„„, ,, м 0003'V06 00 i^LozW ZX CUNKLIN AVL. Q7 MORRIS rOv.'^ Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., : і щ c, a fraternal non-profit association! ramian WeeH У Vol. LX No. 36 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1992 50 cents Nationwide strikes Crowds honor Patriarch Slipyj in St. George's Cathedral shut down airports and some railways by Khristina Lew Kiev Press Bureau KIEV - A general strike called by the Free Union of Railway Engineers on Wednesday, September 2 has effec­ tively shut down all airports in Ukraine and tens of railway stations in its southwestern corridor. In the morning hours of September 2, 50 trains reportedly stood idle in sta­ tions in Darnytsia, Lviv, Ivano-Fran- kivske, Kiev, Konotop, Kremenchuk, Poltava, and Shevchenko. At 2 p.m. Ukrainian State Television reported a train departed from Brovary. Five independent unions united under the umbrella of the Advisory Council of Free Unions of Ukraine began striking in solidarity with the 280-member railway engineer union at 8 a.m. Air traffic controllers, technical engineers and airport per­ Roman Luzhetsky sonnel in the Borysil (Kiev) Dnipro- Official procession carrying the flag-draped coffin of Patriarch Slipyj in Lviv city center. petrovske, Donetske, Kharkiv, Luhan- ske, Lviv, Mariupil, Mykolayiv, Odessa, LVIV — With great solemnity, res­ Josyf Slipyj, whose remains came home Archbishop Marian Jaworski, arch­ Rivne, Symferopil, Siverskodonetske, pect and admiration, the leaders of the to Ukraine on Thursday, August 27. bishop of Lviv for Latin Rite Catholics, Zaporizhzhia and Zhuliany (Kiev) air­ Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Crowds estimated at 250,000 joined Archbishop Antonio Franco, papal ports walked off the job, leaving thou­ those of other confessions in Ukraine in the services on the day the entourage nuncio to Ukraine, Bishop Markian sands of passengers milling about. and officials of the Ukrainian govern­ arrived from Rome and more than one Tryfomiak, auxiliary bishop of Lviv for (Continued on page 15) ment honored the memory of Patriarch million faithful are expected to view the Latin Rite Catholics, all the bishops of body laying in state at St. George's Ca­ the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church thedral before the coffin is interred in a in Ukraine as well as Metropolitan crypt on Monday, September 7, along­ Archbishop Maxim Hermaniuk of Aftershocks of Kravchuk's decree side Servant of God Andrey Sheptytsky, Winnipeg, Bishop Isidor Boretsky of reported the Lviv-based press office of Toronto and Bishop Michael Hrynchy- continue to reverberate in Ukraine the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. shyn of France took part in the services. The importance of the event and the Throughout the solemn celebrations, by Khristina Lew by a national meeting held on In­ leader who spent 18 years in Soviet the crowds were so dense that govern- Kiev Press Bureau dependence Day where representa­ ment tives of local and diaspora political labor camps, persecuted for his faith, officials and militia asked Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky, KIEV - While the threat of expul­ groups called for the dissolution of was underscored by the presence of to defer the interment of the body of sion from Ukraine of anyone who Ukraine's current government. representatives of the Orthodox Patriarch Josyf so that all can have an criticizes its government continues to Churches of Ukraine, who joined with In response to the Ukrinform re­ opportunity to pray and pay their beleaguer foreign diplomats, opposi­ their Catholic brothers to mark this lease, the United States Embassy issued respects. The chancery of Cardinal tion groups and journalists alike, Ukrai­ historic moment. The spiritual leaders a statement on August 28 that said Am­ Lubachivsky has been inundated will nian government officials are attempt­ of three Byzantine Rite Churches — the bassador Roman Popadiuk had con­ telegrams and telephone calls from ing to push the issue to the back burner. Ukrainian Greek-Catholic, Ukrainian tacted the office of President Leonid throughout Ukraine and the nations of The August 27 Ukrinform statement Kravchuk to seek clarification of the Autocephalous Orthodox and Ukrai­ nian Orthodox of the Moscow Patriar­ the former Soviet Union as well as the issued at the directive of Ukraine's issue. neighboring countries of Eastern president, warning citizens of Ukraine The statement emphasized that the chate, together with leaders of the Latin Rite Catholics participated in the Europe, giving notice that busloads of and its guests to "uphold the spirit and United States notes, "Ukraine has people are traveling to Lviv to letter of the laws of Ukraine, foremost made a commitment to democracy and services, paying tribute to the ecumen- cal spirit that Patriarch Josyf tried to participate in the divine liturgy and those that protect peace, harmony, to observance of U.N. and CSCE pray to Patriarch Josyf. international calm and social stability," principles, including freedom of expres­ ioster (luring his life. stated that