9134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. J .UNE 22, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRIVATE BILLS AND ment of Federal employees; to the Committee on Reform in RESOLUTIONS. the Civil Service. Under clause 2 of Rule XIII, 6043. Also, petition of George A. Phillips, 764 Ninth A Yenue, Mr. FROTHINGHAM: Committee on Military Affairs. H. R. New York City, urging the passage of the Fairfield bill rela­ 9316. A bill for the relief of Robert J. Ashe; without amend­ tive to retirement of Federal employees; to the Committee on ment (Rept. No. 1124). Referred to the Committee of the Reform in the Civil Service. Whole House. 6044. By 1\fr. WILLU.l\.ISON : Resolution adopted by the Fed­ eral Employees' Union, No. 188, of Rosebud, S. Dak., urging the passage of an act providing for the continuance of the in­ PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MEMORIALS. creased compensation pending the going into effect of the pro­ Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and memorials posed reclassification of Federal employees; to the Cornmittee­ were introduced and severally referred as follows: on Appropriations. By Mr. ELLIOTT: A bill (H. R. 12105) providing funds for 6045. By Mr. WOODS of Virginia: Petition of residents of the erection of additional suitable and necessary buildings for the State of Virginia protesting against the propo ed duty on the National Leper Home; to the Committee on Public Build­ cotton gloves ; to the Committee on Ways and Means. ings and Grounds. By Mr. FISH: A bill (H. R. 12106) for the retirement of all enlisted men who have served honorably in the United States Army as herein provided ; to the Committee on Military Affairs. SENATE. By Mr. PETERSEN: A bill (H. R. 12107) to fix the salaries of postal employees in cities of over 1,000,000 inhabitants; to THURSDAY, June fJ2, 1922. the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. (Legislative day of Thursday, April 20, 1922.) By Mr. FISH: Resolution (H. Res. 375) for the consideration of H. R. 8062; to the Committee on Rules. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the Also. a resolution (H. Res. 376) providing for the printing recess. of 5,000 additional copies of the hearing on H. J. Res. 322, Mr. McCUMBER. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a favoring the establishment in Palestine of a national home for quorum. the Jewish people ; to the Committee on Printing. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators answered to their names : PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. Ashurst Gooding Mccumber Simmons Borah Hale :McKellar Smith Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions Cameron Harreld McLean Smoot were introduced and severally referred as follows: Capper Harris McNary Spencer Caraway Harrison Moses Stanley By Mr. COLE of Ohio: .A bill (H. R. 12108) granting a pen­ Culberson Heflin Myers Sterling sion to Ella S. Robison ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Cummins Johnson Nelson Sutherland By Mr. GR.AHA..M of Illinois: A bill (H. R. 12109) granting Curtis Jones, N. Mex. Newberry Trammell Dial Jones, Wash. vddie Walsh, Mass. a pension to Frances A. Harris; to the Committee on Invalid Dillingham Kellogg .Overman Walsh, Mont. Pensions. · du Pont Keyes l'epper Warren By l\Ir. KOPP: A bill (H. R. 12110) granting an increase of Edge Ladd Poindexter Watson, Ga. Ernst La Follette Rawson Watson, Ind. pension to Francis 1\1. McDonald; to the Committee on Invalid Frelinghuysen Lodge Robinson Williams Pensions. Glass · McCormick Sheppard Willis l3y Mr. LANGLEY: A bill (H. R. 12111) granting an increase l\Ir. SMITH. I was requested to announce the absence of the of pension to Emiline Rader; to the Committee on Invalid Senator from Nebraska [l\lr. NoRRis], the Senator from Illinois Pensions. [Mr. McKINLEY], and the Senator from South Dakota [Mr. By Mr. MOORE of Ohio: A bill (H. R. 12112) granting a NORBECK], who are engaged in a hearing before the Committee pension to Candace A. Kain; to the Committee on Invalid on Agriculture and Forestry. Pensions. Mr. TRAMl\fELL. I wish to announce the absence of my By Mr. MORGAN: A bill (H. R. 12113) granting an increase colleague [Mr. Fr.ETCHER] on account of illness. My colleague of pension to Mary E. Pinkley ; to the Committee on Invalid has a general pair with the senior Senator from Delaware [Mr. Pensions. BALL]. By Mr. RICKETTS: A bill (H. R. 12114) granting a pension The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty Senators have answered to to Charles F. Ogden; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. their names. A quorum is present. II R. Also, a bill (H. 12115) granting an increase of pension to DISTRIBUTION OF SPEECHES BY FEDER.AL RESERVE BANKS. Lewis H. Palmer; to the Committee on Pensions. By 1\fr. ROACH: A bill (H. R. 12116) granting an increase Mr. WATSON of Indiana obtained the floor. , of pension to Geneva Beba; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Mr. HEFLIN. 