lL->f*f*<j>i£L±n.U:ij to ^-^f< t&m C dfCTinoritp ©ppQttuuityMt\n& VOLUME 1, NUMBER 10 2730 STEMMONS FRWY • 1100 TOWER WEST • DALLAS, TEXAS 75207 OCT. 1992 South Dallas is home to almost half of all Hi liquor stores in Dallas County. But there is a growing movement to limit or expel these establishments that have, in effect, a... Radical or Practical? The Expanded Role of MON Tikes a Look at the the Black Press New Black Panther Party. P92 page 7 • .,,.^.t.JJi^.JJgB< just a watcher—if s incumbent on us to From the be a partner in the conmiuruty. Our role ?S can be described best as mediator, moderator and monitor.. - . In the News Publisher Mediator—^The role of mediator Thurman .places us in the middle of controver­ sies. Here we serve as intermediary to Campbell Honored As weeks, Mon-Fri 9am to 3pm. For Jones reconcile differences—during elections additional information call 376-0396. in particular. Our position is to present Texas' Most . ^^^ program is free to minority an unbiased view of the candidates' males between the ages of 17 and 38. qualifications and achievements. On Enterprising Pressed for Results the other side of that coin, we try to focus on the benefits and responsibili­ Businessman ties of Anrierican citizenship. Further­ TheAusHn School Gets Top Honors The Expanded Role of themore , it is our intent and purpose to Metropolitan Frederick Douglass Elementary African American Press review the years of struggle and sacri­ Resource C^ter Sdiool was honored by Conimissioncr fice that ensured our present rights. I (AMROandthe of Education Lionel ''Skip* Mcno at feel strongly that people who forget Texas Association the Texas Successful Schools Awards their part are doomed to make the same of Minority Ceremony in Austin as a school of THE OviL RIGHTS MOVEMENT OF the 1960s nustakes in the future. But first, we Business Enter­ excellence. Principal Patricia E. Mays opened wide the doors of opportunity must know our past. prises (TAMBE) recdyed the award presented to recently an­ mandating the integration of restau­ Moderator—As MOAfs readership I' '• -ir -• identified schools rants/schools and public transporta­ increases, we plan to conduct surveys nounced the CantpbeiS forperionnanco tion. Three decades later, barriers have and market studies of our readership in awards recipients to be honored at UIJI gain and high been broken, tears shed, and blood an effort to reassess the needs in the their statewide Fifth Annual Business performance on spilled. Such is the price many brothers African American community. Our Opportunity Symposium Series (BOSS thcTAAS-Outof and sisters—along with our ancestors— strength as a people cannot be diluted if V '92). Greg Campbell of Dallas has 6,000 Texas have paid for freedom, justice and our needs are detected early and a pre­ been nanned "the most enterprising schools, 125 equality. ventative, not reactive, approach is businessman in the State of Texas'' by received financial AMRC and TAMBE. But I submit to you we have not ar­ taken toward resolving our problems. Patricia Mays awards. rived yet. Our legislative achievements ^ Sometimes when the mainstream press Campbell is a principal with Baker ; Frederick were nurred during the Reagan and covers stories in our conunuruty if s not Campbell Associates, a Dallas*based Douglass is a three year old school in Bush administrations. Newspaper to gain real insight or shed light on an management consulting firm. Estab­ Pleasant Grove with students Pre-K headlines read "Race Still a Factor in issue, but instead to ridicule and rein­ lished in 1983, the firm primarily through 3rd. The school also received Hiring," "African American Job Appli­ force their belief system which suggests addresses the needs of small to mid­ the DISD award for high achievement cants Rejected 20% More Often Than "You people" are all the_ same. This sized business but has also done on the Norm-Reference Assessment - Anglos With the Same Qualifications," type of mentality is the root of racism. extensive work with corporations, Test of Texas. "African American Home Buyers Find­ Monitor—As a partner in the com­ government agencies and non-profit ing Doors Difficult to Open." These are munity, if s necessary for the African organizations. Campbell's \vife, Alva just a few examples of the continued American press to monitor the prac­ Baker is also a principal, with the struggle. I challenge you to look in the tices of institutions, groups and organi­ company avhich is headquartered in mirror and ask, "What have I done for zations and report what we find. Facts the heart of Dallas' African-American Flea Market my community lately." At Minority Op-' may be facts, but the community needs community. "We are actively invoh'cd The Tennessee State University portunity News we arc constantly chal­ accurate, informed