BATUHDAT, VAUCX t, 1V4V Averngo Daily CIrcnIntlon The Weather ry»A6C rOURTEEIf Or the Month ef Fahm uy, 1*4* I ef tJ. S. Wenther Meetfo el*ndy i large house* with plenty of room 9,042 night! ’nteedajr • for a couple of sparlmenta In their WiiiH Bronze Star ’46 Fund Drive Bber e( the Andtt than today, probably foH eared fey homes. If they could be Induced to o r a g e h a l l b in g o light rata late la lha day. About Town Heard Along Main Street make these changes. H iiattrbrBtrr We are mindful of the desire of Is tinder Way EVERY MONDAY Manche*ter~~~A City of VHinge Charm X dtmbrwtnuHpn of Well-Known And on Some oi Manche»ter*M Side Street*, Too many older people to be alone, but ■Aold product* will feature In many instances that la the next meeting of GIbbona Aa- wrong attitude to take In the sun­ Rpfl Cross Cjimpaign Penny Bingd Starting At 7 :30 P. M. y O L . LX V „ NO. ISO AdvevtMng an Paga It) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE'THREE CENTflT nWy. Catholic Ixkdlea of Colum- We understand a local- resident ■ self desperately woundeil, and who set years of life. It is a constant Tuesday night. March 8. at the —and taxpayer went to the po­ finally does get home permanently worr.v to children when a father Starts Herr as Can­ Regular Bingo At 8:00 P. M. broken In body and still haunted or mother decides to stay "In my IJC. of C. home on Main atreet. to- lice station one day recently to vassers Begin Job I iiieahmenta niH be aer\'ed following by Inescapable nightmare, must own cestle" when either has lost ' Admission 25c pay a $2.00 fee he was assessed look at us and ask 'Were we worth his or her male. Phone Company Employes Cast Strike Ballots ^ ithb demonatratlon and the for parking hla automobile on the We know of a score of such In­ 23 REGULAR GAMES 7 SPECIALS “''^haalneaa meeting will then be held. atreet In front of hla residence all It?’ A communication was received Efforts to Settle Tlie committee Include* I "A little thinking while we are stances here In town where wid­ by Mrs. Wlnthrop A. Reed. Execu­ Parliament Session night. The driveway at hts home ’ PLUS SWEEPSTAKES K n Frey, chairman, aaalated b> I not drinking might be helpful. owers or widows, and In several was In such a condition 6iat he Bewildered Boltonite" Inat.mces elderly sisters, occupy tive Secretarj- of the Manchester I. Almet Sullivan, Mr*, ^ y - felt It was too dangerous to 'drive nwnd Schroll. M«. Thomaa^Mor- large alx or elglid’-ioom house*, un­ Chapter of Red Cross today, stat­ hi* car Into the garage. able to properly care for them­ ing that an Important broadcast Two Major Labor tteey. Mlaa Jean Tlvnan, and Mrs. The situation was explained to ^ The following was submitted and selves or thel! homes at an ad­ StanMy Juros.^^__ the one in authority at the station. It was specified it not bf lifbeled would be heard tomorrow after­ . poetry. Wonder wh.v? vanced age. noon from 4:30 to 5 by WTHT for In Iran Postponed He said he was powerless to do Perhaps if some kind of com- Thursday evening of next week Good-Rya —• Good RIddanre the Fund Worker* In the 1946 Rev and Mrs. Leland Anderaon, anything since It was the law. I mittee were formed to call on res- •Then the car owner aaked If he "Wintry Feb. Is gone again. jldenls In these large house*, to Fund Campaign. It is hoped that - Controversies Fail re tire d mlealonarle* who hope Sun’s a-rlding high. all of the fund, workers will tune soon to be on their way to Africa could make a $10 deposit because 'point out Hie extreme need of lU V O R IN EVERY BffE! he figured It would be five more This old bod.v's racked with, apartments, they might accede to in for this brdadcast. for Connec­ r again, will apeak at the C ^ n a n t- pain... Oodgregatlonal church. The fol­ nights before ha could get his car the demand for housing space and ticut workers. Anto Woritcps Prepare After Riot Outside Into the garage. The request was Blackened are my e.yes. open up their houses for some G1 Manchester’s 1946 Fund Drive lowing evening the Covenant Boldly I stepped foi-th at dawn You'll like the variety of Would Slash l ^ ^ e will aponaor a program of refused in not exactly a mild man- fa mlly. Is well under way and It la hdped To Intensify Strike Headed for my Job- Mindful of their desire for inde­ that the next few days wlU reveal delicious foods our menu colored educational film* on Swe­ ner. Wham! I nose-dived on the lawn Against General