Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2002-12-11 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2002). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2926. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2926 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER U N I ·v E R S I- T Y 88thyear, issue 15 · week "'of DECEMBER 11, 2002 "' · "www.xavier.edu/newswire/ CROSSTOWN VICTORY Xavier educates youth on the Underground Railroad BY DEBORA DEL VALLE The weaved canvas consists of Media Relations Assistant two chain-link fences approxi­ Evanston and Norwood school mately eight feet high and four-to­ . children along with Xavier Univer­ five feet wide. The students will sity students will tape newscasts weave material through the fences and "weave" a community canvas to create portraits of Tubman and as part of a unique Xavier program Frederick Douglas. exploring the Underground Rail-, All of these events are part of a road on Thursday, Dec. 12. Xavier University course taught by At 1 p.m. at Xavier's Television Dr. C. WalkerGollarofXavier's the­ Center in Brockman Hall, fifth ology department entitled "God on graders from the Underground Sharpsburg El- ------------ ~ailroad." e m e n t a r Y Students journeyed During the School. in first part of the Norwood and through Xavier's course, Xavier Parham Elemen- academic mallfttJm students went to tary School in the elementary Evanston and station' to Station' to schools to teach Xavier students thP. children will unveil "The experien.ce the about the Under­ Underground l ground Railroad. Railroad News red ities oftrying to. Last month, the Network." students jour­ Five "fami­ escape on the neyed through lies" made up of Underground :Xavier's students from all academic mall three schools Railroad and learn from "station" to will each present "station" to ex­ a newscast about about cooperation, perience the re-· the Under­ alities of trying to NEWSWIREPHOTO BY BRIAN ANGOLIA ground Rail­ faitha.nd escape on the Romain Sato (10) blocks the shot of Leonard Stokes (13) in the first half of the Skyline road. Some of the exploration. Underground Chili Crosstown Shootout Saturday. Xavier defeated rival Cincinnati for the city's 'bragging students will be Railroad and ~~~~~~~~~~~- rights and the basketball crown of the Queen City. anchors, while l~arn about coop­ others will be reporters and inter­ eration, faith and exploration. view such famous people as "Anothe~ interesting event the Harriett Tubman. Some students students will take part in is the fa­ will be in costume. The newscast mous story of Henry 'Box' Brown," will begin and end with a song and Gollar says. Brown shipped him­ words about the bravery of the. self in asmall box to Philadelphia BY CHUCK SAMBUCHiNO ''This is Xavier's way of helping The relay itself will be held people on the Underground Rail­ to gain his freedom.· Senior News Editor to fight the battle against caricer," from 6 p.m. on Friday, April 4 uritil road. ''At. the Gallag~er Center, we'll Xavier's first annual Relay for said co-chair Pat Struble. "This is noon on Saturday, April 5 2003. While some students tape their have a box about two feet by two Life started on Monday with a sign- our way. A way that is fun for stu­ Teams of no less than eight and newscasts in Xavier's television · feet by three feet," explains Gollar. up and kickoff on the grassy space dents and will help the American no niore than 15 members can par­ station, other students will be at "The students will have a chance outside of Husman on the residen- Cancer Society." ticipate. Once a team is assembled, the Gallagher Student Center to climb in and out of the box and tial mall. Many campuses around the coun- members can fundraise up until the weaving a community canvas, as explore Brown's story first hand." . Relay for Life is a team event · try are getting involved. During his walk. well as displaying a quilt and post­ Parents and Xavier faculty and that raises funds and awareness for talk to the crowd, Struble mentioned Unlike other events where par- ers they have created about the Un~ staff will also attend the events. For .the fight against c~ncer. It is orga- · · that he was inspired to get this event derground Railroad. This event more information on these events, nized all over the world each year moving when he saw that Miami continuted on page 2 will take place from approximately ·please contact Dr. C. Walker Gollar by the American Cancer Society. (OH) was putting on a relay. 