ࡄݪਫ਼ࡄݪ༭࣬ȁల 68 ȁ2005 ා 9 ܿڠشཡब ࢹ௮ζΛάϋΈڔ૬໐౷̩̿ܖ૧̱̞८၄ਹ༹ࣣͅ ٜ৷Ƚضৣ༹ΟȜΗ͈͒ഐဥ̷͈͂ࠫڙȽୌධུࡪ̤̫ͥͅࢩ ໌നഓɖ Improved Mapping Method for Deep Crustal Imaging - Application to Wide-angle Refl ection Data in the Southwest Japan Arc and its Interpretation - Tetsuya TAKEDA Solid Earth Research Group, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Japan [email protected] Abstract Wide-angle refl ection data often show remarkable refl ections from the deep crust. In order to obtain new images of crustal inhomogeneity beneath the southwest Japan arc, I propose an improved mapping method designed for sparse wide-angle refl ection data. The method, an improved form of the Common Scatter-Point (CSP) stacking method, has the advantages of both the Common Mid-Point (CMP) and CSP stacking methods, which means that it can add a migration effect to the CMP method, and has less of the ghost curves that results from the CSP method. When applied to two sets of wide-angle reflection data (the 1988 Kawachinagano-Kiwa profile and the 1989 Fujihashi-Kamigori profile), the method provided clear images of the subducting Philippine Sea plate and the island-arc’s lower crust. The main