December 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 18 23381 are eligible for designation have passed reso- (4) IMPLEMENTATION.—The Secretary may SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND lutions in which the municipalities and provide technical assistance, staff support, IDEALS OF ‘‘NATIONAL TEEN counties— and funding to assist in the implementation DATING VIOLENCE AWARENESS (A) express support for the Musconetcong of the management plan. River Management Plan; AND PREVENTION WEEK’’ (b) COOPERATION.— (B) agree to take action to implement the Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall man- goals of the management plan; and age the river segments in cooperation with I ask unanimous consent that the Com- (C) endorse designation of the appropriate Federal, State, regional, and mittee on Government Reform be dis- Musconetcong River as a component of the local agencies, including— charged from further consideration of Wild and Scenic Rivers System. (A) the Musconetcong River Management the resolution (H. Res. 1086) supporting SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. Committee; In this Act: the goals and ideals of ‘‘National Teen (B) the Musconetcong Watershed Associa- (1) ADDITIONAL RIVER SEGMENT.—The term Dating Violence Awareness and Pre- tion; ‘‘additional river segment’’ means the ap- vention Week,’’ and ask for its imme- (C) the Heritage Conservancy; proximately 4.3-mile Musconetcong River diate consideration in the House. (D) the National Park Service; and segment designated as ‘‘C’’ in the manage- (E) the New Jersey Department of Environ- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ment plan, from Hughesville Mill to the mental Protection. tion. Delaware River Confluence. (2) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—Any coop- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there (2) MANAGEMENT PLAN.—The term ‘‘man- objection to the request of the gen- agement plan’’ means the river management erative agreement entered into under section plan prepared by the Musconetcong River 10(e) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 tleman from Georgia? Management Committee, the National Park U.S.C. 1281(e)) relating to a river segment— There was no objection. Service, the Heritage Conservancy, and the (A) shall be consistent with the manage- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Musconetcong Watershed Association enti- ment plan; and lows: (B) may include provisions for financial or tled ‘‘Musconetcong River Management H. RES. 1086 Plan’’ and dated April 2003 that establishes other assistance from the United States to facilitate the long-term protection, con- Whereas 1 in 3 female teens in a dating re- goals and actions to— lationship have feared for their physical (A) ensure long-term protection of the out- servation, and enhancement of the river seg- ment. safety; standing values of the river segments; and Whereas 1 in 2 teens in serious relation- (B) compatible management of land and (c) LAND MANAGEMENT.— ships have compromised their beliefs to water resources associated with the river (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may pro- please their partner; segments. vide planning, financial, and technical as- Whereas nearly 1 in 5 teens who have been (3) RIVER SEGMENT.—The term ‘‘river seg- sistance to local municipalities and non- in a serious relationship said their boyfriend ment’’ means any segment of the profit organizations to assist in the imple- or girlfriend would threaten to hurt them- Musconetcong River, New Jersey, designated mentation of actions to protect the natural selves or their partner if there was a break- as a scenic river or recreational river by sec- and historic resources of the river segments. up; tion 3(a)(167) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers (2) PLAN REQUIREMENTS.—After adoption of Whereas 1 in 5 teens in a serious relation- Act (as added by section 4). recommendations made in section IV of the ship report they have been hit, slapped, or (4) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ management plan, the zoning ordinances of pushed by a partner; means the Secretary of the Interior. the municipalities bordering the segments Whereas more than 1 in 4 teens have been SEC. 4. DESIGNATION OF PORTIONS OF shall be considered to satisfy the standards in a relationship where their partner ver- MUSCONETCONG RIVER, NEW JER- and requirements under section 6(c) of the bally abuses them; SEY, AS SCENIC AND RECREATIONAL Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. RIVERS. Whereas 13 percent of Hispanic teens re- Section 3(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers 1277(c)). ported that hitting a partner was permis- Act (16 U.S.C. 1274(a)) is amended by adding (d) DESIGNATION OF ADDITIONAL RIVER SEG- sible; at the end the following: MENT.— Whereas 29 percent of girls who have been ‘‘(167) MUSCONETCONG RIVER, NEW JERSEY.— (1) FINDING.—Congress finds that the addi- in a relationship said they have been pres- ‘‘(A) DESIGNATION.