1\fr. President, will the Senator yield to me sions. for a moment? I want to ask unanimous consent for the con­ By Mr. TEMPLE: A bill (H. R. 12117) granting a pension bideration of a resolution. to James A. l\Ioninger; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. SMOOT. What is the resolution? By Mr. WALSH: A bill (H. R. 12118) granting a pension Mr. HEFLIN. It is Senate Resolution 308, which I offered to Mahala E. Broadbent; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ yesterday afternoon, with regard to the circulation of the sions. speech of the junior Senator from Virginia [Mr. GLASS]. That Senator was not in the Chamber at the time, and the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. McLEAN] asked that the re. olution go PETITIONS, ETC. over until this morning, when the Senator from Virginia could Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, pet:tions and papers were laid be here. The resolution calls upon every Federal reserve bank on the Clerk' desk and referred as follows: to do what the Atlanta bank has done: 6035. By the SPEAKER (by request) : Resolutions adopted Mr. WATSON of Indiana. I should like to know whether by the Presbytery of San Francisco at Livermore, Calif., urging the matter will occasion debate? the passage of House Joint Resolution 131 and Senate Joint Mr. HEFLIN. Not at all. Resolution 31 ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. WATSON of Indiana. Yesterday I got myself into a 6040. Also {by request), resolution adopted by the Presby­ situation where I yielded the whole blessed day, and I am not tery of San Francisco at Livermore, Calif., indorsing House bill going to yield in that way to-day. 9753, to secure Sunday as a day of rest in the District of Co­ Mr. HEFLIN. If it leads to debate I shall not press its con­ lumbia; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. sideration at this time. 6041. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of the Merritt & Chapman Mr. McCORMICK. Of course it will lead tu debate. Derrick & Wrecking Co., New York City, N. Y .. against the Mr. WATSON of Indiana. It is bound to lead to debate, I passage of House bill 10034; to the Committee on the District of am afraid. Why can not the Senator wait until I conclude m~ Columbia. 30 minutes' speech? That is all the time I intend to take. 6042. By l\Ir. RYAN: Petitions of John Hillock, 401 West Mr. HEFLIN. I am here and the Senator from Virginia is Thirtieth Street; David Lyons, 440 West Forty-fourth Street; here at this time. It would take but a moment, I think, to dis­ Frederick Buckhotz, 459 West Forty-ninth Sti.·eet; and Charles pose of the resolution. I do not think anyone will object to it. F. Hillock, 401 West Thirtieth Street, all of New York Oity, Mr. WATSON of Indiana. If no one else objects, I shall not urging the passage of the Fairfield bill relative to the retire- object. !922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEr_,_ATE. 9135 Mr. EDGE. Mr. President, in the absence of the chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, the Senator from Yes. Nn. Connecticut [l\fr. McLEAN], I, as a member of the comDiittee, would feel compelled to object. I do not wish to object, but I Are you 1n favor of prohibition? ..•......... _•.. - . _..•.•.. _.••. 1,409 1,954 think the chairman of tbe Committee on Banking and Currency ADre you in favor oftlie repeal of the eighteenth amendment?._ .. 1,903 1,<l35 o you favor the abolishment of the saloon? ... _..............• 2, 728 585 should be in the Chamber before the resolution iS taken up. Do you favor the sale of light wines and beer , to be sold only Mr. HEFLIN. The chairman of the committee was in the with meals in licensed hotels and restaurants? ...... ~ ......•. 1,745 1,400 Chamber; I saw him here just a moment ago. Are you in favor of the sale o1 light wines and beers to be con­ i _sumed oif the premises where sold? .........................• 1,846 1,366 Mr. EDGE. He is not in the Chamber at this time. Il'·e your employees more efficient because of prohibition? ... : .. 1,302 1,608 :Mr. SMOOT. Mr. President, let us lose no more time. I object. ~;ro;~~ll:it~.~~-~i~~~~-~.:~~ .~~?~~~~:~~. 1,3~ 1,<XH The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Utah objects to the present consideration of the resolution. It may be added that the largP.1" employers of labQr almost invariably testified that the efficiency of their employees had not been increased by PBOHIBITION ENFORCEMENT.
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