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Calculated for the Use of the State Of

mmm 317.3M31 M41 ^^'•CHfVES ^0>^4t^y //'ir^*-¥^ fi^O^Cf*^^ ^y^jtPft^^^f^ 7TJ' '' n i:v\ ^^ i^O i 2 5" ^^''^ Zi'/ ^^^"^ ^i\ li - Vh %n'c: •I CI THE / / MASSACHUSEJT f>. i AND UnitedStates Calendar; For the Year of our LORD . - '^^ 8 \-^ an d Twenty-E igh th of y^M£2j / c^iv /ivi>£P£iV2)£A-C£. CONTAINING - Civil, Ecdefiajiical, Judicial, and Military Lifts in MASSACHUSETTS ; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, for literary^ agriculturci, jnd charitable Purpofes. ALSO, ' Cataxogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, its With feveral* Deparrments and Eftablifhments ; Tke Executive Government in each State ; Cenftis of the United States, and of the Towns in MafTa. chufetts ; The Public Duties, Revenue, &c. I \ USEFUL TABLES, And a Variety of other interefting Articles/ ^f> B O ST O N : Publifhed by JOHN WEST, and MANNING & LORING. Sold, wholefale and retail, at their Book-Stores, Comhill. )^'^^^^^^'^^^^sP>i^^^i,^,^S,^^^^t^S^^S^-S,fS^ . ECLIPSES FOR 1S04. this year three of them THERE will be five Ecllpfes ; will he of the Sun, and the other two'will be of the Moon, and as follows, viz. I. The fiift will be of the Mom, .Tanuar); the 26th j the latter part of which only, will be vifiblc, \\z. ir. M. Beginning - - - - - 3 14"^ Middle - . - - - 4 23 / Apparent Moonrtfes 4 52 ^imc,' even. End - - 5 33 I Whole duration - - - 2 19 J Digits eclipfed 4° 44' on the 's S. Limb. IL The fecond will be of the Sun, Februar)" ilth, 6Ifli fi5m. in the morning, iiivifible to the inhabitants of t^e United States ; but vifible in Gnat-Britain, Germany a^d fome partof P'M;^// and Poland. J /s lat. 25' N. X IIL The rhini v.ijl b.; of the Moon, July 22d, oh. 4tm. evening, and invifihlc on \h\^ fid<* of the terreftriM gl<^ilt"-"- IV. The fourth will he an E|1 Ipfe of the SurT,' ^Augi^ (1 5th, lib. 15m. in the morning, inviHhlc to all-nort'hNftfj.rte equator; but vifible andcei(tral in C/ii/i, South Americaj^ in long. 40 45' E. of Bofion, and lat. 3^*^ S.— ]) 's. lat. 44^*^55 V. The fiiih will be alfo of the Sun, December 31ft, 8h. 7m. in the evening, invifible. ..< ^^ ti^ <^ <-<-* ^4» <4*<4* #^1^ t^*^ ^> *>»<•» *¥> >" RATES OF LETTER FQ^^TAGE. t\ EVERY letter compofcd of a fiuglefWct of. pm^er con- < veyed not exce.ding 40 miles, B cciits!*——Ovei; ^. milt's, and not exceeding 90 miles, 10 cents. 'Over 90 .1 miles, and not exceeding 1,50 miles, 12| -"exits. —Over 1,30 miles, and not exceeding 300 miles, 17 cents. —Over 360 miles, and not exceeding 500 miles, 20 cents.