DECLASSIFIED AND RELEASED BY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SOURCES METHODS EXEMPT 100362B NAZI WAR CR IMESDISCLOSII RE An DATE 2001 2007 , // ' Introductory Note I. This Whos Who in Nazi Germany has been prepared for the use of those dealing with propaganda to and about Germany. It is CONFIDENTIAL. The information it contains may be used without restriction, but the source must not be disclosed. II. The present fourth edition has been expanded considerably and includes a number of prominent personalities from the realm of industry, finance and trade. In the compilation of this edition emendations and suggestions made in connection with the earlier editions were most helpful. Further collaboration of this kind is invited. III. Biographies and photographs of personalities included in this volume as well as more detailed material about many of them and collections of speeches and articles by the more important are available. IV. It is hoped to keep this edition up-to-date by the issue at regular intervals of supplements which will be sent to the recipients of Whos Who in Nazi Germany. V. Applications for further copies and for additional material, biographies and photographs should be addressed in writing to :— THE EDITOR, Whos Who in Nazi Germany, Box No. 2, West Central District Office, New Oxford Street, W.C.1. • See page 6 (Pink). A A number of current German ranks, titles and technical terms translated or explained in the GLOSSARY. (Pink pages 3-5) Throughout the text of this WHOS WHO, these terms, printed in italics wherever they recur, will not be translated. A number of current abbreviations of German terms are explained and translated in the LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. (Pink pages 6-7) This WHOS WHO is arranged so as to answer two kinds of questions :— 1. Who is in charge of a given post, organisation or area ? Such questions will be answered in the ORGANISATIONAL PART. (Blue pages 10-44) Index 2. What are the rank(s), title(s), position(s), age and background of a given personality ? Such questions will be answered in the ALPHABETICAL PART. (White pages 45-136) Personalities, who within the last years have held important positions, but have meanwhile died, resigned, been dismissed or transferred to less important ones, will be found in the SURVEY OF CHANGES. (Primrose pages 137-148) Glossary The following German terms, printed in italics throughout the text of this WHOS WHO, are ONLY translated or explained HERE. BRIGADEFUHRER Rank in a formation of the Party or in the Armed SS., about equivalent to Maj./Gen. BOTSCHAFTER Ambassador - this diplomatic rank is often conferred upon officials of the German Foreign Office, not serving as representatives abroad. FREIKORPS (Illegal) military formation(s) in Germany after World War I, fore- runners of Nazism. GAU Administrative district of the Party. GAUAMTSLEITER Head of a Department in a " Gau- leitung " (Party administration of a " Gau."). GAUHAUPTMANN Head of self-administration in a " Reichsgau" ; under the " Reichs- statthaher." GAULEITER Highest Party official in a " Gau." GAUOBMANN Chief of the Labour Front in a " Gau." GENERAL DER INFANTERIE (or : DER KAVALLERIE DER PANZER- TRUPPEN, etc.) Full General. GENERALADMIRAL Naval rank, equivalent to a Col./Gen. in the Army, no English equivalent. GENERALARBEITS- Rank in the Reich Labour Service ; FHRER equivalent to Maj./Gen. GENERALFELD- Field Marshal MARSCHALL GENERALLEUTNANT Lt./Gen. GENERALMAJOR Maj./Gen. GENERALOBERST Army rank ; between full General and Fieldmarshal, no English equivalent ; translation : Col./Gen. GESANDTER Minister ; see also " Borsehafter." GEHEIME STAATS- see " Gestapo" in " List of Abbrevia- POLIZEI tions" and " Sieherheitspolizei " below. GROSSADMIRAL Highest naval rank ; equivalent to a Fieldmarshal in the Army. 3 GRUPPENFOHRER Rank in a formation of the Party, about the same as Lt./Gen. in the Army. HAUPTDIENSTLEITER High administrative rank in the Party. KRIMINALPOLIZEI see " Kripo " in " List of Abbrevia- tions " and " Sicherheitspolizei " below. LAND One of the " States " forming part of the Reich (e.g. Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, etc.). LANDESHAUPTMANN Head of self-administration in a Prussian Province ; under the " Oberprasident." LANDES KOMMIS S AR Head of one of the Districts of the "Land" Baden ; similar to the " RegierungsprdstVent." LUFTGAU Air Force Administrative District. MINISTERIALDIREKTOR Highest Civil Service rank. MINISTERIALDIRIGENT Ranking under " Ministerialdirektor." MINISTERIALRAT Ranking under " Ministerialdirigent." OBERBEREICHSLEITER Title in the Party Administration. OBERBORGERMEISTER Lord Mayor. OBERDIENSTLEITER One step lower than " Hauptdienst- leiter." OBERFOHRER Rank in a formation of the Party, about equivalent to Brigadier (no equivalent in the German Army) OBERGEBIETSFOHRER Second highest rank in the HJ. OBERGENERALARBEITS- Highest rank in the German Reich FüHRER Labour Service ; about equivalent to Lt./Gen. in the Army. OBERGRUPPENFOHRER Rank in a formation of the Party ; about equivalent to a full General. OBERPRASIDENT Administrative Head of a Prussian Province. OBERSTGRUPPEN- Rank in the SS.; about equivalent to FüHRER " Generaloberst." OBERSTURMBANN- Rank in a formation of the Party ; FüHRER about equivalent to a Lt./Col. ORDNUNGSPOLIZEI lit. : Order Police uniformed branch of the German Police dealing with all police matters, except political ones and C.I.D. work. REGIERUNGSBEZIRK Administrative District, subdivision of a Prussian Province, a Land (Bavaria) or a Reichsgau. 4 ?',."',WRA'f'f,''*aY.4t,WYVWtt • , REGIERUNGS- Civil Service rank ; usually Head of a PRASIDENT " Regierungsbezirk." REICHSAMTSLEITER Head of a Department in the " Reichs- leitung." REICHSGAU Administrative District of the Reich (outside the " Linder "). REICHSHAUPT- Head of one of the Main Divisions in ABTEILUNGSLEITER the "Reichstkihrstand.7 REICHSLEITER Highest administrative Party rank, signifying membership of the Supreme Party Directorate (" Reichs- leitung "). RE1CHSSTATTHALTER Representative of the Reich Govern- ment in one of the German countries ("Lander ") or Administrative Head of a " Reichsgau." SICHERHEITSPOLIZEI Security Police. Branch of the German Police (as a rule in plain clothes) dealing with C.I.D. work (Kriminal- polizei) and political work (Gestapo). STAATSSEKRETAR Lit. : " State Secretary" in German Civil Service terminology NOT the Minister, but the (permanent) Civil Service Head of a Ministry. There may be several " Staatssekretare" in one Ministry. STABSFOHRER Highest rank in the NJ. STANDARTENFOHRER Rank in a formation of the Party ; about equivalent to Colonel in the army. STURMBANNFUHRER Rank in a formation of the Party ; about equivalent to Major in the Army. UNTERSTAATS- One step lower than ".Staatssekracir." SEKRETAR WEHRWIRTSCHAFTS- Title awarded to prominent indus- FOHRER trialists for merits in the Armaments Drive ; possibly connected with special privileges. WEFIRKREIS Military Administrative District. 5 List of Abbreviations AO. Auslands-Organisation Foreign Organisation (of the NSDAP.) AR. Aufsichtsrat Board (of Commercial Undertaking) BDM. Bund Deutscher Mädel League of German Girls DAF. Deutsche Arbeitsfront German Labour Front DFW. Deutsches Frauenwerk German Womens Organi- sation (sub-organisation of the NSF.) DGT. Deutscher Gemeindetag Congress of German Muni- cipalities DHD. Deutscher Handelsdienst German Commercial Service DNB. Deutsches Nachrichtenbiiro German Newsagency (owned by Propaganda Ministry) DPK. Deutsche Diplomatisch- German Diplomatic and Politische Korrespondenz Political Correspondence DRK. Deutsches Rotes Kreuz German Red Cross GESTAPO. Geheime Staatspolizei Secret State Police GG. Generalgouvernement General Government HJ. Hitler-Jugend Hitler Youth KdF. Kraft durch Freude Strength through Joy (sub- fr, organisation of DAF.) KRIPO. Kriminalpolizei Criminal Police (= C.I.D.) MADR. Mitglied der Akademie ftir Member of the Academy Deutsches Recht for German Law MdR. Mitglied des Reichstags Member of the Reichstag (= M.P.) MVGH. Mitglied des Volksgerichts- Member of the Peoples hofs Tribunal NS. Nationalsozialistisch National Socialist NS AB. NS.-Arztebund NS.-Physicians League NSBDT. NS.-Bund Deutscher NS.-German Technical Technik League NSDAP. Nationalsozialistische National Socialist German Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Workers Party NSDoB. NS.-Dozentenbund NS.-University Lecturers League NSDStB. NS.-Deutscher Studenten- NS.-German Students bund League NSF. NS.-Frauenschaft NS.-Womens League NSFK. NS.-Fliegerkorps NS.-Flying Corps NSK. NS.-Korrespondenz NS.-Correspondence (Official Party) • News Agency. •• This abbreviation is not current in Germany. 6 NSKK. NS.-Kraftfahrer Korps NS.-Motor Corps NSKOV. NS.-Kriegsopferversorgung NS.-War Victims Associa- tion NSLB. NS.-Lehrerbund NS.-Teachers League NSRB. NS .-Rechtswahrerbund NS.-Lawyers League NSRL. NS.-Reichsbund fiir NS.-League for Physical Leibesiibungen Culture NSV. NS.-Volkswohlfahrt NS.-League for Public Welfare OA. Oberabschnitt SS. Corps Area, usually coinciding with WK. 0 KH. Oberkommando des Heeres Army High Command 0 KL. Obetkommando der Luft- Air Force High Command waffe OKM. Oberkommando der Navy High Command Kriegsmarine OKW. Oberkommando der Wehr- High Command of the macht Armed Forces OT. Organisation Todt Organisation Todt (Front Workers Corps) Pg. Parteigenosse (male) Party Member Pgn. Parteigenossin (female) Party Member PSt. Preussischer Staatsrat Prussian State Councillor PK. Propaganda Kompanie Propaganda Company PAD. Reichsarbeitsdienst Reich Labour Service
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