information written in our community, that's part of our Alumni Association's Dallas chapter is lenged to define our role and responsi­ • from our perspective, covering all of mission/' says Campbell. sponsoring a flea Market October 23 in bility to the community. our concerns. According to TAMBE President and the parking lot of Friendship Baptist . I feel the African American press It's shameful and embarrassing CEO Barbara Burton, "Mr. Campbell's Church, 616 W. Kiest St.. Dallas. should be a conduit within the commu- when the Dallas Morning News is the credentials are impeccable. We want to ni ty. The Black press must be more than only source of groundbreaking reports, recognize his entrepreneurial talents as (continued on page ) well as his support of minority busi­ nesses in Texas and around the Personnel Agency m/mr^ Hrr<&: nm'vfm country." Mr, Earl G. Graves, pub­ Community lisher of Black Enterprise Miguzine, will ens in S. Dallas Overall Content Op Service make the keynote address at the Lee's Persormel Service, Inc. will be awards banquet and assist with Excellent Avg. Poor Excellent Avg. Poor Excellent Avg. Poor opening a branch in the South Dallas awards presentations. area on Oct. 2. Tlie office will be located I The Dallas Examiner Q D D D D D D D D at 2606 MUC^te. 218. Dallas Weekly For more information call (214) 565- nan D D D D D D 7845. Post Tribune ODD a a D D D D htstitute for Minoriti/ Black Economic Times D' D D D n D D - n a Males Seeks Minority Opportunity News Q D D D n D D b D Participants Whole Armour Rev. News Q D D D D D D The Institute for Minority Males Publisher Editor-in-Chief (LM Jvl) is a program of the Dallas Thiuman R, Jones Jim Bochum The Last Trump D D D D D a D Urban League comnuttcd to assisting Managing Editor ; The Elite News • • • D n • D D minority males to become cmpotvered in an effort to cultivate and exerdsc Jason Webster COMMENTS their full potential as American Business Editor..» Randy Luster • citizens, Staff Writer Agaitha Richardson IJ^IM, is located in Paul Quirm Staff Writer ; Angela Ransome College, Price-Branch Educational Staff Writer Sonia Jordan Building, Room 228,3S37 Simpson- Photographer Derryl Barnes Stuart Rd. Sessions are held for 16 C ^(M<iv^l^•m•^if^m • '-'im (tf^a^'^^y DU-jamn. !R^s^^w««eHM* (PUBLISHER from previous page) tity do our work for us—we can bet­ ..^A-V*''*'>-'**-v*-"i studies and surveys. •;:: ^>i^ ter advocate for change and progress. .^t^ i^rj^ V!^:^-^^•^A'^*-^: For instance, a recent survey by the ^ We must send a strong, unwavering News reported that mortgage loan rejec­ message that impropriety to African tion for African Americans and Hispanics // Americans will not go unnoticed or in the Dallas area was double that of unchallenged. Litany for 'Grayer whites and Asians. Even more appalling, My duty as publisher is to bring to the survey found upper income African light circumstances and situations American families less likely to qualify that you, the reader, have experi­ for a mortgage than lower income white Tins LErreR is IN RESPONSE to your article, I READ YDU SE1TE.MBER ECffTORlAL On the enced. We must share in these expe­ "Our Economic Prayei^ in the Septem­ Black Church, the possible ai\swer to families. A case was cited recently where riences and find the lessons which ber issue of the Minority Opportunity our "Economic Prayer." We are well the closing of a loan took an exorbitant hold the key to the truth. MON News. I found your article very refresh­ aware thai the Black Church, as an insti­ amount of time for no apparent reason pledges to be your voice and your ing and ir\sightful. Your pastor and I tution, is the largest Black economic en­ and in spite of the fact the African Ameri­ opportunity. Do you have an opin­ have known each other for years. I say tity in the world. It has the largest hold­ can family had spotless credit, a rising ion? income and a pre-approved loan. that to preface what I'm about to say in ing of assets and an incredible cash flow Thurman Jones order that there may be no misconstru­ in a constantly expanding marketplace, The African American press must rise Minority Opportunity News ing my response. I'm not attempting to I have been castigated and ostra­ to a level where we conduct our own 2730 Stemmons, 1200 Tower West steal any other pastor's sheep. cized for speaking of the church in eco­ hardhitting research into issues. By doing Dallas, Texas 75207 However, being a native of Dallas 1 nomic and financial terms, but I know this—and not letting a less sensitive en­ (214)580-7377 have long since observed that the prob­ of no other place in the African Ameri­ lems the Black community faces both can communities where there is more socially and economically can be effec­ unencumbered cash flow.
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