United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE National Capital Region Rock Creek Park 3545 Williamsburg Lane, N.W. Washington, DC 20008-1207 January 28, 2015 From: Nicholas Bartolomeo, Chief of Resource Management Re: Memo to File, AT&T Wireless Telecommunications Facility Colocation, PEPC Project 35769 This memo to file documents changes as of this date to the compliance of PEPC Project 35769, AT&T WTF Colocation, in Rock Creek Park. The site plan for AT&T’s facility colocation at the Verizon Wireless Colorado Avenue-Rock Creek Tennis Center monopole location was revised following the completion of NEPA and NHPA compliance by the National Park Service, Rock Creek Park in 2014. The site plan as submitted on December 4, 2014 to the National Capital Planning Commission for review reflects the current plan for this portion of the project. Specifically, the plan calls for the installation of 12 antenna on the existing Verizon monopole at the site, directly below the existing Verizon antenna. Ground equipment will be hosted in a 12’ x 22’ cabinet located due east of the monopole, directly adjacent to the existing tennis court facility and connected to the monopole by an underground cable conduit. National Park Service staff have reviewed these revised plan and concluded that impacts to natural and cultural resources to the site, as described in the approved project Environmental Screening Form and Assessment of Effects documentation, has not changed. Therefore, the approved project compliance documents will not be revised. This memo to file also documents changes to the proposed implementation of the project by AT&T. Specifically, AT&T is proposing to proceed with the colocation of the facility at the Colorado Avenue- Rock Creek Tennis Center location. However, a company representative has informed the National Park Service that the colocation of telecommunications facilities at the Verizon Wireless monopole adjacent to the Rock Creek Park Maintenance Yard has been “temporarily placed…on hold due to budget concerns.” The representative noted that AT&T “will eventually phase [the Maintenance Yard project] in but only when this region’s budget is increased.” (See correspondence to file, Clare Liedquist to National Park Service, January 27 2015.) As the Rock Creek Park Maintenance Yard colocation remains in AT&T’s project implementation plans, and the National Park Service compliance considered both these colocations as a connected action, the approved project compliance documents will not be revised. Rather, this change in the project implementation schedule is documented in this memo to file. National Park Service Rock Creek Park U.S. Department of the Interior Datei O4lO4l2O14 ASSESSMENT OF ACTIONS HAVING AN EFFECT ON HISTORIC PROPERTIES A. DESCRIPTION OF UNDERTAKIN6 1. Park: Rock Creek Park 2. Project Description: Proiect Name: Cell Tower Modification Prepared by: Simone Monteleone Date Prepared: 0212412014 Telephone: 202-829-2163 PEPC Prolect Numberi 51261 Locations: Describe project: Verizon Vireless proposes to modify its equipment on its cell towers at the Rock Creek Park Maintenance Yard,located at 5000 Glover Road NI/,Ifashington DC 20015, and atthe Rock Creek Tennis Stadium, 15th and Kennedy Streets NV, Washington DC 20011. The work includes: l) Remove and replace six antennas. The new antennas will be located in the existing cylinders and will maintain the same aesthetic view at the current antennas. 2) Install six remove Radio Heads (RRH). There will be two RRH per sector and they will be located behind the cylinders and attached to the existing mounts. The RRH are white. The design documents, posted in this PEPC file shows the proposed location and installation ofthe RRH. 3) Install one distribution box and two sector boxes. One piece of equipment per sector will be located behind the cylinders and attached to the same mounts as the RRH. The design documents, posted in this PEPC file, show the proposed location and installation ofthe boxes. 4) Install one new 1 and 5/8" transmission cable. The concealed cable will travel along the existing cable path on the inside ofthe monopole. 5) Add Verizon's new frequency range from 1710 MHz to 1755 MHz (Transmit) and 2110-2155 (Receive). Save for these modifications, all other equipment on these monopoles will remain the same. Area of potential effects (as defined in 36 CFR 800.16[dl) The APE is located at the Maintenance Yard cell tower at 5200 Glover Road, N1if, !(ashington, DC, within Rock Creek Park. 3. Has the area of potential effects been surveyed to identify historic properties? No X Yes Source or reference: Rock Creek Park Historic District (1991; Draft Update 2013). 