Brief of Minutes ACRL Board of Directors Meeting, Tuesday morning, ing scope and editorial policy of the ACRL February 2, 1954, Monographs, and read the statement printed in Chicago on the inside cover of recent monographs. Mr. McNeal reported that the emphasis of Present were officers, directors, chairmen the ACRL State Representatives had been on of sections and committees, and ACRL repre- membership. Procedure in appointing state sentatives on ALA Council. President Mac- representatives was described. It was desira- Pherson presided. As usual, an agenda with ble for these people to serve relatively long supporting documents had previously been terms. Practices and policies were informally mailed to all those present. approved. Miss MacPherson welcomed Mr. Mum- The Research Planning Committee had ford, incoming ALA president; she intro- recommended dissolution at Los Angeles. duced Miss Saidel, ACRL's new publications Mr. Fussier, who represented the committee, officer, and Miss Mitchell, secretary to Mr. felt that if it was to continue its purpose Hamlin. should be redefined. Robert H. Muller had David Jolly reported for the Buildings written in to express belief in the importance Committee that a very successful buildings of such a committee to ACRL. Mr. Hamlin institute had been held in Madison, Wiscon- concurred but suggested the committee be dis- sin the previous Saturday and Sunday. banded now and that the objectives be studied In the absence of a representative of the and redefined and brought back to the Board Duplicate Exchange Union, a letter from the another year. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Max- chairman, Mrs. Dorsey L. MacDonald, was field spoke of the value of the committee to read. This dealt with revised rules of pro- publishing. cedure and cooperation with the U. S. Book It was voted that, Exchange. the Research Planning Committee be Mr. Heintz reported for the Committee on abolished. Financing C&RL that individual responsibili- ties were being assigned to committee mem- G. Flint Purdy, chairman of the Statistics bers. He read portions of a letter from Committee, summarized the results of a meet- Walter Hafner which told of specific results ing the previous day of Office of Education achieved by Stechert-Hafner ads in the officials with officers of ALA and its divisions journal. on the collection and publication of library Mr. Thompson stated that the Publications statistics. This group agreed on the need for Committee was doing well with the ACRL a clearing house on statistical work. The Monographs. The ACRL Microcard Series ACRL committee had furnished its forms to would have eighteen titles ready for publica- several state agencies. The recent publication tion by the end of February. Precisely the (by newsletter) of the junior college statistics same qualitative standards should be main- was mentioned and Mr. Moriarty com- tained for the Microcards as for C&RL and mented on its value to him. The committee the Monographs. The University of Roch- emphasizes the collection of facts of immedi- ester Press, publisher of the series, handles ate administrative use to college librarians. all such details as classification, distribution, Mr. Lyle asked whether Mr. Purdy wanted and bookkeeping. The Northern Printing an ACRL resolution urging Office of Educa- and Engraving Company of Racine manufac- tion coordination with ACRL in collecting tures the cards. Felix Reichmann, Fremont college library statistics. A carefully drafted Rider and Mr. Thompson comprise the edi- resolution might be useful. No single ques- torial board. A small subsidy is needed to tionnaire form could cover all needs; a clear- cover postage costs of manuscripts. Mr. ing house was desirable. The ACRL Maxfield emphasized the importance of know- Statistics Committee will explore these prob- 212 COI.LEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES lems further with the Office of Education. point one member to an ALA board in which The Committee on Audio-Visual Work the division should have an interest. Pro- was not represented. Mr. Maxfield described posals to reorganize the ALA Executive plans to issue a monograph on audio-visual Board were described. facilities in college libraries and Mr. Hamlin read a portion of a letter from the chairman Meeting, Tuesday evening, on the need for an AV newsletter. February 2, in Chicago Mr. Ellsworth was not present to report for the Committee to Implement Library of Present were officers and directors and Congress Bibliographical Projects but had several guests. written to request continuance of the com- President MacPherson welcomed Mr. mittee in its present form one more year. Lindquist, ALA treasurer, as the representa- Mr. Eaton stated that the Committee on tive of the Executive Board. She reported Committee Appointments was making good that James M. Kingsley, Jr. had resigned as progress but that suggestions for people to chairman of the Committee on Conference