aChomuta , haibhèàlalGh 535 3*5 -mz&:, - .... HIGHLAND ASS0CSAT10N EA/AAR PRESIDENT OT wQllMal IIU ;HE55 OF AKGYLL w ST. ANDREWS HALLS GLA5GGW TMUR5: M 3I.0CT0BER ,jDAY I.NQVEMBER t .NOVEM. !^;-/^r m H.tA. iz. PRESERVATIVE and PAINLESS DENTISTRY. T E E T H adjusted with or without Plates. Booklet illustrating Latest Methods in Dentistry, Post Free on applieation. Dr. Waterhouse, Surgeon ^òentist, 206 Sauchiehall Street, GLASGOW. 2" t, WecLclìng TpoU^eati;*, §3peeialigt£ n Seotef? Textile^, Popeign ancl Oolonial Taptang. Tweecb. O&tjnt*. Ininenjs. fèlanket$. Yocmg bacLie^' ^e^ool 4 Captaing. Magling, Oollege Oatjut*. Hojsiep^, Ete. ktaee_ §>ilk MepeganU >peeiaḷ̣, %*&***ÈJ$*-& f\ ilous: r upms5« r rrf *ft f] „Vmmm]<.,,mmmmMM l The Great fashion Cenìrre ,p Premier Drajsery Esfablishmenr • of SCOTLAND • COPLANDt- LYE. 165,167 Sauehiehall S.ree.. GLASGOW. COUIMTRY HOUSES. YACHTING^-^^> Special Facilities for Supplying and AfsJO CAMP Forwarding to all Parts IN FREE CASES. Groceries & Provisions Better and Fresher than are generally to be had in small Towns and Villages, and At a CONSIDERABLE SAVING tn COST. ASK FOR A PRICE LIST. MACSYMONS STORES, Ltd., GREENOCK, GOUROCK, PORT-GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, CARDIFF, &c. Wìllìam Skìnner $ Son, CtcL, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS, 477 SAUCHIEHALL STREET, CHARING X, O L A S G O W. Wedding Cakes, all Sizes and Prices, Cakes and Fancy Breads in great variety, Superior Scotch Shortbread, in tins, 6/6, 5//, 3/4, 2/10, and Afternoon Tea, 2/8, Elcgant Suite of Tea and Luncheon Rooms. Lounge Room convenient for meeting Friends by appointment, C i t. y B »••«»,*» o *» — 166 ARGYLE STRE A Few Doors East of Union Street. — ^ 4> 1 i*L=J Souvenir anfc Ibanfcboofc I Sf , 1 feill a Chomuinn Ghaidhealaich (THE HlGHLAND ASSOCIATION BaZAAR), || THURSDAY, 31st Octobcr, 1907 FRIDAY, lst November, SATURDAY, 2nd November. in St. Andrew's Halls, Glasgow. OBJECTS. I.— To proraote the teaching of Gaeb'c. II.—To develop Gaelic Literature, Music and Art. III.—To encourage Home Industries among the Ga.'ls. Under the Patronage of Highlanders all over the World. President, - - - H.R.H. Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll. Convener, Mrs. Burnley Campbell of Ormidale. PRICE, 1/- Puhlished by J. M. MUNRO, Ltd., 82 Mitchell Street, Gnsoow. ARCHD. SINCLAIR, Pkintbr, "Csltic Press," 47 Waterloo Street, Gi. 'Svwo £ead'\t\a £a\xn&nes *v& RUTHERGLEN Telephones: NationaIj, - - 33 Ruthergler LONDON Telephone: Corporatiox, - - 21 Rutheiglei Post Office Telephone Service. 40 PutiifV. Both Establishments are Patronised by LEADING FAMILIES. Personal Managemrnt. HE8T WASHING MATERIALS. Careful Mktiu BEAUTY and . STYLE in . EYE-GLASSES . THE . "SO EASY." A Slenden Gold Band eonneet- ing the Lenses is practieally all that is visible. £> Q> £> *a 9 Wrotter, t™*«: UO Gjordon St, ^lasgow. EMTRAMCe TO C receptiom Roori LAURIS iLIBRA' ) CONTENTS. PAGE Aftìliated Societies, - - - - 16 Highland Clachan, - An Comunn Gaidhealach (Executive), 14 Industries Stall, Do. Origin and Aims, - - iS Introductory, .... Antiquities, 82 Inverness Town and County Stall, Argyll Stall, 49 Island Stall, - Art Stall, 31 Jacobite Collection, - Articles Lost and Found, - - - 94 Loan Exhibition, Ball in Glasgow, - - - 83 London and Aberdeen Stall, Bazaar Book and Advertising Com- Lost Property Office, mittee, 73 Masque of the Two Strangers (see Book Stall, 31 Entertainments), 76 "Cap and Bells" (see Entertainments), 76 Official Photographer (Lafayette, Ltd)., 27 Children's Stall. - - - - 34 Opening Announcement— First Day, Clachan, Highland, - - - -71 Do. Second Day, Concerts (see Entertainments), - • 75 Do. Third Day, Decorations Committee, - - -73 Palmistry, - Edinburgh Southern Stall, - and Gael 40 Parcels Stall, - Enlertainments Committee, - - 73 Patrons(List of), Entertainments, - - - - 74 Perih and Perthshire Stall, Feill Finance Conimittee, - - 14 Plan of Feill (Inset), - Feill Executive Committee, - I4and 19 Reccivers of Work, List of, - Flowers and Sweets Stall, - - 80 Kefreshments Stall, - Across the Stall, - - Friends Sea 64 Ross and Cromarty Stall, - Gaelic Plays (see Entertainments), - 77 Secretaries, <iame Stall, 72 Stirlingshire Stall, Glasgow and Lanarkshire Stall, - - 43 Treasurer (Hon. Greenock Stall, 65 PRICES OF ADMISSION. THURSDAY (which includes Admis-ion throughout the Three Days ,_ .... _ ,_, | iatlll3, IO/. ofthe Feill), - ( Do., 3 till 10, 26 FRIDAY, - - - - 12 till 10, 1/ SATURDAY, ........ 