l^nB™™! TRINITY COLLEGE-HARTFORD-CONNECTICUT ApWA W^W®*f Vol. LXXX VI • Issue 14-March 7,1989 Students Encounter Racism number of overt acts of racism di- samespprts tend to hang outtogether." -By David Gerber- rected at individuals has increased Minority recruitment, despite an Assi.siant News Editor this year. Although Wooden was not exceptional year of over 3000 total at liberty to discuss incidents involv- applicants, were only able to attract Despite a 13% decline in overall ing other minority students, he did 131 African-American applicants , admissions this year, the Admissions cite one instance in which he was 180 Asian-American applicants, 87 Office reported that minority appli- confronted by overtly racist actions. Hispanic-American applicants,and 9 cations have risen almost 20%. In the While entering his dormitory, Native-American applicants. Thelow last three years, the increase has been Wooden attempted to say hello to a number of Native-American appli- more than 45%, reflecting Trinity's •female classmate who, accompanied cants is a situation common to most effort to increase diversity among the. by a male friend, proceeded to ignore northeastern schools. student body. him. Assuming she didn't hear him, Three years ago, there were only Although these statistics are Wooden politely repeated his greet- 66 African-American applicants, 93 encouraging to some students, con- ing whereupon the girl's friend turned Asian-American applicants, 61 His- cern about the racial atmosphere on and said, "You don't belong here." panic-American applicants, and 3 campus still exists. This is similar to the experience Native-American applicants. Thus, "Racism is very alive at Trin- of many minority students who find despite proportionately low numbers, ity," said Shawn Wooden '91, Presi- themselves suspected as outsiders as compared to European-American dent of the Pan-African Alliance, when they enter dormitories at night. applicants, the minority recruitment formerly the Trinity Coalition of Racism occurs on two levels, efforts have been extremely success- Blacks, "Whether people know it or "overt" and "covert". Most students ful. • ;•• . realize it, it's there. There is ageneral are familiar with overt racism: name Wooden supported the efforts of racist attitude that is prevalent on calling and violent acts of hatred. the Admissions office, but more spe- campus." ' ; Covert racism is both more prevalent Vernon Street Campus Center in the late afternoon. Photo by Dave Copland cifically appeals, "Not only does my According to Wooden, the and more difficult to eliminate. Vis- organization (PAA) want more Afri- ible acts can be challenged because can-American students, we want a they are tangible, whereas in order to more diverse student body. It's just defeat covert racism, institutional that simple. This includes more Euro- Change in Students V Role thought must be challenged. American students from different "The real problem is the covert backgrounds, working class back- racism, the institutional racism," as- grounds, and ; lower-class back- No Open Forum in Pres. Search serts Wooden, "That's the stuff that grounds." hurts the most because it's the stuff According to Karen Cross '77, of the students..'. We'd like people to of candidates are well-qualified and you can't face." -By Patricia Pierson- get in touch with us. When we have Assistant Director of Admissions, diversified, indicating that the group Supporting Wooden's remarks, "We are broadening our area of visi- Copy Editor their names, we will tell them what includes minorities and women. the process will be." Scott Bass '92 said, "There is racism bility to attract applicants from urban "There are some unusual candi- here, but it is not overt, rather it is centers, and from other geographi- Students will not be able to di- Scudder and Sherr highlighted dates..." said Sherr, "We're looking covert racism, where people will treat cally diverse regions." The Admis- rectly question final -candidates for the vital necessity for student involve- for unusual; we're not looking for you differently or they won't associ- sions Office is attempting to spread Trinity's Presidential post in an open ment in this manner, as it is an effec- standards." ate with you." Trinity's name to areas where little is forum, as part of a decision made by tive method by which student inter- . Sherr added that the Committee known of the college. ests can be voiced. Those who do not The fact that many minority the Presidential Search Committee is presently reviewing approximately students choose to sit together during Cross, a African-American stu- last Saturday. contact Scudder or Sherr can air their 20 old files which have been aug- opinions in a second open forum with meals or to have more minority friends dent at Trinity in the late 1970's, Students must now make their mented with new information, in are often interpreted by many stu- expressed