OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY Under Secretary of Army Earl D. Johnson at his easel and daughter Susan Lynne 86TH ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION Memphis, Tennessee MARCH, 1954 VOLUME LXIII, NO. 3 September 2-6, 1954 FRATERNITY BADGES OF QUALITY -BY EHCO Order Your Badge From the Following List PI KAPPA ALPHA BADGE PRICE LIST No. 0 No. 2 No. 3 Plain Be vel Border .................................................................................. $5 .25 $6.75 $ 9.00 Nugget , Cha sed or Engraved Border .............................................. 5.75 7.25 10.50 CROWN SET JEWELED BADGES No. 0 No. 2 No. 2'h No. 3 All Pearl ........................................................................................ $13 .00 $ 17 .50 $ 21.00 $ 24.00 19.00 23.00 26.00 21.50 26.00 30.00 ~ : : ;:: ~ ~~t~~d s~{;i~tte:::~~:i~t:s :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :~: : : :::=. iH~ 45.75 59.75 72.75 Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating .......................... 15.00 20.75 25.00 28 .00 Pearl a nd Em e ra ld Alte rnating ............................................ 19.00 25.50 31.00 36 .00 Pea rl a nd Di a mond Alte rnating .......................................... 41 .50 72.75 97.75 120.75 Dia mo nd a nd Ruby o r Sa pphire Alternating .................. 43 .50 76.00 101.75 124.75 Dia mo nd a nd Em e ra ld Alternating .................................... 47 .50 80.75 107.75 132.75 All Ruby or Sa p phire .............................................................. 17 .00 24.00 29.00 32.00 Ruby or Sa pphire with Di a mond Poi nts .......................... 30 .50 50.75 65 .75 78.75 All Emera ld .................................................................................. 25.00 33.50 41.00 48.00 Emera ld wi' h Diamond Points .............................................. 36.50 57 .75 74.75 90.75 All Diamond ................................................................................ 69.50 126.75 173.75 216.75 Diamond, Ruby or Sapphire Po ints .................................... 56.50 101.50 137.75 170.75 Diamond, Emerald Points ...................................................... 58.50 103 .75 140.75 174.75 SMC Key-IOK Gold ..........................................................................-- -... - ..... $9.00 Pledge Button ........................................................................................ - - ---- .. ·· .50 Official Recognition Button-IOK Gold .................................................- .......... .75 Monogram Recognition Button, yellow gold fille d ........................................ 1.50 All Prices Are Subject to 20 % Federal Tax IIKA OFFICIAL RING (Illustration twice actual size ) GUARD PINS One Letter Two Letter Pla in ·--·-· .. -··- --·····-····-············-················ $2.25 $ 3.50 Close Set, Half Pearl .............................................. 4.50 7.25 5546 IOK Gold, Synthetic Ruby, encrusted gold letters ········-··- --·- ········$34 .50 Crown Set, Whole Pearl ........................................ 6.50 11.50 5546-1 Same only sterling silver ..............................................................- ··--- ······- 18.75 5546-2 IOK Gold, no stone, raised letters ................................................. _ __ ................. 28.00 All Prices Subject to 20 % Federal Tax 5546-J Same only sterling silver .......................................................................................... 10.00 (Please give name of chapter or college when ordering) P~us Federal Tax WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF OUR BOOK OF TREASURES FINE FRATERNITY RINGS COAT OF ARMS JEWELRY AND NOVELTIES Edwa.. ds, Haldeman and Company P. 0. BOX 123 Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Alpha DETROIT 32, MICHIGAN IIKA EDWARDS, HALDEMAN & CO. Name .............................................................................................................. P. 0 . Box 123 Street.. ........................................................................................................... .. De troit 32, Michigan C ity ................................................................................................................ Se nd f ree copy of the BOOK OF TREASURES to Fratern it y ............. .. rm ~HI~1D AND DIAM~N~ OFFICIAL PIJBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY Founded at the University of Virginia, March I, 1868, by J ulian Edward Woucl Littleton Waller Tazewell, James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick Sou111gate Taylor, Robertson Howard , and William Alexander. This magazine is prin ted by Democrat Printing & Litho Co., 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Arkansas. L1fe subscriptions are $ 10.00 for members initia ted before September I, 1927. Subscription rate per year for these alumni is $ 1.00, fo r non­ members, $~ . 