www.mustangdaily.calpoly.edu CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN LUIS OBISPO Water wonderland: Thursday, March 7,2002 SL O A rt C enter displays watercolor works, 5 High hopes: Baseball looks for wins at home, 12 TODAY'S WEATHER Volume LXVI, Number 95, 1916-2002 High: 57° Low: 36° DAILY Jason Kaltenbach, an Lecturer Parking violations industrial tech­ nology senior, has accused a addresses meter maid of raise questions handing out tick­ ets to cars that healthy By Justin Ruttkay on the windshield when Kaltenhach still had time left MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRfTHR arrived on the .scene. on the meter. “1 went to confront him aKnit the University Police habitats A ('al Poly sukienr is claiming that ticket that 1 saw him write," has launched an a parking enlorcemciTt otticer has tick­ Kaltenhach said. “The officer tokl me investigation into By Eric C.Rich eted cars parked at meters hetore rheir that the meter had e.xpired when he the allegations. MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRfTtR rime expired. wrote the ticket, then he just tixik off Ja.son Kaltenhach, an industrial after that.” . ,>, , Environmental issues and sustainahil- technology senior, said he allegedly if'/- ERIC HENDERSON/ Kalrenhach said he did not see the ity are the hxus of this year’s Hi-story I'Hiy saw the accused officer write a ticket MUSTANG DAILY car’s owner put more change in the at Cal Poly. The sexond annual event is tor a car parkes.! in front ot the hiisiness meter, leading him to assume that the in conjunction with the ongoing huilding on Qilitomia Street on Feh. officer was wTiting incorrect violatioas. Centennial Celebration and features a 13. Tire meter had 15 minutes left on Universit>’ Police would not identi­ lecture hy environmentalist Amory It, Kaltenhach said. fy the parking enforcement officer, hut Livias. Minutes later, he siiid he noticed a the officer dex's deny these accusations. Tire program, entitled “Sastainahility ■second car parked in a metered spot University Police is taking the stu­ and the Future of the Polytechnic that had 10 minutes left on the meter. dent’s claim seriously and is currently University,’’ is spoasored hy the newly The vehicle also had a ticker on it, undergoing an internal investigation, founded Campus Sustainability Kaltenhach said. He siiid he did not said Tony Aeilts, University Police Initiative. TTie March 8 event hegias at witness the officer write the second 7:30 p.m. in Chumash Auditorium, and violation. The violation was already see METERS, page 2 see HISTORY, page 2 Needed: housing for professors Students can come aboard USS Temptation V'% Group emphasizes having a fun as well as safe spring break By Malia Spencer senior, said he gave up his time to work MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRfTtR on this event because with all the emphasis L»n partying ft>r spring break With pas.sports in hand. Cal Poly that students see on MTV, it’s impor­ students will be able to Kiard the U SS tant that they are alstT aware t>f how Tropical Temptation and set sail for have a safe, gixxl rime. such destinations as the Cayman “It is a time to cut Uxise, Kit there Islands, Jamaica and l')aytona Beach. are respoasibilities to go with it," he No, it is not the newest K3X reality said. telcvisiim show, but the second annual CVie iTf the day’s activities is “Get Sate Spring Break presentation l;^y Cal Lei’d at the Virgin Islands,” where Poly’s Peer Health Educators. EROS team memK'rs will ask students This Thursday during University questioas regarding safe sex practices. Union Hour, UU Pla:a will be trans­ Aaither Kxnh nin by the Nutrititm formed into popular spring break sites team will serve Cayman Kababs and in an effort to educate students abtiut fruit shish kaKibs to educate stiiLlents how' to have a safe spring break experi­ on healthy spring break snacks. ence. At ITayuma D.U.I., one of the stiTps "During spring break (students) take hosted by the T.L.C. team, students on high-risk activities, and we want to will be able to participate in an obsta­ make sure they come back, and that COLLIN HESTER/MUSTANG DAILY cle course. However, there is a catch — they stay safe,” said Rojean York- students will also be wearing gtiggles The ability to afford housing in San Luis Obispo is a top concern among faculty members. For many, it Lkiminguez, Cal Poly’s health educa­ that simulate varying degrees of intox­ weighs heavily on accepting or refusing a job. The average three-bedroom house in SLO costs $1,800 tion director. ication, York-LXiminguez said. a month, according to www.housing.calpoly.edu. Students will pick up a pa.sj>fHTrt that The