North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : 13thDecember 2007 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE I3'h December 2007 Page Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation No. 4 N/07/01690/FUL Alliance & Leicester Installation of an ATM Grant Somerfield Store 39 Main Street Kilsyth 8 N1071016921FUL Fundamental E Construction of 95 Flats Grant (P) Investments plc. 17-21 Newtown Street Kilsyth 16 C/07/00342/FUL LlDL GMBH UK Erection of Class 1 Retail Grant Unit with Associated Access Parking and Landscaping at 293 Dundyvan Road Dundyvan Coatbridge 26 C/07/00722/FUL Wm Morrison Non-Compliance with Refuse Supermarket Ltd Condition(4) of Planning Permission 97/525 to Extend Use of Service Area for 24 Hours at Wm Morrisons Gartlea Road, Airdrie 31 C/7/01073/OUT Mohammed Yasin Ground Floor Shop with Grant Associated Storage on Upper Floor at 4 Coathill Street, Coatbridge 39 C/07/0121 I/FUL National Australia Installation of Condenser Grant Group Units to Rear (in Retrospect) at 37 Main Street Coatbridge 43 C/07/01624/AMD Mr & Mrs Stephen Non Compliance with Grant (P) Young Condition 3 of Application No. C/05/00968/FUL (Restricting use of Garage as Separate Residential Unit) to Establish Self- Contained Granny Flat at 21 Carrick Drive, Coatbridge 48 C/07/01722/OUT James And Erection of Two Grant (P) Rosemary Fraser Dwellinghouses (In Outline) at 2 Croftfoot Cottages Glen boig 56 C/O7/01756/FUL Mr Mario Rea Single Storey Rear Grant Extension to Dwellinghouse at 7 Forrest Street, Airdrie 62 S/06/01997/FUL Persimmon Erection of 27 Flatted Grant Homes/Trader Dwellings Publishing Ltd 14 Dalzell Drive, Motherwell 71 S/07/01431/REM North Lanarkshire Erection of Regional Sports Grant Council Facility for a Multi Functional Use, Which Includes a Full Size Indoor Football Pitch Running Track, Sports Hall All Weather Outdoor Sports Pitches and Ancillary Uses Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility, New Craig Road, Motherwell 83 S/07/01551/FUL North Lanarkshire Use of Land for Multisports Grant Council Court and Recreational Facilities Request for St Gerards Primary School Hearing Kelvin Road, Bellshill 91 S/07/01609/FUL Fred Davis Erection of Dwellinghouse Refuse (P) Land Adjacent To Heathfield Wishaw Road, Wishaw 97 S/07/01625/OUT Robert McGregor Use of Site for Sales Refuse (P) Servicing and Repair of Vehicles and Erection of Associated Buildings Land Adjoining Braefoot Cottage, Carlisle Road Cleland 104 S/07/01634/FUL Mr Steven Conner Erection of Detached Grant Dwellinghouse Land Adjacent to 46 Bowhousebog Road Hartwood 112 S/07/01635/FUL Joseph Quinn Conversion of Domestic Refuse Garage to Office / Store 148 Netherton Road Wishaw 117 S/07/01737/FUL Storage King Europe Change of Use from Class 1 Grant Ltd (Retail) to Class 6 (Storage and Distribution) 517 Windmillhill Street Motherwell (P> N/07/01692/FUL If granted, Section 69 Agreement Required. C/07/01624/AMD If granted, Section 75 Agreement to be concluded. C/07/01722/OUT If ganted, Section 75 Agreement to be concluded. S/07/01468/OUT If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Contrary to Development Plan) S/07/01609/FUL If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Contrary to Development Plan) S/07/01625/0UT If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Significant Departure from Development Plan) Application No: N/07/0169O/FUL Date Registered: 18th October 2007 Applicant: Alliance & Leicester Carlton Park, Narboroug h Leicester, LE19 OAL Agent Speirs Gumley 194 Bath Street Glasgow Development: Installation of an ATM (Automatic Telling Machine) Location: 39 Main Street Kilsyth Ward: 1 : Kilsyth - Councillors Jones & Key Grid Reference: 271771677868 File Reference: N/07/0169O/FUL Site History: No recent history Development Plan: Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 : Conservation Area. Contrary to Development Plan: No Consultations: None Rep resentat io ns: I letter of representation received. Newspaper Advertisement: Not Required Recommendation: Approve Subject to the Following Conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 Background Papers: Application form and plans received 18th October 2007 Letter from Alex G Ross & lsobel Ross, Flat 112 Dawson's Building, 61 Main Street, Kilsyth, G65 OAH received 23rd October 2007. Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Ms Erin Louise Deeley at 01236 616464. Date: 4th December 2007 I * Representation APPLICATION NO. N/07/01690/FUL REPORT 1. Description of Site and Proposal 1.I The site is a Somerfield supermarket store, located in Main Street, Kilsyth. The site is within the Kilsyth Conservation Area. It is bounded by Dawson’s Wynd to the north, Main Street to the east and a car park to the west and south. 