r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, September 12, 1994• Vol. XXVI No.ll THE INDEPENDENT NE\VSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S SMC big sisters a big help to new students By PEGGY LENCZEWSKI year's program, so that fresh­ News Writer men would have a more posi­ tive experience. The Big Sister/Little Sister They were disappointed, Program is offered to incoming however, with the turnout of freshmen at Saint Mary's Col­ the upperclassmen, according lege to help new students deal to Michaels. As a result, many with the transition between freshmen who signed up for high school and college life. the program were not con­ The program was begun sev­ tacted by an upperclassman. eral years ago by members of Currently, the interaction the student body with the between the upperclassmen intent of offering new students and the freshmen is strictly at Saint Mary's a source of sup­ interpersonal: there are no port during the first few weeks group activities planned, and it of school, according to student is the responsibility of the coordinator Aimee Heimann. upperclassmen to contact the During their meetings with new students. their orientation groups, fresh­ Ultimately, Hiemann and 1 men were given the op­ Michaels hope to expand the portunity to sign up to receive program so that every new stu­ an upperclassmen as a big sis­ dent will automatically be pro­ ter. vided with a Big Sister. The upperclassmen then pro­ Heimann hopes to plan group The Observer/ Cynthia Exconde vide the freshmen with another activities that will enable the Having a ball familiar face on campus, an freshmen to meet other stu­ avenue for meeting new people dents who are in different Saint Mary's freshman Sherstin Truitt takes shape as a human bowling ball at the Saint Mary's Twilight through their big sister, and, in classes. These plans are de­ Tailgate. The Tailgate also featured a Velcro Wall and tye-dyeing. the best possible situation, a pendent on an increase in the new friend. response from the upper class­ Sophomores Hiemann and es. Kathleen Michaels volunteered Organizational meetings will Crash investigation continues to direct the program this year begin in February to increase for the new freshmen; they student interest in the pro­ By BUCKY GLEASON pilot. said. "We'll assist the NTSB in hoped to improve upon last gram. Associated Press A cautionary note also was any way we can to help deter­ sounded by John Nance, an air mine the cause of this crash." ALIQUIPPA, Pa. safety analyst in Seattle and 20- Thrust-reverser systems on The possibility that a jet year commercial airline pilot. Boeing 737s, 747s, 757s and Clinton gives thanks engine thrust reverser or a "Anyone in the industry or 767s have been a concern since malfunctioning rudder caused out of the industry ... who the May 1991 crash of a 767 in the deadly crash of USAir Flight jumps to a conclusion or even a Thailand that killed 223 people. to initial volunteers 427 is merely speculation, preliminary conclusion based The plane, operated by Lauda investigators cautioned Sunday. on early evidence is going to be Air of Austria, went out of con­ By RON FOURNIER something everyone should do National Transportation embarrassed later," Nance trol after its left-side thrust Associated Press because of our relationship to Safety Board member Carl Vogt said. "I've been there." reverser activated. our God, our responsibility to urged people not to read too Nance said the possibility of a ABERDEEN, Md. others, and our responsibility much into the discovery that problem with the right engine's A two-year investigation President Clinton, worshiping to ourselves," he said Sunday. one of six devices that activate thrust reverser didn't make failed to determine why that in a military chapel here thrust reversers on the right sense, because witnesses said engine reversed. Boeing began Sunday, thanked the first The national service pro­ engine of the doomed Boeing the plane dipped left while a installing new locks on engines recruits to his national service gram, which fulfils a cor­ 737 was found in a deployed problem with the right thrust for 757s and 767s in 1992 on a program for fulfilling "our nerstone pledge of Clinton's position. reverser would cause the plane recommendation from the God-given responsibility to presidential campaign, is a "In the event of an inadver­ to dip right. Federal Aviation serve our fellow human $360 million effort to put tent deployment of the thrust Administration. beings." 