Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKZOJZoological Journal of the Linnean Society0024-4082The Lin- nean Society of London, 2005? 2005 144? 75101 Original Article SYSTEMATICS OF BOSTRYCAPULUSR. COLLIN Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 144, 75–101. With 11 figures Development, phylogeny, and taxonomy of Bostrycapulus (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae), an ancient cryptic radiation RACHEL COLLIN* Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Unit 0948, APO AA 34002, USA Received February 2004; accepted for publication November 2004 Calyptraeid gastropods are well know for the taxonomic difficulties caused by their simple, phenotypically variable shells. In this paper I demonstrate that what was previously considered to be a single species, Crepidula aculeata, is an ancient (3–15 Myr) cryptic species complex made up of at least eight species, and that this group should be placed in the genus Bostrycapulus. Despite the difficulty in finding diagnostic adult shell and anatomical features upon which species can be unambiguously identified, DNA sequences, protoconch morphology, embryonic morphol- ogy and developmental characters clearly differentiate these eight species. A single species with direct development and nurse eggs is present in the South Atlantic, and a species with planktotrophic development occurs in the equa- torial Pacific. The species from Japan, Australia, Florida, the Pacific coasts of Mexico and Central America, and the Cape Verde Islands all have direct development. Most of these species are separated by >15% divergence in COI sequence data. The fossil record of Bostrycapulus goes back to the Miocene, which agrees with genetic estimates of divergences within the genus ranging from 3 to 15 Mya. Surprisingly, these ancient species differ only slightly in morphology from each other and genetic differentiation does not correlate with geographical distance. I revise the genus Bostrycapulus on the basis of differences in adult morphology, embryonic morphology, mode of development, protoconch morphology, and DNA sequence data. I also describe four new species (B. pritzkeri sp. nov., B. odites sp. nov., B. latebrus sp. nov. and B. urraca sp. nov.) and remove three others (B. gravispinosus, B. calyptraeformis, and B. cf. tegulicius) from synonymy with B. aculeatus.© 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 144, 75-101. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: biogeography – Crepidula aculeata – gastropod taxonomy – new species – sibling species. INTRODUCTION logically complex groups like snapping shrimp, star- fish, sea urchins and fish (Knowlton, 1993; Williams, The application of molecular methodologies to the sys- 2000; Lessios et al., 2001; Muss et al., 2001). Genetic tematics of marine invertebrates and fishes has analysis suggests that they may have been reproduc- resulted in the discovery of numerous morphologically tively isolated for many thousands of generations (e.g. cryptic species (e.g. Murphy, 1978; Hoagland, 1984; Knowlton & Weigt, 1998), and the occurrence of old Knowlton, 1993; Collin, 2000a; Colborn et al., 2001; cryptic species shows that isolation for hundreds of Lessios, Kessing & Pearse, 2001; Muss et al., 2001; thousands to millions of years does not necessarily Rocha-Olivares, Fleeger & Foltz, 2001; Véliz, Guisado result in morphological differentiation. & Winkler, 2001; Wares, 2001; Véliz, Winkler & There are a growing number of recognized ‘ancient’ Guisado, 2003). Cryptic species are not restricted cryptic species complexes in freshwater invertebrates to plastic and morphologically simple groups like (e.g. Daphnia up to 50 Myr, Colbourne & Hebert, 1996; sponges and corals, but occur in well-studied, morpho- Colbourne et al., 1998; Hyalella sp. complex in the mid-Miocene, Witt & Hebert, 2000; Brachionus plica- tilis more than 20 Myr, Gómez et al., 2002), although only a few such radiations have been discovered in the *E-mail: [email protected] marine environment (e.g. bonefish 4–20 Myr, Colborn © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 144, 75–101 75 76 R. COLLIN et al., 2001). Careful examination of morphologically aculeata’ in Collin, 2003a, b). Here I present morpho- cryptic species often reveals chemical, behavioural, or logical, developmental, genetic, and biogeographical developmental differences, further supporting their data with the following aims: (1) augmenting the status as distinct species (Knowlton, 1993). Such dif- description of Bostrycapulus; (2) determining the rela- ferences demonstrate that there has been adequate tionships between the different species within Bostry- time for divergence to occur, despite the observed mor- capulus, and (3) clearly delimiting the species within phological stasis. the genus. Calyptraeid gastropods are one