A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Teilchenphysik-Kolloquium Universität Heidelberg, May 8, 2012 Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association www.kit.edu The Large Hadron Collider: Present and Future Pixel Detectors for Collider Experiments The CMS Pixel Detector The CMS Phase 1 Pixel Upgrade CMS Pixel Upgrade: Current Status and Plans 2 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) The Large Hadron Collider: Present and Future 3 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) CMS Experiment: LHC – the Large Hadronmulti-purpose Collider experiment LHC Accelerator: Lake Geneva proton-proton and lead-lead collisions LHCb Experiment: CP violation and B physics Jura CERN accelerator complex, about 100 m under ground LHC circumference: ~27 km ALICE Experiment: ATLAS Experiment: heavy ion physics multi-purpose experiment 4 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) LHC Luminosities LHC 2012: 8 TeV Luminosity ramped up in record time Already >1 fb–1 delivered Expected for full year: 15–20 fb–1 LHC 2010/2011: 7 TeV Record instantaneous lumi: 3.5×1033 cm–2 s–1 About 5 fb–1 (= 800,000 top pairs) per experiment Exceeding expectations 5 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) LHC Physics 2010/11: Rediscovery of the SM Precision measurements of W and Z bosons, top quarks, boson pairs, etc. Jump in center of mass energy (2 TeV → 7 TeV): many searches for physics beyond the standard model 105 ATLASATLAS PreliminaryPreliminary [pb] 35 pb-1 total -1 LL dtdt == 0.0350.035 -- 4.74.7 fbfb-1 σ 35 pb-1 ∫∫ 104 ss == 77 TeVTeV Theory 103 Data 2010 Data 2011 2 10 1.0 fb-1 0.7 fb-1 Example top pair 4.7 fb-1 10production: 1.0 fb-1 6–7% uncertainty 4.7 fb-1 W Z tt t WW WZ ZZ [https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasPublic/CombinedSummaryPlots] 6 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) g~(250)GeV LHC Physics 2011/12: The Hunt for the Higgs 2011: Large increase in integrated luminosity: 35 pb–1 → 5 fb–1 2012: Center of mass energy further increased: 7 TeV → 8 TeV Even more searches for new physics → no smoking gun yet… CMS Preliminary s = 7 TeV, ∫ Ldt ≈ 1 fb -1 ) 700 SM 10 CMS Preliminary Observed 2 σ 2011 Limits CDF ~g, ~q, tanβ=5, µ<0 / s = 7 TeV Expected (68%) ~ σ -1 q(1250)GeV ~ ~ Expected (95%) = LSP D0 g, q, tanβ=3, µ<0 L = 4.6-4.8 fb ∼ τ 600 2010 Limits LEP2 ∼χ± tanβ = 10, A = 0, µ > 0 1 Intriguing 0 (GeV/c ~± LEP2 l g~(1250)GeV hints for the 1/2 500 q~(1000)GeV m Jets+MHT Higgs MT2 1 No Razor (0.8 fb-1) 400 1 Lepton g~(1000)GeV evidence α q~(750)GeVSS Dilepton T 95% CL limit on 95% CL for SUSY 300 OS Dilepton g~(750)GeV ~ q(500)GeV Multi-Lepton 200 (2.1 fb-1) g~(500)GeV 10-1 100 200 300 400 500 0 200 400 600 800 1000 2 Higgs boson mass (GeV) m0 (GeV/c ) ~ q(250)GeV [CMS-HIG-12-008] [https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/PhysicsResultsSUS] 7 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) LHC Challenges Ahead Z → µµ with 25 Pileup Vertices High luminosity comes at a price: pileup LHC design luminosities 2808 proton bunches per beam, 25 ns spacing Instantaneous luminosities up to 1034 cm–2 s–1 Up to 25 simultaneous proton-proton collisions per bunch crossing (“pileup”) Pileup 2012: 1380 bunches per beam with 50 ns bunch spacing Already now: 25–32 pileup vertices 8 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) LHC Long Term Plan Data Taking Long Shutdown Technical Stop 2012 2015 2018 2021 until 2030 Long Long LS 2 Shutdown 1 Shutdown 3 Tentative date for CMS “Phase 1” pixel detetor upgrade “Phase 2” upgrades CERN: long-term commitment to LHC Goal: deliver 3000 fb–1 of integrated luminosity by 2030 → at least 5× increase in instantaneous luminosity Detectors must be upgraded: current detectors suffer from aging and radiation damage, keep similar performance, improve radiation hardness at high luminosity According to current planning: three long LHC shutdowns for upgrades 2013/14: LHC center of mass energy to 13–14 TeV 2018: several machine upgrades After 2022: start of high-luminosity phase of the LHC (HL-LHC) 9 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) LHC High Luminosity Upgrade: Physics Case From 2007 → slightly outdated by now… 13/14TeV 7 TeV 7 TeV → Key element for (almost) all physics channels: precise reconstruction of charged particle tracks now: LHC-HL Long Shutdown 3 Shutdown Long Long Shutdown 2 Shutdown Long Long Shutdown 1 Shutdown Long 2010 ~2018* ~2022* *estimate 10 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) Pixel