20,000 mostly young reversers you would expect to The jet crashed Thursday Pilots had various theories The president and first lady Americans to work in four see some reaction in the night six miles from Pittsburgh about why the USAir jet Hillary Rodham Clinton attend­ areas: education, health and engine, and we don't see that," International Airport as it was crashed, but agreed that no ed services at the Aberdeen human needs, the environment Vogt said. preparing to land. The plane pilot could avoid a crash if a Proving Ground, a weapons and public safety. plunged 6,000 feet in 23 sec­ reverser deployed in flight. facility in central Maryland. "How much were they onds, hit the ground at more "The thrust reverser could The visit was designed to pro­ The workers will receive deployed, if at all, and what than 300 mph and killed all132 flip the plane over in a heart­ mote the president's minimum-wage pay, free effect it will have, we'd have to people aboard. beat," said a veteran pilot from AmeriCorps initiative, a sweep­ health care and a $4,725 edu­ look into much more," he said. Boeing spokesman Steve American Airlines who spoke ing collection of old and new cational voucher for one year "But that's really speculative at Thieme said no problems ever on the condition of anonymity. community service programs of work. The $4,7 2 5 can be this point." have been reported with thrust "At that point, you're not even offering college education to its used for college, vocational Thrust reversers are used to reversers on Boeing 737s. dealing with an airplane. workers. education or to pay off college slow a plane after it lands and "It's still too early to say You're dealing with something loans. They can work up to two can only be deployed by the what's happened here," he falling out the sky." The program formally com­ years. mences Monday when Clinton If Congress extends the pro­ plans to swear in nearly 15,000 gram, the White House hopes AmeriCorps recruits, capping to spend a $1.5 billion over his 2-year-old campaign for the three years to pay for 100,000 service. workers. Clinton spoke from the pulpit to a congregation of about 300. Attending church with "This is a special service that Clinton were about 30 mem­ reaffirms our relationship to bers of the National Civilian our God and our God-given Community Corp., a branch of responsibility to serve our fel­ AmeriCorps that trained people low human beings," he said. from along the East Coast at the Aberdeen base to fight for­ With health care reform in est fires in the West. jeopardy and his popularity dropping, the president Clinton shook their hands on returned from his summer the way out of church. vacation hammering on the all­ "Your country has given you American themes of family val­ the opportunity to serve," he ues, personal responsibility and said during the service. "You public service. have assumed the responsibili­ ty, and our American family is "Service to others is some­ much stronger, and better, and thin!!" evervone r.an do. and richer as a result." ---~ page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Monday, September 12, 1994 • Inside Column • World at a Glance It's not With $335 million, Spielberg is highest-paid entertainer in 1993-94 NEW YORK cassettes, lunchboxes, underpants and other merchan­ Steven Spielberg, whose dino-thriller "Jurassic Park" dise are calculated, Barney will amass $84 million for always in the grossed more than $900 million at the box office, has creator Sheryl Leach and her father-in-law publisher, bumped Oprah Winfrey as the highest-paid entertainer, Richard Leach. Forbes reported Sunday. ,.---------------------, "In Hollywood it's the year of genes The 46-year-old director-pro- Top Ten Best-Paid Entertainers the dinosaur," Forbes said in its ducer, who cleared $100 from Steven Spielberg, whose dine-thriller "Jurassic Park" cover story. his first feature film, made when grossed more than $900 million at the box office, has It said Spielberg's take from bumped Oprah Winfrey as the highest-paid entertainer, We were raised by the he was 16, will make an estimat­ Forbes reported Sunday. "Jurassic Park" alone will total same parents. We went to ed 1993-94 total of $335 million, about $250 million after the the same schools. We had the magazine said in its Sept. 26 video is released in October, by the same teachers, the issue. far the most any individual has same rules at home. We By Krista Nannery That's a record for the eight ever made from a movie. shared the same toys and Assistant Viewpoint years Forbes has been compiling watched the same TV Editor the list of the top 40 best-paid The dinosaur isn't the only shows. We are both vora- entertainers. The previous aged theme in this year's rank­ cious readers and avid record of $200 million was set by ing, which also is populated by a writers.
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