VOL. LV AUSTIN, TEXAS, JANUARY, 197 NO. 5 State Basketball Playoff Schedule Announced Science Director Suggests Ways Regional Committees Will Decide Time, Site For Preparing For Coming Tests Fod the 1970-71 school year each ferences A and AA, Boys, has been region in Conference AAA Boys authorized by the State Executive pursuit ships in May. Thirteen of these teaching through public support and "Science teachers should encour­ but should be an energetic Basketball has a Regional Chair­ Committee for the 1970 season: a specific topic. science as a major; one se­ approbation. age their students to prepare for of information about elected man appointed to serve with the There will be a one-game play-off should lected engineering, and another took the science contest," said Dr. David In studying, the student district winning schools in deter­ for the A and AA boys on Feb. 22 questions and mathematics. Furthermore, 49 of Books Specially Chosen R. Stronck, State Science Director. form in his own mind mining which method will be used or 23 to determine which team will answers in the the 102 scholarship winners are ma­ Books in the bibliography are not Students should be advised not to then try to find the in selecting a regional champion. qualify for the regional touranment in science or closely related too difficult for better high school attempt to read books from cover resource books. Titles of chapters or joring The Regional Committee may to be completed on the following Any finalist at State Meet students and many are, in fact, in to cover, but to select a subject sections will suggest questions, such fields. elect to play a tournament at a site Saturday, Feb. 27. meet may the Travelling High School Science about which they know least and to as, "Why was a particular procedure or runnerup at a regional and time determined! by the Reg­ but Library of the American Associa­ read one of the books in that field. followed?" or, "What chemicals apply for a TILF scholarship, ional Committee, or they may elect B and AAAA Championships cause water pollution?" or "What only one-third of those qualified ap­ tion for the Advancement of Science The next step would be to read a regional play-off series. The reg­ The odd-numbered district win­ conclusions can be drawn from the ply for scholarships. and the National Science Founda­ about the great experiments which ional play-off series may be paired ners will play the even-numbered experiment?" tion. These books and periodicals advanced that field, then to search and played under the following district winners in a first-round Last year, the Texas Interscholas- Purposes of Contest should be part of every high school for recent developments in the peri­ schedule: elimination on March 1 or 2. The tic League Foundation awarded a The science contest will soon have library and do not require too much odicals recommended in the bibli­ In Region I, AA, as an illustra­ survivor of the first-round game total of $172,250 to winners of vari­ been part of the League program financial expenditure. No special ography. tion, the winner of district 1AAA will advance to the respective reg ous academic competitions. Fifteen for ten years. School administrators equipment or coaching is necessary plays 2AAA, and 3AAA plays ional tournament to be completed Purposeful Reading of the 40 science contestants at established the contest with these for contestants. | 4AAA in a one-game play-off to be on the weekend of March 5 and 6. Reading should not be passive, State Meet in May received scholar- objectives: played either on Feb. 22 or 23, at To encourage high school stu­ Objective Type Questions sites to be selected by participating B, A and AA Girls dents to read critically from science The fact that the contest is based teams. The winners in each case material. on objective questions, the an­ vill then play a one-game series on For the girls there will be a one- National Federation Meet To arouse latent interest in sci­ swer and periodicals recommended, !-'eb. 26 or 27, at a site to be deter- game play-off on Feb. 15 or 16 to ence and discover potential scien­ should encourage students to enter ined by the two participating determine which teams will qualify Will Be Held In St. Louis tists. the event. Even those who do not ;:hools. for the regional tournament, to be To secure for the science scholar place first in the competition will In cases there is a tie vote as to completed the following Saturday, The National Federation of State Constitution and By-Laws," "Ad­ public acclaim for success, as the acquire an understanding of the .'hat procedure shall be used, the Feb. 20. High School Associations will spon­ visory Committees," "Administer­ athlete is commended for his accom­ basic principles of science and be­ h airman will break