—»Over 500. ' miles, 25 cents. - • Every letter compofed of two pieces of payier^ double thofe rates.— Every letter coi-ipolcd of three pieces of pa-* per, triple thofe rates. —Every letter, compofed oF four^ne- crs of paper, weighing 1 oz. quadruple thofe rates, and at the rate of four ftngle letters for ( ach ounce any letter or packet may weigh. —Evcif*l|up letter originally received! "\ at an office for deliver)', ^ ^^C'^^ik^ -v Magazities ard Pamphlets pwfllel^^^^:^^\:cr^|4p aI(II'js.^ 1^'* 1 cent. —Overdo miles, and not excf?^ding 100 miles, ^' cent.—Over 100 miles 2 cen;s. * ^ The Poll-OiTice do.-s not infurc money, or airy- other ihing conveyed by poft. The General Pofl-Olfidc is kept at the feat of Government. 2<^ oV t-P" 2^ A. cA^ja/cc^^ SI .i/r^' 1 JANUARY, 1804, begin\on SunSyT Laft Quarter 4th day, 5h 7m. evening. New Moon 1 2th day, 4h. 1 9m. evening. Firft Quarter 19th day, 5h. 3m. exgftinjg. V Full Moon 26thth day, 4h. 14m. evening.' ^ m|\v] C/plenabIc Dnys. life. h.0^-|r.^s.lF.Sea 1 A ircumcifion. fine i'/ 9.37 e 39 2k C.P. Lenox. rreatherfor 7 3.22 f^.P. Boft. and Dedh. the feafon. u 41 .4 Sir I. Newton born, 1643. mom. •4 -f-^ Low tides for the (eafon. Changes o 41 Epiph. to cold }) Apogee % and boijlerous. 6 48 ift Sund. pafl Epiph. Lucl. Yj 7 34 C.P. North. Lenox & Warren. 7 8 =4 Day increafed 12m. S>igns of rain 9 1 Now comes a 10 1 P fets 4 7 Peace rat. by Cong. 1784. fncw. 7 %% Ev.50 2d Sunday pafl Epiphany. 8 o 1 40 High zvinds 9 12 Dr. Franklin born, 1706. 10 23 atN. W. 7 21 11 36 Middling tides. Aibre 5 Perigee. 7 2c morn Eabian. Jqua'Js. 7 1 o 51 Agnes. Louis XVLbeh. 1793. 7 1 3d Sund. paft Epiph. Vincent. 7 I'J 3 23 Fine u;cather to wake 7 16 4 33 tlir. ladies look Jrejli. 5 36 Converfion St. PauL 7 14 6 29 More moderate 3) eclip. vifib. 713 ifeiii zoith fnozo 7 12 3morn Peter the Great died, 1725. and"] 11 7 111 o 20 Septuagefima Sund. rain. 7 lo Pretty good jy 9 17 14. fleighiiig. 17 10 20 2 28 Archimedes of Syracufe was the inventor of a giafs fphere, which exaftly repr^fented the motions of all the heavenly bodies. He alfo invented the pumping fcrew, flill c^lkc the Screw oj Archimedes^ which cannot be difpenfed with in architect, and by means of which he rendered Egypt hab 6 FEBRUARY, 1804, begins on Wedn^^ayi ^-.i^ Laft Quarter gd day, 2h. 44m. eveln'g, . ^-n^ f New Moon- nth day, 6h. 25m. morning. Firft Quarter 18th day,- oh. 380?.- moriitng. Full Moqii 25 th day, yh, 56m. morn in \\[ brei-va^>le days, . &c: |r^0 M I s,|r.@s.|T".S^a I O 7~6 14 Agreeable weather^ '511 2213 8, Purif. V. Mary, or Candlemas. 1 \b 5 morn. 3 50 3p Middling tides, if not D Apog 4 33 tcQ cold. 19' 47 7 2 ,5 vi 27 5 ScxageT. Sund. \S<v^cJ'now. •* 62 Alliance with Frarfce'^ ry/S* •. 