Detectors for Collider Experiments 11 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) Tracking, Vertexing, and B-Tagging Tracks y Tracking & vertexing Charged particle tracking at small distances (~5 cm) from collision z point: precise reconstruction of x vertices Secondary Vertex Decay Charged particle tracking at large Length distances (~1 m): precise Protons Protons momentum measurement Primary Vertex Charged Particle B-tagging: Space Trajectory Point Identify hadrons with b-quarks via their long lifetimes (picoseconds) Parts of the tracks from B hadron decays: large impact parameters Detector Layer and/or displaced secondary vertex Vertex Collision 12 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) LHC Choice for Tracking Detectors: Silicon Innermost part of the tracking detectors: silicon hybrid pixel detectors Detector = semiconductor diode with pn junction in reverse bias → depletion zone Charged particles ionize detector material → electron/hole pairs induce signal Readout Chip: Electrical Signal Amplification (Digitization) PbSn or Indium Balls (“bump bond”) + – Implants: n doped pixels (CMS: 150×100 µm2) + – 250–300 µm + – + – + Bulk (n doped) Backplane (p+ doped) Charged Reverse Bias Voltage Particle approx. 150 V 13 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) Tracking and Vertexing: Why Pixels? Low Occupancy track Resolution and material budget Small pixels → high hit resolution → high track and vertex resolution Material budget: 3D space point with a single detector layer Tracking advantages of highly segmented detectors Low hit occupancy (= fraction of bunch crossings in which a pixel is High Occupancy track hit) → low hit combinatorics track “Track seed” from region with smallest probability for wrong assignment of hits to tracks Rule of thumb: tracking works for occupancies of 1% or less fake track 14 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) T. Rohe Silicon PixelS eDetectorsnsor Concepts for Pixe l D–e teActo rsBrief in HEP History Introduction First ideas for a hybrid pixel detector Gaalema (1984): first pixelated X-ray R&D of hybrid pixel detector (Hughes Aircraft Co.) … detectors is usually … followed by first serious work on concentrated on hybrid pixel detectors for particle physics at CERN, SLAC, LBNL readout chip [PSI] Late 1980ies: pixel detectors = bump bonding tracking option for SSC and LHC CERN: R&D Collaboration (RD19) as the most crucial issues. Hybrid Pixel Detectors First small scale applications: fixed target and LEP Further Silicon sensor and readout chip: separate devices Today: ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS Readout chip: one circuit use hybrid pixel detectors a typical readout chip containsper ~ 5 pixel00k transistors a sensor "just" ~ 50k diodes Interconnects: solder bumps For a historical review see: E. Heijne, NIM A465 (2001) 1 Pixel 2002 2 Carmel, Sept. 9−12, 2002 15 05/08/2012 A New Pixel Detector for the CMS Experiment Ulrich Husemann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik (IEKP) 2 E.H.M. Heijne / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 465 (2001) 1–26 been made in a bubble chamber, or with multi- wire proportional chambers, the devices that successfully replaced during nearly two decades the early semiconductor arrays that lacked ade- quate electronics and computers. In the late seventies the preparations for the Isabelle collider at BNL accelerated the trend in particle physics experiments towards higher multi- plicity and higher rate. More important, measure- First Experience: Heavy Ion Pixel Telescope ment of short-lived charm and beauty particle decays became an issue. Improvement of the instrumentation would be needed for tracking in First use case at CERN: WA94/WA97/NA57 fixed target experiments – the vertex region, as indicated by a few authors: strangeness production in heavy ion collisions (Pb) Nygren, as a convenor in the Diablerets ICFA Fig. 1. Highly schematic drawing of proposal for array of Si meeting, October 1979, stated that semiconductor Occupancy similar to LHC, but much smallerdiodes for particlerate tracking in a magnetic field B (1960, Bromley techniques are ‘remarkably under-developed’ [7]. [1], after Mayer and Friedland, unpublished). At BNL some ideas were documented by Kanofs- Pixel telescope: 7 layers parallel, 500,000 channels total ky in 1977 [8] and Ludlam tried to initiate development with industry (private communica- tion, and Ref.
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