MARCH. 1911 r TWEWTY-FIVE CENTS WiWsSsyW«M<sy»gW*W <j00^f0!g^Mftf0^US00gif^0V0t^ SCOTT A. WHITE THE NORTHWESTERN J LEWIS BUILDING C<=>000c=>0 I | AKRON VITRIFIED f! TERRA-COTTA CO. ROOFING TILE MANUFACTURERS OF THE HIGHEST 6RADES OF ARCHITECTURAL I y | SHAPES: Spanish, French, Roman, Gre­ j! cian, Norman and Shingle Tile ; | COLORS: Red, Green, Glaze, Brown, I TERRA COTTA I Black, Silver, Mottled Green, Buff and Gray Glaze CHICAGO Northwestern Terra Cotta ILLINOIS Bath Portland Cement SCOTT A. WHITE, Qlate Asphalt and Gravel Roofing Pittsburgh Representative, Lewis Building, James Stewart & Go. BOWbES jj GENERAL CONTRACTORS In Colonial Days there were no "suits" of furni­ Office and Railway Buildings, ture. Every piece was distinctive, fashioned by the Manufacturing Plants, Reinforced Concrete, Structural Steel, cunning hand of a painstaking craftsman. Chip­ Terminals and Subways, pendale's delicately carved chairs, Hepplewhite's Dredging, Dock Work, !> !» inlaid sideboards, Sheraton's ornamented desks and Heavy Masonry, Grain Elevators. writing tables, gave that atmosphere of individual­ ity, taste and comfort, which bespoke exclusiveness OFFICES and refinement. Hudson Terminal Building New York Bank of Commerce Building St. Louis To collectors and lovers of Period Furniture, the Fisher Building Chicago subject is extremely interesting, appealing to an Hibernia Bank Building New Orleans artistic sense 1 ot aroused by other furniture. To First National Bank Building Denver see furniture of this class Bowles' store is a delight­ Eastern Township Bank Building Montreal ful place to visit this season of the year. I ii HENRY W. OLIVER BUILDING, 535 LIBERTY AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA. (iStysrastr^W'WtfWWsysWs^^ I THE BUILDER 3 Atlantic Terra CoLba Company 1170 Broadway, New York. Largest. Manufacturers of Architectural Terra Cotta in the World. Atlantic Service means prompt delivery, complete setting drawings, and every care to insure rapidity of con­ struction. Atlantic System means that Atlantic Terra Cotta is right when it leaves the factory; every piece is inspected and carefully fitted before shipment. Atlantic Construction means correct construction. Complete Terra Cotta construction drawings, showing joint­ ing, bonding and anchoring are made on every contract, and submitted to the architect for approval. Atlantic Co-operaLion means intelligent discussion with Architects and Builders on questions that constantly arise in the use of Terra Cotta—and frequently the advice of a Terra Cotta expert is necessary. Atlantic Terra Cotta means the best possible Archi­ tectural Terra Cotta at the lowest cost possible for the best. Pittsburgh Representative F. G. EVATT 705 Fulton Building. 4 THE BUILDER ^o-cix) xz>oo«cr>oo<r>oO'=>oo<ooo=>oO'C=»oo=>cO'=3>o^ fl ENAMELING AND GILDING FOR INTERIOR DECORATIONS 0 The JOHN DEWAR, MODERN HOUSE MANUFACTURING COMPANY House Painting. Enameling and Gilding. FARMERS BANK BUILDING PITTSBURGH FINISHING AND RE-FINISHING OF HARD WOODS. The glowing promises of cement houses Bell 'Phone 211 Cedar. at a low figure have never been fulfilled. 