citizens of any country who sion as a fundamental right. Ukraine The coffin, draped in a Ukrainian flag Ukraine's President Leonid Krav­ attempt to divide the nation and to "sow has taken steps in this positive direc­ with an embroidered cross, was received chuk arrived for services on August 29 inter-ethnic or social enmity" will be tion and we expect it to continue on this at the Lviv airport on August 27 at 2 and was escorted by the Rev. Iwan considered harmful to the process of path." p.m. by Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Dacko, vicar general of the Archepar- chy of Lviv. Speaking to the crowds Ukraine's rebirth and will be expelled Rukh also issued an August 28 Lubachivsky, the leader of Ukrainian assembled at the Lviv Opera Theater, from Ukraine's territory without the statement regarding the Ukrinform Greek-Catholic's world-wide. Mr. Kravchuk paid tribute to Patriarch right to visit it. release that called Ukraine's leader­ Patriarch Mstyslav 1 of the Ukrai­ Josyf, stating: The release of the Ukrinform state­ ship's militant attitude toward criticism nian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, "Today Patriarch Josyf Slipyj is ment followed the conclusion of the a "product of their many years of Archbishop Andriy Horak, repre­ restored to his position in history, as World Forum of Ukrainians held in schooling in the administrative Party senting the Ukrainian Orthodox Kiev August 21-24 and was augmented (Continued on page 5) Church of the Moscow Patriarchats, (Continued on page 5) I THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1992 No. 36 NEWS ANALYSIS: Crisis cools in Crimea, but independence question still open Newsbrsefs by Dr. Roman Sokhanyk states." Together with other groups on Ukraine The question of whether the Crimea holding similar views, it succeeded in would remain within the newly inde­ pushing through a referendum law in the Crimean Parliament in November. 9 KIEV - First Deputy Prime Min­ riarch Alexei to Ukrainian President pendent Ukrainian state, which has ister Valentyn Symonenko told a press Leonid Kravchuk, expressing his con­ been one of the hottest political issues in The referendum campaign went into full swing in early 1992, and within conference on August 31 that, although cern about the religious conflict that has Ukraine since it declared its independ­ pressing forward with reform of the arisen in Ukraine after the recent split of ence in August 1991, appears to have several months its organizers were able to gather more than 246,000 signatures Ukrainian economy, the nation would the Ukrainian Orthodox Church into been resolved, at least for the time not opt for a "shock therapy" approach, pro-independence and pro-Moscow being. (180,000 are required by law) support­ ing the holding of a referendum. Western news agencies reported on camps. The former head of the Ukrai­ On May 21 the Crimean Parliament August 31. "We are not talking about nian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan suspended its resolution on the declara­ Kiev's response to these develop­ ments focused on arranging a power- speedy changes but about evolutionary Filaret of Kiev, has joined with the tion of Crimean independence (samo- work," he was quoted as saying. Mr. leadership of the independent and stoyatelnost) that had been adopted sharing plan with the Crimean authori­ ties while at the same time emphasizing Symonenko also discussed Ukraine's formerly banned Ukrainian Autoce- several weeks earlier, and at the be­ phalous Orthodox Church to form the the principle of the territorial integrity voucher-privatization program which is ginning of July placed a moratorium to begin this fall with the opening of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the on the independence referendum pre­ of Ukraine. In early February 1992, a Kievan Patriarchate, headed by Pat­ parliamentary delegation headed by special bank accounts to citizens valued viously scheduled for early August. In at 30,000 coupons (about SI00) for use riarch Mstyslav I; it is opposed by so doing, the Crimean authorities Volodymyr Hryniov, deputy chairman Volodymyr, who heads the heirarchy of Ukraine's Supreme Council, was in purchasing shares in state companies. backed away from a direct confronta­ Mr. Symonenko, saying there "was no that has remained loyal to Moscow. A tion with Kiev that had been brewing dispatched to the Crimea to hold talks struggle over church property and other with its leadership. The negotiations way back," reaffirmed the government's for several months. intention to introduce its own currency, issues has ensued. (RFE/RL Daily resulted in a joint statement that, Report) The Russian leadership took a similar among other things, agreed on the need the hryvnia, by the end of the year. conciliatory step at the June 23 summit to delineate power between Kiev and (RFE/RL Daily Report) ^ MYKOLAYIV - In at least one between the Ukrainian and Russian Symferopil and establish a Crimean free area, Ukraine and Russia have managed presidents in the southern Russian economic zone.
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