1.2 The proposal is for the installation of an ATM machine on the front elevation of the store which faces on to Main Street. The main public entrance to the store is on this elevation. The ATM machine is proposed to be installed in an existing window. 2. Development Plan 2.1 This proposal raises no strategic issues in terms of the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 and can therefore be assessed against local plan policies. 2.2 In the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999, the application site lies within a defined core shopping area and the Kilsyth Conservation Area where policies SC3 and BE5 apply. 3. Consultations and Representations 3.1 There were no consultations regarding this application 3.2 One letter of representation has been received from a resident of Main Street regarding this application. The objections raised, and my comments thereon, can be summarised as follows :- 0 The ATM machine could represent a disproportionate inroad to the business viability of the Post Office located in Main Street. Comment: The competition the proposed ATM will pose to the existing service at the local Post Office is not a material planning consideration and should therefore not influence the determination of this application. 0 This proposal could be regarded as an extension to the monopolistic trend of small supermarkets which in a small community results in the disastrous loss of small businesses. Comment: This objection is not relevant to the application for an ATM machine and should not influence the planning decision. 0 The granting of this application would be tantamount to going against the aims and objectives of the Town Centre Initiatives to encourage and foster the retention and restoration of small retail and commercial businesses in the immediate area. Comment: The Planning Authority, through the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 and the Town Centre Initiative, aims to support and encourage the retention of existing small businesses and services in Kilsyth town centre. I do not consider, that the installation of an ATM on the front elevation of Somerfield to be contrary to this aim, nor do I consider that it would detrimentally affect the retail viability of the centre. 4. Plannina Assessment and Conclusions 4.1 In terms of Section 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, planning applications must be determined in accordance with the relevant development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. In this case, the proposal is not contrary to policies SC3 and BE5 of the Kilsyth Local Plan 1999. 4.2 ATM machines are common features at supermarkets such a Somerfield, and in town centres such as Kilsyth, and provide a convenient service for the public. 4.3 I do not consider that the ATM machine would have a negative impact on the character of the building. A minimal amount of space would be utilised in mounting the ATM on the front elevation of the store. 4.4 Notwithstanding the letter of representation received, it has been concluded that the proposed ATM is not contrary to the aims and objectives of the Kilsyth Town Centre Initiative. The potential impact an ATM could have on other existing small businesses is not a material planning consideration and is not relevant to the consideration of this planning application. Accordingly, it is recommended that planning permission be granted. Application No: N/07/01692/FUL Date Registered: 22 October 2007 Applicant: Fundamental E Investments Plc Wellington House East Bridge Cam bridge CBI IBH Agent Young and Gault Architects 28 Speirs Wharf Glasgow G4 9TG Development: Construction of 95 Residential Flats and Associated Parking and Amenity Space Location: 17-21 Newtown Street Kilsyth G65 OJX Ward: 1 : Kilsyth - Councillors Jones and Key. Grid Reference: 271688677768 File Reference: N/07/01692/FUL Site History: N/05/01566/FUL : Construction of 72 Flats - Granted 23 November 2006 Development Plan: Kilsyth Local Plan 1999 : Housing. Contrary to Development Plan: No Consultations: Representations: One letter of representation received. Newspaper Advertisement: Recommendation: Grant Subject to the Following Conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Construction of 95 Flats it Representation Reason:To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the existing and proposed levels on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Reason:To ensure that levels are appropriate for the site and the general area. 3. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the facing materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority . Reason:To ensure that materials are appropriate for the site and the general area.
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