00. All members initia ted since September I, 1927, h~ v e life subscriptions. Please promptlf report ch anges of address-include both old and new addresses. Articles and photographs (black and white gloss\· prints) are cordiall y invited. Address all communications to: Robert D. Lynn, Editor, The Shield and Diamond Magazine, 1294 Union Ave., Memphis 4. Tenn. VOLUME LXIII, No. 3 MA RCH, 1954 !"H E SHIELD AND DIAMOND IS published four times a year at 11 4 East Second S1., Lillie Rock, Ark., in September, December, March and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered Preacher Gordon with his prize pals as second class maller, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark .. under Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mail ing at special rate of postage p rovided for in Section \103, Act of O ct. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 1918. tion at the P resbyterian Student Centet· on the univer ity campus. T he reception fo ll owed special recogni tion tendered CONTENTS him at the Florid a-Tennes ee foo tball • Features PAGE ga me. Ear l Johnso n- Under ecretary of the Arm y 2 '[a ny tri butes were offered Preacher Memphis Down in Dixie, Site of '54 Conve ntion 6 for his service to thou a nds of university Ole Miss W elcomes You to Lea der h ip Sc hool 9 students d uri ng the past twenty-five Gold Star Members --------------------·----------------------- . - I 0 years. In addition to his regular pastoral Alumnus Chapter Presidents ----------------------------- . --·-- ---------- ---- 12 duties with his loca l congregation, his 1953 All IIKA Football T eam ._____________________ ______________ --------------·-- -·-- ____ -------------- 13 counseling and work among the students World E ngineer Tippetts R ebuilds Garden of Eden ---------------·----------------------------- 15 ha bee n outsta nd ing. Golden Chapter Members ------------------------------------------------·---------------------- ----------------- 18 Jim Larche of Tampa, chairman of Riding the H is tory T rail ------------------------------------------------------·-------------------------------- 20 the alumni group for the Gordo n cele­ The R eturn of Dan iel Boone ________ __ ____ __ __ ____________ _______________________________ __ _________ ____________ 24 bra ti on, announced that 229 perso ns had con tri bu ted , I ,620 to the Preacher Gor­ • Departments don fund for gihs. A miniature celtic Chapter Eternal ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 cross on a wa tch fob which matches the Directory _____ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ 38 watch give n him by his congregation re­ Perman en tl y Pinned ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 34 ce n tly is a replica of the cross which will Precious Packages-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 top the tower of the new First Presbyte­ • Chapter News ri an Church, which is under construc­ Alpha 36, Delta 25, Zeta 29, E ta 20, Mu 9, u 29, Pi 17, 27; Up il on 22 , ti o n. An artist ha been commissioned to paint his portrait. Frank Akerman Omega 26, Alpha-Alpha 35, Alpha-Zeta 33, 36; Alpha E ta 22, 26, 35; Alpha-Iota represe nted the a ti onal Pi Kappa Al­ 29, Alpha- Kappa 23, A,pb t-Xi 14, 37; Alpha-Pi 36, Alpha-Rho 35, Alpha-Tau 32 , pha Fraternity and presented Preacher Alpha-Chi 27, Alpha-Omega 26, Beta-Beta 26, Beta-Delta 9, 35; Beta-Eta 36, Beta­ with an appropria tely engr aved frater­ Theta 9, Beta-Lambda 33, Beta- Mu 37, Beta-Nu 23, Beta-Pi 32, Beta-Sigma 28, nity plaque expre ing appreciation for Beta-Upsilon 11 , Gamma-Alpha 27, Gamma-T au 33, Delta-Delta 28, and Delta­ his many years of se rvice to it as ational Iota 25. Chaplain. One of the most prized gifts was a volume of per onal letters of trib­ ute from hundreds of fi"i ends. (}ained ui//e fi.onord R e mini ce n ce b y congressmen, coache , bu iness and professional men Cover delighted the group. Nelso n Davi s, one ~reach er (}ortfon of the Preacher' famed "muscle dea­ Under Secretary of the Army Earl D. co n ," poke for othet· members of that Johnson, B:::: (Wisconsin), finds home a B y John Layton, AH group recalling days when the Gator delightful haven fro m hi heavy Army re- + Dr. U. S. "Preacher" Gor­ foo tball team would return from an out­ ponsibilities. Our cover picture hows do n, ational Cha plain of Pi Kappa Al­ of-town ga m e and d rop in to h ea r him indulging in his hobby of painting pha, is celebrating his twenty-fifth year Preacher at the Sunday night se rvice. with daughter, Susan Lynne, as an atten­ a pastor of the Fir t Pre b yt e ri a n Preacher himse lf recalled "mu d e dea­ tive admirer. Church, Gainesville,
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