results are as follows: (1) Intra-plate seismic activity is concentrated within the oceanic mantle, which suggests that the oceanic mantle may be subject to dehydration embrittlement; and (2) The lower crust beneath the southwest Japan arc has strong inhomogeneity, with a wavelength ranging from several to a dozen kilometers, which may result from crustal reconstruction due to igneous activity that has occurred since the Cretaceous. Key words : Common Scatter-Point (CSP) stacking method, Wide-angle refl ection, The 1988 Kawachinagano-Kiwa profi le, The 1989 Fujihashi-Kamigori profi le, The Philippine Sea plate ͛ͅ ͊ Allmendinger et al., 1986ȫȅ̹͘Ȅߠ୬༹ٜଢ଼̲͉̽̀͢ͅ .1 ́ٮޏࢹ௮ౝऔ͈࡛ે ଔ̯̹ͦ Moho ࿂͉ȄႲഎ́ౙ̈́௸ഽະႲڔఱၘ౷ 1.1 Ȅ1980 ාయͤ͢ COCORPȪ႕̢͊ Brown, ̷̜ͥ͂ͦ́͘ࣉ̢̧̹̦ͣͦ̀Ȅषͅං̹ͣͦৣ͉́ڔȁఱၘ౷ 1991ȫ͞ LithoprobeȪ ႕ ̢ ͊ Cook et al., 1992ȫ͂ ̞̹̽ ౯࿂͉́ Moho ࿂͈Ⴒ͉ߊഎ̱̥ͅంह̱̤̀ͣ ̭̜͂ͥ́ٮޏࢹ௮ౝऔ̦ ̴ȄMoho ࿂͉ 3-5km ͈໙̹ͬ̽͜ໝॠ̈́ڔఱܰ࿅ίυΐͿ·Π͈͂ࣞ͜ྟഽ͈૬໐౷ ঔ̯̠̹ͦͥ̈́̽͢ͅȅౝऔ͉ͅఱၾ͈ܥऺ̦ൎව̯ ̦ྶ̥̹ͣ͂̈́̽Ȫ႕̢͊ Hale and Thompson, 1982ȫḙ̏ ڔȄྟ̈́૦ത͂อૼതͬ౾̱̹۷௶࡛̱ͬ̀ఱၾ ͈̠͢ͅȄৣ༹ٜଢ଼̽̀͢ͅਲြͤං̥̹̈́̽౷ͦ අ͈ڔΟȜΗ̦৾ං̯̠̹ͦͥ̈́̽͢ͅȅࣞྟഽ۷௶ͤ͢ͅ ૬໐͈ळࢹ௮̦ଔ̧̠́ͥ̈́ͤ͢ͅȄఱၘ౷͈ ၑٜ̳ͥષ́ఉఱ࣓̈́ࡃ̱̹ͬȅͬاஃ໐ࢹ௮ౝऔ͞ౝऔ̈́̓ͅঀဥ̱̞̹̀ৣ༹ٜଢ଼ ಭ͞ૺ ࢹ௮ౝऔ͈࡛ેڔෝ̱ͅȄ̷ͦ́͘นட̱̥͂௴̢̥ͣͦ̈́̽ 1.2 ോࡪ౷خ൵ව͈ͬ ࢹ଼ུ̯͉ͦͥ́Ȅบ෫౷ૼ൲̥ͣڔഎȹͅζΛάϋΈ̳̭ͥ͂ͅ ȁ༷֚Ȅോࡪ౷ژ૬໐͈ࢹ௮ͬȸণڔ౷̹ ৣ༹Ȫߠ୬༹ȫౝऔ̦ಎͅڙచચഎͅถ ࡄݪΈσȜί̽̀͢ͅࢩ͉͂ڔȄ൫ྶ̈́ષ໐౷ض̱̹ȅ̷଼͈ࠫ ,อࡉ̦̜̹̽Ȫ႕̢ ̧࣐̹ͩͦ̀Ȫ႕̢͊Ȅบ෫౷ૼ൲ࡄݪΈσȜίȄ1985͈ڔ໐౷ئȪlaminateȫࢹ௮ͬࠁ଼̳ͥ ࡄݪਫ਼ȁࡥఘ౷ݩࡄݪ໐ܿڠشɖඊၛ࣐ଽ༹૽ȁཡब Ƚ!175 Ƚ ࡄݪਫ਼ࡄݪ༭࣬ȁల 68 ȁ2005 ා 9 ܿڠشཡब Ȅ႕̢͊ಎ໐ུͅ ̞͈̈́̓̾̀ͅમळ݈̈́ა̳̭̦ͬͥ͂ඳ̱̥̹̽ȅ̥ͣض1999ȫȅ̷͉͈ͣͦͣౝऔࠫ Ȅਲြ͈ৣ༹͈ٜଢ଼༹͉Ȅ͉̱̀۾࢜ ȁ༹̹༷͘ͅئȄତ km ಼̢ͬͥષͅئঝݿȽؖࢹ௮̫̤ͥ ࣞྟഽ۷௶͈ΟȜΗͬచય̱͈͂̀ئ100m ո ̦ڞۼ๕͈̞֑̞ͬ̾߹০͈ݙ౯ࢹ௮ͬྶ̥ͣͅ ૦തܖ͈ ৣ༹ΟȜΗ͈͒ഐဥ͉ேڙȄ۷௶തྟഽ͈೩̞ࢩ̤ͤ ͅڔ໐౷ئȪIkami et al., 1986, Takeda et al., 2004ȫȄ̷͈̱ ٮະৗ̦̜̭ͥ͂ͬা̱̹Ȫ໌ന , 1997ȫȅ̹͘ ̱̞̞̀̈́ȅ̷͈̹͛Ȅષܱ͈ࡄݪ̤̫ͥͅഐဥࡠ̞ޑ͉ ఊဢίτȜΠ͈ೆ͙ࣺ͙ͤ͢ͅࠁ଼̯̹ͦോࡪ̜́ͥ ͉ౙͅΟȜΗ̺̫͈࿚ఴ͉̩́̈́Ȅ༹ুఘ͜ͅ࿚ఴ̦ ̯ ̜ͥ͂࡞̢ͥȅઐോȪ1999ȫ͉Ȅৣ༹ٜଢ଼༹͈֚̾́ږཤུ͉́Ȅષ໐ζϋΠσͬഥͩͥ෨ȪPnȫ̥ͣ ۾ͅا५έυϋΠ ̜ͥ८၄ਹ༹ࣣͬဥ̞̹ৣ༹౷ૼౝऔ͈ࣞୈഽغȄ̤̱ͤ̀اMoho ࿂͈૬̯͉ఱ̧̩་ ͥͦ ̱ب͜ஜࡪ௰͉́ 32-35km ͂̽͂͜͜૬̞̦Ȅࡪ௰́ ̱̞̀͂͛̀ͥ͘ȅ̷͈ಎ͉́Ȅକৣ࿂ͬͤ͢ ಎ̳͂ͥහփ͈ͬڙ࿂ৣ෨͈ৣޢાࣣͅȄ̷͈̹ اถ̦ڔఱฺ̽̀ͅ౷ڐ27km ͂ஃ̩̤̈́̽̀ͤȄࡪ ͉ սඤ͈ΠτȜΑ͈͙ͬਹࣣ̳̭ͥ͂ͤ͢ͅȄS/Nํڙબݶͬা̱̹ȪIwasaki et al., 2001ȫȅ̱̥̱̦̈́ ८၄̞̱ͥ̀ Ȅ৽̱͂̀ P ෨ȆS ෨̷͈͞ৣ෨൝ ͬ࢜ષ̵଼̯̭̱̞ͥ͂̀ͥͅḙ͈̏ાࣣȄέτΥ͉ضḘ͈̏ͦͣࠫͣ ͦͥ͘ΠτȜΑ͈͙ͬਹ̧ࣣ̳ͥ͂ͅ S/N܄শͬঀဥ̱̹ߠ୬༹ٜଢ଼ͅջ̞̽̀ͥȅߠ୬༹ٜଢ଼ͅ σΖȜϋ͈ͅ ۼ ࢹ௮͈ͺ;Πρͼϋͬೕ͚̭͂ ̦डఱ͂̈́ͥȅొ̱Ḙ༹͈͉̏ࣞྟഽȪ1 ȡ 100mڔഽࢹ௮̥ͣȄ౷௸ͥ͢ ౷ૼౝऔΟȜۼȫͅอૼത̤͍͢૦തͬ౾̱̹࢟֔ڞ ະৗ͞ Moho ࿂͈ࠁે͈ڔȄೄ༷͈࢜౷̧̦͉ͥ́ ࢹ௮̞͈݈̾̀ͅა͉ඳ̱̞ȅ Η͈͒ഐဥͬே̱̞̹̀ͥ͛Ȅႋ୪̳ͥ۷௶ത͈෨ࠁڔৗ̞̹͂̽ळ̈́౷͞ ՛̞மྟ̈́ΟȜΗ͈͒ഐဥ͉ࣉၪ̯̞̞ͦ̀̈́ȅ̦۾߃ා͈ౠႹോ̤̫ͥͅ TASPȪSato et