,UNITED N AT I 0 N S IIDEVELOPMENT Distr. GENERAL DP/INF/Feb.1980/Rev.1 PROGRAMME 12 March 1980 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH GOVERNING COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING ON PREPARATIONS FOR THIRD PROGRAMMING CYCLE, 1982-1986 11-20 February 1980 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES ARGENTINA BRAZIL Representante: Representative: Sr. Alejandro ROSAS, Subsecretarfo de Recursos y Co- H.E.M. S6rgio CORR~A DA COSTA, Ambassador Extraordinary operaci6n T6cniea de la Secretar~a de and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the Planeamiento United Nations RepresentantesAlternos: A!ternate Representatives: Sr. Jorge Hugo HERRERAVEGAS, Consejero (Asuntos M. Carlos Alberto de Azevedo PIMENTEL, Counsellor of Economicos y Sociales), Misi6n Permanente Embassy, Ministry of External Relations St. Julio C6sar FREYRE, Segundo Secretarfo, Dr. Garry SOARES DE LIMA, Office of Planning Misi6n Permanente M. Piragibe dos Santos TARRAGO, Second Secretary, Dra. Raquel de BELEN, Subsecretar~a de Recursos y Permanent Mission Cooperaci6n Teenica de la Secretar~a de Planeamiento CANADA Representative: AUSTRIA Mr. Douglas LINDORES, Director, United Nations Programs, Representative: Multilateral Programs Braneh~ Canadian International Mr. Erich M. SCHMID, Envoy Extraordinary and Development Agency (First Vice President) Minister Plenipotentiary, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives: Mr. William D. HUTTON, First Secretary, Permanent Alternate Representative: Mission Mr. Die,mar Hans SCHWEISGUT, Second Secretary, Mr. Robert LEDERMAN, Senior Program Officer, UN Programs, Permanent Mission Canadian International Development Agency BANGLADESH CHINA Representative: Representatives: H.E.A.M.A. MUHITH, Secretary of the External H.E. Mr. LAI Ya-Li,.Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- Resources Division, Ministry of Finance potentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Alternate Representatives: United Nations H.E, Mr. Abul AHSAN, Ambassador Extraordinary Mr. CHEN Xingnong, Departmental Director, Ministry for and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Re- Economic Relations with Foreign Countries presentative to the United Nations Alternate Representative: Dr. M. FARASHUDDIN, Deputy Secretary of the Mr. WANG Jinren, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission External Resources Division, Ministry of Finance Adviser: Mr. XU Shuyun, Staff Member, Ministry for Economic Mr. Alimul HAQUE, Second Secretary, Permanent Relations with Foreign Countries Mission COLOMBIA BELGIUM Representante: Repr6sentant: Dra. Teresa IVARS B., Ministro Consejero, Misi6n S.E.M. Andr6 ERNEMANN, Ambassadeur Extra- Permanente ordinaire et Pl6nipotentiaire, Repr6sentant Permanent aupr~s des Nations Unies Representante Alterno: Dr. Hern~n TOBON URIBE, Consejero Econ6mico, Misi6n Repr@sentants suppl6ants: Permanente M. Gilbert LOQUET, Ministre Conseiller (Affaires 6conomiques), Mission Permanente M. Victor HODY, Chef du Service des Nations CUBA Unies, Administration g6n6rale de la Representante: Coop6ration au d6veloppement Sra. Rosa Aurora MENA, Jefe de Departamento de la Direcci6n de 0rganismos Econ6micos Internacionales, Mlle. Renilde LOECKX, Deuxi~me Secr6taire, Comit~ Estatal de Colaboraei6n Econ6mica Mission Permanente /CUBA Cont’d. DP/INF/Feb.1980/Rev.I Page 2 CUBA (Cont’d.) FIJI Representantes Alternos: Representative: Sr. Jos@ SIVILA DE LA TORRE, Funcionario de la Direcci~n H.E. Mr. Berenado VUNIBOR0, Ambassador and Plenipotentiary~ Permanent Representative de Relaciones Econ6micas Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores to the United Nations Sr. Enrique MORET-ECHEVARNIA, Primer Secretar~o, Misi6n Alternate Representatives: Permanente Mr. Narendra SINGH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Sr. Jos@ Ram6n PEREZ ALFONSO, Segundo Secretarfo, Misi6n Mr. Narsi RANIGA, Foreign Affairs Department Permanents Mr. Ravindran NAIR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Aryoday LAL, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission CZECHOSLOVAKIA Representative: Mr. Filimore JITOKO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mr. Ji~i SIOSTRONEK, Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Mission Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Rishi RAM, Ministry of Finance Alternate Representative: Mr. Jarom~r FELCMAN, Third Secretary, Permanent FINLAND Mission (Rapporteur) Representative: Mr. Jukka Robert VALTASAARI, Minister Counsellor (Economic and Social Affairs), Permanent Mission DEMOCRATIC YEMEN Representative: Alternate Representatives: H.E. Mr. Abdalla Saleh ASHTAL, Ambassador Extraordinary Mr. Benjamin I. BASSIN, Counsellor, Permanent and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to Mission the United Nations Mr. Sakari ERAPOHJA, Second Secretary, Ministry Alternate Representative: of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdul-Aziz Ahmed BA-ISSA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission FRANCE Repr~sentant: M. Denis BAUCHARD, Ministre Pl6nipotentiaire, DENMARK Representative: Conseiller @conomique et financier, Mission H.E. Mr. Wilh. ULRICNSEN, Ambassador Extraordinary Permanente and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to Repr6sentants suppl6ants: the United Nations M. Laurent DENIS~ Attach~ financier, Mission Alternate Representatives: Permanents Mr. Steffen SMIDT, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Mlle. Nicole COURSON, Premier Secr6taire, Mission Affairs Permanente Ms. Ellen Margrethe L#J, First Secretary of Embassy, M. Pierre DUVERNEY-GUIC}~RD, Secr6taire des Permanent Mission Affaires Etrang~res, Direction des Nations Unies et des 0rganisations Internationales ECUADOR M. Jean BIDAUT, Charg6 de Mission, Ministers de Representante: la Coop6ration S.