TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1965 The Weather PAGE TWENTY' A’venm Daily Net Pireoa B n Fere east at V . U. Weethm ■m *n fo r the Week IMdad Mhy U . UBS VarlaMe JiwiMini fdght. chance e f ehowers, lew In 5®e; WEATHER C STAR 1 4 , 1 7 2 mostly Minay and solid tenwrrow. high In 78s. Ealn or Shine—don’t mho EVENT Member of Ow AndK 9 Bonan e f •OrenlBHan this Oigantir. Sales w ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ManehoBter^A City of Viilage Charm Event of the Year! EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY T9, 1965 (CtaMitled AdvertUlng on P«fe SO)^ PRICE SEVEN CENTI BEZZINI BROTHERS ★ ★ EASIEST CREDIT — 3 YEARS ’TO PAY ★ ★ NO MONEY DOWN ★ ★ NO PAYMENTS UNTIL JULY ★ ★ FREE PARKING ★ ★ BEZZINI BROTHERS ----- yOL. LXXXIV, NO. 196 [(THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) 1 • - 1 , Viet Bombers Attack Events In State Opposition Resistance Cong Asse Miss Kellems SAIGON, South Viett apokMmwi mid the alr-^ Pilots reported light ground Plans Suit on Collapsing in Domingo Nam (AP) — Vietnamese craft from the carrier Coral Sea fire and said no enemy planes struck at two target areas 40 were sighted. All the plimee re­ Party Levers fighter - bombers killed 85 miles north of the demilitarized turned to the carrier safely, the Viet Cong in an attack in zone separating North and' sf^ e sm sn said. HARTFORD (AP) — Binh Thuan Province to­ South Viet Nam. U.S. Marinea carried out their day, a U.S. spokesman an­ The raid was the second in 24 fimt amphibious assault in Vivien Kellems announced Loyal Troops hours after a six-day suspension ^u th Viet Nam today, moving plans today to bring legal nounced. across the Ca De River to hit of air atrikee against the Ocan- actions this year and to The spokesman said a U.S. munist north. Speculation grew Viet Cong-held Truong Minh Reject UN’s forward air controller obaerved that the United States may village. stage a massive sit-in at the Viet Gong asaembllng In broaden the air attacks. A burst of gun tire wounded voting booths in next .co m p a ^ strength In a mountain The barracks were ^destroyed one Marine in the operation 9 year’s election if the Con­ Peace Move valley ' i ^ called in Vietnamese at Hoan Lao. It was no* known miles from Da Nang, but the necticut General Assem­ planes ^hat-vrers flying to anoth­ whether they were occupied. guerrilla fled and no further / / / er target. A military radio station, a contact was made. bly fails to remove the SANTO DOMINGO, Do­ The fighter-bombers attacked power houee and communica­ It was the first time file locks from voting ma­ minican Republic (A P)—- with heavy bombs and machine tions and administraticn build­ Marines had crossed the river, chines. Troops loyal to the civili^- guns for 20 minutes. ings were reported destroyed at which has been the northern Removing the locks would, in military junta occupied tn® Forty U.S. Navy planes de­ nearby Chanh Hoa. boundary of the Marine opera­ effect, make use of the party stroyed three military barracks The spokesnuui said 90 Sky- ting area around Da Nang. lever on voting machines op- main rebel radio station to­ and inflictsd heavy damage on hawks. Skyraiders and Skywar- In Truong Tinh village, the tlonel instead of mandatory. day and insurgent resist­ rlors, supported by 10 F4 and F8 / other installaUona ih the second Marinee found only 12 women Miss Kellems. former Indus­ ance in northern Santo Do­ consecutive day of air strikes Crusaders, pounded the targets and children and one old man trialist and now champion of mingo appeared to have against North Viet Nam, a U.S. for 45 minutes with mlssUea, voting machine reform, held a military spokesman repc^ed. rockets end 60 tons of bombs. (Sea Page TMrty-Oae) press conference in the office collapsed. of the lieutenant-governor adja­ Units of the Dominican air cent to the Senate. This i.s the force police moved into the si­ chamber where party lever bills lent Santo Domingo radio star have died in previous sessions tion this morning after a brisk and where they are likely to exchange of fire with snipers in die this session. nearby buildings. The junta, scenting victory In Democrats and Republicans the civil war, turned down Tues­ BIGGEST BARGAIN NEWS EVER SEEN IN MANCHESTER! SALE HOW ON! are now supporting conflicting day night a U.N. appeal for a bills and the possibility of a cease-fire which the rebels were compromise seems remote. i ready to accept. Mi.ss Kellems said that if the Troops loyal to the junta ajv legislature fails to set .she wou'.d ' I peared to have control of more file suit against the .state for than half the