serve were welcomed. Programs; he had been replaced by Ralph H. The President reported appointment of Hopp. Gerald McDonald to head the ad hoc com- Mr. Shipman presented the financial state- mittee to study the establishment of a group ment. Balance on November 30 was within ALA for librarians especially inter- $16,226.30; this was $16,355 on February 2. ested in rare books. Other members are Funds had increased steadily in recent years Colton Storm, Hannah D. French, Thomas but important obligations had been assumed M. Simkins, Lawrence C. Powell, and Clyde recently. The Association was in good shape Walton. financially. On request, Mr. Hamlin de- scribed the need for budget revisions. Not all At the request of Mr. Eaton the Executive of the $4,120 requested for C&RL subvention Secretary had prepared a short, draft state- should actually be used. Conference budget ment of purpose for each ACRL committee. should be increased to cover travel of the It was agreed that the directors should define increased headquarters staff. New office the scope of each committee operation. After equipment was needed because four full-time some discussion it was voted that, staff members were crowded into an office ap- (1) the name of the Committee on Com- proximately 14' x 14' and he hoped ALA mittee Appointments be changed to would provide ACRL with other quarters; if "Committee on Committees." a move is made, some new furniture is abso- (2) the wording of Mr. Eaton's sug- lutely necessary. Adjustments in salaries gested statement of purpose for the were desirable because of changes in the ALA Committee on Committees be ac- pay plan and vacancies in positions. Mr. cepted: "To study ACRL committees Shipman noted that the total increase re- and to recommend the establishment quested was only $245, after appropriations to or discontinuance of committees as the discontinued committees are subtracted. needs of the Association require; to define the duties of committees subject It was voted that, to approval of the Board of Directors; the budget be amended as follows: to solicit recommendations for ap- C&RL Subvention pointments to committees, and to —increased to $4,120.00 transmit these recommendations with Annual Conference its own advice to the president and the —increased to 300.00 president-elect." Publication Officer salary —decreased to 3,500.00 Julia Bennett appeared briefly to report on New Office Equipment federal legislation. —increased to 850.00 Mr. Moriarty reported on meetings of the Publications Committee Committee on Divisional Relationships. —increased to 125.00 They had been unable to simplify the dues scale. The committee favored a procedure President MacPherson presented a request whereby any interested division might ap- from the University of Chicago Graduate APRIL, 1954 213 Library School for assistance in financing and money. He cited examples of waste in the their conference on college librarianship in ACRL office. June. There was long discussion. It was The Board discussed salary and classifica- noted that an expense of $700 was for the tion matters in the absence of Miss Saidel and publication of the papers. Mr. Hamlin. It was the consensus of opinion that a competent and suitable executive secre- It was voted that, tary could not be found at the beginning rate ACRL offer to publish the Proceedings of of Grade 13. the 1954 Chicago University Graduate Li- brary School Conference as an ACRL It was, therefore voted that, Monograph. the Board recommend to Mr. Clift the Alton H. Keller, chairman of the ALA reclassification of Mr. Hamlin from Grade Board on Acquisition of Library Materials, 13 to Grade 14. stated that support was needed by their Joint The question of salary for the editor of Committee of Librarians and Publishers on C&RL as well as for the editors of the Reprinting. Funds were being solicited from Monograph and Microcard series was dis- ALA, its divisions, and other organized bodies cussed, and no action was taken. to develop a program of reprinting publica- President MacPherson presented plans for tions needed by libraries. A "Reprint Expe- the Twin Cities Conference. ACRL was to diter's" office in New York will be the center have certain priority on meeting rooms on for the work. $1,000 is needed for the first Tuesday, June 22. The Board was agreeable year and probably for the second; after that to the plans already under way to have a the office should be self-supporting. series of meetings on the University of It was voted that, Minnesota campus on that day. The agenda for the Board meeting included $355 be appropriated the ALA Board on a report with several recommendations by Acquisition of Library Materials for the Burton W. Adkinson, chairman of the Com- purpose of securing clerical assistance mittee for the Protection of Cultural and toward the effective implementation of Scientific Resources. Mr. Hamlin spoke of their reprint project.
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