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante ins Naciones Unidas (Tercer Vice Presidents) GABON Repr6sentant: Representantes Alternos: Mme. Christine Moutou DA GRACA, Deuxi~me Conseiller, Srta. Paulina GARCIA-DONOSO, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente Mission Permanente Dr. Edwin R. JOHNSON, Primer Secretar~o de Embajada, Misi6n Permanente GAMBIA Representative: EGYPT H.E. Mr. Ousman Ahmadou SALLAH, Ambassador Representative: Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent H.E. Dr. Abmed Esmat ABDEL MEGUID, Ambassador Extra- Representative to the United Nations ordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Alternate Representative: to the United Nations Mr. Hassum CEESAY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Alternate Representatives: (Second Vice President) Dr. Hassan GADEL HAK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Soheir S. ZAKI, First Secretary, Ministry of GERMANY, FEDERAL NEPI~LIC OF Foreign Affairs Representatives: Miss Fayza Mohamed ABOUL NAGA, Second Secretary, Mr. Roland ZIMMERMA_NN, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Permanent Mission Mr. Ramzy Ezzeldin RAMZy, Third Secretary, Permanent Dr. Wolf PREUSS, Ministerial Counsellor, Federal Mission Ministry for Economic Co-operation Alternate Representatives: Mr. Gert-Robert LIPTAU, Counsellor, Permanent Mission /GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Cont’d. DP/INF/Feb.1980/Rev.I Page 3 ~GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF (Cont’d.) JAPAN Alternate Representatives (Cont’d): Representative: Mr. J~rgen MOEHLING, Counsellor, Federal Ministry H.E. Mr. Seiya NISHIDA, Ambassador Extraordinary and for Economic Co-operation Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative Mr. Michael von HARPE, First Secretary, Federal Ministry to the United Nations of Finance Alternate Representatives: Adviser: Mr. Sumihiro KUYAMA, Counsellor (Administrative and Mr. Horst H.M. TSCHORN, Third Secretary, Permanent Budgetary Affairs), Permanent Mission Mission Mr. Yasukuni ENOKI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission GREECE JORDAN Representatives: Representative: H.E. Mr. Nicolas KATAPODIS, Ambassador Extra- H.E. Dr. Hazem NUSEIBEH, Ambassador Extraordinary and ordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representa- Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the tive to the United Nations United Nations Mr. Alexander B. VAYENAS, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Alternate Representatives: Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Saleh A.S. AL-ZUBI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Alternate Representatives: Permanent Mission Mr. lakovos SPETSIOS, First Secretary of Embassy, Mr. George Y. SHAMMA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Permanent Mission Mr. Andreas KAMBITSIS, Special Adviser to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs KENYA Representative: H.E. Mr. Charles Gatere MAINA, Ambassador Extra- INDONESIA ordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representa- Representative: tive to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Abdullah KA~IL, Ambassador Extraordinary Alternate Representatives: and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Mr. Richard H. O. OKWANO, First Secretary, Permanent to the United Nations Mission Alternate Represe~tatives: Mr. O. A. WAFULA, Assistant Secretary, Vice Mr. Irawan DARSA, Minister, Permanent Mission President’s Office and Ministry of Finance Mr. Soemadi Djoko Moerdjono BROTODININGRAT, First Secretary, Permanent Mission KUWAIT Adviser: Representative: Mr. Maddolangeng MANSJUR, Third Secretary, Permanent H.E. Mr. Abdalla Yaccoub BISHARA, Ambassador Extra- Mission ordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representa- tive to the United Nations ITALY Alternate Representatives: Representative: Mr. Abdulmohsen Nasir EL-JEAAN, Counsellor, Deputy H.E. Mr. Umberto LA ROCCA, Ambassador Extraordinary Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to Mr. Naima AL SHAYJI, Director of Technical Co-operation the United Nations tion Department, Ministry of Planning Alternate Representatives: Dr. Muntasir LABBAN, Adviser (Economic Affairs), Minister Giacomo IVANCICH, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent
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