Inside Features 2,7 Sports 3 Thursday Editorials 4, 5 February 23, 2006 Comics 6 Surf 8 VOL. 100 | ISSUE 105 Serving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa since 1922 WWW.KALEO.ORG ‘Date Movie’ Use the right is a gross board for the waste of time right conditions Features | Page 2 Surf | Page 8 Senator Hee says UHM’s Strategic SoJ plays Campus Center Plan has room for improvement By Alana Folen many different and complex arrays Konan told the committee that Ka Leo Contributing Writer of units that we have under our the university is on schedule with campus,” Konan said. “We have the time line put forth by the criti- At a recent informational brief- a very complicated university. We cal financial audit report of UHM ing, Sen. Clayton Hee, chair of the have many units. We are serving given to the legislature in Dec. Committee on Higher Education, many different functions, and to 2005 by the state auditor. In the criticized the University of Hawai‘i me there’s a great value in trying past year, Konan said the budget at Manoa’s Strategic Plan, saying to bring some simplicity to that. level summary has been reconfig- it was too brief and “needs to be And this plan has served a really ured to show data at the unit level, beefed up.” useful function – when I go to quarterly financial reports have “When you review the plan, meetings people do quote from the been posted on the Web to enhance it’s very broad,” Hee told UHM plan and there are parts of the plan the transparency of operations, interim Chancellor Denise Konan that really help to guide and moti- and a Campus Planning Day was and UH system-wide Chief vate members of my community.” hosted in October with 250 cam- Financial Officer Howard Todo. Interim Vice President for pus leaders to discuss the fiscal “I would offer that maybe the plan Academic Planning and Policy conditions of the university. needs to be beefed up, and give Linda Johnsrud agreed with Hee Konan said UHM has many some confidence to those who that the strategic plan was broad. goals in mind for the implementa- read it,” Hee said. “I think it’s a beautiful statement tion of a performance-based bud- “Plans should be road maps of values and direction, but it lacks geting process for this year and the to destinations, and I would sug- implementation ability,” she said. years to come. “This coming fiscal gest that based on these pages that “It’s a strategic vision. I would say year, increased tuition revenues it’s difficult to get to a road map,” it’s not a strategic plan.” will be allocated to support stu- Hee added. “This is a nine-year Johnsrud said the plan does a dent success,” Konan said. “Next strategic plan, 2002 to 2010, nine good job of capturing the values, year, we are planning to critically years in maybe nine pages ... I’m goals and directions of the univer- analyze our program base bud- not familiar with a strategic plan sity, but more work could be done gets to ensure that resources align that is this brief.” to improve the plan. She is work- appropriately with missions.” Konan acknowledged the ing to update it. “I think where In addition, Konan told legis- broadness of the plan, but told it falls short is providing us real lators that the executive and man- DIANA KIM • KA LEO O HAWAI‘I Hee that simplicity was beneficial. information under state priorities,” agerial performance evaluations Duke Davis, saxophone player for the band State of Jefferson, played at the Campus “So it may be that there are more she said. “The whole point of it is have been re-written to include Center on Wednesday. The State of Jefferson, from Oregon, is currently touring Hawai‘i details in terms of an implementa- to give us more precise direction.” criterion on school, budget plan- and will be playing at Anna Banana’s on Feb. 26 at 9 p.m. tion strategy that need to be put In discussing UHM’s strate- ning and performance. into play, but a benefit of this gic plan, Konan said the plan, “Our biennium budget pro- plan is that it’s easy to remem- Defining Our Destiny, was estab- cess requires units to justify pro- for fiscal officers can be improved tion and overall performance will ber. It’s something that can serve lished in 2002 with widespread gram change requests based on by implementing fiscal quality be published. as a guide, and with more detail consultation and sanction by the their alignment with our mission controls and improving admin- Konan told the committee that and more complexity comes other Board of Regents. She said the and strategic plan, past perfor- istrative lines of communication she is optimistic about the future. issues,” Konan said at the Feb. 