JohnRoss III 2016 NCAA FINAL FOUR Alaska hopestoadd Air bids firepowerto PLUM GOOD Huskies are at their bestwhen on Virgin passinggame Kelsey Plum is more than just ascorer America SPORTS > C1 SPORTS>C1 BUSINESS > A9 TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 MOSTLY SUNNY High, 61. Low, 43. >B8 seattletimes.com/weather WINNER OF 10 PULITZER PRIZES $1.00 INDEPENDENT AND LOCALLY OWNED FOR 120 YEARS SEATTLETIMES.COM Citystudies felony charges Voteon state’s in illegalSeattle clear­cut budget HOMEOWNER’S LAWYERWROTE LETTER LAST MONTH Told Parks Dept. his client wantstomake up for error More than expected 150 trees in By DANIELBEEKMAN and carried out the destruction, aravine SeattleTimes staff reporter today and he’s also pursuing civil rem­ of the People responsible for illegally edies. The cutting could result in city­owned cutting down more than 150 felony charges because restora­ West LAWMAKERS STRIKE DEAL trees in acity­owned greenbelt tion will costatleast several Duwamish IN OVERTIME SESSION next to West Seattle view homes, hundredthousanddollars,he Greenbelt in including atleast one homeown­ said. More to be spent on mental er, may face criminal charges, More than an acre of the West West Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes said Duwamish Greenbelt was deci­ were cut health, fighting wildfires Monday. matedonthe hillside north and down Holmes has asked police to east of the 3200 block of illegally. By JOSEPH O'SULLIVAN Seattle Times Olympia bureau find out who ordered, paid for See >TREES, A8 STEVE RINGMAN /THE SEATTLE TIMES OLYMPIA —More than two weeks into an overtime legislative session,lawmakersannounced a state budget agreement Monday that boostsspending for mental­ health care, fighting wildfires and DANCING TO WA LK other priorities. The agreement comes after INSPIRATION | “I’ll be your human walker,” tango instructor Gabriela Condrea weeks of haggling over the spend­ ing plan and follows vetoesby told Tho Nguyen whenheshowed up to atango classinawheelchair. Gov. Jay Inslee of 27 bills after legislators failed to reach adeal during the regu­ lar legislative session. Lawmakers are expectedtovote Tuesday on the agreement, ac­ The only cording to a “path forward statement by Sen. is through John Braun, compromise R­Centralia, and and that’s Rep. Hans Dun­ shee, D­Snohom­ what we’ve ish, the Legisla­ done withthis ture’s lead bud­ budget get negotiators. agreement.” The updated spending plan — REP. HANS called asupple­ DUNSHEE mental operating Budget budget —adds negotiator about $191 mil­ lion in new spending over the current $38.2 billion 2015­17 operating budget, according toa summary of the proposal. About $40 million of that is earmarked for mental­health programs and the state’s two psychiatrichospi­ tals. The proposal also includes $7 million to help recruit and retain K­12 staff and support for begin­ ning educators. Among other things, the com­ promise also includes $29 million to pay for the overtime of home health­care providersdue to feder­ SY BEAN /THE SEATTLE TIMES al rule changes. And it spends $18 Gabriela Contrera, atango instructor and author, supports Tho Nguyen as he walks at Amber in Seattle’s Belltown neighborhood. million to maintain state need grant college funding and $8 mil­ See >BUDGET, A8 nightclub where she had been welcome to join us. Nicole Brodeur ON THE WEB teaching aHappy Hour Tango “I remember saying, ‘Hold Seattle Times staff Watch the video columnist since the fall of 2013, onto me. I’ll be your human and found Tho Nguyen Learning to tango to walk walker, your shopping cart.’” The tango instruc­ in abattery powered seattletimes.com/photo­video Condrea,34, knew the Bombing tests wheelchair, alone. potential tango has. She knew tor was confused. “Are you here for the en had suffered astroke on the mechanics of two people prime minister “There’s aguy who’s tango class?” she asked the morning of his 11th birth­ standing and moving togeth­ here for tango les­ him. day. He could stand,but not er, one leading and the other sons,” the bar manager “Yeah,” he said, walk without support. pushing through each step. told her. “And he’s in a beaming. “I didn’t know in what man­ She knew how to achieve wheelchair.” “OK,” she thought to her­ ner he would participate,” balance and flow. GabrielaCondrea walked to self. “Let’s see how this goes.” Condrea recalled of that eve­ But Nguyen, 31,had to have the front of Amber, aBelltown She would learn that Nguy­ ning in July 2014. “But he was See >BRODEUR, A7 FBI accesses data on terrorist’s THE DEATH TOLL grows as iPhone without Apple’shelp Pakistan tries to An Apple understand asuicide iPhone 6s AVERTS LEGAL BATTLE dino, Calif., terrorist attack court­ordered help getting attack on Christian Plus becauseinvestigators have in. families. >Close­up, A3 smart­ Willfeds outline found away in without the The stunningmove averts phone is the method to Apple? tech giant’sassistance, acourtroom showdown displayed prosecutors wrote in acourt pittingApple and privacy at the Ap­ filing Monday. interests against the govern­ By MATT ZAPOTOSKY In athree­sentence filing, ment and securityconcerns ©2016 Seattle Times Co. ple store The Washington Post 60% of