Today: Business, Industry Review Section Cloudy and Mild Partly cloudy and mild to- FINAL day, dear and cool tonight. IrfBuk, ftohsM f Sunny, quite mild tomor- EDITION row, J p»t« S) Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 118 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1970 56 PAGES 10 CENTS Nixon Vetoes 'Wrong'Money Bill By WALTER R. MEARS ment afford to spend on these House -.. Capitol Hill show- by the Congress, is not in th« WASHINGTON (AP) - programs this year?" down. best interests of all the Amer- With a dramatic and unprec- Then, after listing the rea- The confrontation has been ican people because it is the edented televised veto, Pres- sons he said counted against building for more than a wrong amount for the wrong the appropriation that exceed- month, since Congress first purposes and at the wrong ident Nixon has rejected a 1 ed his recommendations by defied Nixon protests and time.' budget-boosting $19.7 billion $1.26 billion, Nixon, with the fashioned the ?19.7 biliion ap- As he has from the begin- education^health money bill, TV camera focused tightly on propriation for the depart- ning, Nixon called the appro- warning "we can spend our- his right hand, signed the ments of Health, Education priation inflationary. And as selves poor." veto message — the first of and Welfare, Labor and the Nixon told the national ra- his administration. Office of Economic Opportu- they have from the beginning, dio-TV audience last night the Never before had a Presi- nity. Democrats insisted it is not. appropriation though political- dent wielded his veto pen be- Final congressional action Former Vice President Hu- ly papular was "the wrong fore television cameras. And came yesterday in the House, bert H. Humphrey restated a amount for the wrong purpose it seemed unlikely any bill which settled a side issue by Democratic contention that and at the wrong time." ever had made so swift a voice vote and rushed the con- , Congress actually cut the Nix- "The issue," the President round trip between Capitol tested appropriation on to the on budget by $5 billion, even said during the 11-minute Hill and the White House - President. counting the increased health speech, "is not whether some less than a day. Nixon's retort was swift: and education spending. Hum- of us are for education and In reaching past the Demo- "I believe that the increase phrey said the appropriation health and others against it cratic-controlled Congress t° over the amount I recom- "is clearly not inflationary," . The question is: How argue his case before the na- mended, the increase which and urged Congress to-over- much can the federal govern- tion, Nixon assured a White is contained in this bill passed ride the vetd. ' ' ' Seek Tax Hike Allies TRENTON (AP) — Republican legislative leaders are bill to permit Dr. JameS'-Cowan to become the.new-State hoping to round up enough support for Gov. William T. Health Commissioner. The legislature amended a state' law Cahill's proposed 2 per cent increase in the sales tax to to relax restrictions to qualify tor the job. enact the measure by the middle of next month. • — The Republican caucus in the Senate. cleared the Although there were reports of continued, opposition in way for floor votes Thursday on two administration-sup- some quarters, GOP leaders said they were confident that ported measures. One would require full-time prosecutors once the need was documented fully there would.be enough in the state's nine most populous counties and ,the other votes to enact the sales tax hike from 3 per cent' to 5 per would separate the State Banking and Insurance Department into two cabinet agencies. V. i :.•.••;: j •;'.; MA6IC TRIANGLE — A new $8 million, 44-acro shopping center is planned for. the Marzulla Tract at the south- cent. • . • '- ''-.;>• •: . — Legislative leaders expressed support for, a proposal ern tip of Shrewsbury bounded by Broad St. on the east and Shrewsbury Ave. on the west. Completion of the com- "I feel the votes will be there," said Senate Majority Leader Harry L. Sears, R-Morris. "•;'• byvState Atty. Gen. George F. Kuglerto give'his'office-• pletely enclosed and climate controlled structure is stated for the fall of 1972. , greater power to supersede county prosecutors to deal: with VOTE IS SET \ , organized crime and official corruption.- ' .