1:3~-2:30 p.m. at 745-4373. ©2002 THEXAVIER NEWSWIRE NE ws : OP-ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: All . rights reserved Newsrooni ' '>. L; ,(513):,~4·5":hi2. Registrar revamps Xavier b-ball crowned 'Heaven' is nice Advertising (513) 745~3561 Christmas is coming! cir<;ulali<Jn·· ;/ ... cs13)14s::313o: · ···grade mailing process Queen Clty kings Editor-in-Chief (513) 745-3607 PAGE3 PAGE6 PAGES 11 PAGE 14 . .. ':' . -., ... - .. ' ' 2 week of DECEMBER 11, 2002 ···cAMPus ·NEws .. ·· THE xA VIER NEWSWIRE BRIEFS WI 4Wt SZk41£&;ww~ Elizabeth Boneau, Editor ·Forum gives the reasons for the season ..... ":.·.·.·... .... : .. ' .. '. : . ·: .· ... ~ews Room: 745~3122 COLINA. MCDERMOTT .Those who .wished to atte11cl . [email protected]. had to purchase tickets at $2 Contributing Writer apiece. This money went to fund International · On Wednesday, Dec. 4, a forum Alternative Spring Break, in. titled "All in One: Interreligious Cel­ which Xavier students can vol­ Human _Rights Day ebration of Rituals" was held in unteer to spend their spring break . Xavier University's Kelley Audito­ performing service work in dif~ rium.· ferent areas of the country or the · The ''All in One" forum was pri­ globe. The Cincinnati Satellite Of­ marily ·organized by .the Muslim "I think it's a very good pro­ fice of Amnesty International is Studen_t Association (MSA) and by gram, and I wish they could raise sponsoring a special Interna­ the Office of Multicultural Affairs even more money to get more tional Hunian Rights Day on (OMA). people involved in it,". said Wednesday, Dec. 11. The topic The forum was an interreligious Marawi. ' is human rights in Tibet and the ·explanation of different holiday cel­ But the forum had been in the special guest will be Tibetan ebrations, planned to spread aware­ works for a awhile. MSA and monk Geshe Sopa. He will speak ness of the unique traditions that OMA spent a lot of time deter­ on religious persecution and different cultures practice around the mining who should speak and other human-rights issues in Ti­ holidays. when it shouid be held. They also bet. The event will begin at 6:30 Five speakers presided over the had to represent Hanukkah, al­ p.m. and will be held at the Uni­ forum .. These include senior Zack though Xavier has no Jewish or­ versity of Cincinnati College of Wernecke, who spoke about Hanuk­ ganization. Law Building in room 118, lo­ kah; senior Annie Sobotka, for Christ­ "We've been discussing it in NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY BRIAN ANGOLIA cated on the corner of Calhoun mas; Teresa Hamilton of OMA, who MSA for a while, to get together and Clifton Aveni.Jes across from Senior Mehrdad Safavian opened the "All in One: lnterreligious spoke on Kwanzaa; and Junior with other religious organiza­ Deaconess Hospital and Hughes Celebration of Rituals" last Wednesday night in Kelley Auditorium. Ayisha Marawi, who spoke about tions on campus, and also with High School. Street parking is The forum aimed to raise awareness about different religious Eid-ul-fitr. OMA to go over Kwanzaa," available. The event is free and practices and ways of celebrating the holidays. · The fifth speaker was Dr. Farid Marawi said. "It's a good way to· all are welcome. Refreshments Esack, an Islamic writer and profes­ get a lot of unity together on this will be served. For more infor­ sor at the University of Hamburg. campus." times that Christians observe during One member of MSA, junior mation, please call the Satellite While addressing different religions' The organizations located the holidays," said Sobotka. Khalil El-Bathy, believes the forum Office at 513-221-7659 .. holiday celebrations, Esack also Wernecke to speak first for Ha­ Hamilton talked about the history went well. spoke about race relations. nukkah, followed by Sobotka, and ceremonial aspects of Kwanzaa'. "I think a few people learned a. "I think he's a very interesting who talked about Christmas. Last, Marawi hoped to spread aware­ few things, sharing different faiths speaker," said Marawi. "This· is the "I told the story of the Nativ­ ness ofEid-ul-Fitr, the Muslim holi­ and holldays," El-Bathy said. "We first time I've seen him speak and I ity, and also explained Advent day celebration after the month of have different faiths, but it's all in thought it was very enlightening." and St. Nicholas Day, which are Ramadan. the same. spirit." Self checkout at ·Continued from page. 1 Goodbye, Newswire! the library participants are sponspored per · will also address the crowd Co-chair Ashley· Stock has· her mile, each donation received is an throughout the night with owri reasons .for organizing and up-front gift. Each team must raise speeches.
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