our newsprint contains prosecutors wrote they had that many in the tech com­ recycled fiber, and inks are reused. at The The Justice Departmentis “now successfully accessed munity had warned might Grove in abandoning its bid to force the data” storedonSyed set dangerousprecedents. Los Apple to helpitunlockthe Rizwan Farook’s iPhone, Apple and the Justice Angeles. iPhone used by one of the and they consequentlyno Department declined to TUE RINGO H.W. CHIU /ASSOCIATED PRESS shooters in the San Bernar­ longer needed Apple’s See >IPHONE, A7 7 59423 22000 6 2 A2 News | | TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 Nation&WorldReport Newsline For updates and more in­depth stories: seattletimes.com/nationworld Georgiagovernor to defy lawmakers, veto anti­gay bill By ALAN BLINDER Transgender suit Indiana faced lastyear after AND RICHARD PÉREZ­PEÑA Two transgenderpeople and alesbian law professor at North its governor signed aso­ The New York Times called religious­liberty mea­ Carolina Central University filedalawsuit in federal court ATLANTA —Inastriking sure.(After anational out­ defeat to religious conserva­ Monday challenging NorthCarolina’snew law that bans local cry, Indiana officials rewrote governments from passing local anti­discrimination ordinances tives, Gov. Nathan Deal of the law.) ANDREW HARNIK /THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Georgia saidMonday he and dictates that transgender residents use the public Anumberofbusinesses would veto abill intendedto restrooms of their biological sex. Representatives from the and sports organizations, ACTING OUT: President Obama and Michelle protect critics of same­sex ACLU of North Carolina, LambdaLegal, Equality NC and the includingAtlanta­based Obama mimic monsters as they read “Where the marriage. plaintiffs announced the legal challengeMonday. The Coca­Cola and the NFL,had Wild Things Are,” to children at the White House “In light of organizationssay HB2 permits discrimination againstlesbian, warned Deal,explicitly or Easter Egg Roll in Washington, D.C., on Monday. our history, i gay, bisexual and transgender people across the state.The implicitly, thatadecision to find it some­ House bill was adopted last week ina$42,000 special support the bill couldjeopar­ THE NATION what ironic legislative session to block aCharlotte city ordinance that, dize economic opportunities Fetal anesthesia: Gov. Gary Herbert signed abill Mon­ that some in in Georgia. among otherthings, would have allowed transgender people day that makes Utah the first state to require doctors to the religious The bill was intendedto give anesthesia to women having an abortion at 20 community to use the public restroomsinthe citythat matchedthe gender offerprotections to faith­ weeks of pregnancy or later. Many doctors in Utah and todayfeel with which they identify. basedgroups if they, absent across the country are concerned that the requirement Georgia Gov. that it is The News &Observer (Raleigh, N.C.) certain conditions,refused to Nathan Deal necessary provide “social, educational could increase the health risks to women by giving them announces for govern­ we should simply heed the March16, when the state or charitable servicesthat unnecessary heavy sedation in order to protect afetus from pain that it may or may not feel. Dr. Sean Esplin of decision. ment to hands­offadmonitionofthe Houseand Senate consid­ violate”theirreligious be­ confer upon First Amendmenttothe ered the bill over astretchof liefs. Intermountain Healthcare in Utah said anesthesia or an them certainrights and pro­ United StatesConstitution.” just hours,suggestDeal’s The measure also would analgesic would need to go through the woman in order tections,” Deal said at the Deal,aRepublicaninhis veto will probably stand, but have allowed such groups, to reach the fetus. stateCapitol, wherehehad second term, announced his Republicans said that they without legalrepercussions, Cancer research: Research into immu­ faced intense pressure from decision less than two weeks were discussing the possibili­ to avoidhiringanyone whose notherapy, which cancer experts are the bill’s supporters and afterthe General Assembly ty of aspecialsessionto religious beliefs conflicted calling the most promising approach critics. easily approved House Bill challenge the governor’s with the organizations’. in decades, will get abig boost Tues­ “If indeed our religious 757, which its supporters decision. Gay­rightsgroups argued day when Michael Bloomberg and libertyisconferred upon us namedthe Free Exercise With his veto, Deal most that the bill would have other philanthropists announce by God, and not by man­ Protection Act. likely sidesteppedthe typeof cloaked discrimination as a $125 million in donations to Johns made government, perhaps The vote tallies from economic backlashthat form of religious liberty. Hopkins University for an institute Michael focused solely on the therapy and Bloomberg accelerated breakthroughs for pa­ tients. Bloomberg, the businessman, seized the suspect’scar on philanthropist and former New York City mayor, will Armed man trying to enter the Capitol grounds, Verde­ rosa said.
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