850 North Avenue, West, Allegheny. We offer a frame house, a real home, one that has been erected many times at the figure quoted and that has given invariable ASSOCIATED WITH satisfaction. DEWAR & CLINTON In our houses you know positively just what you are getting—no guesswork—and AND you know the exact price—no extras. Dewar, Clinton & Alexander Co. We use the best materials only. A PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. A Bell 'Phone 1383 Court. BUILD THE "MODERN" WAY. v^o<=>oo<==>oo<==>oo<^>oo<=>oo<==>oo-cr>oo<z>oo<cs>oo< >oa Atlantic Terra Cotta Company 1170 Broadway, N. Y. HOTELi Architectural Terra Cotta differs in construction from every other struc­ tural material. For this reason the EUCLID adaption of steel construction to archi­ tectural terra cotta should be consid­ ered before the steel contract is let. The Atlantic Company prepares draw­ Euclid Ave. and E. 14th St. ings on every order, showing the con­ CLEVELAND, OHIO struction of the entire building in com­ Official Hotel of the American plete detail. Motor League These drawings, together with pho­ 300 Rooms—European Plan tographs of all modeled work, are Rates: $1 to $4 Per Day submitted to the architect for ap­ proval or revision. The architect Headquarters for Auto Tourists passes on every important point before the work goes forward in an Atlantic Many of the leading garages located plant. within one block of the Hotel Southern Branch District. Manager, Atlanta Terra Cotta Company, F. G. Evatt, East. Point., Ga. 705 Fulton Bldg., Hotel Euclid Co. Pittsburgh FRED. S. AVERY, President. THE BUILDER 5 •^tandafd" Modern Bath Room, Design P40 Plumbing Fixtures "A Fixture for Every Requirement" Architects and Builders frequently experience difficulty in the selection of really suitable fixtures where extraordinary circumstances exist in the bathroom. This difficulty can be largely overcome by installing ^tandatid" Fixtures. For variety and quality ^ta«davit" fixtures are unsurpassed, and no matter what design, their sanitary efficiency and service-value is of the usual high standard. When specifying ^tandattd" plumbing fixtures make your specification complete and emphatic by insisting upon the *£ta«dand" "Green and Gold" five year, or the "Red and Elack" two year guarantee labels. They are marks of guaranteed quality and insure satisfaction—both for yourself and your customer. Standard cSanitar^ Iflft). Co* Pittsburgh, Pa. Showrooms, Offices and Warehouses: New York 35-37 W. 31st Street Houston, Tex....Cor. Preston & Smith Sts. Philadelphia 1128 Walnut Street Boston John Hancock Building Pittsburgh 949 Penn Avenue Montreal. Can 215 Coristine Building St Louis 100-102 North Fourth Street Chicago 415 Ashland Block New Orleans Cor. Baronne& St. Joseph Sts. Cleveland 648-fi52 Huron Road, S. E. Louisville 319-323 West Main Street San Francisco, Cal. 1303-04 Metropolis Bldg. Toronto, Can 59 Richmond Street, E. London, Eng..57-60 Holborn Viaduct, E. C. THE BUILDER Wm. Miller & Son's Co. =DCf- Contractors and Bvtilder^ 530 to 534 Federal Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Bell Phone 1405 Grant. HOTEL CUMBERLAND THE NEW YORK S. W. Cor. Broadway at 54th Street Near 50th St. Subway Station, 53d St. Elevated and all W. S. TYLER Surface Lines HEADQUARTERS FOR ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Only New York Hotel With i f ,$ JjJ Window Screens Throughout. COM PANY •fa Ideal Location. SJSTW Near Depots, Shops, and Central Park. NEW ANO FIREPROOF ORNAMENTAL Strictly First Class. IRON RATES REASONABLE. All Hardwood Floors and AND BRONZE Oriental Rugs. European Plan. 10 MINUTES WALK TO 20 THEATRES. Transient Rates, $2.50 with Bath, and