Jamaica stop will also be a will be .stamped at the destinations T.L.C. KxTth and will serve non-alco­ By Stephen Curran chixTse to leave, said Harry diTwn,” Hellenhrand said. “But it’s they visit. At each of the 10 ptirts of holic Jamaican Jungle Juice. MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER Hellenhrand, dean of the College of been a continuing factor in people’s call, there will be activities for students “The mcKktails show an alternative Liberal Arts. thinking.” to complete and prizes, York- to drinking that still tastes gtxxl and is As C^l Poly continues to grtw and While a heavy workkrad remains The current situation in San Luis l\tminguez said. fiin,” ["favis said. “(Tire Kxith) was a the number of available hoases con­ the top concern among potential Obispo is not completely unique, he Each IxxTth will be run by one of the favorite stop last yeat.” tinues to shrink, concerns over where hires, he said, housing has become a said. three Peer Health Educator teams; Erin Hogan, a nutritional science to live are quickly moving to the fore­ close second or even third for many. Among California State University TTC, Thoughtful Lifestyle Choices; seniot, said the teams have been work­ front not only for students, hut for fac­ Another key element is an applicant’s campases, those in the traditionally EROS, Education Resources on ing hard to make each Kxith unique ulty as well. decision to take a job elsewhere is the more expensive areas such as San Jose, Sexuality; ot the Nutrition team, she with a fiin incentive to stop by, while It has gotten to the point that the fact that many faculty spoases have Hayward, San Francisco and Sonoma said. trying to make the event a little differ­ lack of affordable housing has become trouble finding non-academic work in have all faced similar problems, TTie teams have been working on ent from last year. one of the top reasons prospective new the area, he said. Hellenhrand said. Thus far, inland planning the event for an entire year, Many local businesses have dtinated faculty turn down jobs at Cal Poly and “1 haven’t seen it as the primary or York-Dominguez said, and they have prizes to the different ports of call. part of the reason existing faculty sole reason people have turned as see HOUSING, page 10 wotked on it daily since November. Myles Davis, a biological sciences see SAFETY, page 10 2 Thursday, March 7,2002 News Mustang Daily they always check the meter tor mal- METERS tunctions. I'hincan meters are the new “T/ipre ivould he no reason for an officer to write a continued from page 1 electronic meters used on campus and ticket that u ’a s n ’t deserved,unless it was hy mistake." W e c U h e 4 ^ have lx*en known to make errors in the past, said CutTi.ly Campbell, assLKiate Tony Aeilts chid. .Accxmlint,' to University Police, director ot University Police. no intorinution aKuit the investigation University Police chief “When mistakes do occur, they’re WATCH can lx* releasc'sl at this time. Tliis is the usually in favor ot the person that is ment started reco}»ni:in}i the matter at effective priKess tor weedin}» out had first reportcxl incklent ot this nature, parkin}» there,” she said. hand, he said. Hashim was not available Aeilts said. citations.” Kaltenhach saiil that when he wetit tor comment. 5-DAY FORECAST ParkitT^ entorcetuent officers are not Accordin}» to University Police .sta­ to Universit>’ Police, S}»t. Lori Uashim, Tlie meters store infomiation on how ^Tanted any extra incentive tor i.s.suing tistics, rou}»lily 30,000 citations are who is currently in char}»e of the inves- much time has been spent and how FRIDAY tickets, Aeilts said. The person receiv- ti}»ation, told Kaltenhach that he must much money has been deposited in a is.sued per year. Out ot those, an esti­ High: 60* / Low: 38“ inji the citation is always j^iven the hen- mated avera}»e of three citations are d it of the doiiht in c<uses where there are have been mistaken aKiut what he saw. }»iven time peritKl. University Police “They acted as if nothin}» had hap- complete an audit of the meters durin}» taken throu}»h the appeals process every SATURDAY complaints. jx*nc*d and were completely unrespon­ the sixth week of ever>' quarter. The W , High: 70“ / Low: 46“ “Tire officers are iTot paid hy quota,” year. sive,” lie said. audit is based on overall data, not indi­ he said. “TTiere would he no rea.son for Aeilts said University Police should an officer to write a ticket that wasn’t University Police would not com­ vidual audits. Í lx* finished with the internal investiga­ SUNDAY deserved, unless it was hy mistake.” ment on the on}»oin}» investi}iation.
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