AUTOBIOGRAPHT I, Bichard Lewis Woodward, was horn in Kansas City, Missouri, December 11, 1913 - My elementary and secondary school education was in the public schools of Kansas City and St . Louis, Missouri. In June, 1935. I received the degree Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Washington University. I received the degree Master of Science from Harvard University in June, 1948. Since 1937 I have been an officer of tie United States Public Health Service . Under the auspices of this organisation, I have studied in the Department of Physics at the Ohio State University since June, 1949- - 42 - ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to acknowledge the assistance of my adviser Prof M. L. Pool, of my coworker Mr. S . C. Fultz, of our chemist Mr. James McGlotten, and of Mr. Claude McWhlrt and other members of the staff of the Physics Department shops. - hi - BLBLIOGEAPHT 1. J. H. Buck, Fhys. Rev., 59, 1025 (1938) 2. A. Mukerji. P. Preiswerk, Felv . Phys. Acta, 23, 516 (1950) 3* G • T. Seahorg, I. Perlman, Rev. Mod. Phys., 20, 585 (1998) 9-. G. E. Valley, R. 1. McCreary, Phys. Rev., 5 6, 863 (1939) 5 . S. Sag&ne, S . Kojina, G. Miyamoto, Fhys. Math. Soc . Japan, Proc., 21, 728 (1939) 6 . E. C. Barker, Plutonium Proj . Report Mon. P-269, 8 (199-7) 7. S . E. Haynes, Phys. Rev., 79, 9-23 (1998) 8 . I*. M. Langer, R. D. Moffat, Ihys . Rev., 80, 6 51 (1950) 9. A. C. Helmholz, Phys. Rev., 60, 9-15 (1991) 10. J. M. Cork, L. N. Hadley, Jr., C. V. Kent, Phys. Rev., 61, 388(A), (1942) 11. L. Lloyd, Masters Thesis, 0 .S .U. (1951) 12. K . Metropolis, G. Reitwiesner, U.S.A.B.C., RP-1Q80, March, 1950 13- W. B. Kann, Phys. Rev., 52, 905 (1937) 19. L. H. Ridenour, V. J. Henderson, Phys. Rev., 5 2, 889 (193?) 15. H. H. Eopkins, Jr., 3. B. Cunningham, Fhy s .Rev ., 7 3, I9c6 (1998) 16. E. Segre, A. C. Helmholz, Rev .Mod .Phys ., 21, 281 (1999) 17. M. E . Rose, G. H. Goertzel, C. L. Perry. U.S.A.B.C., ORJiL - 1023, June 25. 1951) 18. M. G. Mayer. Phys. Rev., 78, 16 (1950) 19. J. A. Hunter, Doctoral Dissertation, 0 .S.U. (1950) - 90 - Correction of this difficulty will probably require a slit system or a more efficient ion source . A higher accelerating voltage would also he helpful. Time was not available to complete the necessary revisions to the vacuum system which installation of the slit system requires. - 39 - The Isotopes of lead were resolved satisfactorily. Other elements tested included zinc, antimony, tin, arsenic, selenium, indium, aluminum and cadmium. Salts of several elements of interest,ihich have too hi£h melting points in the elemental form, were also tested. These were ruthenium chloride, molybdenum oxide and a complex fluo­ ride of niobium. None of these provided satisfactory ion beams, either because of decomposition of the salts before appreciable amounts were vaporized or because of fragmentation of the molecules in the electron beam used to ionize the molecules with attendant reduction in the amount of material deposited at any one mass number. Zinc was chosen as the first active element to work with. A number of tests were made on inactive material to determine opti­ mum oven temperature, electron voltage and filament temperature. Over-all efficiency of approximately 1/1500 was obtained under the best conditions, i.e*. one ion was collected for every 1500 atoms vaporized. Two attempts to separate the radioactive isotopes were failures. In both cases, although there was apparently good reso­ lution, the activities of Zn^ which are made abundantly by deu- teron bombardment of zinc were found on all parts of the receiving plate. Molecular contamination was suspected and this was con­ firmed by finding activity on the receiving plate even when no electron beam was used to ionize the molecules. Such an effect would not be detected using inactive materials. - 38 - APPENDIX A MASS SPECTROGRAPH FOR SEPARATING RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES The mass spectrograph for separating radioactive isotopes described by Hunter (19) was found in 1951 to be giving poor reso­ lution. A fluorescent screen was devised to permit direct visual observation of the lines produced at the receiving plate and poor focusing was observed. Various adjustments made no appreciable improvement . It was found that the arm of the spectrograph had incorrect dimensions for satisfying the geometrical requirement for first- order focusing, i.e., that the source, the apex of the sector mag­ netic field and the receiving plate be in a straight line . It was also found that the pole pieces of the