al.,1998ȫ͞ཤུ ͈ ৣ෨ͬঀဥ̳ͥषͅ࿚ఴ͂̈́ͥ෨ࠁ͈ΑΠڙ౯ࣣ൳۷௶ȪIwasaki et al., 1999ȫْ͈͉̈́̓ࠗ́Ȅ̞͘ ̹͘Ȅࢩ؍ ৣ༹ڙ࡞ݞ̯̞̞ͦ̀̈́ȅࢩ̱̀۾ͅضષૼ࡙͈৽ႁ̜́ͤૼ࡙෨ࠁௌैȆ౷ૼ෨ΥσΆȜ τΛΙϋΈ࢘ၘ͞ ৣ༹ΟȜڙෝ̈́ΨͼήτȜΗȜૼ࡙ Vibroseis® ͬ ΟȜῌৣ༹ٜଢ଼ͬ൵ව̳̹͉ͥ͛ͅȄࢩخା͞Ⴒอૼ̦ อ̦ຈါ̜́ͥȅٳ༹͈̹̱اࢹ௮ౝऔ͂൳ഽ͈ Η͈අಭͅඅڔൎව̱̀ȄLithoprobe ͈̈́̓ఱၘ౷ Ȅ႕̢͊Ȅཤ 1.4 ུࡄݪ͈࿒എضෝ̹͂̈́̽ȅ̷͈ࠫخ̦௶ࣞྟഽ۷ ৣ༹ౝऔ͉́ڙୢၴ५౷͉́Ȅၰზ͈ݙ౯̽̀͢ͅ؋̱ષ̬ͣͦ ȁบ෫౷ૼ൲ࡄݪΈσȜίͥ͢ͅࢩུ͈ ̯̹ͦȪന ΥσΆȜ͈ఱ̧̞ఱၾ͈ΘͼζͼΠૼ࡙ͬঀဥ̱̀ږpop-up ࢹ௮̦ࠁ଼̯̞̭̦ͦ̀ͥ͂ ͥ ̦̭̳́͂ͥ௶૬໐̥͈ͣৣ෨ͬ͜۷ڔȄ1999ȫȅొ̱Ȅോࡪ̤̫ͥͅࢹ௮ౝऔ๊͉֚́എͅ ̞̹ͥ͛Ȅ౷̥͕ ૬ڔఞ̯ͦͥȅषͅ෨ࠁܱͬವ͛ͥ͂Ȅ౷ܢ̧͂ͥ ͛ȄΘ̹̞ޑ౷൲ΦͼΒ̦ఱ̧̩Ȅ̹͘౷ૼ෨͈ࡘଚ͜ ̧̳̭̦ͥ͂́ږৣ෨ͬڙͼζͼΠ͓̀ͅΥσΆȜ͈̯̞ Vibroseis® ͉́ ໐̥͈ͣ૦໙͈ఱ̧̞ࢩ ࢹ௮͈ଔ๊͉֚ͅ ͥȪ 1.1ȫȅৣ༹ٜଢ଼͉࡛हٜ̽͂ࣞ͜͜௨ഽ̈́ͼιȜڔMoho ࿂ͅో̳͕ͥ̓૬໐͈́͘౷ ະ͈ڔ໐౷ئ༹̜́ͤȄMoho ࿂͈ࠁે̳ͥ͞ރࣾඳ̜́ͥȅ ΐͬ ̜ࠧ́ͥȅخৣ༹ΟȜΗ͈͒ৣ༹ٜଢ଼͈൵ව ৗࢹ௮݈ͬა̳ͥષ́ৣ༹ٜଢ଼͉ຈါະڙࢩ 1.3 ৣ༹ΟȜΗͬঀ̽̀෨൲ાఘͬৣ༹എͅڙࢩ ζΛάϋΈ̳ͥࡄݪ͉Ḙ̏ͦ́͘ͅ Chang et al.Ȫ1989ȫ͞ Zelt et al.Ȫ 1998ȫ̈́̓ͤ͢ͅ༭̯̞࣬ͦ̀ͥȅChang et al. ৣڙȪ1989ȫ͉Ȅධୌ·ργζ̤̞̀৾ͅං̯̹ͦࢩ ༹ΟȜῌਹࣣஜခࡠओζͼΈτȜΏοϋ༹ͬഐဥ̱ ৽ಫ̱̀ͬٮȄอૼതྟഽ̦̯̞̭͂ͥ͢ͅഐဥࡠ̦̹ ̞ͥȅZelt et al.Ȫ 1998ȫ͉Ȅsynthetic ͈෨ࠁΟȜΗͬै଼ OBHȪ Ocean-Bottom Hydrophoneȫ۷௶͈ΟȜΗٜଢ଼ ̱̀ ৣ༹ΟȜΗ͈͒ਹࣣஜڙ࿅̱̹ΞΑΠͬঔ̱Ȅࢩͬ ෝͬخσΪγΛέ૬ഽζͼΈτȜΏοϋ༹͈ഐဥ΅ ৣ෨ͬဥ̞̀૬໐͈ͼιȜΐڙȄࢩضબ̱̹ȅ̷͈ࠫ 2km ͉ڞۼ ෝ̜̦́ͥȄOBHخζΛάϋΈ̳̭͉ͥ͂ͬ ոඤ́Ȅࠗॳͅဥ̞ͥ௸ഽࢹ௮κΟσ͈௸ഽࢋओ͉ 4% ո 1.1 บ෫౷ૼ൲۷௶ΈσȜίͥ͢ͅߠ୬༹ౝऔ͈۷௶෨ ૬໐̥͈ͣڔષߴ௶ S-1ȫȅ౷ . ޘඤ̫̞́̈́ͦ͊̈́ͣ̈́͂ঐഊ̱̞̀ͥȅུ̤̫̭ͥͅ ࠁ႕Ȫ1989 ා ս̹ͦ͘ႀ֖ȫȅܱ́ڙ̧́ͥȪঅږৣ෨ͬڙࡄݪ͉Ȅ֔Ȫ1991ȫ͞ Matsu’ura et al.