ISSN 2410-7492 RNPS 2403 REVISTA CUBANA DE ZOOLOGÍA http://revistas.geotech.cu/index.php/poey COLECCIONES ZOOLÓGICAS 507 (julio-diciembre 2018): 44 - 49 CATALOGUE OF HOLOTYPES OF TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSCS (MOLLUSCA, GASTROPODA) OF THE INSTITUTE OF ECOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICS, HAVANA, CUBA Maike HERNÁNDEZ QUINTA*, Glady GIL, Gustavo BLANCO VALE y Manuel A. BAUZÁ HERNÁNDEZ Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, carretera Varona 11835 e/ Oriente y Lindero, Rpto. Parajón, Boyeros, 11900, La Habana, Cuba. * Autor para correspondencia: [email protected] Abstract: We present the first list of holotypes of te- in foreign collections (Clench and Jacobson, 1968; 1970; rrestrial molluscs housed in the collection of the Institute 1971a; 1971b; Richling and Glaubrecht, 2008), located of Ecology and Systematics, Cuba. The majority of ho- fundamentally in the Museum of Compared Zoology, the lotype specimens come from collections belonging to British Museum of Natural History, in the Academy of Miguel L. Jaume, Oscar L. Alcalde, Alfredo de la Torre Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the Natural History and Raúl P. Guitar. The type material of the collection Museum of Berlin. Whereas the Cuban museum that has 66 taxa including species and subspecies. The genera housed more speciemens found the Museum Poey (MP) represented in this type collection are Liguus, Farcimen, of the University of Havana and the National Museum Cerion, Cryptelasmus, Idiostemma, Cubadamsiella and of Natural History. However, the Institute of Ecology Opisthosiphon. and Systematics has the biggest collection of Cuba where a large number of types and paratypes specimens are Keywords: land snail, malacological collection. deposited. Resumen: CATÁLOGO DE HOLOTIPOS DE MOLUSCOS The molluscs’ collection of the Institute of Ecology and TERRESTRES (MOLLUSCA, GASTROPODA) DEL INSTITUTO Systematics (IES) was created from private collections DE ECOLOGÍA Y SISTEMÁTICA, LA HABANA, CUBA. Se pre- and from collections of different insitutions such as the senta el primer listado de holotipos de moluscos terres- Colegio de Belén, Colegio de Guanabacoa, Hermanos León tres en la colección del Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, and Instituto de la Habana. These private collections were Cuba. La mayoría de los especímenes holotipos proceden created by talented Cuban and foreigner malacologists and de colecciones pertenecientes a Miguel L. Jaume, Oscar naturalists like Raúl P. Guitar, Oscar L. Alcalde, Francisco L. Alcalde, Alfredo de la Torre y Raúl P. Guitar. El mate- Jimeno, Mario Sánchez Roig, Luis Sánchez de Fuentes, rial tipo de la colección cuenta con un total de 66 taxo- Rafael Arango and Molina, Eduardo Müller, Miguel L. nes entre especies y subespecies. Los géneros que se en- Jaume, José F. Milera, Juan Gundlach, M. K. Jacobson. cuentra representados en esta colección tipo son: Liguus, The collection is represented by vast representation of te- Farcimen, Cerion, Cryptelasmus, Idiostemma, Cubadamsiella rrestrial, freshwater and marine molluscs that surpasses y Opisthosiphon. 750 000 specimens (Oliva-Olivera and Real, 2009), being one of the most important in the country. Several collec- Palabras clave: Colección malacológica, moluscos tions are more than 80 years old and contain many type terrestres. specimens, including holotypes, paratypes and sintypes of Cuban and other countries. Holotypes came from Miguel L. Jaume, Oscar L. Alcalde, Alfredo de la Torre and Raúl P. Guitar collection. The holotypes’s collection presented Introduction here is unknown to most malacologists, which is why this work attempts revealing our holotypes’ collection of te- Type specimens of a collection are very important in ta- rrestrial molluscs. xonomic, systematic and biodiversity studies, and are an irreplaceable resource because of their uniqueness. The Materials and Methods majority of the type specimens of Cuban terrestrial mo- lluscs belong to foreign collections like in The Manchester Presentation of the holotype specimens Museum (McGhie, 2008) where several specimens of the family Urocoptidae are placed, although the most of The presentation of the holotype specimens starts with them are found in the National Museum of the United the taxonomic higher categories. Each entry in the ca- States (Torre and Bartch, 2008) and the majority of the talogue consists of the scientific name as first published types of the family Annulariidae (Torre and Bartch, 1938; and species and subspecies within genera are arranged in 1941). The helicinids are another well-represented group alphabetical order, author and year. The reference to the 44 Terrestrial molluscs holotypes of the IES first page of the original description and the position of Measurements: length 30 mm and width 14 mm. the plate and figure in the description are given (first is shown the number of the plate and/or figure (fig), if there F. (Farcimen) bilabiatum regium Alcalde 1945a. 17; plate 1, isn’t any figure for the taxon in the original description a fig. 11. