r Ration Calendar A, D and C ~I~ ••I.",p . osplr. Mar. h 311 Warmer I' l-I:!I ~ 011.. 1) 0 II l")ll "lC l,lru: AprJl U; , OF flEE , au po" 'W eJ< pl... April U,\; lOW : _what warmer In OAR " A " couponJ II tlWplrc Mar .21: 8t:CJAR 'OUPOII I 'j u pl,o. May 31: ruUm portion. toda, with II IIOE8 'OUPOII ' 7 u plreo Ju"e , ., Iowa City's Morning Newspaper clIJIIlAbhlnc' ",in" fIVE CENTS , TUB A8S0 CIA'rED ratss IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDA , MARCH 25, 1943 VOLUME XLm NUMBER 153 , ' JITTERY GERMANS GET SET FOR ALLIED INVASION Axis'" Counterattacks in Tunisia Check Assault. on ·· Moreth line 'TERRITORY .HELD AND ----~--------~---- -----~------------------------------~~ . OCCUPIED BY Reds Capture More Director I UNITED NA liONS U.S. "Airmen Brilish Encirclemenl Conlinues Il1I1TIl11 NEUTRAL Towns as Smolensk IIIIlll1B COUNTRIES Destroy Eighty Advance Continues As Americans, Shell Mezzouna New Caucasus Push .tLI,fED lIEADQl' \ I TNI ~. l.' .' nTH .\FHH'.,\ (.H')­ Planes, Lose 5 :1 ron" oxi cOlinterullul'lc' werr Tl'portro :> tl'rdllY' to ha\" Threatens Remnants bltlJ1il'd BI'ili~h tl'ontal a nit 011 the . flln'llI jilll', but another Of German Legions Eirclitll 8rmy column Sl'ftill U two Olin III I thr«'at lo t:ncirel tli 61 Others Probably (l('I·mlu.... ulld l'. ~ . troop air dy h y bl'.g'un ;.h e ll i ll~ )1 zzoun8, till' 11 tal l\Iarl'th Shot Down Damaged LOND?N. (AP) -- Red only 22 mil from my ' co road Cnr noon' til!' • ' tloops fIghting stUbborn battie P4)l'kl't. In Bombing Attacks t h r 0 ugh long-established and ( Prin1l' ~1i1l j.,It· r 'hul' h ill lold til hOll" · "f '11IllIOIl~ tbi -- strong German fortifications on I IllO r ll i ll~ tllIIl uxi l'Oulllcl'attncks larf!clr hlld I'ru~[ ' 11 tit£' British U.S, £ /G HTH A lR .lo'ORCE I thc welitel'n CI'ont coptul'ed several Im·,wlt in 1 he· l\[OI't'l1t Iitt(' . lUrOI'1ll II qllllrlt ~ oil I nol know HEADQUARTERS IN ENGLAND morc inhabited points on Wednc - \l III' tl'CI' hi information up «h'd louay' allied communique (AP)-Amel'icul1 Flying FOl'tn:s es day in II continuing nd"al1Cil on I \lhwh 1'1'\ \"h["' ,) lhe bill Nnzi bll I! or m:llcnsk. llirllwt lut'lllion allY and Llbcl';ltors dcstl'oyed 80 axi~ Mo'cow allnuulwed ye. lcrdilY, .\11 "IIiNI l'ommllniql1 "ai I tht' Bighth Rl"IlIr hull ., lI" I plunes at the cost oC five, prububly In Ule Caucll us, wherc the nus- ,. pili d cut'llIy count fatt k" in th • [81' tta "ill l r shpl down anothel' 29 and damaged sians appOl'cntiy have /lOW re- I xi ort ifi II lin 20 mil be· 32 others in particularly effective newed theit' offensive after Q sev- low OR , 81ll1 lliat pri on r el·al weeks' ll'il, Soviet [oreeR cap- , 8R1G. EN, HARLE OR IlL House Okays Measure now t tnll d ~ , OOO , bl>mbing at\ncKs on Vegesaek ncar lured lhe dlhlcl center ana 1'011- * * * En my ounteratt.ack III 0 wete Bl'emcn laFt , Friday and Wilhcltn- way station tit Abln~kaya, only 20 bealen off by Am ri iln troops a ' t shavcn MQnclHY. miles hortileost or the Cormer SO- 16 (H G hi Making Time Change or El Guelllr, the oulhemmo.st 'Samplc of Future vieL Biol'k ~en novol bo. col Novo- en ra of two drives by G neral Patton'li I'ossisk, around which ure com- ••• Corces aIm d at unoundin, The aggres ~ j vc TLlCun whu com· pl.csscd the rcmnants of a Nazi • • Would Cause Return Marl hal Rommel' army. munds lJle Eighth U.S, uir lorce, Caucasus HI my which once num- T S kH To Previous System; (A German rad,o comm nlary Maj.-Gen. h'a C, Eukcr, annourlced bCred 200,000 mcn, 0 pea ere rcc rd d by The A elaled these figures Ycstcrduy and em- Still on Drren Ive Bill Goe$ to Senate uld G rman counterattacks had phasized thut they were but a [ 1n II third urea of henvy CI hUllll 1 tl:won the "first lin oC ron,­ ' ' - the llelgol'oc! ~ c<:tor north of '\S UNREST IN FRANCE reaches its hiKhest. peak since t.he nation's collapse In 1940, Gcrmany Is rushbll' points" loat to lhe Brltilh, but sample of thlOgs 10 store fo,' GCI'- Khul'ltOv- thc Ru silins were! on I Ung Gen. Charles H , Grahl, DES MOl ES (AP)- Th Iowa \ arned that th IIxi, po ilion ,UIl JllSt 'J~jllute adJtlStments to ber system of defense ag, lnst the eoming allied Invasion of the European many, 11he deren ~ ive again t powerful I~ tate