Ȫ1991ȫͬ ࢩ̠͈̈́͢ എ̈́ৣ༹ٜଢ଼ ͉ 6km/sec ́ reduce ̱̜̀ͥȅུܖȅ֔Ȫ1991ȫ͉̞͕̞̈́̓ͭ͂̀ੰ ༹̜́ͥ CMP ਹ༹ࣣͬဥ̞̀ζΛάϋΈ̱̤̀ͤḘ̏ͦ Fig. 1.1 Example of the record section of the refraction survey ంह̳ͥཤ߹০͈ৣ࿂ Ȫthe 1989 Fujihashi-Kamigori profi leȫ conducted by theͅڔ໐౷ئ͈ئչോܮͤ͢ͅ ೆ͙ࣺ͚έͻςάϋ٬ίτȜΠ͈ષ࿂ͬ௴̢̭ͥ͂ͅ Research Group for Explosion SeismologyȪRGESȫ. The͞ CMP reduction velocity is 6km/sec. Wide-angle refl ections from ̢̀ح̱̹ȅ̱̥̱Ȅ۷௶തྟഽ̦೩଼̞̭͂ͅ ਹ༹ࣣٜͥ͢ͅଢ଼ͬဥ̞̹̹͛ȄႲ̧̦͉̱̽ͤ͂ the crustal lower part are identifi ed in the area enclosed by .ৣ࿂̥͉ͣȄέͻςάϋ٬ίτȜΠ͈ࠁે͞պ౾ the trapezoid̞̈́ Ƚ!176 Ƚ ࢹ௮ζΛάϋΈȽ໌നڔ૬໐౷̩̿ܖ૧̱̞८၄ਹ༹ࣣͅ ৣ෨ͬဥ̞̀෨൲ાఘͬζΛ ນ 2.1 Lithoprobe ْࠗͥ͢ͅ Southern Canadian Cordelleraڙࡄݪ͉́Ȅࢩ̷ུ̭́ ࢹ௮ͬȸণ ̤̫ͥͅఱၘ૬໐ࢹ௮ౝऔȪCook et al., 1992ȫ͂ڔάϋΈ̳̭ͥ͂ͤ͢ͅȄോࡪ̤̫ͥͅ૬໐౷ ષߴ௶ͅ . ޘഎȹͅ௴̢̭ͥ͂ͬদ͙ͥȅ̱̥̱Ȅஜ͈̠͢ͅਲ บ෫౷ૼ൲ࡄݪΈσȜίͥ͢ͅژ ৣ༹ౝऔȪบ෫౷ૼ൲ࡄݪΈσȜίȄڙৣ༹ΟȜΗͬঀဥ̱̀૬໐౷ ̤̫ͥࢩڙြ༹͈͉́மྟ̈́ࢩ ڛࢹ௮ͬζΛάϋΈ̳̭͉ͥ͂ඳ̱̞ḙ̷ུ̏́ࡄݪ́ 1995ȫ͈͂ॽအڔ ෝ̈́૧̱̞ζΛάϋΈ Table 2.1 Specification comparison between a continental deepخৣ༹ΟȜῌഐဥڙȄࢩ͉ อ̳ͥȅ̷̱̀Ȅषͅ۷௶̯̹ͦ 2 ΓΛΠ͈ࢩ seismic survey of the Southern Canadian Cordelleraٳ༹ͬ ৣ༹ΟȜῌഐဥ̱Ḙ̷̏́ංͣͦͥͼιȜΐ̥ͣ ȪCook et al., 1992ȫ from the Lithoprobe project, andڙ ೆ͙ࣺ͚έͻςάϋ٬ίτȜΠ͈պ౾͞ࠁેͅ a wide-angle reflection/refraction survey from theͅئോࡪ Fujihashi-Kamigori profileȪ Research Group for 1989 ئޏ۪·ȅ̹͘Ȅ։̈́ͥΞ·ΠΣΛ̳̥ͥͣͅྶ̞̀̾ .