FOIPA COVER SHEET FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: BARKER/KARPIS GANG BREMER KIDNAPPING FILE NUMBER: 7-576 SECTION : 26 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. -. subJ¬@ 1-me numE>¬R__z;~zz@_____ - séC@>&#39;iOI1 nurr1Ben___i¢______&#39; . %RTALS 3-5OZ<&#39;>792L D192§¬S___§.Q_________. 1!A§¬5 R6L6A5¬O __£I.L___________ pgges w92©DDe1_o_-_o_____________ exemptéioms! 11560 an M4 3&#39;. jn - -~- _4A_~ _1_....___.. .._.,. V , . _. ._.._. ._._...__,..__@ _- .q..._..____.._______¬_____.-.i 4 UNITED STATES BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form No. 1 To-us ceszORIGINATED AT ST DAI Y p_; ND-&#39;1-5&#39;2 REPORY MADE AT: DATE MADE. WHENI-Uuon FOR wmcnMADElit!-olvr MADEav; *3;-If Kansas City . 6-12-1934 5-29 En 6-2-I54 W. E. MILLER ebc - QT .~»I92 . ~aEY_ 92 &#39;rrrL|:.~ >- _ w- ff SYNOPSIS or FACTS: ALVINckA3QIS,aliases, with1218 IO CHAIACTII OF ll: ARIEUR R.BsHKER, with aliases, I0 1219, 0 nnrnrmo s 1;; " _ W7 ET Al I J I I . J .¢._ :_ A. w vqjlvw I _sA __. 9? Bert C.{Angle,who wrote letter toMyrtle Eaton,St. Paul, Hinnesote, on 2-4-54, is e salesmen for the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company and resides permanently at the Connor Hotel, Joplin, Missouri. He bears e good re- -.&#39;.-;&#39;f_-. -..,&#39;.&#39;- i -K». putation andapparently metMyrtle Eatonthrough flirtation. Iimief§e- Mose, mentioned in same letter, is e Greek caterer at the Connor Hotel, .-L & E ,1 Joplin, and is an associate of Angle. Records of the Connor hotel fail " Letterto show regietrutionof of Myrtle Eaton. c. - 2;. §f"I~". " CZ 1&#39;1- I?-&#39; ~! I-,<92Tel-¬V§.&#39;_&#39;? ,._.»,f. Inspector E. E. Clegg, St. Paul, dated April 16, l934.r1 s. -_ x,» 92 92r. -s .. < .92: 9292,-,92I, i rr #1»C ;&#39;¢-A_ .- __ 1|! 3: M, &#39; I 4 ~. -_ ~ 92A &#39; 9292 T15 &#39;- I ; In uiry of SergeantGeorge Kehlerand PatrolmanGremar of the State.E K&#39;TsTT, Highway Patrol, Joplin, Missouri, railed to disclose any information concerning either Bert C. Angle or a party named D0 Moss, mentioned in _ 1 letter from Bert C. Angle to Myrtle Eaton, dated February 4, 1954. - -.* DETAILS: ~.;- Edin question. Portley, Chief of Detectives, Police Department, Joplin, Missouri, likewise was unable to furnish any information concerning the parties .f I T &#39; &#39; results. comas or rm RT runuleuzn 1&#39;0; Search was also made of the city and telephone directories, without Inquiry at the Joplin, Missouri, Post Office disclosed 92. that Bert C. Angle resides permanently at the Connor Hotel, Joplin, Missouri. IF&#39;.I&#39; A s X N01 WRITE INTl-IKE FACE! _ APPROVED AND Ac ti D8 RECORDED ANDINXXED. FORWARDED. s A..=-*2 :...&#39;.2.. JUN 1 g-,_!I.&#39;31 Q I |&#39;rz:osu11:s , e; = 5-Division T t°?&#39;{ -5-St .&#39;Paul ITiEEi 8-Hersos ity l K.C.File 62-760! JUN 15I934/I /&#39;66-£4] Q2&#39; &#39;r 6:b -&#39;I I I. "no QUEEALI&#39; I OFlNV§Tl I, GATIDN ru.:To?I It QJ:1 plus:-s-1 r--nu- nu»I-k -In 7.4m .4 _? - / , ,_ vs-"IQ -."92~,_- &#39;- 4-étv i 2. Dane Catching, Manager, Keystone Hotel, Joplin, lissouri{ advised &#39; .- - . - th;t he assumed his duties at this place on 3-15-34; that prior to 0 that date, he was Assistet Manager of the Connor Hotel in Joplin ,> ;, ___,. for a number of years. a &#39; 2 : 5-c Mr. Catching advised further that Bert 0.-Angle is s salesman and ~ District Representative of the Firestone Tire a Rubber Company and has resided at the Connor Hotel for a number of years, occupying Roam 226; that he is considered thoroughly reliable, does not as- socizte with underworld characters, does not drink or gamble and has . 1 _ 76>, , Q no bad habits, aside from the fact that he flirts with pactically t _,9 every woman he sees on the streets, or around the hotel lobby; that a he meets most or his woman friends in this way and has so many of them - , that the chtnces are that he would not recall any particular one for ;"&#39;Z;_-&#39;IT.:"=more than thirty days titer he met her. Mr. Catching added that he .-r. believes Angle could be approaced openly and would furnish any in- ;.,f?~&#39; &#39;5 fonnation he had concerning any woman involved in any investigation by this Department; that if open interview is not desired, Hr. Catch- - i ing knows Angle so well that he can obtain the information from Angle and furnish it to this Department, if so desired. 