director of electi ve service, hou voted 79 to 23 y terday to c(lntlncnt. This map shows the three areas in which German work is belli&, concentrated at the mo­ was "not 5a tl5foctory" lind that The oWcial box SCOI'C on the acl'- continuing Nazi assaul,is ; all.ho~ah, w~1l end avor to explain the oper- return the stal 1rom war lime to the tlahtlna l till wu In Cull ment in anticipation 01 aHack. In addHito 11 , t.hey hurried defense works aloog the south coast of France iul combats incidcnhl to the de- according to the SovIet mIdnIght otlon of the draft syslem espccl- cenlrlll standard time. Th m a· swing,) a~ soon as they occupied that sec lion, evere restrictions have been placed on ship mo\'ements at ,, ' , ' ,. communique ,'ccol'dcd by the So- ally as it p rtain to the torm Un' nOw IIac to til 6 nate. A Itorlll or enr m)' count rot­ Stl\vengcr, Norway; all French civilians have been orilered rrom coastal areas by March 30, and, In the stluctlon heaped on tile submallne viet monitol', the attacks were ituatioll at a meeting to be h Id Ttl house vole Collowed an hour Balkan, a defense army of non-Germanic troops under Nazi officers hall been created. tack beat lI110ln lt the t natioUl bases and shipYl1l'ds: bcaten back with losses Lo the tomorrow ni ght on, the main Ooor of debale dudng which up porters British Infantry clinalna to a nar- De- Prob- Dam- U,S, invaders, ' oC the Community building. of the measure contended It would row ahell-torn ali nt in til stroyed able aged loss According to Berlin there wos Accompanying General Grahl elve farmers more doyJii/ht Hme coastal end or the Mareth Une, Vegesuck 52 20 23 2 a fourth area ot heavy righting. wJll be Lieut. Col. Fronk B, Hal- in which to do their work and op. and the imm .dlot outt'Om 01 the Americans 10 Gel Over·AII Total of 2 Pounds The German cOmmand's dally lagan, chleC ot clo !lS ilk ation . e(:- ponen declared it would cau allied offensll; e appeared to hanl Wilhelmshavcn 28 !l. 9 3 communique said that Nazi (orces ton, and Lleut. Col. 0111; r p. wide pread confusion, • on the II,htlng in this n w "devil" Totuls 80 29 32 5 were locked [n a defensive battle Bennett, coordination and leeal Before the (inal vole the hou e cauldron," The 16-to-1 01' bette" ratio of oC great violence south of Loke odvisol', defeated 71 to 26 an nm ndm nl For more thlln 36 hOlln! lWm· Weekly, of Butter, (heese"Better Grade Meats killing oft axis fighters illustrated Ladoga on the northwestern Iront, General Grahl made a similar by Rep. C. F, Shlmonek (R., Mon- m I strock back at thl wedre Capture' e,'Cral'Town vi. It to Iowa City In M l'ch , 1042, tlcellol whil'h would hllve pr - driven by Geller I fo"tcom- th e economy of lhe American Chief auentlon centered ou the to explllln the elccliv ser ice v('nted the me-a ll ure from going ry' hoC'k troo'p . Gl'l'nIat1 bombing as outliner! by the nCfill ran uerote Smole'li , ' an "rca an d 'ft'ffi1 nt y. em to l~ l\ into { ·t until S t , I, 1943. fTcn dl r nd tallk, a well at a pre ·s conCenmcc ye~lerduy. where good I'oadi a.rc plentlful and students, Und r normal PI'OC dure, lhe m a- Office of Pfict Administration Allows 16·Poin . a. the b~ I or IIlIlIa" Idlers 10 "Americon bomber · can go to opera tIons' arc swI rt , Tlle R U5S I nn SUI , if pa ~ sed, would lake eHect Alrle tUQht to wlp out rlt­ I ~.. upon publlcaUon, Ration Each Week Lists Values of Products U:S. Su~ Surprises, any target in Gc/,miluy and beat noon commun que rcpor""t reeap- u ish weekend "aln , ture oC several villages north of $400 000 H"Ig hS Ch 00 I The 23 opponen of 1 mew.ur Axis artillery cont"entroled Jts off lightcrs th ir way lhere and Dukhovschlno, 32 miles northeast' , compl'lsed rC'prcscnlatlv , Smks Nippon Vessel on lrom fire on the Wodl Zlgzaou which WA ' IIl~OT 1\ ( ..\ P) - Americans facing meat nnd fats on tile way back," he said, "I an- oC Smolensk, and the midnight 150 Homes Imperl"led large eitle, Democrats and one British guns and armored vehicles rationing for the firlit timc got the new ye lerday that each will Action Happens So 'ticiPate that we will have a big bulletin recorded lhe Call 01 "sev- Republican-E, J, Mon·i ey (R" must ('1'0.
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