Evaluation Humanitarian and Rehabilitation Assistance to Kosovo, 1999-2003 2004/5 88165 Indv omslag 16/11/04 15:08 Side 1 Map of Kosovo Region Map of Kosovo 88165 Kosovo indhold 16/11/04 8:32 Side 1 Evaluation Humanitarian and Rehabilitation Assistance to Kosovo, 1999-2003 File No. 104.A.1.e.40 November 2004 T&B Consult 88165 Kosovo indhold 16/11/04 8:32 Side 2 © Ministry of Foreign Affairs November 2004 Production: Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cover photo: CONTRASTO/POLFOTO, Title: Election in Kosovo Graphic production: Phoenix-Print A/S, Aarhus, Denmark ISBN (report): 87-7667-127-5 e-ISBN (report): 87-7667-128-3 ISSN: 1399-4972 This report can be obtained free of charge by contacting: Danish State Information Centre Phone + 45 7010 1881 http://danida.netboghandel.dk/ The report can also be downloaded through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ homepage www.um.dk or directly from the Evaluation Department’s homepage www.evaluation.dk This report was prepared by independent consultants with no previous involvement in the activities mentioned. Responsibility for the content and presentation of findings and recommendations rests with the evaluation team. The views and opinions expressed in the report do not necessarily correspond to the views of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the recipient governments, or the implementing organisations. The report is printed on Multi Fine and the cover is printed on Invercote. 88165 Kosovo indhold 16/11/04 8:32 Side 3 Table of Contents Table of Contents Abbreviations and Acronyms 5 Executive Summary 7 1. Introduction and Methodology 19 1.1 Background 19 1.2 Issues for the Evaluation 21 1.3 Responsibility for the Evaluation 22 2 The Strategic Environment 23 2.1 The Emergency Relief Context 23 2.2 The Reconstruction and Transitional Context 24 2.3 The “Longer-term” Context, Democracy and Civil Society in Kosovo 25 2.4 Regional Context 29 2.5 The International Context 30 2.6 Domestic Context 30 3 Overall Response 33 3.1 Phasing and Distribution of the Danish Assistance 33 3.2 Humanitarian Proportionality 35 3.3 Political Pressure 38 3.4 Burden-sharing 39 3.5 Purposes 40 3.6 Partners 41 3.7 General Observations 42 4 Strategic Impact and Recommendations 45 4.1 Strategic Objectives 45 4.2 Strategic Impact 46 4.3 Danish Strategic Policy: Conclusions 48 4.4 Strategic Recommendations 50 5 Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons 53 5.1 Rationale 53 5.2 The Danish Approach 53 5.3 The Failure of Early Warning 56 5.4 Multilateral versus Bilateral 56 5.5 The Other Humanitarian Story: the Exodus of the Minorities 58 5.6 The Phase-out Strategy and Residual Needs 59 5.7 Final Reflections on Impact 62 5.8 Findings and Observations 63 5.9 Recommendations 65 88165 Kosovo indhold 16/11/04 8:32 Side 4 Table of Contents 6 Danish Support to Governance and Civil Society 67 6.1 Rationale 67 6.2 The Danish Approach 68 6.3 Context: Governance and Civil Society in Kosovo 69 6.4 Support to UNMIK, the PISG 70 6.5 The Justice Sector and the Police 75 6.6 The Danish Humanitarian Service 75 6.7 The Danish Approach to Civil Society 76 6.8 The Role of Civil Society in Ethnic Conflict 80 6.9 Overall Impact on Civil Society of the International Intervention 81 6.10 Findings and Observations 82 6.11 Recommendations 82 7 Civil Military Relations 85 7.1 Rationale 85 7.2 The Danish Approach 85 7.3 Findings and Observations 87 7.4 Strategic Impact 88 7.5 Recommendations 89 8 Gender 91 8.1 Rationale 91 8.2 The Character of the Problem 91 8.3 Findings and Observations 94 8.4 Recommendations 95 9 Danish Aid: Management by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 97 9.1 Strengths 97 9.2 Weaknesses 97 9.3 Recommendations 99 Annex I: Terms of Reference 101 Annex II: Brief of the Conflict in Kosovo 113 Annex III: Chronological Overview 115 Annex IV: Public Utilities 119 Annex V: Residential Housing Reconstruction Programmes 127 Annex VI: Education and Vocational Training 139 Annex VII: Summary of Funding Allocation and Recorded Expenditure 153 Annex VIII: List of Persons Consulted 163 Annex IX: Bibliography 171 Map of Kosovo Region Inside of front cover Map of Kosovo Inside of back cover 88165 Kosovo indhold 16/11/04 8:32 Side 5 Abbreviations and acronyms Abbreviations and acronyms ACT Action by Churches Together ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency AOF Workers Information Association (Arbejdernes Oplysningsforbund) AOR Area of Operation CABAC Children Affected by Armed Conflicts CBO Community Based Organisations CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CIMIC Civil-Military Co-operation CNN Cable News Network CSO Civil Society Organisations DAC Development Assistance Committee DANBN Danish Battalion Danida Danish International Development Assistance DCA DanChurchAid DfID Department for International Development (UK) DKK Danish Kroner DPA Danish Peoples Aid DPS Danish Production Schools DRC Danish Refugee Council DRCS Danish Red Cross Society DSI Danish Disability Council DSU Danish