Investigations of North America as EarthScope Reaches Its Maturity themed issue Deep crustal xenoliths from central Montana, USA: Implications for the timing and mechanisms of high-velocity lower crust formation Katherine R. Barnhart1, Kevin H. Mahan1, Terrence J. Blackburn2, Samuel A. Bowring2, and Francis O. Dudas2 1Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2200 Colorado Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA 2Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION seismic velocities (Vp) of >7.0 km/s. Such high-velocity lower crustal layers have been Integration of petrologic, chronologic and Continental crust provides an integrated observed in a variety of settings, particularly petrophysical xenolith data with geophysical record of crustal growth and differentiation in shields and platforms, continental arcs, and observations can offer fundamental insights through time. The lower crust is central to rift zones (Fig. 1) where the material is com- into understanding the evolution of conti- this evolution and its composition and degree monly considered a discrete product of mantle- nental crust. We present the results of a of hetero geneity can have a profound infl u- derived magmatic underplating or intraplating deep crustal xenolith study from the north- ence on the rheology of the lithosphere, yet (Warner, 1990; Kay and Mahlburg-Kay, 1991; ern Rocky Mountain region of the western it is commonly the least constrained part of Eaton, 2006; Karlstrom et al., 2005; Crowley U.S., where seismic experiments reveal an the lithospheric column, because data density et al. 2006; Cornwell et al., 2010; Ridley and anomalously thick (10–30 km), high seismic and seismic constraints generally decrease Richards, 2010). Imbrication of oceanic crust velocity (compressional body wave, Vp > 7.0 with depth. Although the average composi- has also been proposed in some tectonic set- km/s) lower crustal layer, herein referred tion of the lower crust is generally considered tings (e.g., New Zealand; Okaya et al., 2007). to as the 7.x layer. Xenoliths exhumed by to be mafi c, debate continues on this topic as Although high seismic velocity layers are Eocene minettes from the Bearpaw Moun- a result of rare exposure and an incomplete not uncommon, worldwide compilations show tains of central Montana, within the Great and potentially biased record made available that they are generally relatively thin, averaging Falls tectonic zone, include mafi c and inter- through lower crustal xenoliths (e.g., Rudnick 3–8 km (Fig. 1; Christensen and Mooney, 1995; mediate garnet granulites, mafi c hornblende and Taylor, 1987; cf. Hacker et al., 2011). Dis- Rudnick and Fountain, 1995). In contrast, sev- eclogite, and felsic granulites. Calculated crete layers of suspected mafi c lower crust are eral seismic experiments in the Rocky Moun- pressures of 0.6–1.5 GPa are consistent with identifi able as having high compressional wave tain region of Montana and Wyoming (USA), derivation from 23–54 km depths. Samples record diverse and commonly polymeta- morphic pressure-temperature histories Northern Shields & Wyoming Continental Extended including prograde burial and episodes of Orogens Platforms Craton Arcs Rifts Crust decompression. Samples with barometrically 0 determined depths consistent with residence Figure 1. Worldwide compila- within the seismically defi ned 7.x layer have tion of average crustal veloci- 10 calculated bulk P-wave velocities of 6.9–7.8 ties (Vp—compressional body km/s, indicating heterogeneity in the layer. wave) and depths to the Moho Shallower samples have markedly slower 20 by tectonic settings (modifi ed velocities consistent with seismic models. from fi g. 7 in Christensen and New monazite total U-Th-Pb data and a vari- Mooney, 1995). The crustal col- 30 ety of additional published geochronology Moho umn observed by Deep Probe Depth (km) indicate a prolonged and episodic metamor- (Gorman et al., 2002) in central phic history, beginning with protolith ages as Moho Montana (northern Wyoming 40 Moho old as Archean and followed by metamorphic Moho craton) is shown for compari- and deep crustal fl uid-fl ow events ca. 2.1 Ga, son to illustrate the unusual Moho 1.8–1.7 Ga, and 1.5–1.3 Ga. We suggest that 50 thickness of the 7.x layer (black the 7.x layer in this region owes its character fi ll). Moho to a variety of processes, including magmatic 60 underplating and intraplating, associated <5.7 5.7–6.4 6.4–6.8 with multiple tectonic events from the Neo- Vp (km/s) 6.8–7.0 >7.0 >7.8 archean to the Mesoproterozoic. Geosphere; December 2012; v. 8; no. 6; p. 1408–1428; doi:10.1130/GES00765.1; 12 fi gures; 6 tables; 1 supplemental fi le. Received 11 November 2011 ♦ Revision received 24 July 2012 ♦ Accepted 24 July 2012 ♦ Published online 16 November 2012 1408 For permission to copy, contact [email protected] © 2012 Geological Society of America Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/8/6/1408/3346246/1408.