EFFICIENTT RANSPORTATIOI" EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR Momm transportation has three con- mobile engineering and manufacturing. Hundrh mandments; first, safety; second, comfort; third, of other men constantly are using harsh ar being able to make time. These commandments drastic tests - checking and re-checking eve; apply to automobiles as well as to railroads and part that goes into any Chrysler Motors prod^ airplanes, and every Chrysler Motors product- to assure that it will uphold the integrityimplit from the highest-priced to the lowest-priced-is by Chryler Standa rdired Qzm lity. designed to keep them. And as to being on time!-if you like to "whe The utmost in safety can be assured only by 'em" over the bad stretches or "let 'er roll" c utzifarrnly high quality. A large group of research the smoothest highway, you'll find thesecarsquie experts is employed by Chrysler Motors to the seemingly without haste; eager to go at eve: end that this will be attained by every car on touch of the throttle; agile in traffic - and c the list. Maximum of comfort, too, is one time with a maximum of safety! There of the' aims of their research. These swift, sure, efficient transportati~! experts continually are seeking new every day of the year in any Ch'yslt materials, designs and methods of auto- Motors product. All branches 011 rhe same rree; all growirrg on! o/rAe Chryrl~rroo1 prinriple o/Srandard;zed Qtraliry CHRYSLER MOTORS CHCYSLER IMPERIAL CHRYSLER "77" CHRYSLER "70" CHRYSLER "66" NEW CHRYSLER SIX . DODGE BROTHERS SIXES AND EIGHTS DE SOT0 STRAIGHT EIGHT NEW DE SOT0 SIX PLYMOUTH DODGE BROTHERS TRUCKS, BUSES AND MOTOR COACHES FARGO COMMERCIAL VEHICLES CHRYSLER MARINE ENGINES ! W. HORACE WILLIAMS CO., INC. ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Specializing in Design and/or Construction of Dock Wharves, Piers, Breakwaters, Dams, and Jetties, Bridges, Railways, Highways, Industrial Plants. All classes of Building Construction, Building Foundations. Maintaining an Engineering Department for Consultation, Investigation, Reports, Surveys, Designs. HOME OFFICE BRANCHES Fifth Floor Southern Building Pensacola, Fla. Mobile, Ala Houston, Tex. 833 Howard Avenue NEW ORLEANS, LA. Representatives in Principal Citiss of all Southern States FRISCO TERMINALS at PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, WARRIOR RIVER BRIDGE and Other Important Works for Frisco Lines HIVILT l%TTHIS COUI'.\SY Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO 1 SUCCESSORS TO THE ~cAR~+-,LOWRYLUMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" Exchange Building MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone 6 - 2312 The Mount Vernon Car Manufacturing Co. Rcpair Shop, 500' x 150' Capacity Per Annum: 10,000 Freight Cars; Fully equipped with Cranes, Electric Riveters, etc., enabling rrs to work in a22 kinds 20,000 Tons Forgings of tceather TI BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS OF ALL KINDS MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 7 3 7-7 38 FRISCO BUILDING . ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCGINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C. MOORE. Associate Editor G. E. STAPLES. Spcclal Rcprercnlatlve WM. McMILLAN. Aduertiainp Manager Vol. VI I JUNE, 1930 No. 9 Permission is given to reprint with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pa~cs Sl~ri~~glicltlhnvlcrs \Vin 'I'o~rna~nc~lt................. .. .........................................................................4.5 17risco Fire Rrigatlcs are Efficient ........................................................................................................ 6-7 Hc Raises Flo\vers ior Frisco Lincs .................... ,...... ........ ......................................................................8 Frisco Car Damage Decrcasc?; T\\.cnty Six Per Cent .......................................................................... 9 News of the Frisco Clubs .,.............. .. ....................................................................................... 10-14 Frisco Introtlnces Room Cars 011 Melcor ................................................................................................ 15 A Pagc of Frisco Girl Graduates ............ ........................................... .... .............. ... 1 7 :\ Pag? of Graduating Frisco Sons............................................................................................................ !9 J. W: Flanncry Named Assistant Tral'fic Managrr .............................................................................