October 27, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 25239 in Washington and, therefore, unable were watching very carefully Buffy’s tion and affection for Members of Con- to vote on that day. My wife Kasey and accomplishment. She committed to gress on both sides of the aisle. I became the proud parents of a baby raising at least $1,600, and did not sur- Six years ago, when I came first upon girl, 7 pound, 2 ounce, 21-inch baby girl. prise me one bit that she exceeded that the floor of this hallowed institution, I This is our second child. goal. She is an intelligent and prin- was eyewitness to a moment rare in Had I been here, I would like the cipled young lady who is an asset to the history of our Republic. After 40 RECORD to reflect that I would have my office and our community. Her years of one-party rule, the opposing voted no on rollcall vote 541, yes on dedication to raising money for AIDS party came to power. In 50 congres- rollcall vote 542, and yes on rollcall follows her commitment to the causes sional elections over as many years the vote 543. of peace as a graduate student in Peace House of Representatives had changed Also, Mr. Speaker, if I may, on Research at the University of Oslo, to hands only eight times and, yes, as a Thursday, October 26 of this year, yes- the American Civil Liberties Union, result of each time, the fabric of our terday, I again was not able to be in and to progressive congressional can- democracy was indeed strengthened, Washington and, therefore, unable to didates. strengthened not by mere change of po- vote because I was picking up my wife I join each and every member of my litical party alone but by the collective Kasey and our newborn baby and tak- own staff in saying congratulations on act of ordinary citizens who cared ing them both back home from the hos- a job well done. Buffy, we are proud of enough to let their will be exercised at pital. you. the ballot box. Had I been present, I would like the f It was a change of power made ever RECORD to reflect that I would have more amazing when cast against a voted no on rollcall vote 553, yes on CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW YORK world where such occurrences even in rollcall vote 554, no on rollcall vote 555, YANKEES AND NEW YORK METS this most sophisticated of ages are too no on rollcall vote 556, no on rollcall (Mr. ENGEL asked and was given often marked by bloody violence. No vote 557, no on rollcall vote 558, no on permission to address the House for 1 blood was shed, thankfully, for ours is rollcall vote 559, no on rollcall vote 560, minute and to revise and extend his re- a freedom made whole by the sacrifices yes on rollcall vote 561, and no on roll- marks.) of generations of Americans who at a call vote 562. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, as a Bronx tender age put their Nation ahead of Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, will the boy born and bred, and as someone who themselves. gentleman yield? represents Bronx, New York, I want to Our fellow citizens cherish this vi- Mr. CROWLEY. I yield to the gen- congratulate the New York Yankees, brant and living democracy that mani- tleman from Maryland. the World Champions of 2000, for their fests itself each day in the august halls Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I want to wonderful season and, therefore, their of this Congress. It is they who witness congratulate the gentleman, I want to victory in the World Series yesterday. a collection in this body of individuals congratulate Kasey, I want to con- When I was growing up, I lived within who give hope to the powerless, prom- gratulate the new arrival, Kenzie; is walking distance from Yankee Sta- ise to the forgotten, and justice to the that correct? dium. I remember the old teams with ignored. Mr. CROWLEY. Kenzie, yes. Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris, and With recorded history dating back Mr. HOYER. Seven pounds, two these Yankees certainly winning the some 5,000 years, two centuries of the ounces, I understand, of beautiful baby World Series three years in a row House of Representatives seems some- girl. As the father of three young shows they are truly champions. what like a relatively new experience women myself, I know the joy of hav- I also want to congratulate the New and a somewhat new endeavor. How- ing a daughter. And, of course, I know York Mets for a wonderful, wonderful ever, relatively few have been honored the gentleman’s son well, and he is season and for being the winners of the to come to this place to give their vote going to be blessed with his sister. I want to say that I am sure there is National League. The subway series, and their voice for their communities. not a person in this Chamber or an and I went to as many World Series Since first convened in 1789, fewer than American anywhere who does not games as I could go to, really has made 10,000 people have had the privilege of think the gentleman made the right all of us as New Yorkers proud. In fact, representing their fellow Americans. It judgment. Congratulations to you. my cap, which says ‘‘Subway Series’’ is in that context alone that I stand Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, re- and has the number 4 train and the here humbled and privileged to have claiming my time, I want to just say number 7 train on it, is something, been a Member of this august house. that she will be eligible for dating again, that makes New York very, While the focus too often is on the when she is 40 years of age. So I thank very, very proud. Not since the 1950s, partisan battles that many Americans all my colleagues very, very much. when I was just a little boy, have we mistakenly believe consume all our Mr. HOYER. If the gentleman will had a subway series in New York, and time and energy, the good news is this: continue to yield, Mr. Speaker, I would I have never seen such electricity com- that it is truly a deliberative body. As advise him that that is a good theory, ing from the city. Speaker O’Neill said, when he first but it does not work out in practice. So we are all really winners; the New took the gavel, ‘‘The House is greater York Mets, the New York Yankees, two than any of us. Its greatness is the f great phenomenal teams. I am proud to product of 435 human beings con- CONGRATULATIONS TO BUFFY be a New Yorker, and I say again con- tending with extraordinary problems.’’ WICKS gratulations to the World Champion He was right then and he would be (Mr. FILNER asked and was given New York Yankees and to the National right today. permission to address the House for 1 League Champions, the New York As an institution, we have much for minute and to revise and extend his re- Mets. which to be proud. Members of the marks.) f House really do spend most of their Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise time, I believe, engaged in a quest for today to commend a valued member of FOND FAREWELL solutions to some of the most vexing my staff here in Washington, Ms. Buffy (Mr. FORBES asked and was given questions of our day: health care for Wicks, on her completion of the Marine permission to address the House for 1 the uninsured, drugs on our streets, Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. minute and to revise and extend his re- children left behind because of failing just last Sunday, a marathon which marks.) schools or the absence of a strong guid- raised millions of dollars for AIDS re- Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I appre- ing hand, families overwhelmed as they search. ciate the privilege of having the floor balance their home life and their jobs Although almost 18,000 people took to address my colleagues, and I stand in search of adequate safe, affordable part in this marathon, my wife and I here out of respect and great admira- day care for their children, these and VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:08 Jan 17, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H27OC0.001 H27OC0.
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