DUDLEY CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP BOARD AGENDA Thursday 13 November 2014 1.00pm – 4.00pm Boardroom, Brierley Hill Health & Social Care Centre, Venture Way, DY5 1RU QUORACY Meetings will be quorate when four elected GP clinical members and one other Board member are present, (one of whom shall be the CCG Chair, Chief Officer or Chief Finance Officer) Time Agenda Item Attachment Presented By 1pm 1. Apologies 1pm 2. Declarations of Interest To request members to disclose any interest they have, direct or indirect, in any items to be considered during the course of the meeting and to note that those members declaring an interest would not be allowed to take part in the consideration for discussion or vote on any questions relating to that item. 1pm 3. Minutes from 11 September 2014 meeting Enclosed Dr D Hegarty 1pm 4. Matters Outstanding Enclosed Dr D Hegarty 5. Public Voice 1.05pm 5.1 Questions from the Public; To respond to questions from members of the public present at the meeting on the provision of health care to the population served by the CCG. Verbal Dr D Hegarty 1.15pm 5.2 Feet on the Street: Discharges Presentation Dr D Hegarty 1.25pm 5.3 Public Update Enclosed Mrs L Broster 1.35pm 6. Chairman’s & Chief Executive Officer Report Verbal Mr P Maubach 7. Strategy 1.45pm 7.1 Health & Wellbeing Board Report Enclosed Mr N Bucktin 8. Quality & Safety 1.55pm 8.1 Report from Quality and Safety Committee Enclosed Dr R Edwards 9. Commissioning 2.05pm 9.1 Report from Clinical Development Committee Enclosed Dr S Mann 2.15pm 9.2 NHS 111 West Midlands Procurement Enclosed Dr S Mann 2.25pm ** BREAK ** 10. Communications & Engagement 2.40pm 10.1 Report from Communications & Engagement Committee Enclosed Mrs L Broster 11. Governance 2.50pm 11.1 Report from Audit Committee Enclosed Mrs J Jasper 3.00pm 11.2 Combined Board Assurance Framework and Risk Register Enclosed Mrs J Jasper 3.10pm 11.3 CCG Constitution Enclosed Mr S Wellings 3.20pm 11.4 CCG Structures Enclosed Mr P Maubach 12. Finance and Performance 3.30pm 12.1 Report from Finance & Performance Committee Enclosed Dr J Rathore 13. Primary Care 3.40pm 13.1 Report from Primary Care Development Committee Enclosed Dr J Rathore Close 14. For Information 14.1 Glossary Enclosed Time and Date of Next Meeting Thursday 8 January 2015 1pm – 4pm, Boardroom, BHHSCC DUDLEY CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP BOARD PUBLIC MINUTES MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD IN PUBLIC ON THURSDAY 11 SEPTEMBER 2014 AT 1.00 PM, BOARDROOM BRIERLEY HILL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE CENTRE ATTENDEES: Mr S Wellings Lay Member for Governance (Chair) Miss R Bartholomew Chief Quality & Nursing Officer Dr J Darby GP Board Member (Halesowen & Quarry Bank) Dr K Dawes GP Board Member (Sedgley, Coseley & Gornal) Dr R Edwards GP Board Member (Kingswinford, Amblecote and Brierley Hill) Ms J Emery Chief Officer - Health Watch Dr C Handy Lay Member for Quality & Safety Mr M Hartland Chief Finance Officer Dr D Hegarty Chair Ms V Little Director of Public Health Dr M Mahfouz GP Board Member (Dudley & Netherton) Dr S Mann Clinical Executive – Acute & Community Commissioning Mr P Maubach Chief Accountable Officer Mr J Polychronakis Chief Executive Officer - Dudley MBC Dr J Rathore Clinical Executive – Finance & Performance Dr R Tapparo GP Board Member (Kingswinford, Amblecote & Brierley Hill) IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs L Broster Head of Communication and Engagement Mr N Bucktin Head of Commissioning Mrs S Cartwright OD Practitioner Dr R Gee GP Engagement Lead Ms S Johnson Deputy Chief Finance Officer Mrs E Smith Minute taker CCG97/2014 APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Dr Gupta, Dr Johnson, Dr Heber, Mrs Jasper, Dr Horsburgh & Mr King CCG98/2014 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were asked to disclose any interest they may have, direct or indirect, in any of the items to be considered during the course of the meeting and to note that those Members declaring an interest would not be allowed to take part in the consideration or discussion or vote on any questions relating to that item. Agenda Item 11 – Election of Board Member All GPs declared an interest in this item 1 | Page CCG99/2014 MINUTES FROM 10 JULY 2014 Mr Maubach asked that on page 8 the reference to Assisted Conception needed to be re-worded to confirm that the specification “will be subject to consultation and the CCG will be contacting the Overview & Scrutiny Committee to discuss how this will take place.” The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2014 were accepted as a true and accurate record pending the above amendment. Resolved: 1) The Board accepted the minutes from the 10 July 2014 as an accurate record pending amendment. CCG100/2014 MATTERS OUTSTANDING CCG040/2014 Communications & Engagement