7 plan serves as a cornerstone for mance relative to other units, and among fiscal officers. In order to “We’re really trying to focus briefing at the State Capitol. decision-making. Konan told leg- their ability to reallocate existing achieve this, Konan said that a on improving our accountability, “I think the broad message of islators, “It contains benchmarks resources and funds,” Konan said. Mānoa financial data report will improving our transparency,” she the strategic plan has the benefit for our progress, many of which Konan also stated that profes- be posted on the Web and an said. “It’s a stepping-stone for us. in that it can serve to guide the we have met.” sional development and training annual report on the fiscal condi- We’re getting better.” NewsBriefs College of Business Receives $75,000 the quality of accounting education at built. The project is estimated to cost book, titled “Mō‘ili‘ili – The Life er in art and art history. Twenty the University of Hawai‘i,” he said. $59 million. of a Community,” will be celebrated UHM journalism students are The University of Hawai‘i “The new performing arts facil- with light refreshments on Thursday listed as researchers, writers or at Mānoa College of Business $2 million for new facilities at UHM ity will bring students and facul- from 5p.m. to 7 p.m. at the First contributing writers. Resplendent Administration recently received from the Governor ty into closer proximity with one Hawaiian Bank, 2411 S. King St. with color and historic photos, the $75,000 for the Donald A. Corbin another,” Lingle said in a press The book is described as reflecting book sells for $31.15. Distinguished Professorship in Governor Linda Lingle release, “providing a more cohesive “a true community effort through its Longer versions of some of Accounting from the Ernst & released $2 million to design the teaching, learning, and performing voice, research, writing, publishing, the journalism students’ infor- Young LLP (Hawai‘i). The contri- University of Hawai‘i Performing environment. This will enable the and support.” mation included in the book had bution will go towards student and Arts Facility, which will bring department of theatre and dance The book was published by also been published in Ka Leo O faculty research, and will attract together classes, faculty offic- to provide educational and perfor- the Mō‘ili‘ili Community Center, Hawai‘i as assignments for jour- more faculty who have expertise es, seminar rooms, studios and mance opportunities for students, 2535 S. King St. and edited by nalism classes taught by Professor in accounting. rehearsal and performance space and expand its offerings to meet Laura Ruby, UH-Mānoa lectur- Beverly Keever. “Their gift enables us to for theatre and dance students. The student demand.” enhance our faculty research and facility will also have audiovisual attract scholars and students of inter- rooms, video and film classes, stor- Seeing Mō‘ili‘ili in a glossy hardcover national caliber, thereby impacting age rooms, lockers and restrooms. The release of a new the quality of accounting education “We are delighted this project is The story of Yama’s Fish Market book reflecting the in Hawai‘i,” said CBA dean Vance moving ahead,” said UHM interim on Young Street, including its recipe Mō‘ili‘ili community Roley in a press release. Chancellor Denise Konan in a press for lomi salmon and the inking art- will be celebrated with Larry Rodriguez, the manag- release. “The new center will be an istry of the Hawaiian Tattoo Co., light refreshments on ing partner for Ernst & Young LLP, excellent resource for our students were among the neighborhood lore Thursday from 5 p.m. explained that his company looks and the community.” tracked down by 20 University of to 7 p.m. at the First for future employees from CBA’s The facility will be an addition Hawai‘i at Mānoa journalism stu- Hawaiian Bank, 2411 school of accounting. to Kennedy Theatre, and will be dents last year. They are included in So. King St. “We believe the school’s located on the existing parking lot the just-off-the-press glossy history efforts in establishing the Corbin behind the theater. A new parking of Mō‘ili‘ili. Professorship will further enhance structure with six levels will also be Publication of the 396-page COURTESY PHOTO BEVERLY KEEVER Page 2 | Ka Leo O Hawai‘i | Thursday, February 23, 2006 | FEATURES Events Calendar BadBy Chris Johns plot, acting mar latest parody Compiled by Alice Kim more information, call Sharon Ka Leo Contributing Writer Sussman at 735-3879 or e-mail Free Events [email protected].
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