PLEASE NOTE VENUE REGENERATION AND LIVEABILITY PORTFOLIO DECISION SCHEDULE Wednesday 23rd May 2007 at 10.00am in Conference Suite 3 Belle Vue Comm unity Sports and Youth Centre Ke ndal Road, Hartlepool The Mayor Stuart Drummond responsible for Regeneration and Liveability w ill consider the follow ing items. 1. KEY DECISI O NS 1.1 Rift House/Burn Valley Neighbourhood Action Plan (NAP) Update (Final for Endorsement – Head of Regeneration 2. OTHER ITEMS REQUIRING DECISION 2.1 Friarage Manor House and Surrounding Land – Feasibility and Development Work – Head of Regeneration 2.2 Housing Market Renewal Programme 2007/8 – Resource Allocation – Director of Regeneration and Planning 2.3 Regeneration and Planning Departmental Plan 2007/08 -2009/10 – Di re ct o r of Regeneration and Planning Services 3. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 3.1 Neighbourhood Services Departmental Plan 2006/07 – 4th Quarter Monitoring Report – Director of Neighbourhood Services 4. REPORTS FROM OVERVIEW OF SCRUTINY FORUMS No it e m s 07.05.23 - REGENERATION AND LIVEABILITY PORTFOLIO AGENDA/1 Hartlepool Bor ough Co uncil Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio –23 May 2007 1.1 REGENERATION AND LIVEABILITY PORTFOLIO Report To Portfolio Holder Wednesday 23 May 2007 Report of: Head of Regeneration Subject: RIFT HOUSE/BURN VALLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD ACTION PLAN (NAP) UPDATE (FINAL FOR ENDORSEMENT) SUMMARY 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPO RT 1.1 To seek endorsement of the Neighbour hood Action Plan (NAP) Update for the Rift House and Burn Valley areas. 2.0 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS 2.1 The r eport descr ibes the bac kgr ound to NAPs w ith a specific focus on the Rift House/Bur n V alley NAP. It outlines the comprehensiv e consultation process undertaken to develop the NA P from the initial community consultation event to the consultation process on the draft NAP, all of w hich have enabled the final vers ion to be produced. The report also illustrates the residents’ key concerns w hich need to be addr essed as w ell as outlining the format of the NAP document, and the plans to pr oduce the r esidents s ummary pamphlet. Finally, the report highlights the implementation pr ocedure along w ith the financial implications of the NA P and, a consideration of the possible ris ks associated with the NAP process. 3.0 RELEVANCE TO PORTFOLIO M EMBER 3.1 NAPs fall w ithin the remit of the Regeneration, Liveability and Housing Portfolio Holder. The Rift House/Burn Valley NAP w ill continue have an impact on s ervice delivery and w ill potentially influence futur e funding opportunities in the Rift House and Burn Valley areas. 4.0 TYPE OF DECISION 4.1 Key dec ision, test ii applies. 1.1 R eg en Portfolio 0 7.05.2 3 - HR - Rift Ho use Burn Valle y NA P Up date Fin al for E ndorseme nt 1 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio –23 May 2007 1.1 5. 0 D EC ISI ON MA KI NG ROUT E 5.1 The Rift House/Burn Valley For um w as requested to endorse the Rift Hous e/Burn Valley NAP on Thursday 10 May 2007. The NAP Update has als o been taken for endorsement to the Hartlepool Partnership on Friday 11 May 2007; the outcome of both meetings w ill be r eported verbally to the Regeneration Liveability and Housing Portfolio Holder. In addition to this, the NA P Update w ill also be taken to the Centr al Neighbourhood Consultative Forum on Thurs day 14 June 2007, for endorsement. Any significant amendments from the Portfolio Holder or the Central Neighbourhood Consultative Forum w ill be r eported back to the Hartlepool Partnership. 6.0 DECISION( S) REQUIRED 6.1 The Regeneration, Liv eability and Housing Portfolio Holder is requested to endorse the NA P Update for the Rift House and Burn Valley areas s ubject to endorsement from the Centr al Neighbourhood Cons ultativ e Forum. 1.1 R eg en Portfolio 0 7.05.2 3 - HR - Rift Ho use Burn Valle y NA P Up date Fin al for E ndorseme nt 2 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio –23 May 2007 1.1 Report of: Head of Regeneration Subject: RIFT HOUSE/BURN VALLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD ACTION PLAN (NAP) UPDATE (FINAL FOR ENDORSEMENT) 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPO RT 1.1 To seek endorsement of the Neighbour hood Action Plan (NAP) Update for the Rift House and Burn Valley areas. A c opy of the plan is attac hed along w ith a summary document highlighting the priority concerns of the local community , and the actions requir ed to address these. A Diversity Impact Assessment (DIA) has als o been undertaken and this is also attached for information. 2. 