ROUGH DAY AT REGISTRATION - Some a, ... studtntt - about hilI of tMm ,rad­ uat. students - showod up at trl-annual r.. l, tratlon e.trclMs Tuesday, ancl, a. I, vsual for tho .ummor school event, It wa. hot. In ptIoto at 11ft, WIIIl.m DubIn. G How York City, brushes hi' swettl", 1If'0w .. he ponders a schtdull", problem, I~ center photo, Todd Beebe, , four-y .. r-old Flint, Mich., boy w.tches uMully as hi. uncle, Oon Jlckson, Isslstlnl J)rofeuor of clUlleS, who Todd II vl,ltln., put, In 'n advisory stint, and IHml 10 be .tad he' ••ot many y.ars to ,0 before hovl", 10 f.c. coil.... And at rfght, Leon Smith, .slOClat. profe.lOr of physlctl educ.tlon for mon, ...ms to be oxpressl", the mood 01 tho day In the Fltld HOUM for overybody. - PIlot .. by Din Luck Iowan East Restricts Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Established in 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and WireDholo Iowa Clty, rowa 52240-Wednesday, June 12, 1968 German Travel Fear Of New Berlin Crisis Raised ,Army Shortages Atlanta Inmates Release Over Drastic Move By Com munists BERLIN (.fI - Easl Germ::ny announced In ide Soviet territory under occupalion In Korea Noted Tuesday weeping restrictionl on travel agreements of World War II. With the cris­ by West Germans in II drastil' move lore­ is of the late 1940 • the cIty wa spltt into Hostage With 'Grievances shadowing a new B rlin crisi . West and East Berlin Tn 19tH, the East By Senate Unit A top U.S, oHlcial called thl' m aure Gl!rm n built a wall aero Berhn til ATLANTA, Ga. (A'! - The four Atlanta King said it was too soon for prison BI.ckw.lt said the prisoners' "origin.1 intolerable and We.t Bertin's mil or lab­ 81 ofC the flow of thou nd of reful:ccs WASHINGTON IA'! - A Senate subcom­ inmates holding 23 employes hostage at officials to make any com men I upon inlonl" was to uc'J)e, William, ha, ell'd the move "a black day for 01\ Ger. to the West. In Vlonna, Weat German Vic. Chan­ mittee revealed Tuesday night shortages the U.S. Penitentiary at gunpoint, releas­ the list 01 grievances. The lis! was not agreed to pubtllh the Inmlt,,' grlev· mans." of major items of equipment and of per­ ed ODe hostage at 11:30 p.m . Tuesday to mid. avallabl. Immediately. anc •• on assurance of the ,af.ty of the In an apparent bold bid to achieve a c.llor Willy Brlndl urOtcl the Western alii., to "make It cl."r bovond doubl" sot.nel in the two U. S. Army divisions in take a list of grievan es to priscn offic­ The prisoners took the hostages after hoslag ••. lar i~ degree 01 sovereignty, the E a s t ials. But , a prison spokesman said. Williams Germnn Communist rt:'gime said it will that they will protect Ir.. accell to South Korea. an attempted jail break failed Tuesday West aerlln. Brandt, on , Iwo-day visil The heavily censored report was issued I "1\1r. B. V. Wolfe was released to bring had not yet bcen permitted 10 talk di­ rl'quir!! West Germans. for th first time, morning. to Austria, ,aid e ..t Germlny', an· downstairs a list of the grievances, and rectly with the inmates because "the pris­ to have passr~·ts and visas for travel he· by the preparedness investigating sub­ nounceme"t "must be taken very stri. committee based on visits by ' starr mem­ the warden is now considering them." There was some gunfire. and one cor­ on needs 8 suran ('s that the inmates will twe n West G rmany and i. lated W . I'eelional officer was slightly wounded ously ," bers to the 2nd and 7th Infantry Divi ions William C. King, priSOn system spoke­ release the hostages. We're concerned Bertin . sman said . when a buffet grazed his leg. prison offic­ with both the inmate and the hostages." West Berlin :lfayor ){loU! S('hu tz went earlier this year, after seizure by the ials said. But the of[icer was treated and Th.re was no mention of officl.t ,I· on television and declared. "This is a North Koreans of the U. S. S. Pueblo. Prison officials s3Id thev had h('('n in An Atlanta Journal reporter whom the li,d travil through ea,t G.rmony ,. Lich hlack day for nil German ..• This is (1 "In its assessmenl of Ihe rpadi"ess of released. they said. an:! there were no touch with the ho lag s by radio, "As far inmates asked to sce has lalk(' to them other i,ljuries. is controlled by the Rus,l_ns, The So­ blow an ain5t free B'rlin • .