THE BROADCAST ENGINEERS' JOUIRNA1. Ed. Stolzenberger, Editor Sec. 562, P. L. & R. 110.03 01st Avenue Richmond 11111 18, N. Y. U. S. POSTAGE Postmaster: If undeliverable for any reason, PAID notify sender, stating reason, on form 3547, postage for which Is guaranteed. F A GEHRES WGBF-ti11EßA New York, N. Y. 2232 E POWELL Permit No. 2961 EVANSVILI.E 14 IND 5151 E.1INEÏS' JO UJIAL k ' NABET National Counci Meeting: Detroit Oct. 4-8 Nie 4 NABET'S Position in TV: - NABET Intends to Maintain and Defend its Legal TV Jurisdiction Established Thru IO Years Practice S''e Page 5 VOL. 15, No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1948 OFFII'IA1, PUBLICATION OF N. A. B. E. T. NAT'L ASS'N of BROADCAST ENGINEERS and TECHNICIANS www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com REAR 150° tao° 150° 140° Broadcast Radio Engineers who want this SUPER-CARDIOID D specify - - - CARDIOID FRONT this because the Shure Super-Cardioid Broadcast Dy- namic Microphone has a super- cardioid pickup pattern which reduces the pickup of unwanted random noise en- ergy by 73%. It is twice as unidirectional as the cardioid. In the super-cardioid pattern, the ratio of front -to -rear pickup is 14 to 1-in the cardioid, 7 to 1. There is a wide, useful pickup angle at the front of the microphone while the rear response is down of the order of 15 db over a broad range of frequencies. Reverberation energy pickup is de- creased over two - thirds. The microphone can be placed close to the reflecting surfaces without objectionable effects if the rear side of the microphone is toward the reflecting surface. The Shure "556" Dynamic Microphone has an Aeousto- Mechanical circuit containing a single moving -coil element, which operates in conjunction with a high flux magnet and provides high efficiency and smooth peak - free response from 40 to 10,000 cycles. The super - cardioid pattern is achieved in a single unit, due to the "Uniphase" principle -a patented Shure development. The moving -coil unit is provided with a double wind -screen to permit quiet out- door operation. As a precaution against mechanical vibra- tion pickup, the unit is spring -suspended inside the micro- phone case, which in turn is floated in live rubber in the special Vibration Absorbing Unit, which eliminates repro- SHURE SUPER-CARDIOID duction of vibration transmitted through the stand. The microphone also has a standard %°- 27 thread which per- DYNAMIC MICROPHONE mits mounting on any Shure desk or floor stand. Adapters MODEL "556" to other stands are obtainable when needed. Case dimen- List price: $87.50 sions: 4W high, 3W wide, 3W deep. Shipping weight, Code: RUMUB 4 lbs. MULTI -IMPEDANCE SWITCH ON MODEL "556" Patenbad by Shure Brother., 7e. IMPEDANCE TABLE OUTPUT LEVEL L-35-50 56.1 db below 1 Milliwatt ohms per 10 microbar signal = SHURE BROTHERS, Inc. M-150-250 56.8 db below 1 Milliwatt DEVICES MICROPHONES AND ACOUSTIC ohms for 10 microbar signal - 225 W. Huron Street Chicago 10, Illinois H-High 55 db below 1 volt CABLE ADDRESS: SHUREMICRO Impedance per microbar www.americanradiohistory.com N ational A Message A association of to the Members 'Broadcast of NABET E ngineers and T echnicians from JOHN R. McDONNELL NABET is your democratic union, because President, NABET NABET rank -and -file members control their union. As the tempo of the broadcast-television industry is stepped NABET means good trade-union practice. up with the seasonal rise of activity in AM broadcasting and NABET is the progressive union in the the ever increasing number of television stations coming on Broadcast Field. the air, NABET officers are meeting the challenge by inten- sifying their efforts in behalf of the radio engineer. The problems being encountered are numerous-and Contact any of 'he following officers for further information: difficult of resolution. If we are to meet them successfully, it will require J. lt. McDonnell, Pres. Philadelphia: the understanding 375 O'Farrell St., Room 301 R. J. Wilke support of all NABET members as well as San Francisco 2, Calif. 4718 Chestnut that of other radio engineers who are interested in improving Ordway 3-8484 Philadelphia, Pa. their status in the industry. H. E. Hiller, Executive Secy. Pittsburgh: C. L. Gorsuch, Nat'l Rep. b:lvyn M. Sollie Next month in Detroit, the NABET National Council will 66 Court St., Room 501 Main St. meet to discuss NABET problems and aims. Brooklyn 2, N. Y. Saxonburg, Pa. Discuss these MAin 4-2855 matters with your Chapter Chairman so that he can go to the Arthur Hjorth, Vice-Pres. Rochester: Geo. Malter, National step. Edward Lynch meeting prepared to represent you and your wishes. This 80E. Jackson Blvd. Rm. 543 109 Wolcott Ave. union's sole purpose is to represent and protect the interests Chicago 4, 111, Rochester 11, N. Y. Wabash 2462 of its members-see to it that your officers are aware of your Rocky Mountain: Chapter Chairmen Geore Pogue problems-and give them intelligent support in bringing