- '"'·"'"'--�·- ··· NATIONAL LIBRARY OF JAMAICA Vol. 3 No. 4 Fortnight tnding June 17, 1981. ./'. Publilhed every other Thursday. Next issue June 18 ·':· - ! . I �;. • • BAR-B-QUE CHICKEN f'. •:(- You'll go crazy OYtf our diary delights • Hot Dogs • Hamburgers • fish .and.Chips ... Come and feast on our qukk · • Ice Cream Shakes • Stout & Sl tm J •m and deliciously 1asting bites. • Sundaes • Ice Cream • Cotton Candy -"" • Popcorn • Slush •••and much much MORE l . •· 'c a , ru a and S ""---�- 0 c A t 1 of$ . ucaman n September 1971. Allam in back to J 'Skill' Ccfe the popular Santoa wuBy 1974 th oup a t and Jamaica (and later Boys' a second album wtth lslar. football r became man· but more problems wert arb· Halford eelliDs reconb. Town) By Henry ·p with Lee Perry who at (or the Wailen, u well u ing. Peter Tosh, decided he I could never forget one of that time wu selling the moat Sou.lettet and the Pipen had had enough of Chris NE OF THE INTERESTING my: experience• then with local recordl in Europe with (ltow F'uherman). Blackwell. "Bwoy, a Chri& BOb'• music. One of his cloae O PLACES IN hia top selling label, the A mOlt interatin& point Whitewell, I call hiln," Peter WILTON GARDENS llutafarian brethren, Brother '11�". AltO with Lee Per· about Bob'• revival at tum told me while esplaining the David, had carried a box of the (Rema) in the southern part of Trench ry at thil_ time wu Judy of the decade waa the type of llituation at Tommy Cowan's his recordl including souplike Mowatt. aonp he did. office on Oxford Road. Town. is a yard on Third Street where "Thank .You Lord" and "This Bob aarted off this time · According to Tolh when the Tnin" to .eU to thia man who l people will tell you many of Jamaica·s top with a aoq entitled "Duppy uDU PPY albuma had sold enough for lived on Lincoln Avenue. Conqueror" and did tune� like them to collect they were told entertainers passed their first critical test Brother David offered to sell " on Moving", "Rock My CONQUERER,. by bland th�t espensessuch u It is really a ti11 yard on Third Street: no gr... f�w the box of about ten rrcords Boat� . In between, he abo did promotions liad to be taken for fifty cents each, but the H'II,IDltl • · 'al hi t "Duppy c.00: , the look of a ·There are baH-naked an album for Leslie Kong of . out of their money and they trees de.en. children man inailted that the whole �ueror ltart With the hne, ru around, idle youns men aapirins to do all the "Beverly's R.ecordl" which wu �ea, me fnen� .d, me good had ended up owing the com - llllinJ box of record• did not value named "Soul Shakedown Par· , paoy some$40 ' 000. I thinp ,10uns �pie dream about, but gettins nowhere. 50 fraend/Me dey pon Street cenu. ty," tune from which 11 a ltand pipe, a few houea and aome men the title aonp Th� young This was probably the wu a major local hit for him. &Jain." He went on to BOB'S TURNING I boil� aoap for sale on the black market. wont�riod of Bob's life after like "Man to Man", which had "A right yah-.a Bob atartling you koo'," Barry,the lead aiog­ the line; "Man to man u so i hia innial IUCCetlel with "Sim· Bib did another album for POINT n of an up-and-coming new grou�, Earth Disciples, explained. mer Down", "I'm Still Wait­ 1to111 named "The Beat of Bob unjwt/you don't know who to I They trwt." aonp are fq owing in Bob Maries- • footatept; already they have iq", "Dancing Shoes" etc. He ' Marley and the Wailen" and Later he did like The turning point in Bob written .eYeral sonp and recorded one: "Peace, Love and Har- wa• producing for himself u Carlie Barrett hu drummer "SmaU Axe"; "If you're the Marley's life came in 1975. " on ob's own Tuff Gong Records. becaWse he felt the roducen to joke at �ton Street: b' tree/1 am the m1all u.e/ The 1\railen bad been signed hole heap a linger to· come on yah and ling tune r tued ready to cut you down". u by Impresario Cheater wed ere ripping him of , but he "You don't , right aft r and man cri 'cize lhem or r te them. AU Alton · , Delroy Wil· could not handle the diatribu­ Kong make album�ee t»out 'Bett It wu when Bob teamed cCullod, to appear with tht , Ken , Bob Marley," anot er youth was saying. tion and promotion wdl of the