*૧ Explosion Seismology, 1995̳ͥ۾ະৗ͞ Moho ࿂͈අಭ͈ͅڔ໐౷ئ̫̤ͥͅ ̱̞ࡉͬං̭ͥ͂ͬ࿒എ̳͂ͥȅ อٳ૧༹̱̞ .2 อ̜̹̽̀ͅٳ༹ 2.1 ৣ༹ΟȜΗ͈අಭ̞̾̀ͅ୰ྶ̳ͥȅਲြڙडͅࢩ ৣ༹ౝऔ͈ॽအ͉Ȅৣ༹ٜଢ଼͈́͘ੜڙུ͈́ࢩ͈ ḙ͉̏ͦࢃ͈ζͼΈτȜΏοϋੜၑ͈षȄୃ̧̦ͥ́͂ ̳ͥڛၑͬே̱̹ Lithoprobe ْ͈ࠗࢹ௮ౝऔ͈ॽအ͂ ࢹ௮ͬζΛάϋΈ̳̹ͥ͛ͅఱ་ਹါ̜́ͥȅئอૼതȆ૦തྟഽ͉̯̞ȅ֚႕̱͂̀ȄLithoprobe ̱̩౷͂ ْ̤̫ࠗͥͅධಎ؇Οͻͺϋ५ࠏ̤̫ͥͅఱၘ૬໐ ȁ̞̀Ȅ̽͂͜͜ഥൡഎ༹̜̈́́ͥ CMP ਹ༹ࣣ͂ζ ࢹ௮ౝऔȪCook et al., 1992ȫ͂บ෫౷ૼ൲ࡄݪΈσȜίͅ ͼΈτȜΏοϋ༹͈̜֚̾́ͥ८၄ਹ༹ࣣ̞̾̀ͅત ࢹ௮ౝऔȪบ ̳ٚͥḙ͈̏ 2 ͈̾యນഎ̈́ζΛάϋΈ༹ͬ႕͂ͤͅȄڔ౷༷̤̫ͥͅോࡪ౷ܪུ͈ಎ໐Ȇ߃ͥ͢ ෫౷ૼ൲ࡄݪΈσȜίȄ1995ȫ͈ॽအͬນ 2.1 ͅা̳ȅോ ̷༹͈͈ͦͣࡔၑ̷͈͂࿚ఴതͬၑٜ̱̹ષ́Ȅ૧̱ อ৾ͤͅழ͚̭̳͂ͥͅȅٳ༹̞ ۼࢹ௮ౝऔ͉ఱၘ૬໐ࢹ௮ౝऔͅచ̱̀Ȅ૦തڔࡪ౷ ȄංͣͦͥΟȜΗ͈ 2.2 CMP ਹ༹ࣣ̜ͤ́ 500/1 ͉ڞۼ30Ȅอૼത/1 ͉ڞ ࢹ௮ౝऔ͈ΟȜΗͬဥ̞ 2.2.1 CMP ਹ༹ࣣ͈ࡔၑڔओ͉๛̞͛̈́ȅോࡪ౷ڒၾഎ ͅئఱ̧̞̹͛Ȫ ȁࡔၑͬ୰ྶ̳̹ͥ͛ͅȄ 2.1Ȫaȫ́া̳̠̈́͢౷̦ڞۼৣ༹ٜଢ଼࣐̠ͬાࣣ͉Ȅ۷௶ത̀ ̱Ȅ౷ນ͉ͅอૼبକ̈́ৣ࿂̦̜ͥକ 2 ࢹ௮ͬ ͉۾ 1.5kmȫȄ๊֚ͅႋ୪̳ͥΠτȜΑ͈͂ৣ෨͈ ՛̞ȅ̷͈̹͛Ȅৣ෨͈պ̦ఁ̴ͩȄζΛάϋΈ̱ ത͂૦ത̦୭౾̯̞ͦ̀ͥાࣣͬࣉ̢ͥȅಎ͈๔ͬ อૼڎ͜Ⴒ̳ͥৣ࿂͈ठ࡛͉ඳ̱̞ȅ̹͘Ȅૼ࡙͉̀ ૦̜̽̀ͥอૼത͂૦ത͈ழ̵͙ࣣ̤̞ͩ̀ͅȄ̀ ৣ࿂́ৣ̱̀చ͂̈́ͥ૦ത͈ئΘͼζͼΠૼ࡙̜̹́ͥ͛Ȅอૼത͈ૼ࡙෨ࠁ̷͈͞ ത̥̹ͣ෨̦౷ ழ̵̷͙ࣣ̤̞͈ͩ̀ͅৣത͉֚ڎΥσΆȜ͈౷ૼ෨་۟࢘ၚྀ͉ٝ։̈́ͤȄ̷ͦͣͬଷ ͅൢ̧̳ͥ͂Ȅ ࢄ̳̭͉ͥ͂ඳ̱̞ȅ̷͈̹͛։̈́ͥอૼത͈ΟȜΗͬ ౿̳ͥḙ̏ͦͬވৣത͂ࡤ͐ȅCMP ͉͂ȄCommon ௶ৣത͈փ̜́ͥȩ̭͈͈̏͂۷ވਹࣣੜၑ̳ͥष͉ͅಕփ̦ຈါ̜́ͥȅ MidPoint ͈ၞ́ ̺̦Ȅခ၌̈́ത̜ͥ͜ȅ̴͘ૼ࡙̦̀ΘͼζͼΠ ܱ͉ 2.1Ȫbȫ͈̠̈́ͤ͢ͅȄৣ෨শ͉ެͬຝ ৣതೄષ͈౷ນވอ෫̜͈́ͥ́ȄΨͼήυͼΑ͈̠̈́͢ఈ͈ଷࢄૼ࡙ ̩ḙ͈̏ͦͣ۷௶ܱ̜̹̥ͬ͜ ૬໐͈ౝऔ͉ͅޭ͛̀ ͈൳֚ത́อૼ͂૦̱̹̥͈̠ͬ͢ͅ་̳̭۟ͥ͂ͬڔ͜ΥσΆȜ̦ఱ̧̩Ȅ౷ͤ͢ ခ̜࢘́ͥȅ̹͘Ȅ͂͂͜͜ߠ୬༹ͥ͢ͅ௸ഽࢹ௮ଔ NMO ༞ୃ͂ࡤ͐ȅNMO ༞ୃͤ͢ͅৣ෨͉պ̦ఁ̽ Ⴅ͍ͅȨ̭͈͈̏͂༞ୃ̯̹ܱͦͬΔυέ֚؍̀ ࿒എ̱̹͂ౝऔ̜̹́ͥ͛௶ಿ̦ಿ̩୭̱̜̀ͤͬ ૬໐ͬͥߠ୬෨ ΓΛΠশܱ͂ࡤ͐ȅ̷̱̀൳̲ CMP ͬ̾͜ΔυέڔȪ150-200kmȫȄζϋΠσ͉̲ͬ͛౷ ޑ૬໐͈́͘௸ഽࢹ௮ͬୈഽ̩͢ଔ̳̭ͥ͂ ΓΛΠশܱͬ௷̵̱ࣣ̭ͩͥ͂ͤ͢ͅȄৣ෨͉ڔȄ౷̥ͣ ෝ̜́ͥȅৣ༹ٜଢ଼́௸ഽࢹ௮ͬݥ͉͛ͥͅȄ֚ ̯ͦͥḙ͈̏௷̵̱ࣣ͈̭ͩ͂ͬ CMP ਹࣣ͂ࡤ͐ȅ֚خ̦ ഽٜଢ଼࣐̠ͬȅ௸ഽٜଢ଼͉͂Ȅକఉࢹ௮͈ા ༷Ȅެͬຝ̥̞̈́ఈ͈෨Ȫ႕̢͊Ȅೄో P ෨͞ S ෨Ȅ௸๊ͅ Ⴅͅպ֚؍ࣣ͈ৣ෨শ̦߃যഎͅެͬຝ̩ৗͬ၌ဥ̱̀Ȅ multipleȄນ࿂෨̈́̓ȫ͉ȄNMO ༞ୃ̽̀͢ͅ အș̈́௸ഽ͈͂́͜ࢃ͈ΔυέΓΛΠশܱͬै ̦ఁ̞̹ͩ̈́͛ͅ௷̵̱ࣣͩ̀͜ޑ̯̭͉ͦͥ͂̈́ ଼̱௷̵̧̱ࣣ̹ͩ͂ͅȄ̽͂͜͜ৣ෨͈૦໙̦ޑ̩ ̞ȅρϋΘθΦͼΒ͜फ़̯ͦȄ௷̵̱ࣣ̹ͩତȪਹࣣତȫ ̷࡛̹͈͈ͦͬ͜૬̯͈௸ഽ̳͈̜͂ͥ́ͥ͜ȅ̱̥̱Ȅ n ͅ؊̲̀ȄS/N ͉ n1/2 ͂̈́ͥȅ̷̱̀Ḙ͈̏ௌैͬ ͼιȜ͈ئഎ۰༒ͅ౷ڛോࡪ͈ΟȜῌഐဥ̳ͥાࣣȄ ̀ CMP ࣐̠̭́͂ͤ͢ͅȄ̞ޑະৗ༹͈༷͈̭ͬ ͛Ȅ௸ഽ ΐͬං̧̭̦ͥ͂́ͥḙ༹͈͈̏၌ത͉ȄΟȜΗତ̦̹ͥͦٸष͈ৣ෨শ̦ެ̥ͣఱ̧̩ ৣ༹ΟȜ ઁ̞̈́ાࣣ́͜ࢃ̳ͥζͼΈτȜΏοϋੜၑ͈̠̈́͢ڙٜଢ଼̳̭͉ͥ͂ඳ̱̞ȅ̷ͦͅచ̱̀Ȅࢩ ȅକ̧༷̜̭̞̯̭࢜ͥ́͂̈́ܳ֨ͬاΉ͉Ȅߠ୬༹ٜଢ଼̽̀͢ͅषͅশࠗॳ࣐̞ͬȄ௸ ͼιȜΐ͈Ⴆ ఱ̧̩̞̈́ࢹ௮͈ાࣣ͉ͅȄ̥̈́ͤୃ̦اഽࢹ௮̭ͬͥ ͈௸ഽࢹ௮་௸̈́ږഽࢹ௮ͬݥ̞̹͛̀ͥ͛Ȅͤ͢ୃ Ƚ!177 Ƚ ࡄݪਫ਼ࡄݪ༭࣬ȁల 68 ȁ2005 ා 9 ܿڠشཡब ૦തȫȄȪbȫNMO ༞ୃஜ͈͉ڙอૼതȄঅ͉ڙါȅȪaȫକ 2 κΟσȪ२ٽ 2.1 CMP ਹ༹ࣣ͈ ෨ࠁȄȪcȫNMO ༞ୃࢃ͈۷௶෨ࠁȄȪdȫCMP ਹࣣࢃ͈ΔυέΓΛΠশܱ௶۷ Fig. 2.1 Scheme of the Common Mid-PointȪCMPȫ stacking method.