COMPTON MACKENZIE AND HIS WORK By Sheila Kaye-Smith OR a week I have gazed across the the most important of the arts. He Fsea at Compton Mackenzie's island would give that honor to music, though home of Jethou. Every day I have he himself is no performer and serves planned to cross over, and every day I his Goddess but in the most humble have been defeated, either by fog or capacity. wind or the failure of the only available Because he has kept out of the main motor boat on my own island. It is no stream of London literary life and kept joke, this Great Russell between Sark himself free of the philosophies and and Jethou, by no means to be negoti­ conventions of literary people, there is ated by small craft in bad weather; and about his work an originality and a the Little Russell on the farther side be­ freedom which can scarcely be found tween Jethou and Guernsey is not elsewhere in modern English literature. much better. Perhaps the aloofness is the conse­ Compton Mackenzie has chosen to quence of the originality and freedom exile himself upon his island, and this rather than their cause, but no matter is typical of both the man and his work. how these two may stand in relation to As a rule the average English man each other as cause and effect, there is novelist can be found either in Chelsea no denying that Compton Mackenzie's or Bloomsbury, if he is not at the Sav­ position in modern English literature is age Club. Going from one literary unique. Even those who do not ad­ dinner party to another, you meet in­ mire him as a novelist cannot accuse evitably the same group. If you fail to him of either tameness or convention­ get a word with Mr. J. D. Swinnerpole ality, or of following in the steps of at the P. E. N. dinner you are not too other men. It is perhaps this very greatly discouraged, because you are independence which is responsible for sure to meet him tomorrow evening at certain looks askance that he gets from the After Dinner Club. But not so some quarters. The modern critical with Compton Mackenzie. If you tendency is all for comparison and were to miss him at one dinner you classification, but what are you to do would probably not get a chance to see with a man who one year writes a him again for a year at least, since his trilogy founded entirely on religious appearances in London are few and experience, and the next produces a fleeting, and mostly connected with serial for a penny daily? Personally I what is at present the great interest of think it is glorious to be able to do both, his life, which is not literature but the and Mr. Mackenzie is the only living gramophone. author who can. This, again, is characteristic. Be­ When we look back on his career we cause he is himself a novelist, Mr. see that from the beginning he has been Mackenzie does not therefore believe a man unbound-—^unbound either by that novel writing or even literature is style or school or subject or environ- 391 PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED 392 THE BOOKMAN ment. His first novel was historical, but it is even more challenging and an elegant and charming recreation of compelling. The critics, of course, the eighteenth century in Bath. '' The found more to criticize. "Carnival" Passionate Elopement" is a complete had been received with almost unani­ success in its own line. It attracted mous applause, it was both enthralling much attention and enthusiasm at the as a novel and glamorous as a work of time of its publication, and the literary- art. It was almost impossible to world waited for Compton Mackenzie criticize it, for the glamor had this re­ to repeat himself. But where many markable quality, that it caught the another author would have been con­ critics too. But there was less glamor tent to recreate, as his second effort, the and less thrall in "Sinister Street". eighteenth century at Tunbridge Wells The detailed story of the youth and or the seventeenth century at Oxford, adolescence of a man "who will even­ the author of "The Passionate Elope­ tually become a priest", it has its ment" leaped straight into modern languors and its disappointments. theatrical life and gave us in "Carni­ Michael Fane is more alive at some val " the story of a typical showgirl of periods than at others. Also, in the today. necessary discarding of plot Mr. Mac­ "Carnival" astonished where "The kenzie may have too defiantly ignored Passionate Elopement" had delighted. rules of construction. Mr. Mackenzie's knowledge of theatri­ Nevertheless the book is one of the cal life enabled him to give of it a pic­ most momentous novels published in ture which was sometimes almost too England this century, and one which realistic for modern taste, yet over it all has the distinction of having started a he cast the glamor which is peculiarly new school in English fiction. For his, and which in my opinion is his some time after it appeared the libra­ greatest gift. Perhaps the glamor is ries were stuffed with the life stories of more obvious in "Carnival" than in young men who went to school and later novels —the lights are brighter then to college, and were abandoned by and cruder. Personally I do not know their authors on the threshold of adult how the book would reread. It is a life and love. This fashion has natu­ tribute to it and the thrill of my first rally passed, but "Sinister Street" may impressions that I have never dared to be said to have brought the "cradle to make the attempt. I could not face grave" novel once more among us — the risk of being disillusioned in "Car­ the story which is a straightforward nival", and that is perhaps as great a record of a man's or woman's life rather compliment to the author as to say that than the pattern of its sensations and I had read it again and again. complications. This type of novel is of "Carnival" made Compton Macken­ course one of the oldest types, but it zie a famous novelist, and all literary had died out during the Nineties of last England and America awaited his third century, when French standards of novel. technique prevailed. Mr. Mackenzie revived it with all the advantages of an "Sinister Street" is in many ways his improved technique, and may be said most remarkable achievement. By its thus to have given us our modern very nature (it was published in two picaresque. volumes of about 200,000 words each), it is not so well constructed or so satis­ His fourth novel, "Guy and Paul­ factory as a work of art as "Carnival", ine", was also in a sense a new experi- PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED COMPTON MACKENZIE AND HIS WORK 393 mfent, though it made use of characters dealing with life in the University, and and situations which had already been certainly when dealing with the adven­ dealt with in "Sinister Street". Mr. tures in the underworld of a young man Mackenzie, by the way, is one of those seeking a laidy he once loved; but it is a authors whose characters continue his very different matter to cast a glow as lifelong friends; they are not discarded of magic and faery over the story of a when the book is finished but are re­ very ordinary young man's abortive introduced and used again and again. engagement to a clergyman's daughter. On the advantages of the method I There is no sensation, very little inci­ have never been able to make up my dent, the characters have nothing mind. Sometimes it is a disappoint­ startling about them either in the way ment rather than a delight to meet a of vice or virtue. One might say that much loved character on another occa­ the book did not contain enough inci­ sion, but on the other hand it has given dent even for a short story, and yet it a new reality to fiction ever since Bal­ triumphs. Not that it is in any way zac wrote "La Comedie Humaine" — merely a tour de force; it is a genuine and Mr. Mackenzie's novels are a piece of literary construction and real comedie humaine. Michael Fane, marks perhaps the climax of Mr. Mac­ Maurice Avory, Sylvia Scarlett, Father kenzie's artistic achievement. Dorward, and other personalities link There is a gulf fixed between "Guy up their diverse styles into a character­ and Pauline " and his later work, a gulf istic unity. "Guy and Pauline" has which yawns across the work of many a strong affinities with "Sinister Street", man, or indeed woman, novelist of this in that it is the story of a young Oxford period, the gulf of the years 1914 to man whom we have met before in the 1918. With Mr. Mackenzie it is dug earlier novel; but in many ways it dis­ deeper than with some; one would say appointed the admirers of the first that he has a greater sensitiveness to book owing to the extraordinary con­ environment and contemporary life straint of its subject and situations. than most novelists, hence a necessity Put baldly, "Guy and Pauline" is in his seclusion. After the war and his the story of a young Oxford man, not in experiences in it — chiefly in connec­ very comfortable circumstances, who tion with the Gallipoli campaign — it becomes engaged to a clergyman's was impossible for him to write as he daughter.
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