Islamic Center 2020 1441-1442 Hijri

Islamic Center 2020 1441-1442 Hijri

SABA Islamic Center 2020 1441-1442 Hijri Peace be upon the Family of Yāsīn (Ahl al-Bayt) (37:130) Ziyārat Āl-I-Yāsīn & its Subsequent Du'ā' Ziyārat Āl-I-Yāsīn is a significant ziyārah attributed to Imām az-Zamān (aj). It is reported in Mafātīh al-Jinān that this ziyārah originated as a Ḥadīth al-Qudsī, direct narration from Allah. The term “Āl-I-Yāsīn” means “Āl-I-Mu'ammad (s)” or “Family of Muhammad,” as Yāsīn is a title of the Noble Prophet (s). This is also the correct way to recite these words in verse 37 of Sūrat as-Saffāt. In addition to its beautiful words, a unique feature of this du'ā' is that in it, we testify to all our core beliefs, one-by-one. It is also recommended to recite this du'ā' to obtain relief from oppression. SABAYOUTH SABAIGC ALKISAFOUNDATION KISA_KIDS َ َّ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ّ َّ السﻻم علیك یا ِ داع ِاهلل و رب ِان آیاتِ ِه، َ َّ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ّ َ السﻻم علیك یا باب ِاهلل َو دیان ِدین ِه Peace be upon you; the caller to Allah and the interpreter of His Verses; Peace be upon you, O the door of Allah and the devout one of His religion JANUARY JUMĀDA I - JUMĀDA II 1441 ُجمادى اﻷولى - ُجمادى اﻵخرة كانون الثاني - يناير 2020 PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY TO SABA SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Imsāk 5:48A 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 1 Fajr 5:59A 2 5:59A 3 5:59A 4 5:59A New Year’s Day Sunrise 7:22A 7:22A 7:22A 7:22A Birthday of Sayyidah Ẓuhr 12:11P 12:11P 12:12P 12:12P Zaynab (a), daughter Sunset 5:00P 5:01P 5:02P 5:03P of Imām ʿAlī (a) [by some traditions] Maghrib 5:18P 5:19P 5:20P 5:21P 12:11A 12:12A 5 JUMĀDA I Midnight 6 12:11A 7 12:12A 8 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 5 6:00A 6 6:00A 7 6:00A 8 6:00A 9 6:00A 10 6:00A 11 6:00A 7:22A 7:22A 7:22A 7:22A 7:22A 7:22A th 7:22A Sunday School RISE Academy Martyrdom of Sayyidah Birthday of 4 Imām 12:14P 12:15P 12:15P Resumes 12:13P Classes Resumes 12:14P 12:14P Fāṭimah az-Zahra (a) 12:15P Zayn ul-ʿĀbidīn (a) 5:04P 5:06P 5:06P 5:07P 11AH / 632 AD 5:07P 5:08P 38 AH / 659 AD 5:09P [by some traditions] 5:22P 5:23P 5:23P 5:24P Ayyam Fātimiyyā 5:25P 5:26P 5:27P 12:14A 12:15A 12:15A 9 12:13A 10 12:14A 11 12:14A 12 13 12:15A 14 15 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 5:49A 5:48A 5:48A 12 6:00A 13 6:00A 14 5:59A 15 5:59A 16 5:59A 17 5:59A 5:59A 7:22A 7:21A 7:21A 7:21A 7:20A 7:20A 18 7:20A Annual Sister’s Majlis 12:16P 12:17P 12:18P 12:16P 12:17P 12:17P for Martyrdom of 12:18P 5:10P 5:11P 5:12P 5:13P 5:14P 5:15P Sayyidah Fāṭimah az- 5:16P 5:28P 5:29P 5:30P 5:31P 5:32P 5:33P Zahra (a) 5:34P 