THE CRESCENT of GAMMA PHI BETA Beatrice Hill Wittenberg International Grand President. Crand Council I rediuent P'uae9' For the fourth time in as many years this May issue of liii phcre of tongenial associates; a place where bonds ol life-long CreSi.:ent has particular significance. It is the issue with the friendship may be cultivated; where social graces and cultural outside cover in magenta color, and is the esoteric issue� the interests are encouraged; where scholastic achievement and one which is meant for the initiated only, and consequently, moral standards of conduct are accentuated; and a place where is a closed issue for those outside our own membership. Much traditions and spiritual values are edified. of the information is confidential, and is inteiulcd only for our We should remember the sorority came into existence to Gamma Phi Beta family. satisfy the most fundamental of social instincts� that of freely Based on the premise that an inlormetl membership is an associating with chosen friends. This voluntary association, this interested and aggressive one, this issue contains reports :incl freedom of choice, was granted us by our forefathers in 1776. comments from your officers, explaining the \V'HY of the many It is just as important today as it was then. We should be facets of the soioritx. Specific answers will be found, beginning atvare of the subversive forces which are gnawing at our roots, with the WHY of membership selection, and continuing thereby hoping to destroy our right peaceably to assemble, and through the college dep^irimcnis with tlieit \arious require \oluntariIy to choose our own friends�a privilege granted as a ments, to the final .stages of alumnx toiutibtitioii through par constitutional right, and a right which we must defend. ticipation. Yon will find liiis iiiformiition interesting ancl of To combat adverse forces, we must be informed about the \ nine. sorority, ancl about current trends which threaten to destroy .\t no tiiiic in otu history is the need for being inioinied as us . be ready to give positi\e answers when the questions . are . \ it;i! as it is tochix l.xcry mcml^cr should be able to answer the of WHY presented to us . know what we believe, and with own belic\e what we in cjucrv of WHY wiicn confronted questions about our know, order that we may assume our re- sororitv and about the fraternitv system. Wc should be alert to sponsibilitv in courageoush defending the principles of free the WHY of a sororitx ancl know tliat it is a "workshop in dom understanding ancl cooperation"; a place wlieif the kndership Beatrice Hii.i Wittenberc ])ott'iitials of the iiulix idii:i! in.ix be- cUw eloped in llie ntmos- Crand President FRONT COVER RoYCE Hall on the campus of the University of California at Los where THE CRESCENT Angeles, Alpha Iota chapter of Gamma Phi Beta was char tered June 26, 1924. The twin towers of Royce Hall have become the symbol of UCLA and are related architecturally to the Church of Gamma Phi Beta of San Ambrogio in Milan. Above is the Music Building at UCLA which offers some of the Volume LXI 1961 Number 2 finest facilities for music instruction in the country. May, Editorial Staff: 2 This is U.C.L.A. Arms McBroom Marek (Mrs. James J.) Editor, Clifton, Illinois. 4 Crossroads Africa Noreen Linduska Zahour (Mrs. Edward F.) Associate Editor, 3 Jac Operation queline Drive, Downers Grove, Illinois. 5 She Put a Clue in Her Story! Jeannette B. Naglestad (Mrs. T. R.) Alumnae Associate Editor, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 6 Teaching and Traveling in Venezuela Ruth J. Wood, Business Manager, Room 960, 53 W. Jackson Blvd., 7 Help on the Road Back Home Chicago 4, Illinois. 8 The is Home to Eda C. The Crescent is published September 1, December 1, March 1, and Navy Nelson May 1, by George Banta Company, Inc., official printers of the fraternity, at Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wisconsin. Subscription price $1.50 a year 9 Benefits Foundation payable in advance, 40^ a single copy. Swimming Project Send change of address and correspondence of a business nature to Gamma Phi Beta, Room 960, 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, Illinois. Mail 10 Alumnas Profiles ing lists close August 1, November 1, February 1 and April 1. By February send Grand President business for consideration at council 25, spring meeting. 13 Let's Talk About Convention Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to the Editor, Mrs. James J. Marek, Clifton, Illinois. Items for publication should be ad dressed to the editor to arrive not later than June 15, October 1, January 14 Grand Council Appointment 1 and February 20. Members of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to 15 Another New for Gamma Phi Beta national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazines Associated, Colony 1585 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, Illinois. Entered as second-class matter at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the act 16 A Confidential Report to Gamma Phi Betas of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage under the of Sec. 34-40 Par. for in the act of provisions (D) provided February 28, 1925. 