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3486. dash will appear). In the second part the number of speci- Locality type: Outcrop of Muñoz, near of Zarza Gorda, in mens of the original label, locality type, distribution range San Juan Trinidad, Cuba. are shown. Full bibliographic references are given at the Distribution range: The same as the type locality. end of the catalogue. Measurements: length 32 mm and width 14 mm. Results F. (Farcimen) camagueyanum gravidum Alcalde, 1945d. 90; The type material of the collection has 66 taxa between fig. 3. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3583. species and subspecies, represented in seven families Locality type: Central Violeta, provincia Camagüey. (Table 1). In this collection are presented the genera Distribution range: The same as the type locality. Liguus, Farcimen, Cerion, Cryptelasmus, Idiostemma, Measurements: length 23.5 mm and width 11 mm. Cubadamsiella and Opisthosiphon. The genus Liguus has 30 subspecies, belonging to three of the four species that Farcimen (Farcimen) cisnerosi cisnerosi Alcalde, 1945b. 47; live in Cuba: L. blainianus, L. fasciatus, L. vittatus. Farcimen plate 5, fig. 11. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3533. also has a broad representation with seven species and 20 Locality type: Quemado de los Cerros, San José, La Sierra, subspecies. The rest of the species are represented by one Cienfuegos. Distribution range: The same as the type locality. Table 1. Family, genera, species and subspecies number of Measurements: length 22.25 mm and width 11.25 mm. the holotypes of terrestrial Molluscs housed in the Collec- tion of the Institute of Ecology and Systematics. Farcimen (Farcimen) cisnerosi edouardi Alcalde, 1945b. 46; plate 5, fig. 10. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3532. Tabla 1. Número de familias, géneros, especies y subespe- Locality type: Linderos de Bolaños, in Baullua, Trinidad, cies de los holotipos de moluscos terrestres en la colección Sancti Spiritus. del Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Habana, Cuba. Distribution range: The same as the type locality and Hato de Franco, San Juan, Trinidad. Family Genus Species Subspecies Measurements: length 30.10 mm and width 13.00 mm. Cerionidae Cerion 1 3 Megalomastomatidae Farcimen 7 20 Farcimen (Farcimen) cisnerosi sanchezi Alcalde, 1945b. 46; plate 5, fig. 12. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3531. Orthalicidae Liguus 30 Locality type: Hoyo del Infierno, Walls of rock of the Dam, Potamiidae Cubadamsiella 1 San Blas, Cienfuegos. Opisthosiphon 1 Distribution range: The same as the type locality. Subulinidae Cryptelasmus 2 Measurements: length 29.00 mm and width 10.00 mm. Urocoptidae Idiostemma 1 Farcimen (Farcimen) guitarti rugulosum Alcalde, 1945b. 42; Total 12 54 plate 5, fig. 15. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3584 Locality type: Veguitas de Cuajaní, Hoyo de padilla, or two species and/or subspecies. Buenos Aires, Cienfuegos. Distribution range: The same as the type locality. Subclass PROSOBRANCHIA Measurements: length 15.50 mm and width 9.00 mm. Orden ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA Superfamily: CYCLOPHOROIDEA Gray, 1847 Farcimen (Farcimen) gundlachi maritimun Alcalde, 1946. Family: MEGALOMASTOMATIDAE Blandford, 1864 40. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.4233. Locality type: Margins of the Santa Ana River, La Habana. Genus: Farcimen Troschel, 1847 Distribution range: The same as the type locality and Santa Edita farm, Bauta, Artemisa. F. (Farcimen) bilabiatum bilabiatum Alcalde 1945d: 16; plate Measurements: length 20.00 mm and width 9.25 mm. 1, fig. 12. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3487. Locality type: Farm of Severiano Moreno, San Juan de Farcimen (Farcimen) gundlachi michaeli Alcalde, 1946. Trinidad, Las Villas, Cuba. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.4234. Distribution range: type locality, outcrop de Zarza Gorda, Locality type: In front of the beach of the Instituto Cívico and La Yaba, a little distant from the type locality in San Militar, Marianao, La Habana. Juan de Trinidad. All these locations including the type Distribution range: The same as the type locality. currently belong to the Sancti Spiritus province. Measurements: length 23.00 mm and width 10.25 mm. Measurements: length 24.00 mm and width 11.80 mm. Note: On the label made by the author, is refered as the subspecific name as F. (F.) g. michaelli. F. (Farcimen) bilabiatum aureum Alcalde 1945d: 18; plate 1, fig. 13. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3473. Farcimen (Farcimen) gundlachi pallidulum Alcalde, 1946. Locality type: Small outcrop half a mile northwest of La 40. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.4231. Yaba, San Juan de Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. Locality type: El Barril farm, near Peña Blanca in the Distribution range: The same as the type locality. Sierra de Anafe, Artemisa. Poeyana 507 (2018) 45 Hernández Quinta et al. Distribution range: The same as the type locality. F. (Farcimen) obesum luteum Alcalde, 1945d. 87; fig. 2. Measurements: length 23.00 mm and width 10.25 mm. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.621. F. (Farcimen) jaumei jaumei Alcalde, 1945b. 43; plate 5, fig. Locality type: Seibabo, Yaguajay, Sancti Spíritus. 7. Number of specimens: CZACC.1.3529. Distribution range: Same as the type locality. Locality type: Inhabits the wall rock of Briche in Yaguanabo Measurements: length 31 mm and width16 mm. in San Juan Trinidad.
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