—The 24.2 miles of river tional river segment is suitable for designa- sured to have sex or engage in sex they did segments in New Jersey, consisting of— tion as a recreational river if the Secretary not want; ‘‘(i) the approximately 3.5-mile segment determines that there is adequate local sup- Whereas nearly 50 percent of girls worry from Saxton Falls to the Route 46 bridge, to port for the designation of the additional that their partner would break up with them be administered by the Secretary of the Inte- river segment in accordance with paragraph if they did not agree to engage in sex; rior as a scenic river; and (3). Whereas Native American women experi- ‘‘(ii) the approximately 20.7-mile segment (2) DESIGNATION AND ADMINISTRATION.—If ence higher rates of interpersonal violence from the Kings Highway bridge to the rail- the Secretary determines that there is ade- than any other population group; road tunnels at Musconetcong Gorge, to be quate local support for designating the addi- Whereas violent relationships in adoles- administered by the Secretary of the Inte- tional river segment as a recreational river— cence can have serious ramifications for vic- rior as a recreational river. (A) the Secretary shall publish in the Fed- tims who are at higher risk for substance ‘‘(B) ADMINISTRATION.—Notwithstanding eral Register notice of the designation of the abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behav- section 10(c), the river segments designated segment; ior, suicide, and adult revictimization; under subparagraph (A) shall not be adminis- (B) the segment shall be designated as a Whereas the severity of violence among in- tered as part of the National Park System.’’. recreational river in accordance with the timate partners has been shown to increase SEC. 5. MANAGEMENT. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1271 et if the pattern has been established in adoles- (a) MANAGEMENT PLAN.— seq.); and cence; (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall man- (C) the Secretary shall administer the ad- Whereas 81 percent of parents surveyed ei- age the river segments in accordance with ditional river segment as a recreational ther believe dating violence is not an issue the management plan. river. or admit they do not know if it is an issue; (2) SATISFACTION OF REQUIREMENTS FOR (3) CRITERIA FOR LOCAL SUPPORT.—In deter- Whereas the week of February 5, 2007, has PLAN.—The management plan shall be con- mining whether there is adequate local sup- been recognized by the National Network to sidered to satisfy the requirements for a port for the designation of the additional End Domestic Violence, Break the Cycle, the comprehensive management plan for the river segment, the Secretary shall consider American Bar Association, and other organi- river segments under section 3(d) of the Wild the preferences of local governments ex- zations as an appropriate week for activities and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1274(d)). pressed in resolutions concerning designa- furthering awareness of teen dating violence; (3) RESTRICTIONS ON WATER RESOURCE tion of the additional river segment. and PROJECTS.—For purposes of determining Whereas recognizing a ‘‘National Teen Dat- whether a proposed water resources project (e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— ing Violence Awareness and Prevention would have a direct and adverse effect on the There are authorized to be appropriated such Week’’ would benefit schools, communities, values for which a river segment is des- sums as are necessary to carry out this Act and families regardless of socioeconomic sta- ignated as part of the Wild and Scenic Rivers and the amendments made by this Act. tus, race, or gender: Now, therefore, be it System under section 7(a) of the Wild and The Senate bill was ordered to be Resolved, That the House of Representa- Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1278(a)), the Sec- tives should raise awareness of teen dating retary shall consider the extent to which the read a third time, was read the third violence in the Nation by supporting the proposed water resources project is con- time, and passed, and a motion to re- goals and ideals of ‘‘National Teen Dating sistent with the management plan. consider was laid on the table. Violence Awareness and Prevention Week’’. VerDate Nov 24 2008 08:32 Feb 01, 2010 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00294 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR06\H08DE6.010 H08DE6 cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 23382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 18 December 8, 2006 The resolution was agreed to. 12, 2006, and the Detroit City Council recog- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there A motion to reconsider was laid on nized the outstanding achievement and per- objection to the request of the gen- the table. severance of the Detroit Shock players and tleman from Texas? coaching staff; f There was no objection. Whereas William Davidson, Managing The Clerk read the Senate bill, as fol- CONGRATULATING THE DETROIT Partner; Tom Wilson, President and Chief lows: SHOCK FOR WINNING THE 2006 Executive Officer; Craig Turnbull, Chief Op- erating Officer; Bill Laimbeer, Head Coach; S.
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