Wailera" him vank wi Skill Cble (1971) whom lacbon Five- on a major ro • tell " uc 1upp I you 1omething," aoo,ther was explaining. enou.rh to sell the l"'eCCrcb. (died). You can make a album he u� u someone more in a ction planned for t r­ wh Do them tu with hia philosophy of ational Stadium named oe th er and l'fe, that they produced Jac:bon FiveShow", but u o • �. "7rench Town Rock". w t at w Shortlr after cam the Wai prepa to perfoi'Ul len' first big bnal. ThiS w and Peter were t around 1972 and the argu- • the lit ation. T ent going around music cir· that the group det was that some big "fore· be appeari111. w 'te on l ,.. a . producer" h•d given the Wai· Promoter McOullock w A y m D bro e uno e crow ; Look ya me e lcn tbowands of dollan ·and orried. He inaiated the� they had rented t the · w ou aometbing. You Dynamic ltate categorically tha at man there crou the rot.d.�ee Sounds ltUdios at Bell Road group would be on the ahow, Y bow �ey that them Ut:TY for weeb, something no other after the ackson Five had him 10 a Madden ,·ready alta local entertainer had done rrived in amaica on March hUn �\ a &hat uCl -pronounce before. It turned out that the leVenth. I refused.J McCullock bim dead and -put b.\m \nn.a "foreign producer" was Chria left the GLEANER. office ice lRJt'and all a sudden them Blad:.weU, Jamaican himself About mid-afternoon Bob kid and head ol bland R.ecorda, Marley, himself n e 'ear him atart and when who had a d hia wi worked wi�b oeveral lt.ita and 8011le frienda daaD open the box u a live ' came to other JamaicaDJ inc uding il- e o ce. Bob ••• •o..;,., ,.. 0 man." lie Small and JimmT Cliff. explain aomething but lle w t:hat u Rema today; the In early 19,5, Dacky Jobson too uncertain to apeak with place which although not Bob came to Jamaica to open the any clarity: "Bwoy, I don't Warley's hometown, is the local office of Wand at 56 know what to do, you 'ear sah, place where he began hia long Hope Road, the very spot because , this tour important and tedioua trek to the top of where Bob's own Tuff Gong and I woulda really like do it." the entertainment ladder. Recordl now exist. Jobson gave Rhoden HaD's, St. Ann 1011 me a copy of a fantaatic look· At fint I was lost trying to wu Rema's gain. To today, ing album named "Catch a figure out what- tour he was ema remaina one of the Fire" featuring the Wailen. talking about, then slowly but hanbeat expreuions of urban The album's cover jacket wu surely it became quite clear: poYerty and deprivation. It ia lhaped like a cigarette lighter. Ar· an after effect of Bob's a mirror of the· sol:iety's appearance on the show it 1etbacb. TWIST OF FATE �eemed he was to reach some For som.e people in Rema agreement with Don Tavlor, there are times of "lun" and The album featured aonga who later became his personal times of "fat" in view of the like "400 Yean", "Concrete manager, and they were to auong political connection of Juagle", "Rock It Babe" and tour the American West the area. Once the backbone "Sl&Ye Driver". It was one of Coast. Obviowly, Bob wanted of Bwtamante'a urban con· the happiest moments in my to go because he was deter­ •itllency, then the political life revaewinJ that album, mined to make a name for home for people like the late bec:aweeveryume I played it I him�elf internationally. But D. C. Tavarea and Wilton remembered Bob telhng us not 10 Peter and Bunny. They I Hill, it ia now a broken, urban reporters at 'Beeston Street, were waey of these new person­ after yean of want and shun that he was going to give us so alities ana deals. nqlect. much to write about we "Hey, you see Trinity wouldn't hav� apace in t�e When Bob left the office, l (policeman), a right yah so papen to put at. By 10me twut he wu aill uncertain whether h1m bom and grow and 1ee of fate, it was I who �ot those he would be performing on bow much time him ret ahat recorda and the intemewa. the Jacbon Five show the next on yah," another young man Jobaon uplained to me nenin1 or not. He kept wu wu explaining. Juatrecent· bow Cbria BlackweU had sip­ mumbling aomething about ly juatice an Rema meant the eel up the ·poup in 197!.
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