25 Second-class postage paid at Menasha, Wisconsin. Rushing Supplement Printed in the United States of America. 33 Gamma Phi Beta Camps 36 Among Our Alumnas Postmaster: Please send notice of Undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Gamma Phi 53 West Jacbon Beta, Blvd., 54 Chicago, Illinois. Directory 56 Gamma Phi Beta Chapter List UCLA ! Picturesque surroundings of UCLA include the Santa Monica mountains in the back ground, with the Pacific Ocean just out of view at left. SINGING their way lo the Sweepstakes award at the Hollywood Bowl in 1959 were fhese Alpha Iofa members and Acacia fraternilY men. Russian folk costumes (made by the Gamma Phi BefasI set fhe stage for fheir selection, a Russian Prayer. SORORITY MEMBERS and pledges (below) gafher on fhe open polio following pledging ceremonies. SOCIAL AFFAIRS inclucfe the annual fall dance, destination of Ihese Gamma Phi Betas and their escorts. From left, clockwise art Kay Warren, Gail Gustafson, and Sue Mc Donald. � 2 THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / MAY 1961 Gamma Phi Befas at UCLA entortairt often !n their /org? open courtyard. This occasion a was serenade by tlie Sigma Nus fo cefeirofe o pinning. 'Hail to tKe hills of Westwood To tne mignty sea Leiow ... Overlooking the blue Pacific, on the green hills of Westwood, Alpha Iota is very prominent on campus with A. W. S. presi reigns one of the nation's largest and finest institutions of dent. Sue Bennett; four Bruin Belles, Ann Drumm, Cynthia higher education�the University of California at Los Angeles. Prewett, Linda Prewett, and Pam Popkin; Mortar Board mem Created by the State Legislature in 1919, UCLA is now one of bers. Sue Bennett and Sue McDonald; and members of the University's seven campuses. From its colorful history of Prytaneans, Ann Drumm and Sue Bennett. Robin Morre, as a missions and the gold rush, UCLA has become a pioneer in member of Wings (the honorary for the AFROTC), was named modern day living. Under the leadership of Chancellor Frank Outstanding Wing of the year. Cynthia Prewett was a finalist lin D. Murphy, the faculty of 1,500, the staff of 4,300, and the for best dressed woman of UCLA, sponsored by Glamour student body of 17,000 continues to attain new heights of magazine. achievement and expansion in its sixty-one departments and During the present busy semester, Gamma Phis have de twelve colleges. In a single generation UCLA's growth has signed posters, planned skits, and prepared speeches in prep mushroomed, establishing its size among the nation's top ten aration for a dynamic campaign for Ann Drumm, our candi in enrollment. As a part of this expansion program, UCLA date for UCLA vice-president. Concurrently, Alpha Iota was plans to construct six new dormitories and a new Student practicing for the Bowery Show at Mardi Gras. This UCLA Union Building. In the spring the Bruins bid farewell to the carnival is one of the spring's main attractions, this year fea old Co-op in Kerkoff, (our coffee, bridge, and coke rendezvous) turing Theta Xi and Gamma Phi in an old-fashioned melo . a and begin a new era in campus social life. This modern drama . including villians, the old soft shoe routine, and sculptural building is a vanguard to recreational centers, in can-can line. cluding bowling alleys, card and pool rooms, lounges, music As a climax to this year's activities, we will participate in the rooms, offices, cafeterias, stores, and a chapel. As one of the Spring Sing held annually in the Hollywood Bowl. It is the twenty-three sororities and thirty-one fraternities on campus. number one college song festival in the country. In 1959 Alpha Iota will be busy starting new traditions and maintain Gamma Phi Beta and Acacia fraternity had the honor of win ing old ones in this colorful center of campus activities. ning both first place in the mixed division and the sweep Our Alpha Iota Chapter was installed in 1924 as the fifth stakes trophy from all competitors. In 1960 we entered our sorority at UCLA. At the installation, the wife of the Los quartet�Jackie Doyle, Pam Popkin, Lee Jermain, and Ann Angeles mayor plus fifty other members became Gamma Phi Shankland�which came home with honors. This year we will Betas. Our large Spanish style house has the distinction of be there in full force to cheer them on to another victory.
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