12 till 10, 1 - Note. —The Executive reserve the right to increase the Price of Admission after 6 p.m. on Saturclay. Railway Facilities. — The principal Railway Companies have agreed to issue Return Tickets at Fare and a Quarter to persons attend- ing the Feill. For full particulars see Handbills, etc. N. B. —No reduction is gvanted on Railway Steamer Routes. Highest Award, ESTABLISHED Highest Award, Edinburgh, 1S86. OVER 30 VEARS. Glasgow, 1S03-04. Tclcgrams, "Bagpipcs," Glasgow. National Telephone 4021. Part 3 of the Piobaircachd Socicfy's Collection nowjeady, price 2 6 net. Peter Henderson, fàagpipe Maker, Jiigdìand (Sostume Outfitter, 24 Renfrew Street, Glasgow. HENDERSON'S PIPES. Unrivalled for Quality, Tone, and Finish. All the leading players perform with them. Innumerable Testimonials. CONTRACTOR FOR MILITARY, CADET, AND PRIVATE BANDS. ALL REQUISITES SUPPLIED. PIPE MUSIC. Henderson's Tutors and CoIIections. M'Kinnon's, Gunn's, and M'Phee's Collections. Repairs Carefully Done. Apply for Price List. Gach goireas a tha dhith air Piobaire. Ma tha Pìob a dhìth ort a bhitheas math gu ceòl, agus eireachdail air gach dòigh so faram faigh thu i. Ma tha toil agad do Phìob a chur ann an gleus, fàg an so i agus gheibh thu air a h-ais i fo làn uigheam, deas air son a sèideadh. Tha Paruig Mac Eanraig, 24 Sràid Renfrew, ann an Glaschu, a' cumail gach leabhar, ciùil air son na Pìoba, cho math riobainean is breacan de gach seòrsa is dath. Gheibh thu an so Deise Ghaidhealach agus gach nl a bhuineas dhi. 8 ®>= . Introductorp. N COMUNN GAIDHEALACH, or The Hichland Association, has for the last sixteen years been doing brave pioneer work for Gaelic teaching, Gaelic literature and Gaelic music, with a comparatively small membership and little money at its disposal. It has organised this great FEILL or HIGHLAND BAZAAR for the double purpose of spreading a knowledge of its work and objects, and for raising a fund whicli will enable it to carry out its patriotic and useful programme in its eutirety. The contents of this book testify to the remarkable success which has attended the inaugural arrangements, and to the enthusiasm which has been evoked among all classes and conditions of Gaels, not only at home, but in the Lowlands, in England, in the Colonies and other over-sea lands. This book is a proof, if such were needed, how deeply rooted in their hearts is the love of land, language and race and how sympathetically the outside world regards that part of the scheme intended to assist in procuring remunerative home employment for the Highland people, a people who are the living representatives of the old Celtic population of Scotland, still dwelling on the classic soil and speaking the ancient and expressive tongue, a people whose qualities and worth have been handed down in song and story from the earliest times, whose loyalty and courage have been proved on many a hard fought field, and whose honesty, intelligence and courtesy place them to-day in positions of trust and importance wherever the white man's burden is taken up. Stress of circumstances, however, is causing theni in ever increasing numbers to forsake their native glens, some to settle in distant Colonies, others to be absorbed in the teeming and degenerate populations of our great cities. The Nation can 111 spare such as these By developing home employments, much is already being done, much more can yet be accomplished to supplemcnt their present precarious means of livelihood, and to assist them in earning a moderate contpetence, and so ensure the rearing of future generations among the wholesome happy surroundings of their native land. The late Father Allan Macdonald of Eriskay loved his people as few have done, and gave himself for them. They were poor people, many possessing but the barest means of subsistence, but he used to say, and he was surely right, he would sooner see them as they were in their rocky island home, innocent and unspoiled, happy and good, than possessing more comfort and luxury, along with the temptations and deteriorating infiuence of city life. It will not take long to peruse these pages, but there is scarcely a line which is not a record of strenuous work—there is scarcely a name whose owner has not freely given much time and trouble to one department or another of this many-sided Feill. All have worked together, shoulder to shoulder, inspired by one purpose, united in one aim, and they ask as their reward the whole hearted co-operation of every reader. Bazaars for various purposes are unfortunately always with us, but Feill a Chomuinn Ghaidhealaich is a unique undertaking coming but once in a lifetime. It afibrds an opportunity of shewing practical patriotism, and offers the privilege of working for Tir agus Teanga. It is hoped, therefore, it may in this year 1907 be given the precedence over all other interests and demands which are tugging at the purse strings and asking for time and attention. It is a National—an historical undertakìng. Let it then be worthy of our Country, our traditions, ourselves, and of our place as Scottish Gaels among the Nations. MARGARET BURNLEY CAMPBELL. G" SIDDELEY MERCEDES ^ PANHARD SWIFT PORD Immediate Deliveries from Large Stock. Trial Runs arranged with Pleasure. PANHARD—Best French Car. Runs well after 1 20,000 miles. 8-1 1, 15,20, 18-24, and 24-30 h.p. Large selection in Showrooms. SIDDELEY.—Best British Car. Great Reliability Trial Run of 10,000 miles last Spring broke World's Non-Stop Record, 10 12, 18-24, ar.d 30-40 h.p.
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