• 8 atl'p of Ihe U. S. 2nd Infantry Division In hy radio, King said, and the reporter was as can be dctermmc(\, th' inmatt's hu\'(' vi I blockade of B.rlin in 1941·4' blg,n been considerate. Coff . Ii 'ar t t and 'he Cold W3r • . d .recled agn ost a I I Korea," I 5ubcommiltee staament said, given a list of the grievances. Arter t:lking lhe hostages. the four in­ with sto"J)ag. of U.S, and Brlti,h .upply mates demanded that the repol'lel', Wil­ sanuwIChes htlvc heen pro\iidl'd," William Germ n ." "the reoort shows deficiencies in over­ Wolfe. the released hostage, said that trains. The alflu broke 'he blockad. He said hI! already hlld consultNl with all oDeralinq strength. shortages of ma­ liam B. Wittiams. be permitted to hear C. King. a prison ·~"tem spoke man said. with. historic airtlft of 2.3 million lon, the other hostages were unharmed. There was fear Ihat Williams, too, mlg'·t (he deDuty U. " British and French com· iors an" cI"tlins, ",lIit~ry occu".tio"al their grievances. Warden Olin G. Black· of food and fuet Berlin, "Mr, Wolfe l'epo:·ts that Ihe hostages well sa;d the grieVances were not spelled be hetd hosta e if he m t with the pris­ '0 mandants in We.;\. B('rtin. soeci~lities, and shortaqes of major The jo;aFt Gcrm"ns also announced The new pa. port I'l'j(ulations were items of AQuioment and reoair J)arts. are well and that the inmates have been out. but hc sent for Witliams, who hurried oners. polite, courteous and kind to them," King to the penitentiary on Atlanta's south "It's his d cision," BlatkweH said. compllcated laxes on freight and lranspot·t dost'll In II spt'Cch hefor~ the People's "According to the rrporl . the same sit­ milea ge throu/:h Ea t Germany and fills­ hamber Ip rllam ntl in Ea5 Berlin hy uation exisl s with resnect to the U. S. 7th said. side. "I've wB!'nl'd him of the hazards." Williams said h. expected 10 t a I k l'd tran, 't fe. for those tra\ieling I and Jnterior tinister Col. Gen. f'rtedrich Dick­ Infantry Division stationed in South Ko­ with the inmales. He ,.id he was ac· rou es to and from West Berlm. el and tho concerning the [rl'i hI I' II· re •. " the statl'mpnt adell'd c;uainted with one of them, Fredrick In Bonn, Eugcne Rostow. U.S. under­ lations in a slX'CCh hy :,i anl ,lnance The sub~ommittpe sw~ "there are no Freeman Lei,'.r, 34, who is serving 15 'ccretary of state [or political aHair , de· ~tinister Hor t Kaminsky. Both talks were inclicll'ion~" that North l(nrl'a 1,R. Rhn~. McCarthy Confers With Johnson, years for bank robbery and a.sault con­ clared the travel restrictions are "~ oinl: reported by the official Ell t German doned its ohjecl ive of evpntually unifying victions. to be a serious slttfa tion . such a nils ag nl'Y AD , Korpa on Communist terms. The other inmat~s were idl'ntified as Ch:lRgc from the pres!'nt paltern can't be '0 date wa Iliven wh n the trawl reI:­ "To the contrarv," jl savs, "atl Ihp indi­ To Jump Back Into Campaign Today Ralph Michael Lepiscopo, 25, serving a tolerated . " ulations would take e(f(·ct. Kamin. k)' ~"id cation. over a Pl'riod of three years are bank robbery enten:e: Ivan Daniel Rostow predicted there will be a joint the freigbt taxes would be eff ctive ,July that North Korea is actively engaged in WASHINGTON (A'! - Sen. Eugene J. gress. McCarthy entered the presidential NeighOors. 29, serving a life term for aJtied protest to the Soviet nion. which I and the inc rca e ID trolvel f<>e for indi­ accelerated actions of a more aggressive McCarthy met Tuesday with President race last November in a personal chal· kidnaping and murder. lind Robert Wil­ is held hy the United States, Britain and vidual would be raised June 20. plan to aehiev!' this aim." Johnson in a private discussion of the lenge to John on. The President withdrew liam Gorman, another convicted b II n k France to be re ponsible for Berlin ac· We t Germilns now trnvel hrtwc('n" t At one point, in oli~rLls.jng the suooly Vietnamese policies he opposes. March 3t. two days before McCarthy's robber. cess. Berlm and Wes G rmany on their ident­ situation in the 7th Division. the reoort Johnson discussed the war in Vietnam, victory in the Wisconsin primary.
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