History of Twittens Twitten Map of Worthing Twitten is an old Sussex word for a lane or passage. Twittens exist all over Worthing as the remains of pathways (later legal rights of way) from one village to another, e.g. Heene to Tarring or Worthing to Broadwater. The one in Broadwater is called, in places, the Quashetts or Squashetts. At one time, apparently, there was a gate at the top of High Street (the old main street of the town) where there was an altercation between the smugglers who used the route across the fields to Broadwater, and the revenue men who pursued them. One twitten followed a line from the Chatsworth Hotel side of Steyne Gardens, through a tunnel under the railway, then northwards to emerge on the corner of the Manor Ground, Broadwater. Library Place is a small cul-de-sac on the east side of the Dome, off Marine Parade. It is mainly used by Stagecoach buses but has a long history and is part of one of the oldest twittens in Worthing. It has been a public thoroughfare for at least two hundred years. The twitten (a passageway today) extends from the north end of Library Place to Warwick Street. It was almost certainly was used by Jane Austen when she stayed in the seaside town in Sussex during the autumn of 1805, when she would have used it from Stanford Cottage (now occupied by Pizza Express) where she stayed, to the sea. Stagecoach wanted to close it on health and safety grounds, but Jane Austen fans have won a victory and may continue to use it, provided they seek prior consent from Stagecoach. your area & keep it clear? it keep & area your services. Perhaps you might like to organise a group to care for the twitten in twitten the for care to group a organise to like might you Perhaps Southampton & the south coast, also cross country cross also coast, south the & Southampton Portsmouth, through Worthing, Lancing & Shoreham to Brighton. to Shoreham & Lancing Worthing, through alled at stations. There are frequent trains to London, Brighton, London, to trains frequent are There stations. at alled t s n i There from George V Ave going eastwards eastwards going Ave V George from Prom the along route cycle 's Upkeep ed by many bus routes, cycle racks have been have racks cycle routes, bus many by ed serv are & walks above & East Worthing, they are easily accessible from the from accessible easily are they Worthing, East & Central Central Worthing leave bikes leave to areas designated many with Worthing area has 5 stations at Goring, Durrington, West Worthing, West Durrington, Goring, at stations 5 has area Worthing location ideal an is plain coastal flat the on being Worthing for cycling, cycling, for a great connection to the countryside & to longer countryside walks. countryside longer to & countryside the to connection great a • history from your local library). local your from history Trains Cycling • discover your neighbourhood & your local history (find more about local about more (find history local your & neighbourhood your • discover your family. your the Twittens could open up a whole new world of exploration for you and you for exploration of world new whole a up open could Twittens the • These routes are subject to change to subject are routes These Worthing Striders www.worthingstriders.co.uk Striders Worthing • those calories. those D rrington u Worthing & District Harriers www.worthingharriers.com Harriers District & Worthing • • walking is a great way to give your heart & lungs a workout & helps burn helps & workout a lungs & heart your give to way great a is • walking Bus Route Pulse Lancing, Hospital, Town Centre, Goring Rd, West Rd, Goring Centre, Town Hospital, Lancing, Pulse Route Bus • bit more ambitious! more bit A • get to the bus stop quicker (see the map). the (see quicker stop bus the to • get Chichester, Portsmouth Chichester, save you over £160 each year on fuel! on year each £160 over you save Bus Route 700 Brighton, Worthing, Littlehampton, Arundel, Bognor, Arundel, Littlehampton, Worthing, Brighton, 700 Route Bus • https://www.walkingbritain.co.uk/West-Sussex-walks-list • save time & money on your journey: walking your one-mile trips could trips one-mile your walking journey: your on money & time • save Bus Route 23 Town Centre, Broadwater, Findon, Horsham Findon, Broadwater, Centre, Town 23 Route Bus • Walks around Worthing and Sussex and Worthing around Walks • • avoid being stuck in a traffic queue when only going for a newspaper. a for going only when queue traffic a in stuck being • avoid rring a T Downlanders-133104530089603/ • avoid the frustrations of having to drive & park for short journeys. short for park & drive to having of frustrations the • avoid • Bus Route 16 Lancing, East Worthing, Hospital, Town Centre, West Centre, Town Hospital, Worthing, East Lancing, 16 Route • Bus https://www.facebook.com/Worthing- Worthing Downlanders Worthing • they provide short cuts. short provide they • • Bus Route 10 Town Centre, West Tarring, Goring Green Goring Tarring, West Centre, Town 10 Route • Bus