4. Potentially Affected Resource(s): Assessment of Effect Form - Cell Tower Modification - PEPC ID: 51261 Page 1 of 4 5. The proposed action will: (check as many as apply) No Destroy, remove, or alter features/elements from a historic structure No Replace historic features/elements in kind No Add non-historic features/elements to a historic structure No Alter or remove features/elements of a historic setting or environment (inc. terrain) Add non-historic features/elements (inc. visual, audible, or atmospheric) to a historic No setting or cultural landscape No Disturb, destroy, or make archeological resources inaccessible No Disturb, destroy, or make ethnographic resources inaccessible No Potentially affect presently unidentified cultural resources Begin or contribute to deterioration of historic features, terrain, setting, landscape No elements, or archeological or ethnographic resources No Involve a real property transaction (exchange, sale, or lease of land or structures) Other (please specify): 6. Supporting Study Data: (Attach if feasible; if action is in a plan, EA or ElS, give name and project or page number.) B. REVIEWS BY CULTURAL RESOURCE sPECIALISTS The park 106 coordinator requested review by the park's cultural resource specialist/advisors as indicated by check-off boxes or as follows: No Reviews From: Curator, Archeologist, Historical Architect, Historian, 106 Advisor, Other Advrsor, Anthropologist, Historical Landscape Architect C. PARK SECTION T05 COORDINATOR'S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1, Assessment of Effect: No Potential to Cause Effects No Historic Properties Affected X No Adverse Effect Adverse Effect 2. Documentation Method: [ ] A. STANDARD 35 CFR PART 800 CONSUTTATTON Further consultation under 35 CFR Part 800 is needed. I X I B. STREAMLINED REVIEW UNDER THE 2OO8 SERVICEWIDE PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT (PA) Assessment of Effect Form - Cell Tower Modification - PEPC ID: 51251 Pase 2 of 4 The above action meets all conditions for a streamtined review under section lll of the 2008 Servicewide PA for Section 106 compliance. APPIICABI-E STREAMTINED REVIEW Criteria (Specify 1-16 of the list of streamlined review criteria.) 9. Maintenance or Replacement of Non-Historic Utility Lines, Transmission Lines, and Fences. Explanation: Additional equipment is being added to the pre-existing cell tower. I I C. PLAN-RELATED UNDERTAKING Consultation and review ofthe proposed undertaking were completed in the context of a plan review process, in accordance with the 2008 Servicewide pA and 36 CFR part 800. Specify plan/EA,/El5: I I D. UNDERTAKING RETATED TO ANOTHER AGREEMENT The proposed undertaking is covered for section 106 purposes under another document such as a statewide agreement established in accord with 36 cFR 800.7 or counterpart regulations. Specify: I I E. COMBINED NEPA/NHPA Document Documentation is required for the preparation of an EA/FONSI or an EIS/ROD has been developed and used so as also to meet the requirements of 36 CFR 800.3 through 800.G I I G. Memo to SHPO/THPO I I H. Memo to ACHP 3. Additional Consulting Parties Information: Additional Consulting Parties: No 4. Stipulations and Conditions: Following are listed any stipulations or conditions necessary to ensure that the assessment of effect above is consistent with 36 CFR Part 800 criteria ofeffect or to avoid or reduce potential adverse effects. 5. Mitigations/Treatment Measures: Measures to prevent or minimize loss or impairment of historic/prehistoric properties: (Remember that setting, location, and use may be relevant.) ' No Assessment of Effect mitigations identified. D. RECOMMENDED BY PARK SECTION 106 COORDINATOR: Compliance Specialist: Assessment of Effect Form - Cell Tower Modification - PEPC ID: 51261 Paee 3 of 4 APPROVAL The proposed work conforms to the NPS Managernent Policies and Cultural Resource Management Guideline, and I have reviewed and approve the recommendations, stipulations, or conditions noted in Section C of this form, Superintendent: o",", 4/r/tl Assessment of Effect Form - Cell Tower Modification - PEPC ID: 51251 Page 4 of 4 National Park Service Rock creek Park U.S. Department of lhe Interior Date: O4l04/2014 Categorical Exclusion Form Project: Cell Tower Modification PEPC Proiect Number: 51261 Proiect Description: Verizon Vi ireless proposes to modify its equipment on its cell towers at the Rock Creek Park Maintenance Yard, located at 5ooo Glover Road N'W, Iiflashington DC zoor5, and at the Rock Creek Tennis Stadium, r6th and Kennedy Streets NW, t0fashington DC zoorr. The work includes: 1) Remove and replace six antennas. The new antennas will be located in the existing cylinders and will maintain the same aesthetic view at the current antennas. 2) Install six remove Radio Heads (RRH). There will be two RRH per sector and they will be located behind the cylinders and attached to the existing mounts. The RRH are white. The design documents, posted in this PEPC file shows the proposed location and installation ofthe RRH.3) Install one distribution box and two sectorboxes. One piece ofequipment per sector will be located behind the cylinders and attached to the same mounts as the RRH. The design documents, posted in this PEPC file, show the proposed location and installation ofthe boxes. 4) Install one new 1 and 5/8" transmission cable. The concealed cable will travel along the existing cable path on the inside of the monopole.
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