Ȫ aȫ Simple model with a single horizontal refl ectorȪ triangles and squares indicate shot points and receivers, respectivelyȫȪbȫBefore NMO correctionȪ cȫAfter NMO correctionȪdȫCMP stacking after NMO correction. ෝ̜́ͥȅخζΛάϋΈ̦̈́ږ 2.2.2 CMP ਹ༹ࣣ͈࿚ఴത CMP ਹ༹ࣣ͉́Ȅ1ȫৣ࿂̦କ̜́ͥȄ2ȫକ༷࢜ ஜ̱̞͂̀ͥȅ̷͈̭̞͕͉ͬ͂̈́̓ͭ͂اഽ་௸ͅ ζΛͅږ͛Ȅ߹০͈̯̞ৣ࿂͈ાࣣ͉̥̈́ͤͅୃ̹ άϋΈ̧̦́ͥȄݢ߹০ͬ̾͜ৣ࿂̦̜ͥાࣣ͞କ ༷࢜ͅఱ̧̈́ະৗ̦̜ͥાࣣ͉ͅȄୃ̱̞պ౾ͅζΛ άϋΈ̧̞̞̠́̈́͂ࠧത̦̜ͥȅ̱̹̦̽̀Ȅോࡪ͈ ͛କ༷͈࢜௸ഽ་̹͈ޏ۪·ໝॠ̈́Ξ·ΠΣΛ̠͢ͅ ఱ̧̞౷֖ͅ CMP ਹ̷༹ࣣ͈ͬ͘͘ഐဥ̳̭̦ͥ͂ͅا ͉࿚ఴ̦̜ͥȅ ુ CMP ਹࣣࢃ͉ͅȄ߹০͈̜ͥৣ࿂ͬୃ̱̞պ౾ ͅ࿗̳ζͼΈτȜΏοϋੜၑͬຈါ̳͂ͥȅζͼΈτȜ Ώοϋੜၑͤ͢ͅȄࡉ̥̫ષ͈ৣ࿂͈ਹٜ̈́ͤ̈́̓͜ક ါȅ൝८၄෨শެષ͒۷௶෨ࠁٽఱ̧̈́ા 2.2 ८၄ਹ༹ࣣ͈̦ڙȄྶၸ̈́ࢹ௮ࠁఠͬা̳ȅৣ࿂͈߹০̯ͦ ࣣ͞ະৗ͈ഽ̦ఱ̧̈́ાࣣ͉́ CMP ਹࣣͥ͢ͅ S/N ͈૦໙ͬ૦̫ͤͥȪऒȫȅ૦໙ͬ૦̫̹ͤࢃȄਹ ̯ͦͥȪֲȫȅޑࡉࣺ̞̹͛̈́͛Ȅड߃͉́ CMP ਹ̵ࣣͬ ࣣ̳̭ͥ͂ͤ͢ͅ८၄ത̦̦ض࢜ષ͈࢘ ̴̷͈͘͘ͅζͼΈτȜΏοϋ̳̞̹ͥ͂̽ਹࣣஜζͼ Fig. 2.2 Scheme of the Common Scatter-PointȪ CSPȫstacking ΈτȜΏοϋ̦৽ၠ̧̞͂̈́̽̀̀ͥȅਹࣣஜζͼΈτȜ method. Amplitudes are allocated on the isochrone of the ͈̜̦́ͥ͜Ḛ̏͛͘ scatter traveltimeȪleft*. The scatter point is emphasized̥̥̦ͥۼΏοϋ͈ࠗॳ͉ఱ་শ .*ෝ̹͂̈́̽ȅষ୯́ after the allocated amplitudes are stackedȪ rightخෝ͈࢜ષͤ͢ͅဥܥࠗॳ̞̱ ਹࣣஜζͼΈτȜΏοϋ͈̜֚̾́ͥ८၄ਹ༹ࣣ͈̭͉ ͓ͥȅ ͙̈́ͅȄ௸ഽ͈֚ાࣣḘ͈̏८၄෨൝শެ͉อૼ̞̀̾ͅ ८၄ਹ༹ࣣ ത͂૦തͬઙത̳͂ͥఔȪ3 ষࡓ͈ાࣣ͉ٝഢఔఘȫ 2.3 2.3.1 ८၄ਹ༹ࣣࡔၑ ͂̈́ͥȅ̷͈൝শެષͅশ࣫ t=t0 ܱ̯̹ͦͅ૦໙
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