k 10 NEW YORK HERALD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1891.-TRIP:LB SHEET. __ his wife's sister-in-law, Mrs. Nora Fallon, who had Broadway and Forty-first street and the theatre on favors, and Capt M L Boyer. of steamer La Champagne, J za..Liverpool; TTabana (Sp"). Deschamps, Vera Cmi (and Induced her to go to parties and balls. the northeant corner, opposite. and Capt R Bussins, of steamer Trave, for abstracts of sailed 3uth for *New lurk); Scairloll (Br),* Stanhope, Car will be SHIPPING Idiff. Justice the woman advice and told Both buildings A NEWS'" \ Uogan gave fireproof. rough loffs. Sailed 2*th. bris: Charleston. SPEAKER REED'S TACTICS . her to home with her husband. mafces the cost of each about Inte<rridal (3p). Rofg. go $'*00,000.approximation The of steamer will our schr T SY Dunn, Ross, I'asea^oula: 29th, steamers Yuma A well known theatre owner of this is now parser Newport please accept It is said that Mrs. Fesslahend stated that she city OCEAN STEAMERS. thanks for ri, Cnrtis, Vera Cruz: 31st, Uor^ensereu (Nor), Morten had merely intended to frighten her husband. for a twjnty years' lease of the theatre,negotiatingand his attentions. m«m II a li f u« 1 Charles H. Leland. the proprietor of Leland's Long Ship A G Ropks, at San Francisco Jan 23 from New LA BRKA (Trinidad), Jan 2CU-In port, brig Marj IN THE NUTMEG STATE. Branch Hotel, will probably manage the hotel. DATES OF DEPARTURE FROM NEW YORK. York, reports that durinir an easterlv storm, in lat 6 N, Gibbv Moore, for N of hatteras. she sprung her in the sheave hole. LA GUN A (Mox), Fob 3.Sailed, bark Elvina, HECLA IRON WORKS IN RUINS Steamer. Sail*. Destination, Oiffcc. foretopma*t badly iNow Sawyer Havana, Fob 3.A portion of the cariro and cantain and York. IN AID OF THE SOUTHERN FAMILY. Adriatic 4 Broadway crew of bark Jose More, from CUnfnocoa lor MATA-N'/jAS, Feb 2.Arrival, steamer Salamanca (Br) |Feb Liverpool...141 (before Wnlkor, St Lucia (to load for N of ilatteras and sail IN A Trave [Feb 4 Bremen 2 Bowling Green reported wrecked oil Colorado reefs),Haitimoreabout A BIG BLAZE WILLIAMSBURG CAUSES LOSS interest aroused the Rugia |Feb 5 Hamburg... 37 and 61 B'way here to-day. arrived Refuses to Listen The by Herald publication Feb 7 4 Creen Arrived J an 28, steamer Valencia, Miller. New York. Speaker Paige OF OVER Umoria Liverpool... Bowling Norfolk, Feb 3.Scar Gen S K Me»-win. which left POUT SPAIN. .Ian H.In port, barks Beatrice Havener $'200,000. of the sad condition of a onoe wealthy Southern Ethiopia Feb 7 Glasgow 7 Bowling Green Jan 22 in ballast, where +/-> + ho 39 RT. for Newport .Vow# Providence.flicliborn, and X B Morris (rtr). Smith, for United States: Anno5Ic nf + I-10 Fire was discovered shortly beforo twelve o'clock family still continues. Rotterdam Feb 7 Amsterdam. Broadway fch# is to g;> on dry dock for repairs, having been ashore briK Mary Uibbs. Moore, for do; schrs Urucnay (l>r) La Champagne.... Feb 7 Havre 3 Bowling Green belo* Providenco, was L Luckenbach last night in the pattern shops of tha Hecla Iron of and letters Wisconsin Feb 10 35 picked np by tug Pardons, for do; Albert L Butler. Foster, aud Georgia I Letters inquiry containing money Liverpool... Broadway Feb 2 off Winter Quarter Shoals in a leaky condition and Draks, Goldthwaite. unc; and others. in between >iorth Tenth and City of Chicago... Feb 11 Liverpool... 6 Bowling Green towed to Newport News to PAN ocratic Members. works, Berry street, keep coming in. Many of them are from persons Teutonic Feb 11 Liverpool... 41 Broadway day. AMA, Fob 2.Sailed, steamer Acapulco, Pitts, Sac at a distance New York. Portland, Me, Feb 2. B Cleaves, from Francisco. i North Eleventh streets, Williamsburg. living from Ems Feb 11 Bremen L2 Bowling Green Brig Henry Sailed from do Jan foi The following amounts were received Moravia Feb 11 Hamburg... 37 and 61 B'way Philadelphia for Trinidad, before reported anhore at 31, steamer City of Panama, The plant was very extensive, consisting of many Friesland. Feb 11 6 Green Cayo Breton, floated after jettisoning 40") shooks and Acapulco. T. Zenner, $7; T. (Bound Brook) yesterday:.Missand X., Antwerp.... Bowling arrived at Trinidad (Cuba) without further SINGAPORE, Dec 23.In port, bark Georgietta, Kas buildings oonnected, occupying nearly the entire $2 each; Girl" and each. State of Indiana.. Fob 1*2 Glasgow.... 53 Broadway- injury. ten. unc. "AKentucky Madelino, $1 Russia Feb 12 Hamburg:... 37 end 61 B'way Provixcetown, Feb schr Julia Whalon, of PARTISAN REPORT ADOPTED block. Total, $13. 