magnet did not remain parallel because of the unsymmetric arrangement of tie pole pieces with respect to the main body of the magnet. A new arm was designed which overcame these difficulties and this was built in the Physics Department shops. The power supply which provides the accelerating voltage for the ions and the current for the filaments in the ion source was rebuilt to eliminate some overloaded elements, to pro­ vide for more convenient operation and to improve the stability of the high voltage supply. The rebuilt instrument was tested on Inactive samples of a number of relatively low melting point metals with good results. - 37 - The relati-rely large cross section found for a (He^,2n) reaction suggests that a "diproton" may exist momentarily during bombardment with He^ . - 3 6 - Summary G a ^ decays %ritb a half life of 1 5 *2 2 +. 0.08 minutes to 250 day Zn6-5 by emission of a positron with a maximum energy of 2.2 mev (determined by aluminum absorption). K capture also occurs * No gamma ray is found. The $6 kev gamma ray presently assigned to this isotope results from decay of Ga?®. The assignment of a 48 minute half life to G a ^ is almost cer­ tainly in error. No such activity was found in numerous bombardments of enriched Znfi** with protons of 7 -5 a*td. 3 .^ 5 maximum energy. Buck (l), who reported this activity, used natural zinc and reported a threshold of 4.1 mev for production of the Isotope by proton bom­ bardment . A (p.He ) reaction is produced in Zn by 7.5 ®ev protons. The half life of G a ^ has been accurately determined to be 9.55 ±. 0.03 hours. / n The 93 kev gamma ray accompanying the decay of Gu 1 results from decay of an isomer of Zn^ with a half life of 0 .3 5 ± 0 .1 5 milli­ seconds . The 180 kev and 297 kev gamma rays are in case side and lead directly to the ground state of Zn * . The 93 kev gamma ray is probably magnetic quadrupole radiation and the spin of the isomeric state is probably 9/2 . A decay scheme for G a ^ is proposed. He^ bombardments of copper produced the following reactions: (He^t He**), (He^.n) and either (He^.gaassa) or (He^,2n) or both. Relative cross sections for the various reactions have been measured. - 35 - particle entered into formation of a compound nucleus, a probable reaction would be the ejection of a neutron. This would appear to be a (He^,2n) reaction. Bombardment of enriched Cu^-5 with He^ would be desirable to eliminate the possible interference of a cap­ ture reaction on Cu63. - Jit - 15 minute positrons could not be determined accurately but they were relatively energetic. It is reasonable to ascribe this activity to GeA-* produced by a (He^,n) reaction on Cu®-^ . The 3.26 day activity is due to Ga®7 produced by a (He-^.n) reaction on Cu®^ . The reaction by which Ga®® was produced could be either Cu®-^ (He-^, gamma) or Cu®-* (He^,2n) . The fact that Ga®® was apparently not produced in any measureable amount tends to favor the latter reaction as the more likely. However the relatively large cross section for this reaction computed on the assumption of only the (He-^,2n) reaction occurring indicates that both reactions may take p l a c e . The relative cross sections for the production of the vari­ ous activities are as follows: Relative Product Hu c I c u m Cross Section Ga®7 9 Ga6 6 6 Ga®5 1 Cu6if 1 Cu6 2 1 A possible explanation for the apparently large cross sec­ tion for the (He^f2n) reaction postulates the existence of a "diproton" which could be formed as a result of polarization of the He^ ion in the coulomb field of the target nucleus. If such a - 33 - 1 0 0 0 0 - I 0 GU0 _ Short Act ■ ^ : 1 0 0 0 - t ooo- S ? A 1 0 0 - Minutes After Bombardrent Activity - 13 Arbitrary i n U cr i o _ 4 0 80 1 2 0 160 Hours after bombardment Fig* XVI - Cu + He3 Deca* Cur^e - 32 — level with the Mine oscillator quantum nuater at the ground state would have the same parity . Thus the most likely spin assignment for the isomeric state of Zn^? is 9/2 . Cu + He^ Bon>>^T-A^»Tit.a r Copper was bombarded with He-^ of 16 mev maximum energy. Since He^ has not previously been used as a bombarding particle in cyclotrons, the bombardment served the dual purpose of determining the nuclear reactions induced by He^ and of assisting in making the proper mass assignment to G a ^ and Ga^->. Three samples were bombarded. All three followed similar decays. The activities produced had half lives of 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 1.9 hours, 9*5 hours, 12.9 hours and 3 *2 6 days (Figure XVI) .
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