16 12:16A 17 12:16A 18 12:17A 19 12:17A 20 12:17A 21 12:18A 22 12:18A 5:48A 5:48A 5:47A 5:47A 5:47A 5:46A 5:46A 19 5:58A 20 5:58A 21 5:58A 22 5:57A 23 5:57A 24 5:56A 25 5:56A 7:19A 7:19A 7:18A 7:18A 7:17A 7:17A 7:16A Martin Luthur King Jr. 12:18P Day - No School 12:19P 12:19P 12:19P 12:19P 12:20P 12:20P 5:18P 5:19P 5:20P 5:21P 5:22P 5:23P 5:24P 5:35P 5:36P 5:37P 5:38P 5:39P 5:40P 5:41P 23 12:18A 24 12:19A 25 12:19A 26 12:19A 27 12:19A 28 12:20A 29 12:20A 5:45A 5:45A 5:44A 5:44A 5:43A 5:42A 26 5:55A 27 5:55A 28 5:54A 29 5:54A 30 5:53A 31 5:52A 7:15A 7:15A 7:14A 7:13A 7:13A 7:12A Sunday School Martyrdom of Sayyidah Midterm Exam. P/T 12:20P 12:20P 12:20P Fāṭimah az-Zahra (a) 12:21P 12:21P 12:21P Meeting Sign ups 5:25P 5:26P 5:27P 11 AH / 632 AD 5:28P 5:29P 5:31P 5:42P 5:43P 5:44P 5:45P 5:46P 5:48P 30 12:20A 1 JUMĀDA II 12:20A 2 12:20A 3 12:21A 4 12:21A 5 12:21A Weekly Programs Special Programs SABA Services SABA Global Thursday Night: Ramadhan, Muharram, Safar Programs Matrimonial and Divorce Al-Kisa Foundation Du’a Kumayl Shahadahs & Wiladahs of Ma’soomeen Counseling Kisa Kids Friday: Annual SABA Picnic & Family Camp Burial SABA Affiliates: Jum’ah Prayers Hajj and Ziyarah Trips Distribution of Islamic Literature Fatimiyya & Masjid Rasool Friday Night Program (FNP) Revert Classes Prison Project Convert Project Sunday: Regular Children’s Programs Interfaith & Intrafaith Programs Social Media Qiblah is 19 degrees Sunday school Camp Noor SABA Youth Group (SYG) Moulana Online towars Northeast Mommy & Me at SABA (MAMAS) Friday Family Night Program RISE Academy Important Note: Fajr prayers should be performed 5 minutes after their time as a precaution. Fajr prayers should be finished before Sunrise,ʿAṣr prayers should be completed before sunset, and ʿIshāʾ prayers should be finished before Midnight to avoid being Qaḍāʾ. (Please note: According to some Marājiʿ ’ʿAṣr prayers can be recited till the start of Maghrib prayers and ’ʿIshāʾ prayers should be finished 40 minutes before midnight) SABAYOUTH SABAIGC ALKISAFOUNDATION KISA_KIDS Birthday / Celebration Qamar Dar ʿAqrab (Nikāḥ not recommended) Martyrdom/Death Lunar Eclipse Solar Eclipse New Moon َ َّ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ِّ السﻻم علیك یا خلیفة ِاهلل َو ِ َناص حق ِه, َ َّ ُ َ َ ْ َ ُ َّ َ َ َ َ السﻻم علیك یا حجة ِاهلل َو دیلل ِارادتِ ِه Peace be upon you; the viceroy of Allah and the backer of His right; Peace be upon you; the Claim of Allah and the sign of His volition FEBRUARY JUMĀDA II- RAJAB 1441 ُجمادى اﻵخرة - َر َجب شباط - فبراير 2020 PLEASE DONATE GENEROUSLY TO SABA SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Imsāk 5:41A 1 Fajr 5:51A Sunrise 7:10A Ẓuhr 12:20P Sunset 5:31P Maghrib 5:48P Midnight12:20A 6 