optimism regarding the interests known to the student repre- the student representatives that re- addition to approximately 20 recently- mains to be announced. dents of European descent as an at- positive effects of minority recruit- sentatives on the search committee. submitted applicatiins, stressing that tempt to segregate themselves. Mi- ment. She stated, "J truly believe that The Committee decided at its Scudder proposed that students thecandidatepool changes every day. nority students offer several reasons we are turning the corner. If used to meeting Saturday to forgo the sched- submit, "Just a note indicating your Neither representative was at for this trend. be that I would look out my window uled April question-and-answer ses- interest...They can't be involved if liberty to reveal names of individuals "African-American students and rarely see a minority student, sions between 5-6 final candidates they don't let us know." in consideration for the position, al- stick together because there are so now I can't go two minutes." and the student body. The arduous and involved though Scudder responded to a rumor few of them on campus, and being A white student who wished to "The Committee resolved that search for Trinity's new president is circulated several weeks ago by as- -African-American is something that remain nameless stated a concern there is no way we can have a meeting continuing, with .few further develop- serting, "Lowell Weicker has taken they have in common," Bass contin- common among many white students. with students and candidates," said ments expected until the final an- another job..." ued. "It's like those who are in the Kaite Sherr,'89, Student Representa- nouncement of the candidates in the Continued on Page 5 same fraternity or are interested in the Continued on Page 5 tive to the Presidential Search Com- spring. mittee. At meetings February 24 and She insisted that for many dif- March 3, members of the Presidential Challenge to Fund New Building ferent reasons there will be no open Search Committee made no conclu- "The Kresge challenge provides enrichment of existing skills. forums involving student question- sive decisions on what their eventual an incentive for further fundraising. President James F. English ing of the selected candidates, citing recommendation to the Board of -By Todd GilJespie- We were very pleased to get the chal- commented, "The generous support a reluctance to confront a panel of Trustees will be. The Committee has News Editor' lenge as it places us with a select of the Alden Trust will help us add the candidates with a disunited body of scheduled its next meeting for the group of other institutions. It shows facility, which will increase our abil- student concerns. weekend of March 17th. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, that the Foundation considers our ity to teach the quantitative and natu- The alternative now proposed According to Scudder, the group Michigan, and the George I. Alden projects a solid investment," noted ral sciences in the context of our lib- by the Committee is for students to of faculty and professors arecurrently Trust of Worcester, Massachusetts Shirley DeLong, Corporate and Fi- eral arts curriculum." contact either Sherr or Barbara Scud- reviewing applications submitted by have both made recent contributions nance Officer. English noted that the gift forthe der,'89, also a Student Representa- the collection of candidates. • to The Campaign for Trinity. The The gifts will be used toward the new building-was the Alden Trust's tive to the Search Committee, before "We'rejust going on in the proc- Kresge Foundation awarded a construction of the College's firstnew second to The Campaign for Trinity. Spring Break and to nolify them of ess. We started doing some inter- $500,000 challenge grant and the academic building in nearly 20 years. The Alden Trust awarded Trinity a personal interest in the search. views and we're going along with Alden Trust made a gift of $50,000. The new facility will house Trinity's $100,000 challenge grant in 1986, The representatives will then that." Sherr added, "We've begun In order for Trinity to fulfill the Computing Center, the Department which the College met by raising compile a list of concerned students interviewing people. We have a • Kresge Challenge and receive the of Engineering and Computer Sci- $200,000 for financial aid. The and organize a method by which stu- number of good candidates, and we're $500,000 grant, it must raise an addi- ence, and the Department of Mathe- combined funds of $300,000 were dents can best direct their needs to the reviewing new files as well as new tional $2 million by January 1, 1990. matics. used to establish The George I. Alden candidates. information on old files." This $2 million must be raised from In addition to serving the needs Scholarship Fund.
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