www.adur-worthing.gov.uk/sport-and-leisure/play-a-sport/walking Angmering, Littlehampton Angmering, The Benefits of using Twittens using of Benefits The Health Walks in Worthing in Walks Health • • Bus Route 9 Shoreham, Lancing, Worthing, West Durrington, West Worthing, Lancing, Shoreham, 9 Route • Bus The Ramblers www.ramblers.org.uk Ramblers The • what it is - well now you know - it's probably a Twitten. a probably it's - know you now well - is it what • Bus Route 8a Town Centre, Goring, Ferring Goring, Centre, Town 8a Route • Bus more sustainable. So if you have wondered where that lane goes or goes lane that where wondered have you if So sustainable. more • Bus Route 8 Town Centre, Goring, Ferring, Angmering Ferring, Goring, Centre, Town 8 Route • Bus Other ways of walking and getting fit getting and walking of ways Other think of the saving on fuel! on saving the of think save time, get away from the roads & make getting around easier & easier around getting make & roads the from away get time, save • Bus Route 7 Town Centre, Broadwater, Sompting Broadwater, Centre, Town 7 Route • Bus less & account for approx. one fifth of household car CO2 emissions? & emissions? CO2 car household of fifth one approx. for account & less The Twittens are part of the heritage of this area & are a great way to way great a are & area this of heritage the of part are Twittens The • Bus Route 6a Town Centre, West Tarring, Durrington , West Durrington West , Durrington Tarring, West Centre, Town 6a Route • Bus And did you know that more than half the car journeys are 5 miles or miles 5 are journeys car the half than more that know you did And https://www.ttworthing.org/resources/ • Bus Route 6 Town Centre, West Tarring, Durrington, High Salvington High Durrington, Tarring, West Centre, Town 6 Route • Bus Downloading from Transition Town Worthing Town Transition from Downloading • • Bus Route 5 Town Centre, Broadwater, Durrington, West Durrington West Durrington, Broadwater, Centre, Town 5 Route • Bus & railway stations are & suggests some walks you could do. could you walks some suggests & are stations railway & station. So there's a good reason to get Twittening! get to reason good a there's So station. • Bus Route 1 Town Centre, Broadwater, Findon, Horsham Findon, Broadwater, Centre, Town 1 Route • Bus rist Information Centres Information rist u o T • This map provides details of the Twittens, shows where local bus stops bus local where shows Twittens, the of details provides map This also often provide a short cut to the local shops, bus stop or railway or stop bus shops, local the to cut short a provide often also Worthing Town Hall Town Worthing • Bus Routes Bus you walk large parts of the area without having to go near a road. They road. a near go to having without area the of parts large walk you orthing W in ibraries L m o r F • What are we Twittering on about? on Twittering we are What Some of the Twittens follow old drover's routes or even link up to help to up link even or routes drover's old follow Twittens the of Some of charge charge of National Rail Enquiries www.nationalrail.co.uk Enquiries Rail National • If you want more Twitten maps for your friends, they are available free available are they friends, your for maps Twitten more want you If local area that you didn't already know. already didn't you that area local centre. http://www.compass-travel.co.uk/timetables-west_sussex.html improve your health & fitness & you may discover things about your about things discover may you & fitness & health your improve town Worthing & Worthing West Tarring, Broadwater, in cut-throughs CompassBusses • Walking your local area & getting to know your local Twittens will Twittens local your know to getting & area local your Walking many of details includes which map this with quicker there Get Where can I get another Twitten Map? Twitten another get I can Where Stagecoach Busses www.stagecoachbus.com/timetables.aspx Busses Stagecoach • Why Twitten? Why Worthing of Twittens the know to Get Further Information Further Timetables Transport Public hsA ot dR gnirraT/dR eneeH 1 klaW 1 eneeH gnirraT/dR dR ot hsA klaW 2 mahleP dR ot gnirraT hcruhC klaW 3 eneeH gnirraT/dR dR ot nwoT Walk 4 Sea Front to Broadwater enaL erca enaL & gniroG daoR gnippohS edaraP & aeS ertneC From the sea front walk along Steyne Gardens past the Chatsworth Hotel, continue north along High Street past the roundabout opposite snim5 = dR drofdliuG ot reddaL sbocaJ ssorca ,dR gnirraT morF gnirraT ,dR ssorca sbocaJ reddaL ot drofdliuG dR = snim5 tnorF oG pu eneeH dR & ekat tsrif tfel otni gninworB ,dR ta dne fo gninworB Waitrose, bear round left at the next roundabout & when reaching the snim6 = dR swehttaM tS otni tsae eunitnoc dR eunitnoc tsae otni tS swehttaM dR = snim6 crossing a few yards on, cross over & continue to the Swan pub = snim5 = tuobadnuor inim dR yrotceR ot dR drofdliuG dR ot yrotceR dR inim tuobadnuor = snim5 tratS ta noitcnuJ fo mahleP weivelleB/dR dR & klaw htuos sdrawot 10min.
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