JUMĀDA II 5:40A 5:39A 5:39A 5:38A 5:37A 5:36A 5:35A 5:50A 5:49A 4 5:49A 5:48A 6 5:47A 7 5:46A 8 5:45A 2 3 5 7:06A 7:05A 7:04A 7:03A 7:09A 7:08A 7:07A Women’s Mīlād Celebration 12:20P 12:20P 12:21P 12:21P 12:21P 12:21P for Sayyidah Fāṭimah az- 12:21P 5:32P 5:33P 5:34P 5:36P 5:37P 5:38P Zahra’s (a) Birthday 5:39P 5:49P 5:50P 5:51P 5:52P 5:53P 5:54P 5:55P 12:21A 12:21A 12:21A 12:21A 7 12:20A 8 12:20A 9 12:21A 10 11 12 13 5:34A 5:33A 5:33A 5:32A 5:31A 5:30A 5:29A 9 5:44A 10 5:43A 11 5:43A 12 5:42A 13 5:41A 14 5:40A 15 5:39A 7:02A 7:01A 7:00A 6:59A 6:58A 6:57A 6:56A Sunday School Parent/ Birthday of Sayyidah Teacher Conferences 12:21P 12:21P 12:21P 12:21P 12:21P 12:21P Fāṭimah az-Zahra (a) 12:21P 5:40P 5:41P 5:42P 5:43P 5:44P 5:45P 5 years after Declaration of 5:46P 5:56P 5:57P 5:59P 6:00P 6:01P 6:02P Prophethood / 615 AD 6:03P 12:21A 12:21A 12:21A 12:21A 12:21A 12:21A [Islamic Mother’s Day] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12:21A 5:27A 5:26A 5:25A 5:24A 5:23A 5:22A 5:21A 5:37A 5:36A 18 5:35A 5:34A 5:33A 5:32A 22 5:31A 16 6:55A 17 6:54A 6:52A 19 6:51A 20 6:50A 21 6:49A 6:47A Sunday School Presidents Day 12:21P 12:21P 12:21P 12:20P 12:20P 12:20P 12:20P Holiday No School 5:49P 5:47P Staff Development 5:48P 5:50P 5:51P 5:52P 5:53P 6:04P 6:05P 6:06P 6:07P 6:08P 6:09P 6:10P 12:21A 12:21A 12:21A 12:20A 12:20A 12:20A 12:20A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5:20A 5:18A 5:17A 5:16A 5:14A 5:13A 5:12A 5:30A 5:28A 5:27A 5:26A 5:24A 5:23A 5:22A 23 6:46A 24 6:45A 25 6:44A 26 6:42A 27 6:41A 28 6:40A 29 6:38A Birthday of Sayyidah Sakīna Martyrdom of 10th Imām ʿ 12:20P 12:20P and 5th Imām Muḥammad 12:20P 12:20P Alī an-Naqī (a) 12:19P 12:19P 12:19P 6:54P 5:55P al-Bāqir (a) 5:56P 5:57P 254 AH / 868 AD 5:58P 5:59P 6:00P 6:11P 6:12P 57 AH / 677 AD 6:13P 6:14P 6:15P 6:16P 6:16P 12:19A 12:19A 28 12:20A 29 12:20A 1 RAJAB 12:20A 2 12:20A 3 4 12:19A 5 Weekly Programs Special Programs SABA Services SABA Global Thursday Night: Ramadhan, Muharram, Safar Programs Matrimonial and Divorce Al-Kisa Foundation Du’a Kumayl Shahadahs & Wiladahs of Ma’soomeen Counseling Kisa Kids Friday: Annual SABA Picnic & Family Camp Burial SABA Affiliates: Jum’ah Prayers Hajj and Ziyarah Trips Distribution of Islamic Literature Fatimiyya & Masjid Rasool Friday Night Program (FNP) Revert Classes Prison Project Convert Project Sunday: Regular Children’s Programs Interfaith & Intrafaith Programs Social Media Qiblah is 19 degrees Sunday school Camp Noor SABA Youth Group (SYG) Moulana Online towars Northeast Mommy & Me at SABA (MAMAS) Friday Family Night Program RISE Academy Important Note: Fajr prayers should be performed 5 minutes after their time as a precaution.

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