H|; l.„U f*?l1lfttp*Mg*y*gV mg^wm •w^™' ^mX' » ahssmsam—a*a • Dept. ifeij-y^TimPi . & THE HANNA HERALD With ice-making progressing prospective rinks in the Honna c*siMng~ enrty requested to hand in personnel of their rinks • "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS" I by this coming Saturday, November 3. Theso nomas VOLUME XXXXIII—No. 52 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1956 $3.00 per year in Canada — 7c per copy. may be listed with Claire Grover ot HM post office or with Vern Hunter at the Royol Bonk. This conn­ ing Sunday at 11 a.m. a meeting hao been called in !D D the curling rink, by president! Bruce Chandler to fin­ ROAD EXTENSION AND BRIDGES Legion Prepares NUT DRIVE IN AID alize formation of rinks so that regular draws may OF SCOUTS AND CUBS start next week. All skips who hove oof foHy-mann- URGED WHEN HIGHWAY 36 ASSOC. For Poppy Day The Ladies Auxiliary to th* ed rinks or curlers who have not been picked ore ask­ Hanna Cub and Scout organiz­ ed to attend this meeting. Open reservations ore ation* wfll hold thoir annual now available for curling Sunday afternoon ond a MEETS HERE LAST WEDNESDAY Sales In Hanna tale et note trom November cash Bonspiel is being arranged for Wednesday -af­ 26 to December 1 this year ternoon, Nov. 14. Regular curling draws wiH comm­ Enthusiastic Meeting In Afternoon Impressive Ceremonies With Mrs. J. Litke as conven­ ence next Tuesday night. The executive will greatly Planned for Remembrance er tha town has bean divided appreciate the co-operation of members and prosp­ But Minister Gives Little Promise Of into six zcffie* undor tho dir­ Day November 11 ective members in this regard. Major Start on Roadway Next Year ection of Mrs. Pat Murray, Mr. W. T. Watson chairman of Mrs. V. Bonenfant, Mrs. E. the Legion's Poppy Campaign Two importdnt resolutions were introduced and adopted Churchill, Mrs. R. Finnerty, committee here today announced Mrs. W. Krzywy and Mrs. J. when the annual meeting of the Highway 36 Association was that canvassers would start the an­ O'Reilly. During tho week a held in Hanno last Wednesday afternoon. The first resolution nual campaign on November 10, house-to-house canvass will be urged the provincial government to determine ond designate to be conducted by the Boy Scouts made covering Hi* town ahd PARK IN BRITISH COLUMBIA the route of No. 36 from Hanna to Warner and press for nec­ of Hanna. sales will ba conducted in th* essary bridges. Also that No. 36 be extended to No. 28 and "This year we would like to ex­ business sections on Saturday, north to Lac La Biche. The second resolution urged the gov­ tend a special invitation to the December 1. Th* co-operation TO BEAR NAME OF CANADIAN ernment to construct bridges over the Bow and Red Deer Riv­ public to take a more active part of Hi* public in raising funds ers on No. 36. in the Remembrance Day cere­ during tha drive to further with when he spoke to the associa­ mony," said Mr. Watson. th* work of Cub and Scout ac­ ARMY PRIVATE DOUGLAS EATON Twenty-six points ranging from tion last year. Concluding his ad­ He explained that any member tivities in Hanna will be "Eaton Pork" Named by Department Lavoy to Taber were represented dress with an appeal for greater of the community was welcome to greatly appreciated. at the meeting, whicii will be held safety on Alberta's highways, Mr. lay a wreath at the cenotaph. He Of Lands and Forests; Nome Of in Hanna again next year. Gener­ Taylor left his audience some­ particularly encouraged business a ally speaking the Association put what "hanging hi the air" as to firms to arrange for the laying of Eaton Linked With Craigmyle the possibilities of a major start wreaths. forth well founded suggestions for CRAIGMYLE, OcV 30—Captain Bruce Eaton of Devon an improved and extended north- next year of the north-south route. If any individual, or firm, Boy Scouts Al south highway. Dr. W. G. Ander­ The delegation was welcomed in wishes to have the Legion place a and formerly of Craigmyle, has been informed thot a park is son of Medicine Hat pointed out the afternoon by Mayor I. F. Sha­ wreath on their behalf, this can be to be named in honor of his brother the tate Private Douglas the advantages of such a road to cker and the meeting was opened done by phoning 28," Mr. Watson Acadia Valley Eaton. The park named by the Department of Lands and For- - or nearby the proposed provincial by J. D. Parker, presfdent of the said. ests, B.C., is located eleven miles up Silver Creek, near Hope; park at Steveville. Hon. Mike Mac- Hanna Board of Trade which spon­ The Poppy Campaign is the Le­ n cagno, MLA, Lac LaBiche urged sored the gathering. L. E. Helmer gion's only national campaign Mr. Stage "(lean-Up that the road be not terminated at conducted the meeting