Up. Excellent Restaurant. Prices Moderate. BESSEMER BUILDING Send for Booklet. HARRY P. STIMSON R. J. BINGHAM PITTSBURGH, PA. Formerly with Hotel Imperial. Formerly with Hotel Woodward THE BUILDER 7 THK "BELER" Automatic Thermostatic Instantaneous Water Heater. The most simply constructed heater on the market, all parts being accessible by opening the doors (no springs), which comprise the front half of the heater. Our patent Automatic-Thermostatic Pressure Regulator is an entirely new device for the regulation of the gas in Instan­ taneous Water Heaters, and is constructed without the use of springs -in the water chambers, no plungers to stick or bind, and no stuffing boxes to corrode. Our new Hydro-Carbon Burner, constructed without the use of gauze, and giving the highest efficiency and combustion, is absolutely non-corrosive. Inspection solicited. Bekr mater fieater go, 311 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. THE NICOLA BUILDING CO Building . Contractors FARMERS BANK BUILDING PITTSBURGH, PA, THE BUILDER INTERIOR FINISH CO. Makers of High-Class # Interior Cabinet Work, Mill Work, f Sash Doors, Trim, Etc. Beaver Avenue and Fayette Street, N. S. PITTSBURGH. •> *;**>*5MJ»*}»***' St^^^**S>-^l'^l'<$*^<^*^'^'''^,^^HS(^1 "I" "•ft ^ >lft^*?^**^*%t^^iiiH$H$Hfr' ^•|J,"5*1$,'*J,"'^,?*>+**J**i**! I Bernard Gloekler Co. t I: MAKER OF THE THE Celebrated Eclipse Refrigerator BVILDER * t y IS ALWAYS ON SALE ? hi I -ILJ i BY i f-vJ :*: W f L x prK - - i- - - R. S. DAVIS & CO. S ~' 441 Wood Street 1 * S 3P> t Of Any Design For All Purposes. 1 ! OFFICE, FA CTOR Y AND DISPLA Y ROOM I I Booksellers and Stationers I 1127 to 1133 Penn Avenue * I and who i Handle all Home and Foreign Books and Periodicals <$t• PITTSBURGH, PA. 1 T Ii E BUILDER JAMES L. STUART, Reliance Constructing Engraving Engineer.. Company, 341 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh. Makers of High-grade Print­ Contracts taken for all Classes of Building. ing Plates for Catalogs Office Buildings, Industrial Plants, and Advertising Power Plants, Reinforced Concrete, Etc. Bell Phone Qrant 3158. Purposes. The JVlalone Stone Co. Steiner & Voegtly Hardware C( Cleveland, Ohio. DEALERS IN QUARRYMEN OF Sargent's Fine Builders' Hardware Luitink, Acme AMHERST STONE Lane & Coburn Buff and Gray Building Stone Sliding Door of every description Hangers Euclid Bluestone Starrett's Machinists' Tools Flagging, Steps, Sills. Tree Brand Plum Creek Liver Rock Cutlery & Razors Manufacturers of PITTSBURG OFFICES Geisey Casement Now Located WINDOW CLOSED. WINDOW OPtN. GIESIYS ELEVATING CASEMENT WINDOW HINGE. WindoW PiVOtS 1102 Farmers Bank Building PATENTED JULY 19"= 1898. STEINER & VOEGTLY, 310 WOOD ST. PmsHURG PA. aflJ gjm[eS Phone, Grant 3542 230-234 Diamond Street PITTSBURG, PA. 10 THE BUILDER 3S*S*S3S**£3S:*£38fe*K 3Sfe«£ SSfe *S38fei3?3Sfc*S3£*S85%*!S 8 A. & S. WILSON CO. if 8 CONTRACTORS 8 8 8 AND BUILDERS 8 8 % 8 8 8 8 8 * 8 8 % I 8 « 8 8 8 8 I 8 9 % BUILDING OF JONES & LAUGHLIN STEEL COMPANY, PITTSBUKG, PA. OFFICE BUILDINGS, WAREHOUSES, POWER PLANTS, I 8FINE RESIDENCES, BANK AND OFFICE FIXTURES. ¥u PITTSBURGH, PA. s ENTRANCE, BRUSHTON SCHOOL, PITTSBURGH KIEHNEL & ELLIOTT, ARCHITECTS, PITTSBURGH | THE BVILDER Vol. 28 PITTSBURGH, PA., MARCH 1911 No. 11 PUBLISHED MONTHLY Gothic, and in Texas, where they are to be built, BY should be very effective.
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