Report Les Williams to attend a Patient Opportunity Panel (POPs) meeting. CCG087/2014 Commissioning for Outcomes Mr Maubach reported that the group was not meeting until mid October so feedback would be coming to the November Board, possibly the January Board. CCG095/2014 Finance & Performance Mr Bucktin provided the Board with a verbal update with regards prescribing wastage. He reported that the prescribing team have a number of initiatives in place to deal with wastage and they were currently carrying out a “waste audit” which is being done as part of the contractual arrangement with the Community Pharmacists. Mr Bucktin confirmed that he would report back once it was completed. He reported that there is also a “Waste Campaign” taking place which will be targeted at GP Practices and Community Pharmacists to encourage them not to over order. There is still some debate regarding the supply of repeat prescriptions and the length of time that they should be made out for, the standard currently sits at about 56 days but evidence shows that it is more than 84 days in some cases. Therefore there is a piece of work to be done around this and it will be reported back to the Clinical Development Committee. Resolved: 1) The Board noted the matters outstanding 2) The Board noted that Mr Maubach would feedback on Commissioning for Outcomes. PUBLIC VOICE CCG101/2014 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr Alan Ward – Carer “When will you start thinking differently about Dementia?” Mr Maubach reported to the Board that the development of the CCG’s services for dementia is a key part of the strategy and that there were a number of innovations and developments in place. The CCG are aware that the service is not perfect and that there are areas that still require work. He confirmed that the level of people with dementia was rising and one of the things the CCG needs to do, and it a key objective this year and was last year, is to improve the diagnosis of dementia and it has quite challenging targets to be able to develop this. Dr Mahfouz explained to Mr Ward that developing a dementia service would be a long process as there are such varying levels of dementia. She suggested that the CCG would really benefit from Mr Ward outlining the situation he is experiencing to 2 | Page her directly as the information and insight he could provide would be extremely useful in developing services. Mr Ward agreed he would be contact Dr Mahfouz and take the offer forward. Mr John Payne – Halesowen “In regard to item 8.1 on your July meeting agenda, Co-commissioning Expression of Interest, please explain the meaning and significance of co-commissioning: who are the co-commissioners; when will co-commissioning begin; will that coincide with the date when advertising contracts begins or has that already begun?” Mr Wellings felt he needed to apologise for any confusion about what the term co-commissioning actually meant. Co-Commissioning for the CCG means working with the NHS England Local Area Team to support commissioning services within GP Practices, not the more general term that is being used in the press. Previously the PCT was responsible for commissioning services within GP practices in Dudley, however this is now out of the CCGs control and the responsibility lies with NHS England (NHSE). NHSE has since realised that the input of the CCG is vital and that is what is being referred to as Co- Commissioning. Mr Payne asked if there will be a Commissioning Committee that a member of the public could be present on or be able to see minutes. Mr Wellings confirmed that reports from all the Committees come to Board and highlighted that there is a recommendation later on in the agenda which reference to developing a Committee specifically relating to Co-Commissioning and therefore will be subject to the same reporting process as the other committees. This will be available in the public domain. Resolved: 1) The Board thanked the members of the public for their questions. CCG102/2014 FEET ON THE STREET - NAVIGATING HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS Mrs Broster introduced “Feet on the Street” and confirmed that the video was a collection of patient opinions based on their experiences in acute and secondary care. At the end of the video three questions were asked to the Board to prompt discussion. • How do we help people manage multiple appointments? • How do we help people access the most suitable place for their care? • How do we help people access the right advice? Mr Polychronakis felt the comments were positive and noted that he was surprised that the patient was quite happy to wait 3 hours in A&E. Dr Rathore felt it highlighted that patients were satisfied when they get care, either through primary care or secondary care, but the environment now was very challenging.
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