-30 Itail Detcctor at Work on Frisco Liws.............................................................................................. 21 I'assengcr Trains 98.3 Per Cent on Timc.............................................................................................. 22 For Meritorious Servicc ......................... .....................................................................................2.1 Frisco Hospital Association'?; Statement.................................................................................................. 24 I.ocomoti\v Fuel Perfor~na~~ceRecords ....................................... ..............................................26-27 Tl~cPension Roll ...................................................................................................................................... 28-29 Homcn~akers'Papc ............................................................................................................................... 30-31 , I .he Twilight Hour............................................................................... ....................................................... 32 A Page of New1)ur~.Mo.. Childrcn ........,... .... .....................................................................33 I+shes oi Merriment ..................................................................................................................................... 34 '9 Page of Praise from Frisco Fricntlq ................ ..... .......... ...................... ................................ 3.5 Frisco Mechanic............................................................................................................. LO Friscc, Family Sews.........,.,,. .. ........................................................................ 41-72 THE FRlSCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER n The Frlsco Employes' Magazine Is a monrhly publicnrion drroled primarily lo the Inrereal8 st the Illore Ulan 25,000 active nlrd retired employes of the Frlsco Lines. It contains srorles, items of current news, personal notes i~bour emplo!.es and rhelr fnmllles, artlcles deallng nlth rarlous phasa of rallroad work, poems, carroons and notices regarding the serrice. Good clear pllotogmphs sultable for reproducrlon are especlally desired, and w111 be returned only when reauesred. All ct~rtoonsand drawings must be in black India drawing Lnk. Employes are Invlred to a-rire artlclea for the m:~nazlne. Contriburlons should be type- wrltren, on one side 01 the sheet onll-. and should be addressed to the Edlror. Frlsco Bulldlng, 51. LOUIS,310. Dlsrributed free among Frlsco Employes. To others, price 15 cents n copy ; subscrlptlorr rate 11.50 n year. Adverrisin~areswill be m:ide knoun upon n~plicntlor. SPRINGFIELD BOWLERS. WIN TOURNEY! PRINGFIE1,I) I)owlers bat tletl and took second money, $89 their W;IY to t~pho~~ors in First Annual All-F~~SCOTulsa Revising Durean tied I' S all four tlivisions of tl~efirst Bowling Meel in Springf ie[d Oil Field Special of Springe annual Frisco Svstrn~ Handican for the third highest five-m May 10-12-1 15 Men score, each team making a gra total three-game score of 2r' Participate The Tulsa q~~intet'shandlcap r 678 and the Oil Field 8 I'it,ltl Spc~c:i:~l team of Spriwficltl. 11's was 648. 1Snch of these I \\-lti(~l~wits t.o111111~iswI(11' the ~~IIII~PSLfe:~n~s r~rriv~(1 $14.51 in prize mot I)o\v!c~rsin tIi(, c:ornl~cbtitiotl,all ol' its The Springfield St. Lollisan3 II n~cnll)c'rsI~cting untl(!l' t\vellty years fifth placc in Ihe five-man divir with n grarltl total three-game sr of 2869. including a 465-pin hand^! antl won $11.61. 111 rapturina second prize in 1 doul)los, Steele and Skinner ran u! total score of 1231 with a handi: of 168 atttl took an award of $1: Steclc was captain of the Sprinrl Governors and Skinner a rnemh~r the Oznrk Litnitetl team. Thomp: and Fucrst of the Springfieltl D Donnet team \\we third with a In of 1230 in three games using a hhrn cap 0:' 267 i~nd won $8.71. Fntr. plt~cc! was taken by G. JIiller ml 1lnrl>er of T~~lsawit11 n score of 1: which inclutl:!~l :I hantlicap of 331;. Th wo~$5.80. E'ifth place, which N awarded the silnle price as fo~r~ was won by C. Smith and 11. Gilbert Sl)rin~fieltl,who shot a three-R;II n'antl tvtal of 1208 using a handir of 177 llins. J. Sac41en. a Kansas City team r. Lain. and J. Valleroy of the Scri.1 slroc~tPrpi~llt office in St. Louis, 1 I'or sc!c:o~~tlplace in the singles, vi nl;tkinp,. a RIYIIII~ tolal 30-frame src of (X4. Sachcw's handicap was 63 3 \';~I'c~~oy'swas 96. Sachen made l scwrc? or] the first erenit~gof' the mt ;c~~tl\'alle~.oy sl~ot l~isscore wll; tirtl it ot~ the second afterm Sec~oirrl and third money n.au r; 'qr~;tlly I)etwt!e~t them, each recei~i $6.96. 1Vn1. I{etlford. also of the. 1,ouis Seventh street freight btnlii St. I.ouis, took loilrth molley. mnb! :I three-game tot.al scorc ol' GFO s ol ace :III~ IIR~~II~1)11t one yetu' of :I I~autlicapof 84. J. LeCon~pte,of r I)o\vlit~,q. 'I'hcso yonngr
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