the tie by cast­ This will mean only four teams sor a National Conference for High ing State Association Meets and plishments. come familiar with the history and ing his vote. will be represented at the regional A and School Directors of Athletics at Contests," and "Legal Aspects of To influence librarians and ad­ philosophy of science. DR. A. R. SCHRANK, professor of Zoology at The University of Texas tournament in Conferences Our Interscholastic Program." ministrators to provide science As has often been said of League Regional Chairmen AA for boys and girls and in AAAA Stouffer's Riverfront Inn, :St. Louis, at Austin, has been appointed to the League State Executive Commit­ Missouri, Feb. 21-23. Tuesday morning's general ses­ books for the school libraries. competition, no one can lose, even Conference AAA regional chair­ for boys. In Conference B there tee. Born in Hamilton, Texas, Dr. Schrank came to The University as a The conference will convene Sun­ sion will feature panel discussions To encourage and improve science if he doesn't win! men are: will be eight teams in each regional day evening at 8:00 P.M. with an on topics of general interest includ­ zoology instructor in 1939. He earned his B.A. at Southwest Texas State Region I Districts 1-4 Bill meet. opening address by Charles "Bud!" ing "College Recruiting," "New College in 1937, and his Ph.D. at The University in 1942. He is now Vardeman, Supt., Levelland. In each region for both boys and girls in all classes, the bi-district Wilkenson. The keynote address, Ideas in Indoor and Outdoor Facili­ chairman of the Zoology Department. Region II Districts 5-8 Wil- "Athletics in the Space Age" will ties," and "Controversial Issues in game will be between odd-num­ Practice Speech Topics Member of many scientific societies, Dr. Schrank has published widely burn Echols, Supt., Gainesville. be given by William D. Rohr, Di­ Interscholastic Athletics." Tuesday Region III Districts 9-12 Ken­ bered and even-numbered districts; in scholarly journals. rector of Athletics, Ohio University. afternoon's general session is struc­ neth Welch, Supt., Columbia-Bra- e.g., 1 will play 2; 3 will play 4; Morning and afternoon general ses­ tured around the "ADMINISTRA­ Given For Competitors "We are grateful for having Dr. Schrank on the UIL State Executive zoria, West Columbia. and 5 will play 6. sions will be held on Monday and TION OF THE ATHLETIC PRO­ "In the spring, a young man's ters from pollution ? Committee," said Dr. Rhea H. Williams, UIL director. "His long pro­ Region IV Districts 13-16 AAAA Regional Sites Tuesday and the Conference will GRAM" and will feature topics fancy often turns to spring meet Who were the "Seattle Seven"? fessional association with the university and his interest in the League Drew Reese, Supt., Pleasanton. conclude Tuesday evening with the dealing with "Departmental Policy," Region I, Districts 1-8, Abilene speech events," said Dr. Rex Wier, What is Lebanon's commando will be of great value to the schools of Texas." conference banquet featuring an "Training Rules and Discipline League speech consultant, misquot­ problem ? Conference AAA (Girls) Christian College, Abilene, A. B. address by Fred Russell, Sports Standards" and "What the School ing the old familiar lines, and, ac­ What was the purpose of the clear In Conference AAA for girls, in Morris, Tournament Director. Ed'itor of the Nashville (Tennes­ Administrator Looks for in His Di­ cordingly, furnishing some sample air car race ? Region I, Districts I and 2 will play Region II, Districts 9-16, Texas see) Banner. rector of Athletics." topics for speech sponsors and com­ Why do we have Palestinian refu­ Welch, Clark Foundations each other in a one-game play-off A&M University, College Station, The theme of Monday morning's During all of the general sessions petitors. gees ? on Feb. 15 or 16. The winner of Marvin Tate, Tournament Director. general session is "ADVANCING time will be reserved for confer­ What does the woman's Lib group * Renew Scholarship Grants this game will play District 3 win­ Region III, Districts 17-24, Uni­ OUR ATHLETIC PROGRAM" and ence attendees to address questions Informative Speaking versity of Houston, Houston, Harry want? the Welch Foundation and G. K. Kleberg Foundation, Carl B. ner for the regional championship will begin with an address by Bernie to each of the speakers or panel What has learned about the safety Both Fouke, Tournament Director. What factors favor Muskie's se­ E. King Foundation, on Feb. 19 or 20. Saggau, Executive 'Secretary of discussants. The National Federa­ of public water systems ? the Clark Foundation have again and Florence Region IV, Districts 25-32, Unde­ lection as a presidential candidate ? Memorial, Joe B.
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