such group where morphological characters cannot always be used to MATERIAL AND METHODS discriminate effectively among species. The simplicity and plasticity of calyptraeid shells has led to much Locality information for the live-collected specimens taxonomic uncertainty and instability in this family that were examined or sequenced for this study are (Hoagland, 1977, 1984, 1986; Collin, 2000a, 2002; listed in Table 1. Vouchers are deposited at the Field Véliz et al., 2001, 2003). Anatomical features can be Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA, The Nat- used to distinguish among major species groups ural History Museum, London, England, and the within some genera, but are very conservative and Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, USA. Pro- often cannot be used to distinguish between closely toconchs were obtained from the same populations related species (Collin, 2003a). Genetic and develop- except for the Japanese animals, which were obtained mental features appear to diverge more rapidly than from shells provided by K. Noda from Minabe, do morphological characters. Therefore, it is not sur- Wakayama Prefecture and Cape Verdian animals prising that recent work with the genetics and devel- where protoconchs were obtained from shells provided opment of Crepidula and Crucibulum has led to the by Emilio Rolán from Rife de Chaves, Sal Rei Bay, Boa recognition and formal description of several morpho- Vista. Numerous museum lots of mostly dry material logically cryptic species (e.g. Gallardo, 1979; Hoag- were examined from FMNH, ANSP, CAS, NMP, land, 1984; Collin, 2000a, 2002; Véliz et al., 2001). NMNZ, USNM, AMS, BMNH and IZUA. Museum High-level phylogenetic analyses of calyptraeids abbreviations follow Leviton et al. (1985). have led to the discovery of a group of eight cryptic A 611 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial cyto- species, all of which were most recently ascribed to chrome oxidase I (COI) gene and a fragment of mito- Crepidula aculeata (Gmelin, 1791) (Hoagland, 1977). chondrial 16S rDNA were sequenced for individuals Crepidula aculeata s.l. has a distinctive shell shape; it from each locality and deposited in GenBank. As these is one of the few ‘Crepidula’ that retains clear traces data were originally obtained for interspecific phylo- of coiling, the shelf has a distinctive longitudinal genetic analysis, few individuals were sequenced for ridge and the shell often has numerous spines (Fig. 1). each locality and in several cases only a single etha- The shells are distinct enough to have been attributed nol-preserved individual was available for sequencing to a separate subgenus, Bostrycapulus Olsson & Har- (e.g. B. cf. tegulicius). DNA was extracted from etha- bison, 1953, which has sometimes been raised to nol-preserved tissue with Puregene (Gentra Systems) genus level. Phylogenetic analyses of calyptraeids or DNeasy (Quiagen) extraction kits, amplified using based on anatomical (70 species; Collin, 2003a) and Ready-To-Go PCR beads (Pharmacia Biotech), and molecular (94 species; Collin, 2003b) data show that primers and PCR profile of Folmer et al. (1994) and species in the aculeata group fall outside Crepidula 16sar-16sbr of Palumbi (1996). PCR products were s.s. and are more closely related to Crucibulum and sequenced in both directions with dRhodamine (Per- Crepipatella. Therefore, they should be referred to kin Elmer) or Big Dyes cycle sequencing dye termina- Bostrycapulus. tor kits using the amplification primers and an ABI In her review of Crepidula, Hoagland (1977) synon- 377 automated sequencer. Sequences were aligned ymized all the named species with shell characteris- using Sequencher 3.0 and alignments were adjusted tics that place them in the ‘aculeata’ group with by eye. C. aculeata but noted that it was unusual for a single Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using species without planktonic larvae to have such a wide, PAUP* v. 4b02 (Swofford, 1998). An equal-weighted, disjunct, geographical distribution. After more exten- unrooted, parsimony analysis was performed with sive work with development, she removed samples gaps coded as a fifth character, using a heuristic from Panama, which she called C. echinus (Broderip, search with TBR branch swapping and 1000 random 1834), from synonymy with C. aculeata without additions. Bootstrap support for each clade was explaining the change in nomenclature (Hoagland, assessed based on 1000 bootstrap replicates with 1986). My previous phylogenetic analyses of TBR branch swapping and ten random additions. I calpytraeids have included individuals of what appear included Crepipatella lingulata, C. capensis, and Cru- to be several species in this group (labelled as ‘cf. cibulum auriculum, three close outgroups
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