industrial-.subur- BEZZINI BROS. Cl^an Sweep Sale Starts Today! Help Us and You’ll Be ‘‘illegally depriving” her of her ban area north of the east-west vote last November and for corridor e.stabli.shed by U.S. “ violating" her civil rights. Atty. Gen. Katzenbach, Sen. Dodd and Treasury Secretary Fowler, left to troops leading to the interna, Mias Kellems staged an hours- tional zone for refugees. The long sit-in in a voting booth last right, pose before testifying in defense of bill that would curb mail order main rebel .stronghold lies south Helping Yourself to Spectacular Savings on Furniture, Rugs, Appliances & TV November in Mystic. traffic in guns. (AP Photofax.) of the corridor. She said al.so that she would The sound of battle lessenefi bring suit ag^ainst the Automatic during the day. A military offi­ Machine Co. of Jamestown, N.Y cer who led the occupation of for “ supplying Connecticut with Fight Opens to Curb the radio station said: “ The In­ voting machines which do not Many Spend surgents have disappeared and CAN YOU BEAT BUYING conform to specifications.” we are trying to find them.” There still was no official Groton Favored Dollars at figure on casualties in the bat­ FACTORY HARTFOED (API—The Uni­ Guns by Mail Traf f ic tle, which ha-s been raging for FROM THE FACTORY! versity of Connecticut trustees three days. There have been came out today formally in Scents Ball unverified reports of many dead favor of the Avery Point site WASHINGTON (A P)— The John.son administi’Rtion g^^iong civilians living in the NEW YORK (AP) — Some o» the U.S. Coast Guard Train­ northern suburbs, We Make All Our LIVING ROOM SETS notables who have dollars paid today opened its fight for a bill to curb mail order traf- ing Station in Groton as - the fic in guns with a charge by Atty. Gen. Nicholas Kat- u.s. troops are not involved in SHOWROOM first choice for a proposed fifth their respects to scents last the fighting, but a U.S. military branch. night at a Fragrance Ball at the zenbach that the National Rifle Association has used spokesman said five American At TREMENDOUS SAVINGS To You! The trustees voted to rescind Hotel Astor. “misleading” and “preposterous” arguments against the soldiers were wounded by rebel 519 E. Middle Tp., Manchester any previoua acUon of the board Stage and screen celebrities, sniper fire in 56 separate shoot­ socialites and fashion and measure. ” concerning possible location of Katzenbach, lead-off witness reply to such a fear — prepost- ing Incidents in the 24-hour peri­ a branch fai either Waterford or cosmetic industry personalities od ending at midnight. U.S. bat­ were among the 700 who dined before the Senate juvenile delln- erous.' Preston, and asked the Gover- quency subcommittee, devoted Secretary of the Treasury tle casualties stand at 19 dead BOSTON 1 RECLINERS BLUE BELL SET OF 3 CONVERTIBLE Henry H. Fowler and Secretary and 99 wounded. (See Page ‘Twelve) (Bee Page Twelve) a considerable part of his prepared statement to a point- of the Army Stephen Ailes were Jose Antonio Mayotore ef Ven­ ROCKERS 1 MAHRESS MATCHED TABLES SLEEP SOFA by-polnt refutation of NRA ob­ due to follow Katzenbach before ezuela. U.N. Secretary-Generel jections to the legislation. the subcommittee, whose chair­ U TTiant’s special Dominican envoy, told a news conference $ 4 4 0 0 The bill, Katzenbach said, Is man, Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D- $ 2 5 0 0 $ 4 9 0 0 (Jonn,, has urged a limitation of that Gen. Antondo Imbert Bar­ $ 2 5 0 0 designed “ to help the states pro­ rera. the junta chief, “ indicated $1800 U P Pbotofax)- tect themselves against the un­ mall order gun sales for several King-Size Mosquitoes he thought he was winning and checked flood of mail-order years. The proposed legislation therefore could not talk of ® Umltsd Quanttiy Terrific 8uy!l Twin Sizes, Quality Built 8 Step — 1 Coffee Blue Bell Mfg. OMon Buddy, Get Off My Back weapons to residents whose pur­ 1 would require retail gun dealers cease-fire.” It’B getting so a feJla just can’t coynt on any friends— even a leq)ard cub. poses might not be responsible, Mayobre said CW. Francisco Aftermath of Flood or even lawful.” to limit sale.-* of hand guns to Mark Herrick, 2V4, i» finding it easy to jHtjtect his oetton^ candy from Nimra, The principal provision of the (See Page Twelve) a cub small enou^ to have an occasional free run of Cbtaio Pai*k Zop in St. (See Page Twelve) CHICAGO (AP)— A fanner’ s son develops lumps as bill would prohibit unlicensed 7-pc. Living Room Outfit Paul, Minn. Adult hands in the background aTe coming to the reecue.
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