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 Crustal xenoliths from Montana: Implications for high-velocity lower crust formation and Alberta (Canada) reveal a distinctly thick 115°0′0″W 110°0′0″W 105°0′0″W A Trans-Hudson (10–30 km) lower crustal layer with Vp between Figure 2. (A) Simplifi ed geo- Hearne Province 7.0 and 7.8 km/s (Henstock et al., 1998; Snel- logic of Montana and adja- Orogen son et al., 1998; Clowes et al., 2002; Gorman cent states and provinces. Late BC et al., 2002; Eaton, 2006; Schutt et al., 2008). Cretaceous–early Tertiary age 50°0'0"N Vulcan Low SK The unusual thickness of this high-velocity Precambrian-cored uplifts, 19 Canada N layer, which constitutes as much as half of the the location of seismic experi- AB ″ U.S.A. 0 Medicine ′ 40–60 km crustal column, makes it arguably ments, tectonic boundaries, and Extent of Figure 3 one of the most anomalous regions of continen- the numbers of geochronologic Hat Block 50°0 tal crust in North America. Initial observations constraints on the formation of WA 8,16 indicate that Archean and/or Proterozoic mag- the 7.x layer compiled in Table 1 10 MT 3,9,15,&17 matic underplating events may have played a role are shown. GFTZ—Great Falls ID in contributing to the thickness of high-velocity tectonic zone, LBM—Little Belt OR LBM N material (Gorman et al., 2002: Chamber lain Mountains, TRM—Tobacco ″ GFTZ 0 Root Mountains, BTM—Bear ′ 4 &13 et al., 2003). However, the age and character 5 BTM 45°0 18 & 20 of the lower crust in this region have until now Tooth Mountains, MR—Madi- TRM Wyoming N ″ 1&14 0 remained largely unknown. son Range, BM—Bighorn Province ′ Xenoliths afford a unique opportunity to Mountains, TR—Teton Range, TR 2 BM 45°0 characterize the physical and chemical charac- BH—Black Hills, WRR—Wind 11 teristics of the lower crust, and the data can be River Range, LM—Laramie linked with modern geophysical studies (e.g., Range, SAREX—Southern WRR BH LM Rudnick and Taylor, 1987; Kay and Mahlburg- Alberta Refraction Experiment, 6 12 Kay, 1991). As extensive geophysical data sets TA—Transportable Array. Map NV WY 7 NE become available for the western United States is modifi ed from the Montana 115°0′0″W 3 UT 110°0′0″W 105°0′0″W through large projects such as the National Sci- State Geologic Map (Vuke et al., ence Foundation EarthScope program, it will 2007) and the U.S. Geological Deep Probe Shot Point Billings Array be increasingly important to link these observa- Survey Integrated Geologic SAREX Shot Point CD ROM Recievers tions to compositional, petrologic, and chrono- State Map Database (http:// Deep Probe receivers USARRAY TA stations SAREX receivers Pre Cambrian Exposures logic information in order to both better refi ne pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1351/). Geochronologic Constraints from Table 1 the regional tectonic history and the range of (B) Simplifi ed interpretation of composition and petrology corresponding to a the Deep Probe seismic refrac- B particular set of seismic properties. Although tion line with compressional South GFTZ MHB North observations from xenoliths are incomplete, body wave (Vp) speeds (in km/s) Wyoming VL Hearne 0 perhaps unpredictably biased, and depth con- and the location of the 7.x lower straints have limitations, xenoliths commonly crustal layer. The colors and 20 provide the best method of directly sampling velocity thresholds are the same 40 7.x layer relatively modern lower crust. as in the crustal columns of Fig- 60 Moho f Here we report data from crustal xenoliths ure 1. Figure modifi ed from Fig- 80 1 exhumed in Eocene minettes in the Great ure 10 in Gorman et al. (2002). 100 f2 MHB—Medicine Hat block, 120 Falls tectonic zone in central Montana. The VE 5:1 data include thermobarometry and calculated VL—Vulcan low, f1 and f2— (km) Depth Below MSL 140 bulk seismic velocities as well as petrology fl oating refl ectors interpreted –400 –200 0 200 400 600 and monazite geochronology documenting to be relic subducted oceanic Distance North from 49th Parallel (km) a dynamic and polyphase Paleoproterozoic crust. MSL—mean sea level. <5.7 5.7–6.4 6.4–6.8 Vp (km/s) history. We emphasize the heterogeneity in 6.8–7.0 >7.0 >7.8 physical properties and history in the xeno- lith record, and explore the possible means of assembly for the high-velocity lower crustal layer in this region. features of this region that are relevant to this that the upper crystalline crust of the Medicine study are described in more detail in the follow- Hat block is made of ca.
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