0 BAC KG RO UN D 2.1 Neighbourhood Ac tion Plans ar e important in enc our aging local people and organisations to w ork together to narr ow the gap betw een the most depr ived w ards and the rest of the country, and they should be influential in the future allocation of resources. The objective of the NAP is to integrate polic ies at the local lev el to improve the w ay that services ar e provided. 2.2 The Rift House/Burn Valley Neighbour hood Action Plan was the third NAP to be s uccessfully prepared for the tow n in 2004. This plan w as used as a base by the Rift Hous e/Burn Valley Forum to identify how the Residents Priorities Budget (allocated by the Hartlepool Partners hip, under Neighbourhood Renew al Funding), w ould be spent. 2.3 The Rift House/Burn Valley Neighbour hood Action Plan is the thir d NAP to be updated since the completion of the six NA Ps across the tow n; Dyke House/Str anton/Grange, Burbank, Ow ton, Ross mere and North Hartlepool. In addition to this, it should be noted that a NAP has been developed for the New Deal for Communities ( NDC) area, undertaken by the NDC Staff Team. 2.4 The Har tlepool Partners hip has agreed to allocate a fur ther £31,100 for the Residents Priority Budget for the 2007/08 financial y ear, specifically for the Rift House/Bur n V alley NAP ar ea. This funding w ill be used to continue to address s ome of the residents’ priorities identified the updated plan. 1.1 R eg en Portfolio 0 7.05.2 3 - HR - Rift Ho use Burn Valle y NA P Up date Fin al for E ndorseme nt 3 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio –23 May 2007 1.1 3.0 CONSULTATION PROCESS AND CURRENT POSITION 3.1 The Rift House and Burn Valley neighbourhood is situated to the southw est of Hartlepool Tow n Centre. It c overs the majority of the Rift Hous e War d (excluding Sw alebr ooke, Tynebrooke, Teesbr ooke and Southbr ooke Avenues) and a small par t of the Burn Valley War d cover ing roads betw een Stoc kton Road to Shakespeare Av enue, and Oxfor d Road to Elw ick Road (the area is outlined on page 1 of the plan). The Rift House estate is a fairly large community w hich is predominantly soc ial housing ow ned by Housing Har tlepool. Local residents have acc ess to a variety of shops located on Catc ote Road, and s everal sc hools are located w ithin the neighbourhood. To the w est the estate is surrounded by open countrys ide. The Burn V alley ar ea is predominantly ow ner-occ upier or private landlord housing and is w ithin close pr oximity to the tow n centr e and local shops on Elw ick, Oxford and Yor k Roads. The area is bordered by the Burn Valley Gardens and Wav erley Terrace allotments. 3.2 The NA P Update has been developed through a range of c onsultation sessions w ith residents, c hildren and young people, community/ voluntary groups, Councillors and those w ho deliver servic es to the area (e.g. Cleveland Polic e, Hartlepool Bor ough Council Officers and Hous ing Hartlepool). An initial community consultation event w as held in February 2006, w hich w as crucial in identifying the community’s prior ities and the actions r equir ed to address the priority concerns. Hous ehold surv ey data (Ipsos MORI 2006) and other baseline data and statistics have als o provided an understanding of the conditions in the Rift House/Bur n V alley area. 3.3 As described above, a w ide r ange of consultation sessions w ere carried out to develop and inform the NAP Update. To complement this, comprehensiv e consultation w as also undertaken to ensur e comments w ere received from key stakeholders and res idents on the draft. This further consultation included: - Working w ith the local residents associations; Rift House Community Association; Rift House East Res idents Assoc iation and Bur n V alley North Residents Association; Working w ith groups and organisations such as the Autumn Club; Working w ith Y outh Gr oups operating throughout the area; Brinkburn Youth Centr e and Monday May hem; Visiting the Rift House/Bur n V alley Forum; Holding drop-in sessions at v arious community buildings; Delivering a new sletter to every household in the area; Visiting and w orking w ith local Primary and Secondary schools; Liaising w ith Hartlepool Community Netw ork and Housing Hartlepool; 1.1 R eg en Portfolio 0 7.05.2 3 - HR - Rift Ho use Burn Valle y NA P Up date Fin al for E ndorseme nt 4 HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL Regeneration & Liveability Portfolio –23 May 2007 1.1 Meetings w ith key serv ice providers inc luding; Hartlepool Borough Council Offic ers, c ommunity /voluntary groups and Ward Councillors and Seeking comments at the Hartlepool Partners hip and the Centr al Neighbourhood Consultative Forum, in addition to the Regeneration, Liveability and Housing Portfolio Holder.
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