The TO Like Structural Steel Here is the Famous Erector Girder Erector is the only constxi _eçon joy with girders exactly like real structural séel: The patented in- terlocking edges (an exclusive Erector feature ) enable boys to build big, strong models of bridges, skyscrapers, inclined railroads, elevators, w6}jk- shops with machinery of all kinds, battleships,--- aeroplanes and hundreds of others. The powerful Erector motor, free with LOOK most sets, runs HERE many of (h e models. It's BOYS great fun for boys! FREE! I scant to give every boy, absolutely free, a three -months' subscrip tion to my boys' maga- zine, Erector Tips, in eluding the big holiday issue in two colors, brimful of stories and photographs. Be sure to get this interesting magazine so your boy can read the absorbing story "How 7 Invented vector," and ,-.'r ',1i the special articles telling how 1 became a world's champion athlete Tips also contains full details of the $1,000 Prize Offer of automobile, mo torcycles, bicycles, camping outfits. canoes and other salvable prizes. Write today for the three months' subscription, also a free copy of any new 24 -page Book telling all about construe. tion toys. Don't send any money or stamps; I want to present all this to you absolutely free. Mr A.0 Gilbert. The Myatt) Mfg. Co.. 136 Fos S1.. New Haves, Coss. Erector Sets Sold Everywhere, $1 to $25 Please send me, with- Ile sure to see Set No, 4 for $5, which contains 671 parts out a penny of charge and motor, build,. 250 models and is packed to handsome your 24 -page illustrated oak cabinet. Book and three months' subscription to Erector Tips. President Name A. C. GILBERT, Address The Mysto Mfg. Co., 136 Fox St. My dealer's name is NEW HAVEN, CONN. www.americanradiohistory.com The Electrical Experimenter Published by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc. (H. Gernsback, President; S. Gernsback, Treasurer; M. Hynes, Secretary), 233 Fulton St., New York Vol. III Whole No. 32 CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER, 1915 No. 8 FRONT COVER-"A CANAL SCENE ON MARS" THE RADIO TRANSMITTING SET AT ARLINGTON, VA 406 From a painting by Thomas N. Wrenn - I :NITER S'T'ATES ARMY FIELD RADIO SET 407 RADIO LEAGUE OF AMERICA 381.389 L.titOR. \TOl4Y EQUIPMENT FOR ILLUSTRATING THE PRINC1- BARON MUNCHHAUSEN'S NEW SCIENTIFIC ADVENTURES.. 1'I.LS OF ELECTRO-hIAGNETIC, MAGNETIC AND ELEC- By Hugo Gernsback. 386.388 TItO- DYNAMIC I'll ENOMENA. By Harlan A. Eveleth 414.41; HOW THE "WIRELESS WIZ" CELEBRATED XMAS HOW TO t\1:\KE AN ELECTROLYTIC RECTIFIER By Thomas W. Benson. 389.390 ., R. Barmckol 41G BUYING BY MAIL. By Thomas Reed 391 A l'Ei(tIANEN1 M\GNET TYPE VOLTMETER TO FOIL SUBMARINES WITH UNDERSEA SEARCHLIGHTS... 392 By Earle Reisinger. 417 11Y WIRELESS 'PHONE FROM ARLINGTON TO PARIS 393 "HUN-TO- M. \KE-IT" DEPART\MEN1 419 AUDION BULBS AS PRODUCERS OF PURE MUSICAL TONES.. WRINKLES, RECIPES AND FORMULAS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 423 By Dr. Lee de Forest. 394 -395 "\\'ITII THE AMATEURS" DEPARTMENT 424 -425 THE UNITED STATES ADVISORY BOARD AND ITS PER- LATEST PATENTS . 426 SONNEL 398.399 Titi IIVCV nATCIVTC 427 THE ELECTRICAL BURGLAR OF THE 20TH CENTURY 400 OFFICIAL LIST OF LICENSED RADIO AMATEURS 428 A REMARKABLE ELECTRIC PIANO PLAYER FOR THE OFFICIAL CODE CHARTS GIVING INTERNATIONAL RADIO "MOVIES." By Frank C. Perkins 400 SIGNALS, CONVENTIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 429 MARVELOUS ELECTRIC SIGN THAT ACTUALLY SPELLS 401 "QUESTION BOX" 430 HIGH FREQUENCY CURRENTS AND APPARATUS (Concluded). "PATENT ADVICE" 441 By H. Winfield Secor, E E. 405 BOOK REVIEWS 446 11J1111111111111J1 ,JLL+J 1.11.,1-10.1-11,ilAgtaJkilf,c19 1.1-11,1,1 111, t ,J Ok Edison and Tesla F the recent cabled reports be correct, every inventions which Mr. Edison has patented up to this American will note with great satisfaction date. The incandescent lamp would not have been o the awarding of this year's Nobel prize in much of avail to humanity had not Edison perfected G'l'vg `1 physics to Thomas A. Edison and to Nikola at the same time the necessary adjuncts to feed the Tesla. current to the lamp. He had to make dozens of in- When Alfred Nobel, the multi- millionaire inventor ventions to accomplish this ; the lamp itself was the of dynamite and nitroglycerine died in 1896, his will least of his troubles. Exactly so with the phonograph provided for a series of five annual prizes to the most and the cinematograph several hundred inventions deserving persons in physics, chemistry, medicine, lit- were necessary before either .4 as ready to leave the erature and for the best work done in the interest of laboratory. Thus it is a far cry and a weary road universal peace. from his first tin foil phonograph record to his gold These prizes have been regularly awarded since moulded unbreakable Aniberol record. 