7 9 5-3 27r6^8 ' " ' 73 Yard* II fouth 7h. ^om. ' fifox^s mor£ , 8 47 moclerdte. 9 ,5 56 6: 5 41 9 41 10 6 Treaty with G. Britain, 1796;-^.- 117 ' O eclipfed. ^^6 DTets u 25* A'Quinqua, Sund. Now expe6i 6 52 6: G* 5? -rr.-^ 1312 a cha?igf of ^ *|^3 VA^LtNTiNE's-Day. weaOur. 15 14 Afh-Wednei^ay, or Zf;?^ 6 48 6;io 37 2 45 1615 Pretty^high tides. ]) Perigee 3 17' Very coldfor 40 omorn. 4 34 days. 1817 Jome 6 44 6| 1 ^9 5 33 ill Sund. in Lent. ) 43 &^ 2 -^ 6 S3 [now. Some 6 41 6^ 3 ^5 "a 33, 21 '3 C.F. Portland. 6 40 6; 4 2c 830, V' IK GT ON born 224 Wash 1732. 6 39 6; 5- *, 9% 23 Plcajant for the 13I 5 j^ 6 37 6 10 24 6 iSt. Mattb. fcafon. 6 66 6 . , ^59 23 7 5o?77<? !6 35-« 26;A 2d Sund. in Lent, -^fnew !6.:a3.^ morn' or rrtz'/7. 6 32 6 .0-54I "6 ^v -^ f2,3 //?^/^ awt/^ ;6 -30 9 ih ci^ .V. W. 10 ^9l4 6 g9- 6 '13 U VENUS will be Evmir.g Star till the ^th day -6f Augyfi-'i thiTxe Morning Star to the end of the year. itable. He alfo invented burning glafTes, and made ufe of them in defence of his country-. He contrived feveral oth- er ailonifning machines, which have not reached us. He lived 2c8 years before ChriO. -i*.^xi^» <;^ f' tj. d. ^ ''^ ^^ ^ MARCH,. >i ^0^4, begins on Thurikiay. Lafi Quarter 4th day, i ih. 8m.' morning. Ne^^Motp nth day, 6h. 7m. evening. ^JFirft Quarter 1 8th day, 8h. 5 8m. morning Fuif'Moon 26th day^ oh. 37m. morning. .m] w .Oblcrvable Days, &c. jr. 'i»5- St^i»vitd. 'Looks like. Apogeci.6 ^8611 1,4.. 2 29 p Jy 6 ,Chad. fnow, 6 26 6rhor>K; .3/4^ ^tt^ Twc; rain. 6 25 o ij\ , 6j ^ Gi3d Sund. in Lent. Raw 23 6 1.J7 451 Mallacre, Bofton, 1770. f> 22 6 2 12 5 41 3 winds . 20 6 3 1 6 36 4^ Perpetua. but »>fim 19 6 3 42 7 30 5 j\''enus it-ts 8h. ^4m. Jun. 18 6 4 181 8 24 '^ Grows ^-- " x^ 6 4 50' 9 1^ fets zvarmer. Yard L i^h. 5 14 10 ; 6 G 4th Sund. in Lent. Mid. Sund 13 I) fets, 10 5^ Quite high Greg. Mor^ 12 6 7 oil 48 C.IMpr\vich.S.J.C.Boft.>//^>7^ lo «§ 8 i8Ev.4d I Perigee '9- liJes. weather. D 49^ 3J) •• AJharp , , 10 58 2 31 air. ll morn.j- 3 31 Bofton evac. by the Britifli. 151-4 33 6 ,5(h Sund. in Lent. •, 3 1 afii 5 34 C.P. Concord. The clouds, 2 6 2 22 6 •Y> C.P. Nantucket. \ •o 6 BenediiA. denote more ^, ^^v59 Sir L Newton died, 1727^ 57 , JatUng weather. 5 56 7 4 4o| 9 4( 24 Pleafant. 5 54 7 5 5!io 28 Palm Sund. Annunc. V. Mary .5 53 7 5 2511 9 lb C.P. Worcefter. Sowe 5 52 7 • rile 11 5c 27 S.J.C.Dedham. CP.Barnftab 5 50 7 8 9 morn. 2H Not very high tides. }) Apogee, 5 49 7 -9 14 39 fnozv this 5 47 710 13 1 17 Good-Friday. time. 5 40 711 12 2 317 5 44 7 mom.

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