and was Watson reminded. It serves a two­ with the Village of Craigmyle, for Lavoy but extended to Lac La later returned to office as presid­ Nurse Joyce Ryder holds a baby girl, judged to be fold purpose. It enables Canad­ Over One Hundred Young Students "Awaal **" ""* """ "•*••" Biche where extensive fishing ent when officers were elected. ians to remember the war dead People In Four "Live after service in the Boer War, about six hours old, at Illinois Masonic Hospital in Capt R. B. Eaton and his family grounds attracted many sports­ Other officers elected were as fol­ and to help the living. Wire" Organizations men. Hon. B. C. Stringman, MLA lows. Chicago, after the baby was brought in for treatment Money raised by the distribu­ Night" Planned settled on a strip of land two for Bow*Valley said a bridge over Honorary president, Hon. Gord­ when it was found in a refuse can. tion of poppies helps veterans and ACADIA VALLEY, October 30 - miles west of the present village. the Bow and Red Deer rivers was on E. Taylor, Minister of High­ their dependents. It is held in Hie Wolf Cubs had a most suc­ There, they erected a store, haul­ •f vital importance and pledged ways and Telephones; president, trust and is not used for any other cessful Apple Day Ust Saturday For November 23 ing the supplies from Munson. his support. L. E. Helmer, re-elected; vice- branch purpose. when tbey canvassed the town With the coming of the railroad presidents, Dr. W. G. Anderson, The Legion is making extensive with their red shiny apples for A.T.A. Local Sponsors and more settlers, the village What enthusiasm the delegates Wardlow, F. A. Holbans, Galahad. ASSISTANCE TO MUTUAL TELEPHONE plans for Remembrance Day serv­ sale. Many thanks to those who so Program Covering Awards sprang up in its present pos aad was named Qt aroused at the afternoon meeting Directors: R. Henshaw, Taber; ices, Sunday, November IL and a generously patronized them. In School Endeavors was somewhat dampened when John Kubasek, Vauxhall; Jim Nes­ complete press release concerning Mrs. Eaton alter her fa The Boy Scouts conducted a in Scotland. Hon. Gordon Taylor, Minister of bitt, Brooks-Duchess; Howard San- ASSOCIATIONS AIM OF RESOLUTION these will appear in next week's Clean-up Day on Saturday, realiz­ The local ATA have made ar­ Highways and Telephones addres­ gathe, Wardlow; Hugh Forster, Herald. ing a total of $33.00 ior their ef­ rangements to present awards to With OH outbreak mt sed them following a banquet in Cessford; Chas. Seefeldt, Pollock­ forts in hauling garbage away students of the Hanna district and World War Captain Eat ville;' Morris Solberg, Carolside; saw service overseas and the Masonic Temple that evening. AT MEETING OF FARMERS'GROUP from homes and business places. the Sullivan Lake and Berry Creek Mr. Taylor said that a leg of the John Lukey, Sunnynook; Harry charged with his present Gordon, Rose Lynn; M. Walker, First Fall Meeting of Farm Local They are fo be commended foe. highway in question had been Eight Hundred their industry and interest in this School Divisions who nave done I Colonel. Taking up the built this year between No. 28 and Sheerness; T. A. Horn, Hanna; W. outstanding work hi the school I civilian life again. Oal. Eaton R. Storch, Garden Plains; G. H. Called For November 9; Special worthwhile project that tbey un­ year ef 1955-56 on Friday, Novem-j tered politics aad served M Mem- No. 16 highways. He also said that Haverstock, Castor; Roy Granger, dertake each spring and fall work would be done on the south Assembly Billed For November 23 Head of Cattle * •nm, -*f 23 in the Hanna High School 1 ber of Psrliin—I fsr a tiaae uu- Galahad; Mr. Fee, Killam; Mr. , «.£ !S^£L-H2?«*I? <£j^£ ««ditoriuin. HM program wiH dar the Liberal government in Ot- end of the highway next year Fitzmorris, Viking; Mr. Tuck, La­ from No. 3 north. The minister The first fall meoting of the Earitown Local F.U.A. will CWlat f -elaiwal-MS *S* ""J^SSS !&%£?^dl «•»•«••• <* *; o'clock- ttm- an* tawa. Th. Si continued to Maa voy; Dr. M. E. Ctaonko, Two Hills; be held in Earitown school on Friday evening, November 9, theli went into aome detail aa to J. H: Todrick, Hanna; Won. Mike Sold Saturday 1 sx si^sJ-tosMtP**i * *"**•<** fastball*• *•«, tar! mmm safety pl commencing gt 8 p.nryJTKq proorom v«kli^(^,l>__fi_g roaj-i Qixd t*taci *sw****f**mmmmm»mm the enginering aspects et road M-lccagnartSc Lff «t'Hf? 1 T awards, scholastic awards in|left to j-nitttttrg^a•^j*g!t ,fe luffl qgalt phone rt^oftf/cdmpfWonof anve TOT membfe rshlp weekW More Sale; Promoters «•*«* - vember 12, re*iort oh year'iwork ond selection of delegates to \Kay Pedersen and the.-Guides un-/; T^'iSiJIS?'*'!!^ m Sat Date November IO ! der Mrs.
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