Daily Today's weather Today's weather forecast calls for a high of about 40 degrees, and a low near JI degrees. According to the Lewiston Weather Service, it should be cloudy with the chance of precipitation at 70 percent. The extended outlook for this weekend calls for \ mild tempera- 'Ver reen tures with periods of rain or snow; Vol.84 No.64 friday, February 3,1978 highs in the mid-JOs to 4Qs and lows in the mid-20s and 30s, Bruce Fingarson Students returne.d to Pullman this week to register and Smith Gym and will continue today until noon. After 1 prepare for sprmg semester's classes and act I lti . t ti b vmes, p.m. students should report to Bohler Gym for packets. Regis ra Ion egan yesterday morning at 8 a.m. in the Schedules will be available Sunday afternoon. New Regent By ASWSU executives candidates Police to be policed at concert . Police wil.1 be searching day packs, large purses and anyth- bottles and cans because they're being thrown. That's the only kept secret ing else which could conceal glass or metal containers at all thing they will be searching for." " . WSU spectator events including the Eric Clapton concert Police will also be strictly enforcing no-smoking provisions. State Rep. Pat Patterson, (R-Pullman) Monday, acco~ding to Del Brannan, campus police chief. Brannan also said that consumption or possession of alcoholic aid yesterday he hoped he would be Searches Will be confined, however, to those items in which beverages at a WSU spectator event is forbidden. ~onsulted regarding the appointment of a containers could be carried, according to ASWSU president The strict enforcement is made necessary by numerous new member of the WSU Board of Mark Ufkes. abuses of safety rules at recent spectator events, Brannan said. Regents but he has not been ~ontacted by "It's not going to be a pat-down search-they can't touch Cyril Matthews, chairman of the Performing Arts Commit- Gov. Dixy Lee Rayon the sub~ect. you, but they can look through your backpacks or bundles just tee, said the police contacted Ufkes and Greg King, ASWSU There are 11 or more candidates under like at ball games," he said. vice president, and they, in turn, told him. consideration to replace the seat vacate~ Brannan emphasized, however, that those failing to cooper- Matthews said he talked with his committee members last October by Robert Strausz of Yaki- ate with the inspection will not be permitted to enter or remain yesterday and they decided to assist the ASWSU executive on the premises. staff in their supervision of the police and their actions. m':;aw';rson said three nominees which Ufkes said ASWSU persons will be at the concert to make He said the crackdown won't reduce the amount of tickets were listed in yesterday's Evergreen sure the police keep the searches to the defined problem-glass sold for the concert. He said the only way it will reduce ere the only candidates he was aware and metal containers, Ufkes commented. attendance is if the police turn someone away from entering of He said he hoped he would be informed "They (ASWSU persons) will be wearing little badges, so if because they refused to be searched. o ho some of the other candidates are and there is a problem with the searches, no one should hesitate to Matthews, admitting he is not a legal expert, questioned the :sked to give an opinion since the univer- contact one of these (ASWSU) persons," he ~aid. , legality of punishing someone for not submitting to a search. sity is in his district. "I can't emphasize this enough. They Will be searching for He said it was similar to "being guilty until proven innocent." The governor's office in Olympia has been confirming names but refuses to volunteer a full list of .those. under consi- deration- Patterson said Iegislators were Thomsen drops better informed of possible appointees Wheatland Realty burglarized under the previous governor, Dan Evans. A total of $990 in cash and checks were locked. The box is kept in a locked closet Members of the governor's staff dis- out of election stolen from Finch's Wheatland Realty, out "there is a possibility that the room closed Wednesday that .the following p~r- Mikal Thomsen told the Daily Ever- sometime between 5 p.m. Saturday and 8 was not locked. We don't know for sure," sons were being considered: Ray HIlI, green yesterday he has withdrawn his a.m. Monday, according to owner Howard Finch said. Goldendale; Don Morton, Lamont; and name and that of John Meglen from the Finch. No evidence of forcible entry was found Leonard Zagelo, Spokane. ASWSU executive race. About $450 worth of checks