Mo­ Four Injured and Six den, with Bound narrative In E5ng- When being told about this in­ pendence In their declining years, Oapt. ’nuMms fliers some encouraging figures lA the offers, .but above all else, Grain Used cident we wondered If the all- Battered was m.v knob. we still feel that youngstexa about way of Red Cross donations. A you’ll smack your lips at tors as Threat of Red Embassy Will Decide Arrested as Disturb­ llah. ___ Sore. I pressed the starter switch. the house- if they are the right large number of worker* are al­ night parking on the streets law- Bruised. I cussed the weather the flavorsome goodness of Monday evening at 7:45 o’clock, la going to be enforced during the aoxt of occupants—w'ould satisfy how far her companion had been ready cahvasaing the houses, the Nationwide Telephone For Liquor ance Follows Demon­ Shoosh! My crate skids In the both tenant and a house-hungry every bite. Our chefs Tied to Leak Aid to Give the Men’s Club of the North Meth­ summer. Parked car* ought not ditch carried beyond his. merchants have their own special Tieup Still Unabated stration " by Leftist^ odist church will hold their month­ be a hindrance to snow plow* In Gone went hope forever. GI. committee at work and Within a know how to piake good ly meeting In the church social July. .Inn. and Feb. we slipped and fell. Remcmber when the bndes and day ot two the first returns should foods taste even better. Cries of * Bread, Not UNO Police Tudeh Party; Gathered room. The program commlttw Bnilsed, we rose again A pnxluct of the mailbag this ' other young housekeepers had to be compiled. By The Associated Press From Canada Ity arranged with Harry D. The mailbag brought the follow­ week: have everything to match, even to Beer* Voiced in Con- Before Building to Courage, brother,—March will tell the cans of scouring powder, which Rudget Well Prepared The latest efforts to settle Blanchard of Hartford to show col­ ing In from Bolton this week: If winter’s on the wane. "Being married and having a The national budget of Red Special Luiicheuns.>^ two of the country’s major ored movies which he took person- roof qver our heads only by the they camouflaged with gay oilcloth \ ^ nection With Campaign King Makes Public Re­ Emphasis Expected on Protest Extension "To the Editor of Keep your equilibrium until the manufacturers began to Cross has been prepared'with the and Dinners Daily labor controversies had fail­ aUy in different parts of the coun­ "Heard Along Main Street. Just a few weeks more kindness of friends 1 could not help utmost care and alllocationa to Fine Qaality Wines- To Feed Hungry Warship and Air­ Of Life for Body try. with many unusual pictures of "Manchester has always shown Feb. ’46—that Icy bum’s but wonder why the town did not sell their product with cameo- ed today. I The CIO United port and Declares make Igloos out of the snow piles decorated cover* In the wanted col- different chapter* Ihrouphout the and animals In their native a lively Interest In the doings up Gone fore\-ennore. country have been carefully made. I.iquors and Beer Auto Workers prepared to in­ Direct Instructions craft as Contribution Baunts. Refreshment* will be In Bolton and the recent liquor —Pete Finnegan along Msln street and rent them Well. it seem* the girls are WajJiington, March 4 — (P) — Tehran, March 4.—(AV“ ^ serv^. Men Interested In the fel- to us. 1 having Just such a time with Uncle Therefore. Manchester’s quota tensify their 104-day old case excited the usual amount of this year 1* In line with the gener­ Cries of "bread, not beer” race on Given by Moscow O f United States Riotinsr broke out during |..lawiriilp of men. with a worthjvhlle comment. "Ail the conveniences of the Ea- Sam who InsiaU on putting out strike against General Mo­ Capitol hilf today. The column * gag-writer refer­ klmns plus being handy to every­ vari-colored stamps that clash with al reduction In quotas all over the demonstration by the leftist' :Jtegram are cordially ln\ited. "However, from what we 'Hear red to Charlie's Maagnificent pre­ tors Corp„ as the threat of a Ottawa, March 4—(JP)—Prime Tudeh party in front of the along Main Street,’ Manchester thing. stationery tints. Now the writ-1 country. However, it should not PRINCESS RESTAURANT nationwide telephone tieup They were voiced In connection Washington, March 4.—OP)— dictions last week.
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