Baltimore: 2389 Birch St. about their solution. NABET is an independent union, and Royce I. Heintz Denver 7, Colo. 5508 Wesley Ave. invites the participation of its members in all of its affairs. Baltimore 7, Md. San Francisco: Sincerely, Boston: Richard T. Parks Elmer M. Lantz 10 Leroy Place Concord Road San Francisco, Calif. (Signed) J. R. MCDONNELL, President. S. Lincoln, Mass. St. Lawrence: Chicago: o Arthur Hjorth, Vice Pres. David H. Lane 404 W. Evergreen ,Apt 51 119 Maple St. Chicago 10, 111. Black River, N. Y. Retirement Income-Considerable interest has been indi. Cleveland: Harold V. Brandt Syracuse: cated in Mr. Burrell's article last month, and as a result, a 19 Elm St. Donald Muir Brecksville, Ohio 1300 W. Colvin St. follow-up article is in preparation. Detroit: Syracuse 7, N. Y. Roger K. Ellis 820 University Pl. Washington: Detroit 30, Mich. John H Hogan Dixie: 9312 Sudbury Rd. J. Willard Dean Silver Spring, Md. DO WE HAVE 217 E. North St. Raleigh, N. C. Section Chairmen Engineering: Atlanta: YOUR ZONE NUMBER? Carl A. Cabasin Broughton W. Benning 147-42 Elm Ave. 2715 Stewart Ave. Flushing, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. Hollywood: DEADLINE is 2nd OF EVERY MONTH. EXAMPLE: COPY RE- Ben M. Doty Connecticut Valley: CEIVED MARCH znd APPEARS IN THE APRIL ISSUE, IN THE 3330 Charleston Way MAIL George R. Townsend APRIL t st. Hollywood 28. Calif. 44 Lakeside St. Hudson: Springfield 9, Mass. Donald Hale 1 Franklin Ave. Fairmont: Heading Cuts for Chapter news columns. Chapters White Pllains, N, Y. O. C. Swisher with- Mohawk: 632 Orr St. out regular heading cuts and desiring same, should send in Donald P. Morey Fairmont, W. Va. photo, cartoon, or drawing 3 Circle Lane, Apt. 26-A of subject matter that they wish Albany 3, N. Y. Louisville: used to identify and distinguish their column. New York: Kermit B. Smith Clarence Westover 1211 S. 6th St. 1 Charles SL Louisville, Ky. Oceanside, N. Y. Ham Issue Scuttled:Instead, descriptions and photos of NABET Richmond: Omaha: Ham Stations will be published as received, following several F. A. (Bob) Rudd Ellmore Taggart 3678 Ida Street 2316 Floyd Ave. suggestions indicating this preference. Ham Calls, however, Richmond, Omaha 11, Nebra,ka Va. will be published on an annual or semi-annual basis, as revised lists are received from individual Chapters. THE BROADCAST ENGINEERS' 2 JOURNAL FOR SEPT.. 1948 www.americanradiohistory.com THE BROADCAST Ef1GIflERS' JOU'RfAL 4?\ Editor and Ed. Stolzenberger Business Mgr. StV`LY Advertising and Circulation Offices: Editorial, 5 G 116-03 91st Avenue, Richmond Hill 18, N. Y. A j Telephone: Virginia 9-5553 RECORDERS Volume 15, No. 9 September, 1948 Contents copyright, 1948, by NABET Publications TABLE OF CONTENTS Page NABET President McDonnell's Message 2 25th NABET Report on Intercept Studios, Tape & Wire Recording, and TV Students & Lighting 4 NABET'S Position in TV Jurisdiction 5 Review of Current Technical Literature 6 ANNIVERSARY! TV Receiver Distribution 7 Detroit News 8 Chicago News 12 New York News 12 The world's finest Omaha News 13 St. Lawrence News 13 Washington News 14 precision disc Baltimore News 15 Dixie Doings 15 Joint Technical Advisory Board 16 recording machine 20 - Hobby Corner used and recommended THE BROADCAST ENGINEERS' JOURNAL OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE N. A. B. E. T. Trustees: D. J. MOLONEY, Chairman; CARL CABASIN, J. R. MC- wherever the finest DONNELL, A. G. POPPELE, C. WESTOVER. Secretary -Treasurer H. E. HILLER recordings are made ASSOCIATE EDITORS Baltimore /OHN W. LAPPE Boston JAMES W. HUGHES «» Chicago MINOR J. WILSON v EARL HOLL Cleveland . Denver CHAS. M. EINING Detroit HARRY LEWIS 0 Today - Write, Phone, or Wire Dixie SAM LILES Engineering Chapter Hollywood NORMAN DEWES your order for Hudson Chapter AL KING 1 Mohawk J. W. GAGNE IVew York SCULLY MASTER RECORDERS Omaha LOUIS DE BOER, CY HAGRMAN Philadelphia 1 Pittsburgh FRANK E. HENRY v Rochester, N. Y. GEORGE WILSON, DONALD ANDERSON San Francisco EARL SORENSON St. Lawrence, N. Y. ALEEN A. CORBIN D. DEEM Washington WARREN Q The Broadcast Engineers' Journal is a privately printed monthly publication issued by NABET Publications. Address all communica- tions to Publication office: E. Stolzenberger, 116-03 91st Avenue, SCULLY Richmond Hill 18, L. I., N. Y. Telephone VIrginia 9-5553. 0 Advertising rates and information supplied on request. Subscrip- tion, $2.50 per year; $4.00 for two years. Single copies, except Christmas Yearbook, 35c; Christmas Yearbook, $1.00. All remittances Machine in advance Foreign: add postage. Back copies 60e, back Yearbooks, $2.00. Nothing appearing in The Broadcast Engineers' Journal shall be construed. to be an expression of The Broadcast Engineers' Journal Company or the National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians, but must be construed as an individual expression of the author or authors.
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