1901, and the learned Academies of Sweden while ad- Equally as great as the three above inventions are mittedly well informed and fair as to the award of Edison triumphs in the field of telegraphy, which he the prize, have in the past, we believe, overlooked sev- revolutionized. His quadruplex telegraph. his tele- eral scientists who by all means were entitled to the phone transmitter, his alkaline storage battery, his prize long ere this. stock printer, his machine for separating magnetic ores, We are quite convinced, for this reason, that this his Portland cement process, his concrete building year's choice of Edison and Tesla will not only be ac- standardization. are all inventions of the first order. claimed in the United States, but in the world over. While Tesla's inventions have not been so numerous For, if the world is indebted to two physicists, Edison as Edison's the world nevertheless owes Tesla a tre- and Tesla are certainly the biggest single creditors. mendous debt. The modern transmission of power The awarding of the Nobel prize in a single year electrically is due entirely to Tesla. Perhaps his great- to these two world renowned inventors naturally leads est invention is the alternating current induction motor, to the question: Who is the greater man, Edison or whose wonderful flexitility and vast usefulness have Tesla? A natural question such as this which surely made electrical power what it is to -day. His pioneer will arise in the popular mind is manifestly unfair, be- work in high frequency currents showed the true cause the two illustrious sciertists have been working genius of the man. This art is as yet but in its in- in dissimilar fields and their accomplishments are fancy and no one can foretell where it will lead us. vastly different. Besides, Edison as well as Tesla are but it certainly has already opened the way towards hard at work at this minute. and for that reason it is the transmission of power without wires. It is not impossible to foretell what they might not still accom- popularly known, but the fact remains that Tesla in- plish. vented a system of transmitting wireless impulses Without wishing to minimize Edison's tremendous through the ether in 1F93, three years before Marconi amount of work, the fact is well known that he is not began his historical wireless experiments. His won- so much an original inventor as a genius in perfect- derful researches on vacuum tubes under the influence ing existing inventions. of high frequency Tesla currents have practically dem- !kJ In this respect Tesla has perhaps been the reverse onstrated that the day is not far off whe'n the 95 per for he has to his credit a number of brilliant as well cent. of electrical energy now waste... in heat in all as original inventions which, however, have not been incandescent lamps will be turned int- cold light, that sufficiently perfected to permit commercial exploita- is light without heat. In the long list of brilliant in- tion. ventions of Tesla, we particularly wish to mention the If the average man were asked what Mr. Edison's following: His Sun motor for the utilization of solar greatest gifts to the world are, his choice probably energy, his new fluid propulsion turbine, the Tesla would fall on the Incandescent lamp, the Phonograph high -frequency coil, his rotary transformer, etc. Mr. and the Cinematograph. Undoubtedly this is a good Tesla's patents now number above 100. selection, but it is but a small fraction of the 1,400 II. GERNSBACK. 1,11010)4141.,10f - _1.11-19411A11.1.1141) ..,.JJ TILE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER is published on the 15th addressed to: Editor, THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER, 233 of each mouth at 233 Fulton Street, New York. There are 12 num- Fulton Street, New York. Unaccepted contributions cannot be re- bers per year. The subscription price is $1.00 a year in U. S. turned unless full return postage has been included. ALL accepted and possessions. Canada and foreign countries, $1.50 a year. contributions are paid for on publication. A special rate Te pald U. S. coin as well as U. S. stamps accepted (no foreign coins or for novel experiments; good photographs accompanying them are stamps). Single copies, 10 cents each. A sample copy will be sent highly desirable. gratis on request. Checks and money orders should be drawn to THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER. Monthly. Entered as order of THE EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING CO., INC. If you second -class matter at the New York Post Office, March 1, 1915. change your address notify us promptly, in order that copies are under Act of Congress of March 3.
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