and about by police, either inside or outside the Yesterday, the staff disclosed that Thomsen and Meglen had announced $500 in cash were stolen. The money was building according to Don Pierce, Pull- letters of recommendation had been plans to run for ASWSU presi~ent ~nd collected rent payments. man Police. received for Stanton Ganders, a former vice president but Thomsen said during "They took the rents where cash was a The police are continuing investigation state senator from Spokane. the semester break they decided against part of the payment," Finch said. The into the theft. The National Farm Orgamzation sub- running. realty had a record of the checks, and The burglary this past weekend was the mitted a recommendation for Wendell He said he feels there are other tickets checkwriters have been informed that second break-in this year involving the Prater, an EJlensbur? farm,:;, "at ~he with better chances of winning and that they should have their checks canceled. Wheatland offices. The weekend of Jan. beginning of Gov. Ray s ter~, .ac~ordmg he agrees with much of the Tom Pirie- The rent had been kept in a box that had 14-15 a break-in was reported with less to Orissa Schulz, ~he o~ganIzatlOn s legis- Vann Snyder platform and will support an inexpensive lock and was not always than $10 stolen. I tive chairman in this state. However, them in their upcoming campaign. ~th Ganders and Prater said they were Meglen is presently chairman .of b?th not seeking the position. the Mini-Concert and Mesa Directiva Hill, Morton, Prater, and Ganders all committees. Thomsen said both he and have farming bac~grounds. Patterson Meglen felt he (Meglen) could do mo~e aid he did not think there were ~ny for ASWSU by staying within the commit- Behind the Front Page ~urrent regents members 'with intensrve tee structure. agricultural backgrounds and that the Thomsen said he plans to apply for the • The women's and men's C b k governor may. be looking for someone here last night Result 10Sugar as etball teams clashed with Oregon State position of budget coordinator for next . s pages and 16. ' with this experIence. year. ' ASWSU President Mark Ufkes said he The announcement narrows the field to :OkTh:hIntense pressure of schoo! affects different people different ways. For a had written a letter to Governor Ray a ow some. react, as our series continues see page 7 two announced tickets-those of Pirie- • ASWSU PreSident Ma k Ufk ld h . '-. .' recommending that a student be appom~- Snyder and Brad White-Theresa Doherty. tion with students Th f' r h If efs s.al e ~s trying to Improve his communica- d for a one-year term on the boar . The filing deadline for the election is Feb. e irst a 0 his term ISexamined on page 6. tfkes said he received no response. from ,22 at 5 p.rn,' I " the governor. , , ~\ Y J, ._"" '". ; . ) ~ Fall grad Animal shelter fees due Stray dogs killed after one week Feb. 17 Fall semester graduates by Megan Skinner groups, making it hard to catch must pay their graduation Evergreen Staff Writer them, Longfellowsaid. fees by Feb. 17, or not Stray dogs wandering 'around The length of time an animal is graduate according to campus may find themselves kept at the shelter differs, Long- Nancy Hirst, graduation caged up by a Pullman animal fellowsaid. supervisor with the regist- control officer. During the summer, for eXam_ rar's office. Spring According to Vicki Longfellow, ple, dogs are kept longer before graduates' deadline is Pullman animal control officer, being put up for adOPtion March 2, with June 16the the campus is patrolled frequent- because of vacationing resi- last possible day to pay; ly by the officers. Dogs that are dents. students are urged to pay not in their "owner's immediate, When a dog's owner claims the on the second, she said, to control," will, be impounded in - animal, the owner is asseSsed expedite processing. Pullman's Animal Shelter, said $10, plus $2 a day for room and "Fees are $5 for under- Longfellow.' board. grads and $12 for grad When dogs are locked into the For the person wishing to students and can be paid at Pullman Animal' Shelter, they adopt a dog from the shelter. it the cashiers' window, are kept for three days and then will cost $20, but $15 will' be French Ad 240," said C. offered to the public as a pet. If a refunded when the dog is steri_ James Quann, registrar. dog isn't taken within one week lized, Longfellowsaid. ' The money goes toward it is put to sleep by WSUveterin- Stray cats are not picked up by printing diplomas and con- arians.
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