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Subscribers in the Cit. of New York amt Foreign Countries had. “ What justification is there for trespass upon please add 48 cents for extra postage. the mental or psychic state of another? No one + 4 + H igh lifted on the island cliff SINGLE COPIES. 10 CENTS doubts the reprehensible nature of physical trespass; 4 + Its lantern fronts the sea, Subttcrlberft’ names an* entered In our l>ooks us soon as received, mental trespass differs from it in that it is secret 4 and papers promptly forwarded. Subscriptions always imm­ and covprt and lacks the courage and frankness of ♦ And sendeth forth a fine straight ray 4 inence with the current Issue. the physical.” + Of dazzling light to me, 4 WHEN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES The one who trespasses upon the mind of his A slender line of shimmering shine Across night’s mystery. 4 It Is of the utmost Importance that it should Ik* renewed curly brother must under the law pay a terrible penalty. in order that there may be no delay in receiving tlie next Issue or 4 T he N ew York M agazine ok M ystkkirs, as we are generally Many hypnotists and healers who use strong and 4 unable to furnish back numbers. positive minds and wills upon their subjects end in It is the path set for my eyes 4 Address all letters to insanity and shatter and destroy their own bodies. ♦ To travel to the light 4 THE NEW YORK MAGAZINE OF MYSTERIES Such is the power of mind when it becomes prag­ + And warm their darkness in the blaze, 4 matic. And be made glad and bright. 4 All adepts spurn all these occult powers, and pro­ None other may catch just that ray, 4 ject only love on each and all; tm Adept is never a + Or have the selfsame sight. 4 meddler nor trespasser. + 4 Think for months and years before you in any + And yet a hundred other eyes 4 PI p É Í F E S f way attempt to will or influence anyone to do or Bent on that central blaze, 4 ir jj act against their own judgment—no matter if their Finds each its separate, shining path, 4 VIBRATIONS judgment, in your mind, is bad, very bad. But you + Its line of guiding rays; 4 can love them with all your soul, heart and mind. + And all eyes meet, in concord sweet 4 Love has nothing to do with mental powers, as By all these differing ways. > Ü used in trespassing upon the minds of others; it 4 works on the highest plane—the spiritual plane, ♦ No voice shall say: “ The light is mine, 4 JULY! and its power to heal and uplift permanently is real + All other eyes are dim!” 4 divine healing. + No hand the glory hold or hide -f “ A rustle of com leaves; a tinkle Which streams to ocean’s rim. Of bells on the hills; a bevy So the great healers are the great Adepts, Mas­ + ters and Klder Brothers of Compassion, who never None claim or seize one ray as his ♦ Of bees where the clover hangs heavy; More than belongs to him. A butterfly blundering bv— project upon anyone their mind powers; all they use 4 And that is July l’* is the power of love, and love never meddles. 4 A broad and comprehensive, all-inclusive love is O Light of Truth, which lighteneth all, 4 July gets its name from the great Roman general, the greatest power we can have, and such love has + And shineth all abroad, 4 Julius Ciesar. nothing in common with carnal or mortal mind and + What favored soul or souls shall say, 4 Ah, my beloved, fill thv soul, heart and mind ' will. + “ Mine is the only road”? 4 this month with aspirations to be good and noble, An Adept—one who is at one with God—con­ 4" Each hath his own, to him made known, 4 pure and sweet and full of love. tinually performs great and lasting works for the And all lead up to God. 4 For is not J u l y the month of the lily, signifying good of the Whole without any special effort. 4 purity? An Adept asks for nothing, demands nothing, and And the ruby, emblematic of Love, belongs to has all; “ he heals, he inspires, he encourages all” July. who merely come into his presence (his aura). Sunshine's everywhere! As lie does not trespass on the mind of Ins brother God and Na-ture Now is the season to rest as much as possible, with his mind powers his presence is always a bene­ E x t e r n a l nature is a grandpanorama, unrolling and to help your less fortunate brothers and sisters diction. to rest. day by day. and displaying marvelous beauty, color V Home of these great Adepts are connected with and shape, painted by the Divine Artist for the en­ Think of the blessed little ones of the poor and The Mystic Success Club, and all members who are worn-out toilers in the hot, crowded cities. joyment of His children. The universe is not soul­ earnest seekers for freedom come en rapport with less, but soulful. Animate creation is a vast pas­ Hot J uly rages! them and in a while are made Whole, by the power It is not a month for gain or strenuous effort. toral symphony, the delicious intonations of wliicli of »Spirit. can only be interpreted by the inner hearing. The “ Ye, tradesmen, princes, men of law. Loyal and earnest members of The Mystic Suc­ sky, sea, forest and mountain are the visible drap­ Heed yet the gentle warning erv; cess Club soon come to live in the vibrations of Love, eries which, in graceful folds, thinly veil the Invisi­ No wheat may grow from withered straw; Life, Light, that make for all improvement, progress, Count not gold gain in hot July.” ble One. As our physical organism is moulded and success, peace, harmony and melody. directed by the soul within, so is the whole creation Tliis is the month to loll, dream and listen; to be permeated and vitalized by the Immanent God. still, calm, cool and serene. When we study the rocks, plants, animals, man, if In glorious midsummer we are in the wonderful The Way to Freedom we delve deeply enough, we find the footprints of fruition of God’s handiwork. the unifying and energizing Presence. This is not merely poetic imagery, but scientific accuracy — “ 'Tis Summer, glorious Summer! T he more spiritual we are the less sordid and Look to the glad green earth, selfish we are, and the more open are our minds to Henry Wood. How from her grateful bosom The herb and flower spring forth: great and grand truths that lead us out of the These are her rich thanksgivings. mire of suffering—poverty, drudgery and disease. The great Emerson was always a contented man. Their incense floats above. It is the animal or sensual man who is selfish and because he was always sane, sober and dignified Father, what may we offer? bound on the grinding Wheel of Thraldom. The in his thoughts and acts. Flis Concord environ­ Thy chosen flower is love.” God within us is the only One who can help us ment was such as would bring to .a simple yet grand overcome the tiger of our natures and drive him out soul contentment. Listen to his words: and make place for the Angel, and give us eternal Because I was content with these poor fields, E m e rs o n and absolute freedom. Low open meads, slender and sluggish streams, In overcoming our animal instincts and tenden­ And found a home in haunts which others scorned. BY RICHARD I,E OA1.LIENXE cies we begin to recognize truth, and in a while The partial wood gods overpaid my love. realize its mighty power to make us free. As the 0 w i s e man f r o m t h e West who t r a v e l e d East, tiger dies the Christ within awakens, and all the A fresh, rested mind in the morning, after a And brought strange stars t o light your western chains and shackles that have bound us are for­ sweet night’s sleep, is essential to health and suc­ lands; ever broken and shattered, and we are forever cess.
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