14 4 Green 2.Fishing SAGUA, Jan 28.Arrived, steamers Coban (Br), Frazer. The total Servia Feb Liverpool... Bowling ]Boston, from Proviucetown for the fishing grounds. St Johns, PR; Kgluntine (Br), Bruce. Havana. Before an alarm could bo sounded the flames amount reoeived at the Herald office Eider Fob I Bremen 2 Bowling Green ^*hich went ashore this morning a third of a mile E of ST is 50. An error 6 JAGO, Jan 21 .Arrived, schrs M«ry J Hubbard* $275 in addition gave a larger total VVaesland Feb 14 Antwerp.... Bowling Green ]Race Point Light, was floated this afternoon by tug Hrbbard, Mobile; Harry Smith. Hutchinsou, St Pierre, were from the roof and the windows of the Feb II 39 * leaping yesterday than had been received. The above is Spaarndam Rotterdam.. Broadway Foshua Lovett in good condition. Mart; it D Spear, Freeman. Brunswick, Ga. J shop. It was the of those who the correot amount. La Gascogne Feb 14 Havre 3 Bowling Green A Dangerous Wreck.Pil#t Shields, ot pilot boat No ST JOHN, i\B, Feb Curlew (Br), Lewis, pattern opinion of New York.. Fob IS 6 Green , 3.Arrived, brig No City Liverpool... Bowling , The House Declares Election, but the first detected the flames the fire must have 41 12, reports the following description of the three masted Pernambnco. that Celtic Fob I* Liverpool... Broadway jchooner sunk in 15 fathoms of water off Absecom:. Clearod 3d.Schr Florida, Priest, New York. 4 JUDGE DUGRO SUED. Havel Feb 1* Bremen 2 Bowling Green , ^ Will been under headway for some time. Wefiternland Feb 1* 6 Green Mad a new mirsen topmast, main and gaff topbails, brand VICTORIA, BO, Jan 24-Saiied, bar* J D Peters, Gib« Democratic Senate Antwerp Bowling lew and made bv John L Martin, 42 South st. some biocks son, San Francisco. The first alarm was followed almost immediately Scandia Feb 19 Hamburg... 37 and 61 B'way Reject Judge P. Henry Dugro, of the Superior Court, Circassia Feb 21 Glasgow.... |7 Bowling Green >f Boston and some of Philadelphia make; topmast heads the by a second and third, and finally a general alarm Etruria Feb 21 4 Green Ijainted black for about lHinches from the trucks and from Report who is a owner of has been sued Glasgow.... Bowlirtg hat white to the eyes of the riergfng; flag of red bunting AMERICAN PORTS. was sounded which called all the available fire large property, Fulda Feb 21 Bremen 2 Bowling Green in the Supreme Court by Clark D. Bugbey, who Werkendam Feb 21 Amsterdam. 39 Broadway *ith white border at staff. Petroleum probably com* in that section of Brooklyn to the scene. La Norraandie.... Feb 21 Havre 3 Bowline: Green {>osed part of cargo, as some was floating in the water. ASTORIA, O. Jan 27.Arrived, ship Bm^*V (Sr>, apparatusseeks to recover $20,000 damages for injuries Feb 24 Liverpool... 35 Broadway She lies in a dangerous position, with lower mastheads Scott. San Diego for Portland. HARD WORK FOB THE FIREMEN. Wyoming 61 ust above water; jlbboom broken in three pieces i'assed out 27th, ship Buccleuch (Br), Grant, for United 1 telegraph to the 1 by him on October 21, 188T, while he wassustainedat Bohemia Feb 24 Hamburg... 37 and B'way j to Absccom W N 15 |bt herald. Ths firemen worked but at a of Berlin Feb 25 fl Bowling Green rigging, bearing by milesanjhoredKingdom. bravely, great work on some in West City Liverpool... listant. Feb 3.Arrived, steamers Hartford, Conn., Feb. 3, 1891.."Tom Reed!" buildings Forty-third street Majestic * Feb 25 Liverpool... 41 Broadway BOSTON", Harrisburg, and it was long before the streams of 25 Bremen 2 Green Philadelphia; Saturn. Wiley, do, with bargesAlbertson,Lone "Tom Reed I" disadvantage,owned by the Judge and then in course of Saale Feb Bowling Star and Laurens in with j water had much effect on the flames. rvooruiana |i*eo zoi Antwerp.... o dovhuk uraea SPOKEN. tow; tug: Gladiator, Kelly, A erection. 7 barges Georgo Moon, from Baltimore, and Charter Oak, "Gait rule I" Belgravia iFeb 25JNaples Bowling Oroen from Newnorf, Nows: barks I-Iancocfc. Palm«r. St Thomas ^M There were several slight explosions when the Bugbey declares that while he was standing on a State of Nevada.. Feb 20 <*1 astrow 53 Broadway Bark Pensacola for "Infernal outrage 1" between two at work it fell and Ymuiden (Dutch). Dakker, from Cunn (Nor), Boll man. Buenos Ayres; schrs VVra L Brad- flames reached the casting room of the works. platform buildings Suevia.... 'Feb 26| Hamburg... 37 and 61 B'way FTavrft. .Tan *11 Ut 3(> 10 Inn 10 Lee. Leander V ^ Such exclamations marked the this threw him to the ground, causing serious injuries. Anrania IFeb 4 Bowling Green Bark Jose L) Bueuo, Robertson, from New York for St ley, Charleston; Beebe.
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