- • •' • • • Sears and Senate President Raymond H.,Baferjian, • In his meetings with county legislative delegations. R-Somerset, said a vote on the tax measure was scheduled Cahill told ,six GOP senators from Essex County that the tentatively for Feb. 2 in the Assembly and within the next only alternative to an increase in the sales tax was a state 10 days in .the Senate. A public hearing will be held Wednes- income tax. Million Shops Center day. • ; Sen. Alexander Matturri said afterward that the Essex Republicans control both legislative houses by 3-1 mar- lawmakers will support the governor's tax package if the gins. Democrats have said they will not supply votes to administration gives its backing to expanded state aid for help pass the sales tax increase. Newark and other cities, possibly by extending an urban Cahill launched his own personal campaign in behalf aid program enacted last year. of the tax program yesterday, conferring with county legis- Legislative leaders said they have been told by Treasury Planned for Shrewsbury lative delegations to convince them of the urgent need for Department officials that they need as much time as possible additional funds. He has said the state is faced with a $300 before March l to set up the apparatus for collecting, the toy PAUL KERN will face on a fully enclosed construct, service courts- for New England, three of which million budget gap in the beginning of the next fiscal year additional tax by that date. July 1. SHREWSBURY - Plans and clirtiate controlled shop- shipping and receiving. are enclosed' malls. The en- Assembly Majority Leader Barry- barker, R-Burlington, ping street. Mr. Selonick . said the closed structures he termed, In other developments: presented the state's fiscal needs to a closed meeting of Were announced yesterday — The legislature passed and Cahill signed into law a GOP Assemblymen. ' ' : • :• for an ?8' million shopping The developer refused to planned architecture is colo- "very successful." Buiiding plans also include center at the southern tip of comment on which two de- nial which will be compatible with the rest of the borough. about 4|000 parking spaces the borough. partment stores have agreed to rent space but said that "We want to build something' including spaces for the esti- A combined announcement negotiations with several we will be proud of and we mated 750 persons the center by Mayor Robert Lawrence firms are under way. plan to become good neigh- will employ. 3rd, John Keaveny, Chairman Miffed Democrats Stage Mr. Selonick, speaking bors and become.part of the Mr. Selonick said the of the Commercial and Indus- from his Massachusetts office community.", he added. Mugar Group will probably trial Development, Committee yesterday said he hopes to Mayor Lawrence said he provide its own security force and James B. Selonick, an begin construction in 1971 and expects the shopping center to supplement the borough's executive of the Mugar Group plans to have the center com- will add "in excess of $8,000,- police department. Incorporated, a real estate pleted in the fall of 1972. 000" to the tax rolls which Mayor Lawrence pointed Mini-Filibuster in Assembly development firm, stated Current plans are for about will help stabilize increas- out the current traffic prob- they plan "one of the largest ing taxes in the borough. lems on' Shrewsbury Ave. TRENTON (AP) - Mem- and John Horn, D-Camden, and first air-conditioned shop- 650,000 square feet of store "This commission does As for the banishment of space including the two de- Although the benefits to and said the shopping cen- bers of the Assembly minor- whom Friedland had defeated some traveling, to the Coun- legislative aides, • Dickey ping centers in Monmouth Shrewsbury will be great, the ter "is only one more reason ity, miffed by what they con- for the minority leader's post. cil of State Governments, and pointed out that his directive County." partment stores of about 150,- 000 square feet each. introduction of facilities this to widen the roadway to four sider cavailer treatment from Assemblyman Paul Poli- other conferences," Dickey merely reinforced the rules Mr.'Selonick, whose organi- The department stores will size in the borough will re- lanes." Assembly Speaker William castro, D-Essex, the third said. "I don't think the work of the Assembly and he zation is responsible for build- be two-stories and the re- quire mutuality of under- The 44-acre tract is cur- K. Dickey, R-Camden, staged Democratic member of the of the committee is of any noted that the minority lead- ' tag the shopping center and mainder of the center, one standing by all concerned." rently owned by-Frank Mar- a mini-filibuster yesterday. commission last year, was great moment to Mr. Fried- ership received passes for leasing the 50 planned stores, floor. On the outside of the Mr. Selonick said the ziilla and was zoned for shop- .Minority Leader David J. carried over by Dickey. land. I think it's the travel." three aides. • •• said the center will include enclosed mall, shielded from Mugar Group is currently ping centers as part of the Friedland, D-Hudson, told at least two major depart- both Shrewsbury Ave. and operating nine shopping cen- borough's general zoning re- Dickey he had "angered ment stores and all the stores Broad St., the developer will ters of comparative size in visions last summer.
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