjoying a resurgence in business confi- business opportunities in the Philip- ern Greece. dence brought about by the transforma- pines. Aside from Dr. De Lima, the panel of tional leadership of President Benigno S. speakers was comprised of H.E. Meynardo Aquino III and his commitment to trans- LB. Montealegre, Philippine Ambassador parency, accountability and good govern- to Greece, Mr. Dimitris Bakatselos, Presi- ance. dent of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Com- Mr. Psinakis and Mr. Gitsis closed the Fo- merce, Atty. Nikolaos Margaropoulos, rum by inviting Greek businessmen to Philippine Honorary Consul in Thessalo- consider the Philippines as an investment niki, Mr. Yorgos Psinakis, Founding Mem- destination for its political stability, highly ber of the Hellenic-Filipino Chamber for -skilled people, and beautiful islands. They Business and Commerce, and Mr. Nikos also offered the services of their Cham- Ambassador Meynardo LB. Montealegre Gitsis, Founder of the Filipino-Hellenic bers of Business and Commerce in orga- and Director-General Lilia b. De Lima Chamber for Business and Commerce. nizing business missions to the Philip- during the roundtable discussion at a lunch- In her keynote address, Director-General pines and conducting business-matching, eon hosted by the Philippine Embassy on De Lima stated that opportunities can be among others. 15 February 2013 at the Athens Club. found in times of crises. She stressed that August 2013 PhilippiNews 3 Q & A on the UNCLOS Arbitral Proceedings Against China to Achieve a Peaceful and Durable Solution to the Dispute in the West Philippine Sea 1.Why are we bringing China to an arbitral Based on the cases so far handled by international 18. Did the US and Japan influence your deci- tribunal? tribunals on maritime disputes, the case would take sion to take this action? 3-4 years. China’s 9-dash line claim encompasses practically No. The Philippines is taking this action independ- the entire West Philippine Sea (WPS). We must 9.Will we win our case? ently. challenge the unlawful claim of China under their 9 We believe we have a very good case under inter- 19. What are the opinions of the different sec- -dash line in order to protect our national territory national law.
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