7iT{ ,,, hr. Catching was not informed as to the nature of the information on which the inguiry was based, but was told that the information was -~ ._ &#39;-.1 ,~ 92 r~92." desired concerning the identity of the woman who was believed to have been in Angle&#39;s company around the hotel about the last of , January or the first oi February, 1934. _ F . _ 1 . J _ . 1 . E It will be noted that Angleds letter to Myrtle Eaton, as nentioned_in reference letter, bears date of February 4, 1934, which is Sunday; as he speaks of being in Joplin on Iednesday, it is assumed this was the preceding Wednesday, which would be January 51, 1934. Br. Catching was questioned concerning a party named De Moss, who was believed to be an &B5O¢1tt8 of Angle, and he stated that Jimmie De Moss, a Greek, is the caterer at the Connor Hotel and has been employed there about one and one-half years; that he was former- K. 3 ~ ly employed at the Bellerive and Phillips Hotels in Kansas City, _ 92q_ &#39;..-Missouri, and also at the Dallas athletic Club, Dallas, Texaa;_that DeMose and wife reside at the Connor Hotel and occupy Room 224, which adjoins Angle&#39;s room; that De Koss does not associate with underworld characters, so far EB known, and appears very popular with the hotel guests, many of whom appear to have known him when he was employed at Kansas City and Dallas; that for this reason, it is believed that De Foss has never been involved in any trouble- n ....~_..._.. _..s..~.u . n. n ,__.. "" -»=<f"" --/-H - rs. _ -.-7.7.-c._ ,, _ &#39; Agent was advised that De Hess makes lmall bets on the races and ~ attends wrestling bouts in Joplin, but otherwise spends most of: his time around the hotel and has no bad habits aside from taking " - l . - - &#39;. -. an occasional drink or liquor. 7 1, . - .- v &#39; 1" | s .. Altho De Moss is considered reliable, Mr. Catching expressed the opinion that Angle would be more likely to furnish any information 2 desired concerning any woman associates of Angle and De Ibss, part- £-- <- . _ 2--, . ly due to the fact that De Moss is married. &#39;z-1. _ E; Descriptions or Bert C. Angle and Jimmie De Hoes, as furnished by .. Mr. Catching, are as follows _ i _-T 1 E1128 . ___.:_ . Age 92&#39; /. &#39; &#39;."|.v92.. &#39;-_ &#39; - _..&#39;:;L_f;.I /31&#39;, 9.1-" Height em of m<n.;s=o £5"? Weight 40 years , ii- Complexion 5 ft. 1 in. _ > 1. Build 200 rounds ,..v. - !$ Appearance $11. Marital status ._-. fair .v,_; n.u:;~:_ husky ~r 0 . Age _ I Height neat &#39;&#39; Weight single. Complexion Jrms nzmoss: xi &#39; Hair &#39;* 1 . A - > Marital status 59 years . , = ~ Appearance 5 rt. s&#39;eg- or Rationality l65 to 175 pounds &#39; medium f brown married - nest G1&#39;QQke- L -V I .: - &#39; I Ur. Catching advised that due to the large number of gusts and em- Y1 ployees at the hotel, it was unlikely that any of the employees, &#39; would recall that women were with Angle around the hotel as far back as the latter part of January, 1934. I x~"%-~~ -» _ _,. __ _, ____ V_W _ Vb _I imrr M W _ __ WWN W ____ "W ~N~___b_*~*__iW__ Q _.___ -92 7-_LT.Es % 40 J &#39; . _ A 7- an _-&#39;,.l__ _ &#39;- &#39; &#39;-. &#39; " V» ~»92 .|. -. _,s._.-» i_, Carl Talbert, Chief Anditor, Connor Hbtel, Joplin, Missouri, r**?1 exhibited to Agent the records of his hotel showing registrations of guests together with ths92time of arrival and departure for one . week prior and subsequent to January 31, l934.§ Search of these &#39; - 5. records failed to disclose registration of any person with the name of Hwrtle or of the name of Eaton. there were several registrations from points in Michigan, Minnesota and Oklahoma, but Li? the circumstances of-each failed to indicate any connection with E§Y*; the instant investigation. Mr. Talbert also produced the record of a Mrs. H. Lemey and party, 1292 Avenue I, Galveston, Texas, who arrived at 7:22 p.m., 1-30-34 _ 71 and were assigned Room 514, Account No. 15287. This room was found 4 ti vacant on 2-l-34, the pgrtil having departed without paying their § t account.R The record does not show the number of people occupying - ; the room.
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