Steering Unit EAR European Agency for Reconstruction EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ECHO European Community Humanitarian Office ECMI European Center for Minority Issues EDF European Development Fund EC European Commission EU European Union FOE Faculty of Education FPP Production Schools and Production High Schools FRESTA Secretariat for the Peace and Stability Fund FRY Federal Republic of Yugoslavia GDP Gross Domestic Product HCG Humanitarian Contact Group HEP Humanitarian Evacuation Programme ICG International Crisis Group ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IDERK Institute for Democracy & Ethnic Relations in Kosovo IDP Internally Displaced Persons IDP International Development Partners ILO International Labour Organisation IMG International Management Group IOM International Organisation for Migration JIAS Joint Interim Administration in Kosovo KEC Kosovo Education Centre KEK Korporata Energetike e Koosoves (Kosovo Electricity Company) 5 88165 Kosovo indhold 16/11/04 8:32 Side 6 Abbreviations and acronyms KFOR Kosovo Force KLA Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) KPS Kosovo Police Service KTA Kosovo Trust Agency LDK Democratic League of Kosovo LWF Lutheran World Federation MESTE Ministry of Education, Science and Technology MEUP Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark MHC Municipal Housing Committees NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NGO Non-Governmental Organisation OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OSCE Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe PDK Kosovo Democratic Party PISG Provisional Institutions of Self-Governance SAP Stabilization and Association Process SCD Save the Children’s Fund Denmark S.HUM Department for Humanitarian Assistance in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (former S.3) SPSEE Stability Pact for South East Europe SRSG Secretary General’s Special Representative STWG Standing Technical Working Group TSA Technical Advisory Service in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs UCK Ushtria Clirintare E Kosoves UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNMIK United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo UNSC United Nations Security Council UNSCR UN Security Council Resolution WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organisation The exchange rate used in the report is 1 USD = 7 DKK, the average rate from 1999 to 2002. 6 88165 Kosovo indhold 16/11/04 8:32 Side 7 Executive Summary Executive Summary Introduction and background This report is concerned with the Danish aid response to the political crisis in Kosovo during the period from the 24th of March 1999 (the date of the onset of the NATO air- campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) to December 2003 – the month of the closure of the Danish Support Unit in Kosovo. Within two weeks of the onset of the air-campaign an estimated 855,400 refugees from Kosovo took flight to Macedonia and Albania, an event that aroused great public concern in Denmark. On the 7th of April 1999, the Danish Parliament allocated DKK 180 million to assist the “victims of the Kosovo conflict”. In the subsequent three and a half years, 10 more appropriations were authorised by Parliament. In total, DKK 1.4 billion was allocated from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) in response to the Kosovo crisis1. The commissioning agent for this Evaluation is Danida, and the observations and rec- ommendations are therefore primarily focussed upon the MFA. In June 1999, the MFA issued a policy paper entitled “Reconstruction and Democratisation in the Western Balkans” (hereafter referred to as the Kosovo Action Plan) that was to provide strategic guidance for emergency relief, reconstruction, transitional assistance and longer-term conflict pre- vention for the entire period of the Kosovo aid operation. This Evaluation is primarily concerned with assessing the impact achieved by Denmark’s official aid programme in terms of the strategic goals set out in the Kosovo Action Plan. To the extent that tactical and operational matters have affected the attainment of these high level goals, and where sufficient evidence has been available, the report also takes into consideration the effec- tiveness and efficiency of the operations funded by the aid programme. A key objective of the Evaluation is to identify “lessons learnt” from the Danish inter- vention in Kosovo to improve the policy, strategy and operational approach to forth- coming Danish interventions in conflict situations. Inevitably assessment will tend to be affected by the wisdom of hindsight. Any critique of the preparedness, efficiency, effectiveness, relevance and impact of response should acknowledge the elements of chaos and unpredictability of much of what happened on the ground in Kosovo in 1999 and the extraordinary challenges posed to the mobilization and organization of assistance and relief especially in the emergency phase.
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